"Did you hear? There a strange beast at the docks for the King!" One servant yelled to the other, all of them that weren't busy were rushing to the gates where the King's personal docks were. They had had builders working on the huge cage for the last month, making it escape proof as well as ascessible to workers without them being in danger.
"Stranger then you?" Damian snickered as he swept the area quickly. He was a bit curious as to what this 'beast' looked like. However- he knew that in the long run, he would surely see plenty of it's droppings to shovel off. "I hope it isn't as big as the last one." he muttered to himself, sweeping some more.
Several guard opened the gate, making sure everyone stayed back as a large cart carried a great bulk beneath a white sheet through. They had kept it half conscious for the trip, for fear it would kill the crew, or worse, escape. The King only kept the rarest, most beautiful creatures in his personal zoo.
"Stay back!" Warned a guard again, and the cart drawn by six oxen plundered through, entering the cage through a special walk in. Just that space was twenty feet tall. The entire thing was a giant dome, fifty feet at the highest point and four hundred feet at its widest. Servants plastered themselves to the thick bars and grates, staring wide eyed when the sheet was removed. The poor creature was curled into a tight ball and at this point there was no telling how long it was. It was snakelike, but catlike at the same time with startling colors of green, brown, and blue. One of the hunters took out a large syringe, tapping the end before inserting it into the thing's side, then quickly ran out. They even left the oxen inside in their haste to escape.
Still holding his broom, Damian watched the guards scatter out of the dome with the other servants. "Jeez...I wonder what that things is capable of or even how they caught it." The other servants were too stunned to answer him immediately. He kept his eyes on the creature once more, wondering what was it that was in that syringe.
With a twitch, the tightly coiled ball began to slowly unroll as the groggy creature came to. The cart groaned in protest, then snapped in half as the beast thrashed once to escape some left over rope. Lowing, the front oxen turned to look back at what was going on, only to panic and tried to split off in different directions. Quick as lightning a spray of blood rent the air as the predator, now on its feet (if shakily) lashed out with its other claw, taking down the first two oxen easily. It warbled it's kill, a feminine sounding voice and began to gorge, savoring her first real meal in a month.
The servants cringed and looked away but Damian kept his eyes on her. "Woah...it's so fast." he said, almost in complete awe. He didn't even have the slightest guess to what species it was. A hand reached up and itched his left horn as he pondered over the King's new prize.
Amazingly enough, after a messy meal, the creature shook itself and looked around, while the four left over oxen calmed down. The fact that prey would so easily forget the act of such a vicious animal was strange, if not down right weird. Her large easy, flickering this way and that to any sound suddenly perked forward. That was when she licked a claw clean... then walked smoothly to the cage entrance. If one didn't know better, they could swear she was looking at the numerous padlocks with annoyance.
A guard off to the side of the gate took a step back, afraid, but not so much of her then of the King's orders. "No one is to open these locks and go inside, in fear that the Himmel will escape." He decreed, fidgeting as the Himmel's jade eyes stared at him, listening.
The servants started to disperse to their cleaning duties after the guard spoke. "Himmel?" Damian repeated under his breath, not having heard of this species. He was the last to pull his eyes away from her. Being stuck around all of these humans was quite boring and this...Himmel was the most interesting creature he had seen in months.
Later that evening when the humans were sound asleep, Damian sneaked out of his bunk in the servant's den. He wanted to get a better look at this new pet of the King. Keeping the lights off, he managed to make it into the 'zoo area' undetected. Damian's ears kept bent back and submissive as he approached the metal cage silently.
A soft rattling could be heard from the direction of the dome, as a soft voice cursed all humans to a wretched life, "Damn humans and their damn locks..." She whispered to herself, finally growling and giving up for the moment. They were too small to get a hold of, and she couldn't get the leverage to break one.
Did she just-?! Damian thought, perking his ears like that of a dog. Less then five feet away from the actual metal bars, he stared at her for a few moments, listening quietly. The Himmel seemed so focused on what she was doing that she didn't even hear Damian sneek up on her. He hesitated a little, hoping that the creature wouldn't freak out if he made a sound. Giving into his curiosity, Damian cleared his throat.
With a wet snap of her jaw she jerked her head towards the sound, instantly her hackles were raised and a deep growl emanated from her long throat. The ears that framed her face were flattened against her neck, teeth bared in a vicious snarl.
"Shh!!" Damian waved at her. "Jeez- ya wanna wake up the ENTIRE kingdom? I'm not a guard, alright? Just your humble servant boy- well man...sort of." He wasn't sure if she could understand anything he was saying but he had a guess as to how to shut her up. Quickly tossing off his baggy top, he hunched over onto his hands and knees.
The joints in his legs and arms bent at odd angles as he shifted into his Chimera form. His skeleton grew drastically in size as fur and spikes grew on his body and down his back. The horns on his head jolted back and grew to twice their normal length. His tail thickened and arched above him while the snake head on the end hissed at the Himmel. His front paws were that of a lions while his back were comparable to a deer. Around his thick neck, green scales faded into fur. Unlike typical Chimera, Damian is a wingless type. Though his robust size makes up for the loss. He growled in a low tone, not wanting to alert the guards that might be nearby. At least this would hopefully shock her into shutting up.
He was right. The Himmel instantly stopped growling and looked him over curiously with her ears up and relaxed. Although she was longer then him, he was taller, making him larger. "Well..." She sniffed at the air, taking in his scent and closing her brilliant eyes, "I have never seen one of your kind before." Setting back on her hindquarters, she gripped the bars with her front claws and pressed her nose against the mesh. "Why don't the humans have you caged too?"
"I see...so you do speak. Well this makes it a whole lot more interesting." He shook out his fur. "I don't have wings like most of my kind so I guess I'm not that good of a specimen. And around here- Chimera aren't a rarity. Nor are we nearly as pretty to look at." Damian stretched his legs a bit and flickered an ear. He hadn't transformed in a long time. As a servant, the King forbid it in fear that Damian would eat the others.
"Rarity? You mean there are others like you, not caged?" She thought about this for a moment with one ear straight up and the other to the side, then tilted her head, making an annoyed sound. "That is so unfair. This is the reason I have stayed away from them..." That last part was said to herself. Her fat tail tapped at the ground an oxen low off in the other part of her cage. "This place fears me." She murmured softly, "But all I sense from you is curiousity..." Then, she added, "My name is Windige."
Damian took his heavy head and bowed it properly, "Damian." He stretched once more, "I haven't been like this in a long time. It feels nice to stretch ou-" he remembered her predicament and silenced himself.
Her large ears wilted at that and couldn't stop a quiet whine from escaping her throat. "All this metal dampens my ability to summon wind, I'm afraid there is no way I can escape from this." Windige sniffed and turned away, looking up at the moonless sky, "Why did they bring me here Damian?" She pleaded for an answer.
"Could be any number of things really. Just as a personal, exotic pet perhaps?" Damian took a breath and shifted back into his sub-human, though he kept the large horns. "Then again it could be your mount or your meat. At least that what he does with his other ...err...'pets
In response she violently shook her head, "I cannot allow this." Turning back she sighed softly then closed her eyes to concentrate. By the gods do I hate changing into this form... Windige thought as she began to shrink rapidly in the darkness, eventually becoming a few inches shorter then Damian. She appeared humanoid, with her muzzle slightly different and her limbs all proportionate to a human body. Her tail however was still plump and reached the ground from her lowerback. "With these hands..." The Himmel flexed them experimentally and checked the nails, "I intend to escape- with or without your help."
"Well I hate to say it but- if you wanted my help, you're going at it in all the wrong ways to ask it." Damian leaned on the rim of the cage. It was difficult to read him when he said this since he wasn't sarcastic. He ogled her a bit in this new form. She was just full of surprises.
