Page name: The Night the Moon Cried Story [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-08-16 20:42:56
Last author: Pnelma Tirian
Owner: Pinkpants
# of watchers: 4
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the story!!!!!

   Jay, (as he now called himself) sat down at the low bar table with Pops. He ordered on beer and some lemonade for Pops as the old man rattled on about some cat who had spoken to him that morning. Jay smiled at him and looked around the dark and full room.

Ray went and sat down beside Jay "Hey" She said ordering a glass of water.

"Hello," Jay answered.
Pops picked himself up and walk to her he raised his hand in greeting, took her hand and kissed in the most gentalmen sort of way and said," and may I asked who this fine beauty is?" Then he lept up and sat back down on the other side of Jayare.
Jay looked at Ray and said with a small laugh,"Sorry about him."

Syth sat alone at a table in the corner, sipping some water and wondering-once again- why she had decided to come into the bar in the first place.

Pos peered at her then smiled he wispered something into Jay's ear. Jay turned to look at Syth, blushed, and quickly turned back.

Syth looked coldly at the two. She walked over to their table, still glaring at them. "Well? If you've got something to say about me, say it TO me." she demanded.

Pops stood up and gave a somber reply, "My dear lady, I am deeply sorry if we acted rudly to you, and you have every right to be angry." then he got his foolish smile on his old man face," by the way did you hear about Sandy down by the docks, well, it seems odd her being a cat and all to be near water but thats not the point..."
He was kindly cut off by Jayare,"Pop meant no harm when he talked about you and I too am sorry... but right now, we have to leave." Jayare then stood up and walked out the door, Pop following.

Syth left the building, haeding instead for the forest.

Jay and Pops walk down the dirty streets and into a blocked off ally. then they both walked through a broken down doorway to the place they called home.

A dark angel perched forlornly above the doorway, watching them go by. "The kitchen's broke. The pipe snapped, and there's water absolutely everywhere," She said, depressed.

Jayare glanced up at the dark angel, " welll if waters everywhere we can't stay here tonight Pops, lets go."

She sighed forlornly. "The radio still works, though."

"You arn't a very positive person are you?" Jayare asked her.

The dark angel sighed. "Aren't I? That's the problem with me. I'm far too serious and positive. the others say I need to sober up," she said plaintively.

"Really.." Jayare says as Pops scuttles down the dark street.

The dark angel watched the other run for it. "What's wrong with him?"

"Where could I begin?" Jayare asked, "he has many, ahh, different things about him."

The dark angel nodded sadly. "Ah, yes. I know the type." She sighed forlornly and stretched to her full height, which was quite something, and leapt down in front of Jayare, scrawny wings outstretched. "My name's Aerial. Yours?"

"Jay," He said feeling quite small next to Aerial.

Aerial blinked, which was about as close to a smile as she ever got. "Short. I hope you're not planning on staying here." She jerked a thumb back to the doorway. "It's flooded."

Bored, Syth took out her pan pipes and began to play a song.

Aerial's eyebrows perked up as she listened, then cringed slightly at the sound. "If you don't mind, I really must be going."

"Hmm, everyones in such a hurry these days," Jay answered

"Yes, well, ah, I've got people to meet, my cousin or some such thing..." Aerial glanced down at Jay with an anxious sort of look, then flapped her wings twice, fluttering into the air before attaching herself to a wall, crawling through the city.

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2004-04-08 [Pnelma Tirian]: do we just jump in?

2004-04-10 [Pinkpants]: yes

2004-04-10 [Pinkpants]: mom kicking me off....again!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-04-19 [Dryad]: yaaay

2004-04-27 [Pnelma Tirian]: I dun remember de password....TT_TT\

2004-05-01 [Dryad]: ummm...I think it's airplane?

2004-05-05 [Pinkpants]: no!!!! its........efsli ufbg itvg uhca

2004-05-06 [Dryad]: oh. my mistake.

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