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The Phantom Shadow story [Logged in view]
2006-09-17 23:56:07
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Enter the life of a pirate... if you dare...
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The Phantom Shadow
The Story
Black_Dragon_123] Well, Mates, first thing first... We need... to build... a ship. Kasha? I think that's your job... and Lady Peregrine, as the bo's'un, you deal with the ropes... It'll need to be a powerful ship... say... 2 gun decks, 48 gun ports to a side, 2 in front, 2 in back. That's a 100-gun-ship..
. we'll get cannons as soon as we go on a voyage.
[inukasha] Kasha looked around at the deckhands, who were just standing around. "Get to work, you lot! We need wood for the ship." She began to draw up blueprints for the ship.
[Pinkpants] Jayare walked around looking at all the workers. no matter how skilled he was at being a docter, and no matter how smart he was, he was a fair bit weaker then most men. Plus too skinny for some one of his hieght (6"1), under weight, (no matter how much he ate) and a sorry excuse for a gunman. At lest he was fairly good with the sword.
[Black_Dragon_123] The captain noticed him, and could apperentley tell what he was feeling. He walked over to him. "Hey, it doesn't matter. As the doctor, you are an irreplaceable member of this ship. Don't forget it."
[~Arus~] suddenly they both heard a loud snore coming from above their heads, suddenly someone rolled out of the crowsnest, about the hieght of two-stories up, and then the person dropped like a rock, and hit the deck with a increadibly loud THUD.
[Black_Dragon_123] The captain winced slightly. "That must have hurt."
[~Arus~] the man who had just fallen rolled over and looked up at the captain, "Hey captain," he said, yawning, "I'm going back to sleep now," unfortunatly he was standing where it was likely that people would be stepping on him.
[Black_Dragon_123] "Not there you're not." The captain picked him up and tossed him to where he was less in the way.
[~Arus~] Arus sat up and glared at his captain, "Hey!" he said, "I decided where I sleep." he walked over to where he had been before and sat down, going back to sleep.
[Pinkpants] Jayare tried to hide his smile as the man fell back to sleep. He glanced at the captian to see what he would do.
[Black_Dragon_123] "You may have decided, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't give a damn." he picked him up again, and tossed him back to where he would be less in the way. "You will obey my orders, or you will be kicked off the ship."
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu walks up and clears her throat. "Um... excuse me, but I would like to join the voyage." SHe stood tall, but she did have abit of fear.
[Black_Dragon_123] A very tall man, taller than she, strode over. He was clearly the captain. "Do ye, now?" He looked her up and down, almost appraisingly. "Well, girl, what be ye called?"
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] "Nariu sir." She stated this, her flame red hair covering her left cheek. Even though she looked weak, her power was surpirsing.
[Black_Dragon_123] "Can ye shoot a cannon? If so, get yer stuff afore I change me mind. You'll be port gun crew."
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] "A cannon eh? No problem Captian." Nariu picked up her bag and walked down to the cabins.
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sam came up quietly. "Ummmmm...Excuse me...can I jion?" She asked a little akward.
[Black_Dragon_123] The captain looked her up and down. "Ye look tough enough, but yer a little timid. Ye sure yer in the right place, little girl?"
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sams eyes turned a dark color and a small growl came from deep within her throat, but she rested from killing him. "I'm sure, but do you think you're in the right place to call me 'little girl'?"
[Black_Dragon_123] He grinned. "Ahh, so, ye do have a spine. Good. Can ye fire a cannon?"
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sam smirked. "Do you have balls?"
[Black_Dragon_123]"Literally or figuratively? Aye and aye." He returned the smirk.
[~`~Wolf~`~] "Then there's your answer."
[Black_Dragon_123] "Alright. I think I'm gonna like ye. Now, get yer stuff on the ship. You'll be aft gun crew."
[~`~Wolf~`~] "Kay." Sam brushed her raven black hair out of her face and walked off to get her stuff.
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu sees Sam. "'Ey Sammy, whatcha doin on board the ship?" Her Irish accent kicked in.
[*Freak*Show*]"can I join your crew?"
