Page name: The Promised Land Teaser [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-05-11 02:39:26
Version author: Yami
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Promised land teaser...

There it was, Sonya's worst nightmare, moving sluggishly towards her. Its blind eyes looking at her but not seeing her, the smell of rotting flesh filled her nostrils, as it had so many times. She shook, frozen to the spot, the shotgun she gripped threatening to fall from her small hands. Maybe stopping here was a bad idea. She couldn't yell, couldn't even whisper. The zombies had taken over the world, it was hard for her to come to terms with that, but after a year she'd gotten used to taken down zombies, but this was different, she hated zombies, but the only thing she feared more was clowns, and now, as they'd stopped at the county fairgrounds in hopes of finding something useful, Sonya found herself alone, staring down a zombie clown. She shuffled backwards as it shuffled forward.
"Uh-uh- uh..." Her voice caught in her throat as she stared in horror. The creature's smeared face paint mixed with the blood of victims, it's wig barely holding on to its split open skull, it's red nose had long fallen off as well as its own, showing it's black and bloodied skull, now serving as a home for maggots that slithered in and out of the rotting holes. His milky white eyes looked this way and that as if trying in vain to see her. His torn and dirty clown suit splattered in raw human flesh and blood over rainbow polka dots and oversized red shoes. Even when he was alive Sonya would have been terrified, but now that he really was a threat, it was a million times worse. He gurgled, blood and black ooze bubbled over his broken teeth as he moved closer and closer. She caught her breath, swallowed hard and lifted her gun. Her body still shook as she aimed between the terrifying eyes and pulled the trigger. BANG! She swore under her breath as she missed, just knocking another chunk off his red frizzy wig. She took aim again, best she could. BANG! BANG! BANG! The third shot was perfectly on aim, nailing the damned thing right between the eyes. She sighed in relief and lowered her gun only to hear the sounds of shuffling rounding the corner, it seemed the sounds of the shot gun going off had attracted more zombies, but not just any zombies, a whole circus full of clown zombies.

The Promised Land

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