She lifted her fangs at him, another feature she didn't lose, "Damian, you have to realize, I am just an animal with the ability to be just as smart as the ones that captured me, actually asking for help is human. Loyalty to your animal side, I shouldn't have needed to ask you." Windige said this, not in a snobbish way, but more informative. "To be honest with you, this is the most I have spoken in close to two years." Her nails clicked against the one lock she could reach.
"Sorry but- I would probably lose my job and the month's pay if I did something like let you free. Honestly, this is the longest that I've kept a job. Erm...for a whole month. Ehehe-" Damian said, a little embarrassed by that last fact. He turned around and leaned his butt on the cage. "Besides- I don't have a key. I'd probably have to break it open myself and that would wake the guards up, leaving us both screwed. So no- I think I'll keep my pay and not get shot at."
Her ears flattened against her neck, "Then I will not hesitate to kill you if you get in my way while I escape." The Himmel snarled and slapped her huge tail on the cage where he was leaned against, the 27 foot long creature causing the metal to clang and hum with the power from it. Then, Windige melted back into the darkness, an occasional whine heard.
When he felt the bars jolt, Damian jumped off immediately. He covered his large ears and stepped back to the bars when she vanished. Feeling a little guilty now, he asked, "So where are you from? I sit far from here?"
"Go away." Her voice filtered from a good distance away and crackled slightly from emotion.
Damain leaned on the edge once more and rested his cheek on the side of one of the bars. "You sure?" he asked, raising his voice so she could hear.
Silenced ensured before a quiet sigh echoed, "You won't help me, so what's the point?"
"Well- who else are you going to talk to?" he countered, "Besides- that wasn't a very nice thing to say. If I WAS going to help- it would be the ONLY reason to talk to me? That's a bit rude, don't you think?"
"I can't stay here Damian. I have to get out. It is not a matter of being rude, it is a matter of my survival." She was silent for a moment, "There are guards coming."
"Huh?" he asked, obliviously. "Oh shi-" he hushed himself quickly and looked around for someplace to hide. There was a large pile of hay and straw for the animals. Damian made the most of it and ran at it. Without stopping, he jumped and dove into it head on. Unfortunately his horns stuck out a bit. Thankfully however, it was in a shadow.
The two mens voices, coming closer talked about the local women, then to a random animal that was on the other side of the compound. "This is the new one, the uh... the Himmel." One brought a latern up to the cage and peered in, "How large is it supposed to b-" A loud bnnng and the man's face with the latern was pulled into the cage forcibly and fell back, his face completely bloodied. Cracking when it hit the ground, the lantern burst open to flames with twin lights reflecting from within the cage. "What the..." The other guard looked down at his fellow, then stepped back from the cage. Windige's claw appeared through the mesh, clenching around air between her palms, growling in effort. The guard gasped, and turned to run but stopped after one step, clutching at his chest. He dropped to the ground like a ragdoll.
The blood quickly hit Damian's nostrils. He peeked out and saw the two fallen guards. "Windy!" he shouted, forgetting her whole name. He hopped out of the hay pile. "What the hell did you do?! Are you TRYING to get yourself killed? What do you think the king is going to do now that you've murdered two officers?!"
Her eyes shut then reopened to glare at him, "I'm just an animal, what do I know?" She shrugged at that, "He won't kill me. My kind is almost gone from this world, there are so few of us left..." The ground softly rustled where she stepped, once more retreating into the deeper center of her new prison.
He subbed his forehead, not knowing if she was being sarcastic. "Well fine- I'm sorry I came down here in the first place." He looked at the two guards and the pool of blood that was spreading from their bodies. Damian shook his head and looked away. "See ya-" he turned to leave and made his way to the door.
Unbeknownst to him, Windige watched him go, then turned to look in the direction the sun would rise. What am I going to do? No one here would help her, no one here would understand her prediciment. "Humans..." She muttered, "Humans and their civilizations." She would sleep, then in the morning she would search the cage for weakness. I will escape.

Fortunatly for Windige, the King felt this was the guards fault for staying so close to the cage. However, they couldn't figure out how the second guard had died, perhaps from a panic attack. It would be too risky to clean out the cage. The king mulled on this for a moment, perhaps they could get one of the nonhumans... the animals masquerading as humans to keep his new pet at bay while they needed to check things.
While Damian was doing his typical sweeping and cleaning, he was stopped by three guards. He wasn't the only non-human working in the palace, but he was the most replaceable- especially since he just started working that month. They offered him a raise but it was just a lie to get him to go down to the creature. The humans always picked on the 'nons' but he was convinced and walked right up to the cage.
âGâmorning beautiful.â He said to her, knowing she could full well understand him.
Windige, who at the moment was hidden within the bushes perked up and lifted her head. She didn't know why he was there, or the three men behind him, but the Himmel was an opportunist. Bounding over, Windige rubbed up against the cage with a purr.
One guard elbows the other as they watched. Maybe getting another nonhuman was a good idea. They three of them crossed their arms and chuckled. "Like a lil' pussycat."
Damian raised a brow as he leaned against the cage a bit more. What was she planning exactly? He did his best to ignore the stupid guards behind him. "Apparently I'm supposed to clean out your cage- can we work togther on this a bit?" he asked, hopeful. "You let me clean up your feces and don't do anything stupid."
Turning her ear, "I haven't... pooped yet." The Himmel whispered back, "But the Oxen are starting to smell." She was of course refering to the ones that she ate yesterday. Turning, she saunterred off, trotting to sniff around some trees.
"You didn't say I had to clean out a rotting carcass!" Damain shouted back at the chuckling guards. They in turn motioned for him to get moving and tossed him the keys. Unfortunately for him, the key loop landed right on his center horn. "RINGER!" they taunted. After getting their laughs out, the guards readied themselves with weapons just in case the creature chose to break out.
Grumbling to himself, he yanked the keys off of his horn and turned to the cage opening. He kept a sharp eye on Windige as he unlocked the cage. As fast as he could, he slipped in and shut the door behind him.
When he turned around Windige was there with her face inches from his... then she turned to the guards and growled very low. All three stepped back as she threatened them. Satisfied, Windige proceeded to move her nose against neck, taking in his scent gently before moving back to where the other oxen were complaining. They were still calm around her, despite the fact she killed the two in front of them.
Damain followed her towards the oxen. He started to wonder how exactly a bunch of guards, like the ones back there, could capture such a speed demon like Windige. Now that they were further away and could talk in private, Damian asked, "See? It's not so bad- is it?" Approaching the oxen, his mind began to wander. In truth- he was a prisoner too. Working within the walls of this kingdom, being picked on my every other human he sees. He hated to admit it, but they were more similar then he led on.
"It is bad enough." She took in a deep breath, "The air here, so full of human smells and stone. Nothing like my woods... nothing like my home." Windige touched one of the oxen's necks, scratching it gently, "There is no price for freedom, Damian. You should try it sometime, get to know your inner animal."
He shrugged and patted the oxen's nose before taking hold of it's reigns. "Never been." he admitted, "I've been stuck in this city for most of my life. Didn't you worry about money? About shelter?" he asked, so new to the concept of being truly an animal.
"Where I am from, there are no lack of caves, and the largest animal are the local leopards. Humans rarely venture into my territory, and not much else, it is my birthgiven right to live there." Her tail slammed against the ground, anger in her voice, "And these bastards took me away from it." Turning slightly, Windige looked around the enclosure for a bit before returning her gaze to him, "I don't see any bars around you, so, you have never truly been stuck."
"What am I supposed to do? Forget all responsibility and run off into a patch of trees?" Damian asked, a little offended. He was more so upset at himself that he had never ventured out of the kingdom. Damian gestured his arm out as he held onto the oxen with his other hand.