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu hears a voice and walked up onto the deck to see who it was. "Ello?"
[~`~Wolf~`~]Sam grabbed her stuff and then followed Nariu.
[*Freak*Show*] dark looks up "can I join your crew?"
He walked to the newcomer. "Well, this has been a good week for new members, hasn't it? My, we're getting alot of females. Tell me, girl, can ye shoot a cannon?"
[*Freak*Show*] "Aye I can but not so well"
[Black_Dragon_123] "Well, ye'll learn. Ye'll be lower deck starboard gun crew. Ye'll get yer chance to prove yerself, don't worry. Git yer stuff, and git on the ship. Quick, now."
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] nariu hears Captain's comment. "So is it a bad thing?!" SHe felt offened.
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sam smirked and hid her small little snicker, she awaited his reply.
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu rolled her eyes and looked at Sam. "can you believe him?! What nerve!" She grumbled and went to find the kicten, she was starved. She hadnt eaten in about three days straight.
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sam gave a small giggle and followed. "He's a guy. What can you expect?"
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu nodded. "good point." She came to the kicten and just walked in it. "FInally.. FOOD!"
[Black_Dragon_123] He followed her to the kitchen, and started using a scottish accent for the hell of it. "Nay, 'tis no' a bad thing, 'tis bu' an interes'in' thing, ye kin?" He dropped the scottish accent. "Now, there's no food in here yet. There's a fair amount o' flour, and sugar, bu' no' a bite to eat, no' yet. Ye gotta eat in the town."
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu's eyes grew wide. WHAT?!? THAT UNFAIR, DO YE THINK I HAVE ANY MONEY, IF I DO WHY WOULD I BE RAIDING THE FLIPPING KICTEN?!?! ARG!!!" Nariu stomped out of the room and off board, she was going to eat weither they liked it or not.
[Black_Dragon_123] He looked smug. "I never said ye had teh PAY teh eat in town... did I? no, I ne'er did. So, ye'd best listen teh everythin' I say afore ye decide what yer gonna do about it."
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sam giggled and watched Nariu leave.
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu turned on her heel and glared at the Captain. "Really, then do ye thnk I am going to get any food, well?" She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.
[Black_Dragon_123] He grinned. "Now if ye'd listen to what I have teh say, then ye'd know what I mean. Now then. Ye're a member o' me crew,are ye not? I I can't afford fer ye teh be underfed, now can I? So. What I'll do, is fer the... financially challenged, I'll give ye a small gift o' gold, at least enough to get ye well fed. What d'ye say teh that, miss?"
[~`~Wolf~`~]Sam yawned and walked out of the kitchen leaving them to their conversation.
[*Freak*Show*] Dark watches her leave
[~`~Wolf~`~]Sam looked over at Dark. "Can I help ye?"
[*Freak*Show*] dark looks away "oh sorry just spaced out"
[~`~Wolf~`~]Sam smiled."It'sd okay. I'm Sam by the way. Ye are?"
[*Freak*Show*] "I am Stephanie.....but people call me Steph"
[~`~Wolf~`~] "NIce to meet you Steph. What are you working?"
[*Freak*Show*] "one of the lower levels is what I was told"
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu smiled and hugged Captain. She turned to the other two. "Im Nariu, you guys wanna go get some food?"
[~`~Wolf~`~]"I'll come but I wont eat."
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu shook her head and walked into the city.
[Black_Dragon_123] He watched them go, having given them enough gold to buy a decent meal. He smiled, and wondered how much longer until the crew was large enough... large enough for a voyage.
[~`~Wolf~`~] Samsorta stagered behind in her only litte trance not really paying attention.
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu walked into a cafe and sat down, she ordered a family meal. She knew that she would be able to eat it. Although her rep might be blown
[Yoshifan823]YAR! I be a pirate! And a damn good one too.
[Black_Dragon_123]The captain walked towards him. He glared. "And what d'ye think ye're doin', 'pirate'?" He spat the last word out, layered with contempt. "Tryin' to get us all KILLED? A true pirate's gotta keep it quiet, ye fool!"