"What responsibility? That is a human notion. You don't belong here Damian, neither do I." Windige took a few steps off to the side then bounded off, running with an odd gait around her cage.
Damian didn't say anything back. Her words echoed in his head. Closing his eyes, he guided the four leftover oxen to the door of the cage calmly. The guards came up to the door and opened it, leading the deomestic animals out- including Damian. The cage was quickly shut thereafter.
Stepping into the air, Windige swirled and floated, making another lap around the cage before she grabbed onto the bars, at the top of the dome and simply hung there for a while. If her life was to be spent here.. she didn't know what she would do.
The day came and left. Damian had gone back to his normal cleaning duties but Windige's words wouldn't leave him alone and it was starting to piss him off. At the end of his shift, he curled up in his normal cot in the basement with the other servants.
Nightfall came once more. Things have changed from the previous night however. There were two guards at the cell entrance. The King would come the next morning and they were to make sure nothing happened to the monster.
A twig snapped behind the two guards, one of them jumping, "What was that?" A clicking against metal and Windige crawled down, simply observing them. She wasn't in the mood to kill tonight, however she wanted to find a way to escape, and that meant she had to be patient. Sighing, Windige slipped to the ground, grinning when they both leapt back away from the bars.
Suddenly-a huge, shadowed monster leapt at the guards from the side. He hooked the first with his enormous horns and flung against the cage, almost snapping him in two. Before the other could even take a breath, the beast clamped it's massive jaws around his torso. He did the same with this victim and threw him into the bars. Both men rested lifeless on the ground.
Immediately thereafter, he rammed at the cage door. The bars shifted a little. Running back a few feet, he bounded for it once more, hitting his massive horns against the hinges. They were a bit weaker from the outside and snapped off immediately. It seemed that Damian had a change of heart at the last minute.
Slinking forward, Windige crawled forward on her belly, cheeping with a low sound down in her throat similiar to a baby cat, "Thank you Damian, thank you." The Himmel licked his cheek, "You can't stay here, they'll know it was you..."
If he didn't have fur right now, he might've blushed. "Which is why we should GET MOVING." Damian said frantically. He sprinted towards a corridor. Luckily it was big enough for him to run in, "The exit is through here. You can go ahead- you are faster then me."
Windige slipped past him, staying ahead of him just slightly and looking back at him for reassurance. "Damian, if you go back to your humanoid form I can carry you out of here, it is the least I can do for you."
Now wasn't the time for questioning. Nor worry about his pride. It was far too late to save what dignity he had left. He picked up his pace and shifted back into his sub-human form and clung onto Windige.
In response she lifted an arm and braced it against his form, running for a few seconds more on three legs before they left the ground. Into the night sky she flew, making sure he was secure before she went higher. Strangely enough this reminded her of the first flight with Ramsies, the one human she had ever trusted... and loved. Windige angled them along the coast, the light of civilization guiding them.
When they were free of the kingdom, Damian was relived. But his fears quickly resurfaced when he saw how dreadfully high up they had gotten. "TOO HIGH! Toohigh-toohigh-toohight-toohigh!" he said, tightly shutting his eyes. She could feel him clutching tightly to her and nearly trembling in pure fear.
She shhhed him, however obliged his wanting to go lower, "It is dark, just keep your eyes closed and trust me." Windige took her other arm and supported him, hugging him to her breast protectively, "Go to sleep Damian... I'll take it from here."
Throughout the night, the Himmel flew, her spinning motion of flying through the air relaxing and gentle. As the sun began to rise, Windige found the edge of a desert, circling down. With all desert pavements, caves are plentiful. She landed on her back legs, setting the sleeping Damian down softly and curling up around him. Tired from the night flight, she fell asleep quickly.

Damian woke up soon after he was set down. Going from a soothing, swaying cradle to flat, hard ground was too drastic a change to stay asleep. He sat up and stretched. But when he opened his eyes, he jolted with a start. Realizing his situation once more, he relaxed. After glancing over at Windige as she slept, Damian got to his feet. He realized that he was still naked from the odd, airy feeling. Although his genitals were mostly covered by fur, it was going to need some getting used to. Damian looked around- they must be hundreds of miles away from the kingdom by now. Nothing looked familiar! Carefully, he slipped over her coiled body and went into the small patch of wood they were next to.
A few hours later, Damian returned in his chimera form with a large, dead water buffalo in his massive jaws. He had eaten one previously and the taste of freshly killed meat was intoxicating. Getting closer to her, he gently set the kill down.
Arching her back, Windige stretched out with her legs stiff, yawning happily in the afternoon light. She didn't speak, or thank him for the kill, but instead stood and padded over. Her eyes took in the dead animal and her stomach growled, however the Himmel leaned over to lick at the blood stains along his giant maw and cleaned him. Satisfied at her work, she then tore into the buffalo greedily.
His heart pounded a little. Why was she acting like that? He swallowed and contemplated asking. Licking his own lips clean, he asked, "Why all the affection?" he sat himself down on his butt while his snake tail slithered around.
Swallowing a thick slab of meat, "Am I not allowed to thank my rescuer in my own way?" She asked carefully and after a moment added, "Have humans taught you that affection is bad?" The Himmel's tail tapped lightly as she continued to eat while trying to not make a mess.
"Maybe-" Damian ruffled the mane on his throat a bit. "Though my first kill was DELICIOUS. No wonder I've always had a craving for raw steak." he joked a bit, rolling over onto his back like a big cat.
Windige chuckled, "We are predators by nature." She finished her meal swiftly, cleaning herself much like a mouse before she turned and looked him over. Purring softly, her mane stiffened as she slinked over, swinging her tail suggestively.
Damian gulped when he saw the offer. Though he wasn't exactly positive that she meant exactly what he thought she did. Since he saw it upside down, Damian rolled over onto his stomach and kept looking at her. "Umm.."
Moving around him, Windige rubbed up against him, brushing his back with her stomach and wrapping her neck around his throat. She purred again, breathing in his scent and in response her body shivered.
Even through his thick mane and scales, Damian could feel the erotic purring of her throat. Having a wave of hormones surge through him, Damian bent his head back and rubbed against her thin frame as she moved across him. His serpent tail curled up and glided down her lower stomach.
One of her claws held up her weight on his back as she stepped over him, draping her thick tail over his haunches. Windige laid her body next to his, keeping her neck over his shoulders and around the other side. Being that they were so different proportionatly, there was a slight sense of an exotic air surrounding their affection.
Damian was careful with his huge horns. Windige seemed so delicate that he didn't want to hurt her at all. Turning his head a bit, he rubbed his cheek on her smaller one. The snake-like scales glided on her furry face gently. He stopped a bit and chose to speak, "I feel that your affection is on false pretenses. And mine for you... for that matter."
"You do not think my attentions to you are genuine?" She asked quietly, nibbling on his ear and arching her back slightly against his side.
"I um- I'm just worried this is only because I broke you out. And I have to admit- I did so not only for you, but for my own selfish reasons." Damian explained, closing his eyes and enjoying the nibbling of his ear. "I am undeserving of this."
"I'll be the judge of that." Windige replied, "However, I know, I can sense your feelings. We Himmels are empaths." Her tongue inched out along the rim of the ear.
A surge went up his spine when she licked him in such a sensitive spot. It was all so unbelieveable. Earlier, Damian was merely a servant in the king's palace, sweeping up oxen droppings every day for hours on end. Now he was being caressed by a beautiful creature on the outskirts of a forest after having consumed the best meal he had ever had. He let her continue licking. However, he bent his head in a little and turned towards her neck, sniffing a little at her scent even though it was all around him. He couldn't get enough of it.
She lifted her lip, her own version of a smile before stopping and turning serious, "If you don't want this to happen, I will stop. Or, if this is making you uncomfortable, I can change to humanoid..."
"Oh no no no- I know how you would prefer not to change and I'm fine with that." Damian looked at her, "It's just that I've never really..." he cleared his throat. "That is I-" he stopped again. He was supposed to be the dominent male in this situation and he was failing at it. Frusterated with himself, he shook his head before getting to his feet. "No! Ok, I will do it only if it is what you truly want." Damian never knew he was such a gentleman and he wasn't sure if it was the human world that did it to him.
"Damian..." Windige looked away, "I only want you if you want me, that is how it works. There is no rape when it comes to us animals that can speak. The instincts of create and survive as a species are... somewhat dimmed." She could feel his frustration and sighed lightly.
I can just let my instincts...take over? Damian thought as he stood up and smiled at her. Within his previous frustration, he had been holding himself back in fear that jumping on her wasn't the 'proper' thing to do. Maybe the humans did corrupt him a bit after all? Trying not to think about it, he sniffed the air. Damian missed her being near him and stepped closer. He tucked his head into the crook of her neck and licked at it lovingly. Being surrounded in her scent was heaven.
The purr in her throat returned as a happy gurgle as she turned onto her back, her claws tracing the muscles of his chest and ribs. With her being the way she was, her back legs were still holding up her weight and she sidled her hips closer to his own.
Damian took her pose to his advantage and stood above her now. He started licking down Windige's neck more, sending a tickling sensation through her. He was becoming flooded by her scent and his urges were becoming stronger. As she pressed her hips up against his, she could feel a slight movement between his legs and deep within his fur.
Her eyes shut briefly before reopening, the iris dialated and tail moved to the side. Windige turned herself around again, so she was belly down, supporting her weight and some of his from her back, but her chest and frontal legs were completely against the ground. Arching her neck, she opened her mouth and licked her lips in anticipation.
He stretched his neck out and hovered his head right next to hers for a moment. From his massive size, he kept a front paws planted on the ground to support most of his weight along with the back two. The other front paw curled around Windige's stomach and pulled her in closer. His pink 'Chimera-hood' unsheathed itself from the patch of fur between his legs. His hips moved forward until his tip rubbed around her opening, searching for a way in. Windige could hear his heart pounding fiercely right behind her.
Like his own arousal, Windige's vent opened, revealing the sexual organ with the urethra and anus in front and back. She squirmed. Her own instincts made her arch her neck even further, wishing, wanting him to grab her in his teeth. Windige was ready for him.
Damian's claws crept out onto the ground and on her stomach as he blindly tried to find her opening. He growled deeply, ordering her to stop moving around. He bent his head down and kept the two massive horns on both sides of her frame. The middle spike poked at her spine a little. Passion built just as quickly as his anticipation did. After merely three shifts down and to the right, he found it. Immediately thereafter, he thrusted his hips inward, shoving his thickness into her. With how he was shaped, the first thrust was the most painful. On the top, there was a small spike that was meant to jolt ovulation for the females of his kind. What it would do for Himmels was unclear. However- if she were to move, Windige would surely be cut from his middle horn.
Mewling, the Himmel froze as her legs shivered in pain and lust, a sharp cry escaping her long throat. With the spike inbetween her shoulders, Windige was free to move her neck around, clamping down with her jaws on his shoulder that was helping to hold her in place. After the initial thrust, and a whimper later, her jaws released him and settled down on the cave ground.
Damian let out a threatening growl coming from deep in his throat when she chomped down on him. Though he didn't stop. His hips still bucked in and out roughly, determined to not stop until he was fully satisfied.
She panted, her claws creating gouges in the rock beneath them as she was pushed forward, then pulled her back violently. Windige had never met another Himmel before, but she knew how the act of this was supposed to be. She hadn't expected it like this... but she knew... she was beyond thoroughly enjoying it. True, it hurt, but at the same time it felt great.
Damian's knees started to buckle as he came close to climax. He gritted his teeth and tightly shut his eyes. Windige could feel his thighs tremble a bit before a hot surge rushed through her insides. His thick member pulsed and twitched inside of her. Damian thrust twice more before all of his energy escaped. He fell but just managed to catch himself on his elbows for her sake. Forcing himself back onto his feet, he pulled out of her slit slowly, bringing a few leftovers out with him. Damian's tired cock slid back into it's furry sheath as he laid himself down next to her.
Cheeping, Windige nuzzled his neck, pressing her forehead against him for a moment before she slipped outside the cave. After urinating, she licked herself clean of their combined liquids then trotted back inside and cuddled up around him.
Damian had slipped in and out of sleep while she was gone. But when Windige's scent hit his lion-like nostrils, he opened his eyes and lifted his head to greet her properly. After she cuddled around him, Damian leaned his head in and started to lick her cheek and behind her ear, cleaning her.
This time her purr was innocent, loving, as she accepted his affection. "Damian, how well do you know the lands around the kingdom?" She was worried that she hadn't taken them far enough, didn't know how far the King's reach was. With how much money he had invested in her, their escape would most likely cause a search party.
Damian retracted his tongue and thought for a moment, "The north and eastern ends stretch out to the ocean. The other sides I believe go on until it hits a mountain range."
"I'm anxious... about the King. Does he seem the um... the type to follow something to the ends of the world?" The last thing they would want would be to be hunted down, for him the first time, for her the uncounted time. Windige nuzzled into his cheek and touched her nose to his throat.
"I'm not sure. He didn't even see you yet. Either he will be pissed at the guards and forget about the whole thing or- we might need to get moving in a bit." he told her honestly. He tilted his head down as if protecting her head in the crook of his neck. "It'll be fine. You are a lot faster then any of them are."
Windige sighed. "I got bit by something, and it made me sleepy. It's how they caught me in the first place." Her large ears moved as she listened to sounds outside. "It will take them some time to catch up with us, but you are right, we shouldn't stay here very long."
"A tranquilizer dart." Damian told her as he got to his feet. "The day is still young, we can go at least a hundred more miles before nightfall." He made his way to the outside of the cave and looked around with his ears perked up. "I saw a river back were I found the buffalo. We should follow it. Well- me walk in it to erase my tracks."
She stood as well, "I will walk with you... or swim if I have to. I like to swim." The Himmel's ears were also erect, excited to be on the move, and actually happy. Although, she wasn't sure if he wanted to be her mate, but at the moment she felt she could look at it that way. Windige was willing to go through anything with him.
He glanced over at the rotting carcass to the left. Birds and raccoons were already picking it apart. "Hm... how about we find something to eat on the way? I would love to see how you hunt. Heh- perhaps I can learn a few things?" Damian smirked, being in an awefully chipper mood. Turning his head to the forest, he waited for her to ready herself before taking off in a jog. He quickly set a steady pace.
Quirking an ear, "You need to eat again so soon?" Then she followed him quickly, using her odd gait of a mix between ferret and a deer. "I generally only need to eat once every day... but tonight I guess I can hunt for you." Bounding into the water playfully, she got soaked and ran ahead of him, happy to be free.
"One meal a day?! I need at LEAST FIVE!" Damian shouted, picking up speed as he ran behind her. They were like two cubs playing together in the woods. "It's no wonder you are so tiny." he teased flirtaciously.
Giggling, "I would imagine my whole species is my size... I really don't know Damian." Her mood faultered for a moment at that, "I've never met another Himmel before." As they ran she closed her eyes, leaping into the air and swirling, enjoying the breeze she created before landing. And continued running.