[Yoshifan823] "Fine... But I be a..." I slip on a piece of soap, randomly lying on the deck.
[*Freak*Show*] Steph looks at captain "when do you think they'll be back sir?"
[Black_Dragon_123] "I don't know."
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu comes back having a huge smile on her face. She walked up to the captain, and hugged him. "thank you."
[Black_Dragon_123] "You're welcome." He smiled, then turned back to the newcomer. "So, d'ye want a job, or what?"
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu turned around, just know noticing the new dude. "Um.... hello...." She smiled carelessly and hugged the captain one last time, she then began examing the cannons.
[~`~Wolf~`~]Sam walked up and stood by the captain and looked at the newcommer. "Is he a new memmber, sir?" She asked examining him.
[Black_Dragon_123] "I don't really know. He just showed up, and hasn't told me if'n 'e want a job yet."
[~`~Wolf~`~]"Are you gunna let him jion? And how many people do we need to get before we can go on a voyage?"
[Black_Dragon_123] "Probably, if'n 'e promises t'be a bit more... intelligent. As fer that, probably about 3."
[~`~Wolf~`~]"We'll if he aint that intelligent then maybe ye shouldn't."
[Black_Dragon_123] "I know, but... we need all the members we can get."
[~`~Wolf~`~]"But if he aint smart then he aint good." sam said looking at the captain.
[Black_Dragon_123] "That's true... I say, we give him a chance, and if he screws up, we dump 'im somewhere."
[~`~Wolf~`~]"I say we dump him into the ocean." She smiled widely.
[Black_Dragon_123] He raised one eyebrow. "Well that's a little violent, now, isn't it?" he grinned.
[~`~Wolf~`~]She smiled innocently."I'm a very violent person."
[Black_Dragon_123] "I guess so." He laughed a little.
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sam smiled and then turned looking around at the whole ship.
[*Freak*Show*] Steph looks down at the floor
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sam looked at Steph. "Whats wrong?"
[*Freak*Show*] Steph looks back up "nothin just thinking"
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sam smiled, "Dont think to much or you'll hurt yourself." She said playfully and then sighed, sitting on the side of the ship.
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu laughed insainly in the background. She had found the cannon balls. "Can we hurry up and set sail, I aint that patience like ye, y'know?" She smiled as she had it in perfect pirate.
[*Freak*Show*] "how many more people do we need?"
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu sighed and sat on the edge. "i'd say that if we let this dude in the we have enough, wat ye think captain?" She sighed and began swinging her legs back and forth.
[Black_Dragon_123] "Only if'n ye wants ta be scurryin' around like a little bilge rat tryin' ta man the cannons." He grinned slightly.
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu rolled her eyes and sighed. "As ye wish." She said sarcasticly.\
[*Freak*Show*] Steph looks down trying not to laugh "wow ye all be a little crazy?
[alli.DEADFAYCE.]"me crazy? Oh no you must be talking about the little bunny beside me." Nariu smiled.
[DarkDeath] "sure let us go with that"
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu laughs alittle. "Yeah that a good idea for ye."
[~`~Wolf~`~]"Trust me, crazy doesn't even begin to cut it." Sam said swinging her legs.
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu heard Sam's comment and began to whistle as if she was innocent.
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sam rolled her eyes, and pushed Nariu playfully, with a little giggle.
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] "I DIDNT DO IT THOUGH!!!" Nariu sighed
[~`~Wolf~`~]"I didn't say ye didn't do anything." Sam said looking at her. "So if ye think I said something like that then ye must have done something."
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] "What she is blamein' I didnt do!" Nariu said raising her hands
[~`~Wolf~`~]"I never blamed anything."
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu started laughing and the fell down.
[*Freak*Show*] Steph shakes her head "ye two are a bit of and odd pair."
[~`~Wolf~`~] Sam smiled. "Because we've known ech other for so long we end up pickin' on each other."
[*Freak*Show*] "sounds fun"
[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Nariu smiled and pointed at Sam. "Yeah, expectly when she's pissed. Its very funny ye'know?"
[Black_Dragon_123] He merely rolled his eyes. "I've got me a crew full o' loonies..."
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