"Guess I don't have that problem. All the chimera that I've met are jackasses. Not to mention, they can fly." Damian said, kickin up water behind him as he ran in the stream. "I'm working on the 'breathing fire' thing."
"Why can't you fly?" Windige asked after a moment, feeling oddly spirited and snatched up a fish, and tossing it into the air at Damian.
"Nope." Damian said quickly before snatching the fish out of the air and swallowing it whole. He licked his lips and kept up in the chase. "My 'type' of Chimera is a smaller branch out from the fliers."
"Different types? Wow..." His species must be quite numerous to have different types of them. Windige glanced back at him, "So you can breath fire? Have you heard of other chimeras living in the wild?" So many questions...Such a curious creature, Echoed Ramsies words.
"Yes and no." Damian explained, "My kind can breathe fire but it's a learned ability. Since I didn't have a teacher," growling, "-all I can do it breath out really hot air. It's a shame really- can you imagine all the gruel I could've heated up in the servant's den?"
She chuckled, although she had no idea what gruel was. "I might be able to help with that," Windige mentioned thoughtfully, "I am an air elemental, and therefore I can change the temperature of it. All you need is a spark." The Himmel was curious as to how one would breath fire, you would need a fuel source, a way to ignite... Shaking her head. They had enough on their minds at the moment. Most likely it would take several days, or even weeks to get the news of their disappearance throughout the kingdom. Maybe they could get lucky and slip out unnoticed.
Damian was a bit slowed as the forest around them became more dense. With the stream becoming deeper, it was also more difficult to run. He changed his direction and leapt out of the water. Shaking out his thick fur before heading into a run once more to catch up with Windige. "So where are we headed again? How far away do you reside?"
Hanging her head, "I... I don't know. They had me sleepy most of the trip, but I believe we crossed the sea." Windige was not happy about not knowing where she was, but Damian being with her was a comfort. "I would say we head for the mountains, and cross them. Being that, I doubt the King would follow us that far."
"Sound's good. I hate to use you for travel, but it might be easier for you to fly us over them- if not, for a little while." Damian said. "I can carry you when you get tired." He hoped this would help reason with the thought.
"Yes," Windige nodded, "That would be most logical, and I am ok with it." Slowing down, she matched strides with him as much as one with a body type like hers could. "Being up there with the air so thin, I would say we climb most of the way, and I can take us over the highest part, and save my strength for that."
"Sounds good to me." Damian said, walking along side of her now. With the tree cover, it was nearly impossible to see above them. "How far are the mountains from here?" he asked, suggesting that she soar above for a moment.
"Ah..." Concentrating, her body lifted itself into the air, snaking through the boughs and branches to look around. She could see the line of the desert, then the ocean, if they continued through the forest it would curve to meet the desert and the mountains at a threeway. Windige didn't know what would be on the other side, but she dropped down next to Damian and buried her face into his mane. "I don't know how far, but the forest curves along the roots of the mountains."
"Good- it's probably best that we keep hidden under the trees- just in case." Damian suggested, nuzzling her back. His tail swished from side to side and curled. "I hope it doesn't sound odd, but I want to have arms to hold you."
Pulling back, she looked at him for a moment then shook her head, "No, I'm sure it's natural to you. Which is not a bad thing..." Windige stretched her neck and shook herself. "Later tonight, I will change for you." One ear quirked to the side, "Then, you may hold me, but for now..." Reaching over, she nipped the edge of his ear then bolted into the underbrush.
Damian darted flirtatiously into the brush to catch her.
The day grew to an end and the sun had just set. Unfortunately, there weren't any convenient caves to be found. The terrain had gotten drastically rocky as they headed to the foot of the mountain. However- the land was composted of cliffs, ridges and trees.
"Hmmm..." Windige commented, looking around in the dimming light. "I don't really see any place to stay..."
Damian perked his ears up. "Hear that?" Faintly, there was the sound of rushing water. "Let's find a spot near the water, come on." He took off in a run towards it. They both came upon a large waterfall that poured down from the side of the mountain. Walking into the water, he headed for the waterfall. "There should be some coverage under that!"
Windige followed him at a slower pace, circling through the air rather then running. "Will the space fit us though?" She asked, "And, is it too damp?" The Himmel had never stayed the night in a cave behind a waterfall before.
Damian ducked and walked through the falls and sat himself in the nook behind it. It was spacious enough and the rocky floor was more smoothed out then anything else in the area. "I'm fine with it. You can sleep on my back if it's too wet for you." He was unsure if she heard him, the falls were a little loud at the opening of the cave.
Her image on the other side of the water was faint, but in the blink of an eye it was gone, as she appeared in front of Damian. The black mark on her neck fluttered before going still while Windige set herself down on her feet and looked around, "Huh. I should remember this... quite interesting."
"The ground is so rocky that our tracks are probably very hard to follow. Not to mention, this little hide away is quite hidden." Damian said, ruffling out his wet fur from a long day's trek.
Sniffing around, Windige went around him, getting into the corners and snorted. "Not as dry as I would like, but it's better then being out in the open." Unleashing her tongue on his mane, her eyes closed as she licked him dry, enjoying the contact. She had been alone for so long, it was nice to have someone there.
Damian embraced the cleaning session and stretched out before laying down on the rocky floor. He yawned out and had a low lion's growl under it. "There is no way the humans can make it all the way here. We are too fast."
She was silent as she worked on getting him dry, thinking on what he said with a solomn expression. "They find a way. Such a stubborn species, of what I've learned from being hunted for the last few years, that if they know you exist and are worth a great deal, then they will never stop hunting you. There will always be someone after you." Laying down beside him, Windige sighed softly.
Damian leaned in and nuzzled her cheek. "Don't worry, we'll find a nice place were the humans cannot enter." he said, sure of himself. Though he really didn't have anything to go by. Damian had never been past the palace walls before.
"If such a place exists, we can only hope." She never liked the cold of the mountains, but neither did humans. They might be safe there. Windige tilted her head into his affections besides herself, blinking to stay awake.
Damian's tail rose and rubbed back and forth on her back. The silky scales massaged her slowly in an attempt to lull her to sleep. Damian was a lot more affectionate then most other males but she didn't seem to mind so he went with it.
Turning on her side with her back against his ribs and stretched with her legs out straight, much like a dog. Curling her tail around him, Windige sighed again, then fell asleep.

The next morning was dull and dreary as rain clouds hovered over the mountain side. It had stormed last night but the roaring waterfall had blocked the sound from reaching the two seeping creatures behind it.
Damian woke up but stayed where he was. Seeing Windige, he leaned in and licked her cheek. "Good mornin'..."
Purring in response, "Hi," Windige murmured, still a little sleepy. She yawned then stood and shook herself. "Not very bright outside..."
"I love the smell of rain." Damian said honestly. "Clears out your nose, you know?" He got up as well and shook out his fur. He looked at the rushing waterfall entrance. "Well, looks like we are going to get wet anyways."
Windige snickered, "Not persay," the Himmel reached out with her paw and touched it to his arm, then, the cave's image flickered from view. The light momentarily blinded her, but she recovered quickly and glanced around, on edge.
"What the?!" Damian blinked and looked at her quickly, waiting for an explanation. "You do magic now?"
"Magic?" She laughed for a moment, "Well, it's an ability I do not use that often. Since my mother could not relay all of her memories when I was born, I am not very confident in the use of it. But, you help my confidence." Windige bowed her head, her mirth subsiding, "I forget how to do things normal Himmels have as a second nature. Or, so I would imagine."
"Geez- you guys are like gods. I'de never want to fight one of your kind." Damian said, meaning it as a compliment. "I just have brute strength and fire. Well- barely fire. Like you, I wasn't raised around my kind. Never knew my Father."
She tilted her head at him, "I do not know. At least you knew other chimera. I've never met another Himmel. I just have flashes of memories from my mother to help fill in the large gaps. And even those memories are misty. For me, flying is much easier then dissipating like we just did, and even then I cannot do it with small things, such as humans, or trinkets. That skill is because I am an elemental, not because I am a Himmel." Windige sat on her back legs, in the natural resting position of her species. "Have you met the gods?" She asked curiously, "So you know what they are like?"
"My Mom raised me but- she wasn't exactly a chimera." He looked away for a moment before sitting with her. "But- met a god? Uhh...nope." Damian tilted his head, "You have?"
"Well... they have spoken to me before, but I have not actually met them." The black mark on her neck moved slightly. "Two years ago they called on me, and three others to destroy a threat to the continent. They made me an elemental to do so. Then, in reward, they didn't take it back." Windige cocked her ear, "If it wasn't for their gift, I would have died."
"Uh... I once broke my arm when I was seven from falling off of a two story house. I've uhh...got a scar on my elbow cause the bone stuck out." Damian said, feeling a little embarrassed to stand next to such a holy creature and be considered her authority.
"What?" The Himmel asked, confused. Probing his emotions, she realized, "Damian, what's wrong?" She didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
"I just feel a little...stupid really. I mean, you were blessed by the gods! I'm a servant who sweeps up after oxen." Damian explaining, the words actually hurting a lot more as he spoke them.
"They called themselves the forgotten gods." She mentioned quietly, then sighed. Her form shrinked slowly into her humanoid form and Windige carefully stepped forward and buried her head into his mane, clutching at his fur with her four fingered hands, "Does it really matter?" She mumbled softly.
Damian relaxed and couldn't help but smile. He turned his massive head and buried it into her arms, careful with his horns. His snake tail swayed from side to side like a happy puppy. "No, I suppose not, huh?"
Windige smiled, her ears flicking back, "All that matters is that you chose to help me, and in doing so, I chose you as a-" She stopped herself. She didn't know if he felt the same way she did, or how he would respond to that. Not to mention she didn't know how chimera courted and their mating habits. "I chose you." Windige repeated, but did not ellaborate.
Damian smiled and shifted down to his human form too now. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her in as the rain started again, "No you didn't." he reminded before pausing. It was his job to decide that. "I chose you two days ago. I beat ya." he winked playfully.
Her nose wrinkled, "Well, I let... you choose me." She countered, giggling slightly. Windige let her ears relax and moved her head so that it was resting on his collarbone and underneath his chin. "You ready for breakfast?" The Himmel asked, her eyes closed as she enjoyed his warmth.
"I was 3 hours ago." he smiled, rubbing her arm. "Let's kill the biggest thing we can find, how's that?" Damian smiled, wanting a little bit more of a challenge. "I'm starving." He placed a finger under her chin and lifted it up to his face. Leaning in, Damian kissed her. Sure it was more so a human thing to do but he couldn't hide the fact that he was a half breed.
She made a sound of surprise and jerked back. Her face really wasn't... the same as a human. Windige looked at him with her emerald eyes, a slight fear sparked, "I..." Speechless, Windige looked away.
Damian took his hands off of her hips and rubbed the back of his head. "Oh...umm sorry? What's wrong?" Sure the kiss felt strange but he worked with what she had and wasn't bothered at all. Until now when he felt a bit self conscious.
"Ah... that was a kiss?" She had heard about it, but had never seen one before, or felt one for that matter.
"Yes?" Damian said, still unclear as to what was the big deal. He shrugged his shoulders, "Thought I would give it a shot." he glanced up and down her form, "You look too attractive for me not to."
Windige couldn't help but blush, and giggle. "Ok," She said after a moment, then changed back to her real form, "Lets hunt first though."
Damian cleared his throat. THAT was awkward. He took a step back and shifted himself as well. He looked up at the sky for a moment as the rain began to fall faster. "Alright, let's get going!" Damian took off, running along side of the mountain base. He didn't want to take steps backward but he figured most mammals would be living along the base.
The Himmel on the other hand waited, taking in large whiffs of the air around her before she trotted after him, keeping him in sight. There was a herd of some strange deer off to the side, which she ignored and they in turn shied away from Damian, but ignored her right back. "We need something big," Windige yelled to her mate, "But everything here is small..."
"Yea- and I don't want to go off killing an entire herd." Damian admitted, looking around as he ran. He tried to take in the scents but everything was so dulled from the rain.
"You said you wanted me to teach you how to hunt, right?" She mentioned, slinking up beside him and pausing, "Stop here for a second and smell the air." True the rain would dampen any scents, but it would be true for themselves as well. "Focus on the smells of animals and forget any others."
"Woa..." Damian took a few more big whiffs. "What the hell is that!?" he looked at Windige, making sure that she smelled it too. He turned left and walked a few feet before smelling again.
"Hmmm?" Windige lowered her nose and sniffed, then looked to the right, "Follow me." She trotted around a large copse of trees and spotted a lake. With the storm going, the top of the lake a mess of ripples and the surrounding area was empty of any life. Her hackles raised by themselves, "I don't like this."
"What is it?" Damian asked, coming up from behind her. "Sorry but I'm not up for fish again." He sniffed. Though his scent wasn't as keen as hers, he still could smell something very unfamiliar.
"Look at these gouges in the earth..." She ran a claw over them, pulling out the skull of a large beast. "There is a predator in this lake," Windige whispered, looking around cautiously.
Damian stepped between her and the lake's shore, "Well, then let's get away from the lake." He nudged his forehead on her side, pushing her away from the area. He was quite protective of her.
"No... this thing, though dangerous, will be the only meal big enough for both of us." Although her hackles were still raised, she grinned, "I would like the challenge."
"Fine fine. But be careful, alright? I can't lose my mate in the first week." Damian said seriously and making sure she saw it. Turning back to the water, he went into the water until his feet were covered. He leaned down and took a quick drink before glancing back at Windige, "Any suggestions on how to fish this thing out?"
"Mate?" She repeated, excited. Her hackles by now were standing completely on end and Windige's head snapped toward the water, "Get out, now!" The ground shivered beneath them as the water began to swirl. Something was rising from the depths.
"Really? THAT was your master plan?" he looked at her with a raised brow. Unbelieving that it worked, he stepped back. Damian didn't want to get sucked into the water by whatever this thing was. Water was definately not one of his strengths.
"I didn't have a plan!" Windige shrilled, "I didn't think you were going to go into the water." She squinted her eyes, "It's coming to us, stand back." The water shivered again, and finally twin curled spikes appeared, followed by a giant maw. It roared, using a long and powerful tail that appeared comparable to a crocodile pushed itself towards them.
Damian stepped a few feet away from the shoreline, waiting for the being to get closer. He bowed his head and aimed his horns at the creature. "Here fishy fishy..." His claws extended and scratched at the rock under his massive paws.
It reached the shallows, still using it's tail, but now it could use the six webbed legs to bring itself closer, snapping its jaws at both of them. Windige lifted her lips and snarled, slinking sideways so they would be two targets instead of one. "You look quite tasty," The Himmel hissed.
Damian slowly walked to the other side of the creature. He was trying to get behind it more, cutting it off from the water. He snarled and at the same time, the hair on his neck stood on end, making him look much bigger then what he was. The snake tail lifted up and hissed between his horns. Drops of poison dangled from the fangs.
"Looks like the point of weakness is behind the horns, where the skin is thin and specific nerves right underneath..." If Damian could distract it enough, she would be able to get on top of it and chew through it's spine.
Damian exhaled, hot smoke poured out of his nose. Not wasting anymore time, he charged like a furious ram at the creature with his horns ready.
The creature turned with a roar to meet him and Windige, like lightning leapt into the air above it. She landed lightly and held on with her claws, scrambling over the carapace and prepared for the collision.
Then WHAM!- Damian's horns clattered with the beasts. Despite the impact, the creature wasn't knocked over. Again, Damian reared back and rammed into the monster's skull.
Snapping at Damian's legs, the creature was pushed back slightly in the mud, slipping to five legs as one cave out from under their combined weight. Moving forward, Windige claws at its wet skin, chomping down with her strong jaws and sawing through. Roaring, the creature shoved Damian off of it and threw its head back. Its skull connected with Windige's, and she couldn't help a yelp of surprise and pain.
Damian's eye twitched in rage when he saw Windige yelp. He flew his body forwards and inhaled. Halting right in front of it's face, Damian exhaled a large fireball at it. From this range, the fire sunk deep into it's face, burning out it's eyeballs and flesh.
By that time Windige had recovered quickly, fast enough that the air around her body shimmered, and the flames that spit up over its face hit her shield briefly before dieing down. The creature teterred and shrieked in pain, clawing at its own face. Biting down harder, she tried to put it out of it's misery.
Damian didn't quit, he roared and leapt at it. He sunk his claws onto it's face and sunk his teeth into the side of it's face. Damian chomped down and ripped back.
Collasping, the creature moaned from what of it's face it had left and the air rattled from its lungs... and it died. Windige slid from it, blood over her muzzle and some on her forehead, from where the beast had hit her. Words were lost as she tilted her head, a little dissorientated but she recovered and grinned.
Worried for her, Damian released the flesh from his mouth of the beast and looked at Windige. "Are you alright?" he asked, wanting to make sure even though she was smiling.
She nodded, then smirked again, "You did it! Fire!" Windige cackled and did a quick twist of excitement, her tail wagging. Then, her stomach growled and the Himmel dropped an ear, "Mind if I eat?"
"Heh... it wasn't much." He admitted, smiling that she was alright. "Wait." he replied to her. Damian turned and went to the corpse. Lifting onto his hind legs, he sunk his front claws onto it's stomach. Pulling down, he tore open it's side, letting the organs and muscle spill. It was the male's job to eat first after all. Without waiting, he started to rip apart the mid muscle of the beast's torso. A minute or so went by before Damian stepped to the side, allowing Windige to eat now. It seemed that Damian's primal instincts were starting to show.
Sittng down on her haunches, Windige yawned and tried to ignore her own belly, "Next time I eat first, we aren't completely bestial here." She dug in with gusto, prefering to get more messy. So messy in fact, that half of her body was inside the creature while she munched. The rain increased in power, marking a trail of red to the lake behind them. Suddenly, Windige pulled herself out, completely covered in crimson with her ears up straight. She whined. Slinking from the underbrush, several wolves appeared with their ears low and their bellies on the ground in submission. Even though they were only the size of humans, and zero threat to her, she still let them know her dominance, flipping them over onto their backs. "They have been hunting this area, half their pack killed by this beast." Windige looked to Damian, "Let them eat."
Already full, Damian stepped back. He licked his chops and took one last look at the enormous monster they had taken down together. "Let's go then." he said, taking slow steps out of the clearing.
Windige shook her blood encrusted head, "I'm going to have a bath." She bounded into the water, disappearing.
Hearing her, Damian stopped and laid himself down. He started to lick away the blood from his own paws and claws. After such a large breakfast, he was feeling sleepy again.
Swimming, Windige managed to clean herself while enoying the water. She moved much like a fish, using her tail as a rudder and not having to go up for air. It was comforting... but at the same time it made her susceptable to her own thoughts and memories. That was when she rose to the surface and looked at Damian's form a little ways off. Nodding to herself, she decided to leave her past in the lake; he was her future now.
Damian's eyes glanced up at her for a moment before he went on licking and cleaning. He smiled a bit, she looked even thinner with wet fur. Finishing his paws, Damian opened his mouth and let out a tired yawn. A deep growl echoed deep in his throat as he did so. Wanting to relax a bit, he rolled onto his back and shifted around. He was scratching at the spikes along his back against the rock under him.
Climbing out of the water, she shook herself till her fur puffed out, even in the rain she was able to get herself decently dry. "My mate," Windige called, "Let us be on our way, yes?"
Damian grumbled, he didn't want to move just yet. He watched her approach as he rested his head upsidedown on the ground. Finally he rolled over and got ot his feet. The fur around his lips were a bit stained in blood but he couldn't tell. "Alright alright... but you owe me a nap later." he joked before starting in a slow walk.
"That can be arranged." Windige replied, running beside him and snaking out with her tongue to his lips, "You missed a spot," She giggled and ran off with her tail in the air.
"Hey!" Damian called out after her, "Do you WANT me to pounce you again?" he asked, lifting a brow at the raised tail.
Chorkling to herself, "If you cannot resist it!" leaping like a gazelle just for the fact that they were free.
"Hey! Get back here!" Damian called, bounding for her. "Making me run after a full meal! You're too cruel!" he panted, weaving between the trees.
She slowed down to a trot and waited for him to catch up, her belly full but small bits could be seen still making their way to her stomach from her chest. Windige snorted and tossed her head, full of energy.
Finally catching up, Damian walked along side of her. "You tease." he commented. His tail slithered up and wrapped around her's.
Windige stuck her head in the air, smiling, "And what are you going to do about it?" Laughing, the end of her tail flicked, but she kept it straight for the most part because of his own tail.
His tail moved up the thickness of hers until it found her private area- or at least what he assumsed to be it. The scales rubbed along the slit, almost teasing for it to open up.
Her grin widened, "Who is the tease now?" Windige wiggled her hips against his, letting out a low whine.
Damian didn't say anything. He walked in front of her and kept his pace, circling around to the other side. He brought his muzzle to her backside. Briefly, he sniffed her and let his tongue run up her opening.
"Ah, Damian!" Giggling, she allowed her slit to open a little way, letting him have access to it. Windige did not do the same to him, being that her tongue wasn't very long at all, and she didn't want to graze him with her teeth on accident.
He didn't care if he wasn't getting attention back, this was just as arousing by itself. Damian got an exciting whiff of her when her slit opened. His large, flat tongue lifted and wetened all three openings.
Panting, Windige couldn't talk now even if she wanted to, instead she whinned again and lowered her torso to the ground. The rain began to cease to a gentle patter around them, mostly blocked by the trees they were under.
Damian went on licking for while longer. He was getting harder by the second. His warm tongue, flicked and rolled along her slit. As he grew fully erect, Damian's licked quickened like no other, lapping and licking with all of his might.
Quivering, Windige let out a moan of pleasure, the slit now fully widened and shivering. Her insides pulsated once, making her mewl for more.
Not able to take it any longer, Damian leaned up to mount her. As his body towered over hers, Windige felt a probing sensation between her legs. Now that Damian knew exactly where it was, he wasted no time in thrusting into her.
It was only after a few moments that Windige's orgasm overcame her, trapping Damian's beasthood within her and squeezing it forcibly. Her neck relaxed as she dropped her head to the grass, panting when it subsided as she couldn't help a small smile as he continued thrusting into her.
Damian's mane flared up as her body pulsated around him. After something as stimulating as that, it wasn't going to take long. Damian tried to pace himself anyways, jabbing into her with quick, firm thrusts.
Windige wiggled against him, squeezing him, even though she had been fully pleasured and returning his thrusts as best as she could. He was so much larger then her, she could only do so much.
Although he tried to hold off, her movements were too much. He buckled and gave one last thrust, errupting his hot semen into her. As Damian's eyes rolled back, he managed to hold himself up from crushing her. He stepped off and let himself slide out, his juice leaked out quickly after. He panted heavily and walked around to her face. Leaning down, he licked at her cheek lovingly.
Squatting, Windige waited till most had left her, at the same time nuzzling him back, "If you will excuse me, my mate." Waddling off behind a tree, she did her business and returned quickly, "We get distracted easily don't we?"
He got up from his resting place and rubbed his head against hers gently. "I don't mind...you didn't seem to either." he smirked as he went on lovingly nuzzling her.
"Well, I've never had a male up to the challenge." Windige admitted softly, moving her neck along his and enjoying his scent, "But you are more then enough. I'm sure no Chimera could best you." Definitly not in my eyes.
He smiled and licked her cheek, appreciating the flattery. "I love you too." he said, letting her rest her head in his mane for a few moments longer.
Windige smiled softly and moved away, looking up at the mountains, "There is a grim journey ahead of us." Turning towards him again, "Is this what you want to do?"
"Doesn't matter. As long as I'm with you, I'm content. Though if those humans are bent on capturing you- it might be a good idea to get moving." Damian contradicted, looking up the mountain.
"Yes, we do not know for sure, but it would be best to assume so." Without another word she began to run forward, leaping over boulders that made up the mountain's roots.
"Again with the running..." Damian lowered his head, dreading this experience. He walked at a normal pace as he headed up the rocky mountain. He was forced to jump from one ledge to the other where there were gaps. Though as he climbed, the ledges became thinner and more difficult for him.
Above him a few paces, Windige watched his progress before commenting, "If you move to the right the footing is wider." She ran ahead, mapping out his path with a keen eye. Since she was smaller, and her feet were more adaptive to this type of envirement, Windige stayed ahead of him.
Damian took her advice and stepped to the side, climbing at a slow pace. His claws were slowly dulling from scratching against the hard stone. For a brief glance, he looked behind him and the deadly drop that awaited him. He gasped and held his head against the wall in front of him. He started to nervously mutter to himself. Damian HATED heights.
"This way..." Windige called, moving further to the right where a path was naturally carved into the rock, "Here!" Seemed they had found a pass, where the rock due to the coloration was hidden within.
Damain hesitantly headed for the path. When his feet were planted, he kept his body low. "You have no idea how much I hate this right now." he muttered, forcing his eyes away from the ledge as he walked. "Please say we are almost done."
"This is a mountain, not a hill..." Windige said, "Looks like we have a few miles to go." Debating with herself, she didn't know how much of her strength it would take to make it over flying. The oxygen was already thinning out. "When you can't take it anymore, I will fly us over."
"Alright alright..." Damian gulped, quickening in his pace so as long as the path was a decent width. "You don't see anyone coming from way up there, do you?"
Squinting, "I don't see anything suspicious, but hunters never are very visible." Windige leapt up a few steps, then scrambled up a rockface that didn't look like something Damian would be able to climb. "If you can't make this I will fly us." She looked to the right, a few ledges there that might be big enough...
Damian stayed on the patch of ground he was on as he looked up at the high ledge. He bowed down and wiggled his butt the air like a large cat. His pupils widened as he focused. He suddenly jumped up and barely made it onto the cliff ledge. His back hoof slipped a little but he pulled himself up again. "I think the humans will give up when they hit this wall... we will be out of the king's land."
Windige grinned, "You are full of surprises," And to his comment, she didn't reply. In truth, she did not want to think about it. Moving to a higher ledge, the Himmel flinched when she landed on a bunch of branches... with several eggs in the center.
Damain's ears perked when he heard the crunching landing. "Hey-" he looked up but was unable to see her, "You alright?" he called.
"Ah... we have a problem my love. Trust me, please, change to your humanoid form." Windige took a step back, sending some rocks to scatter below while the shrill scream of some very, very large bird called a challenge.
When the shrill hit his ears, Damian immediately listened to his mate and shifted onto two legs. It was actually a lot easier to stand on the smaller ledge this way. Avoiding the rocks, Damian kept his eyes on her area. "Windge...." he said carefully as if he had just caught her doing something wrong.
"Trust-" She whispered, the Himmel appearing over the ledge as she literally fell to avoid the rake from the Roc's claws. As she fell past her mate she grabbed him as gently as she could, holding him to her chest like a baby, "Close your eyes..." Windige murmured to him, twisting through the air quickly as they fell, followed closely by a eagle that dwarfed them both two times over.
That wouldn't be a problem. His eyes were already glued shut when she ripped him off of the cliff side. Damian clutched tightly to her breast bone. He could hear the creature shriek behind them. "That sounds bad!"
"I landed on the wrong nest..." Windige muttered, closing her eyes as well as she relied purely on her instincts to avoid cliffs and crags. Turning a hard right, she barely managed to avoid getting her tail clawed up and shot back into the air, swirling and aiming for the mountain tops. With a scream the giant eagle fought to catch her.
Damian peeked around and saw the giant eagle. "I can blow in it's face." he suggested, trying to crawl out from her arms. He started to breathe more calmly, building the heat in his chest.
Nervously, she flicked back her ears, then, with her claws around his chest she lifted him away from her so he could have a better shot. The Roc opened it's beak for another scream.
"Curl up your tail!" Damian shouted before taking one last deep breath. Focusing with all his might, he shouted at the eagle. Flames shot out of his mouth and engulfed the eagle.
Windige barely managed to do as he commanded just as the heat started, but that didn't stop her from getting slightly singed. Gritting her teeth, she flew them over the tops of the mountains as the eagle backed off, shrilling in pain. Windige huffed lightly as she worked on keeping them afloat, keeping them at a gentle slope down the other side.
Damian coughed a little when he breathed normal air again. "Looks like it's given up." he said, watching the bird fly off. "You should be ok to land-" he looked around and gasped when he looked down. "Ack!" He closed his eyes and buried his face in her chest. "Do not like!"
"No no, " Windige insisted, "We're going all the way down." She was tired of running into huge animals that wanted them dead. Windige was used to being the largest in the area, so this was sort of a cultural shock for her.
"I didn't burn you, did I?" Damian asked, looking up at her face as he held her. He didn't want to admit it, but he felt rather stupid being carried around like a baby right now. It wasn't very 'dominent male' of him.
"I think a little bit." Windige admitted softly, finally finding a suitiple place to land. Letting him down, the Himmel grimaced and kept her tail from touching the ground. Turning to survey the damage, Windige sighed when several of her bright scales dropped to the ground.
Damian shifted as soon as he could onto all fours. He felt more comfortable in this form. Quickly, Damian went to her tail and looked at the open patch of missing scales. "I'm sorry..." he muttered before licking at the wound, cleaning it of any bacteria.
"It's alright, they grow back quick, I didn't heed your warning fast enough." Windige answered, the pain ebbing from his tongue, "That was eventful."
Finally past the mountain range, Damian crouched down. "Come on, let's me carry you for a while. You must be tired form flying nearly the entire way over the mountains. It's the least I can do."
Sniffing, Windige ignored the pain and nodded. She shrunk into her humanoid form, blinking for a moment before climbing onto his shoulders, curling into a tight ball with her paws gripping his spikes. "Thanks babe."
"I was going to run. But if you want, I can walk while you take a nap." he offered, glad that he could make himself so useful to her. She had been the main mode of transportation up until now and it felt good to pay her back.
"Even if you run, I won't fall off, just don't get in a fight with anything..." Windige replied sleepily, already having trouble staying awake, "...I trust you, my love."
Damian's pace picked up as he sprinted out of the king's clutches. His mane kept the heat around her humanoid frame. It felt good to finally run as fast as he could. It was different from running in forest or in a stream...and VERY different from climbing a mountain. Windige could hear the sound of his heartbeat as it lulled her to sleep.