Note: I know that for a Works Cited it is supposed to be in alphabetical order. However, I am continuously updating this list and it therefore will be in the order of first-come, first-mentioned.
Please also note that, for some reason some of the websites posted the links no longer work. I don't know why, but I will still using them as sources, since some of the information presented I gathered last year for an assignment inwhich portions will be used in some of the pages.
2. The Archko Volume: Or The Archeological Writings of the Sanhedrim and Talmuds of the Jews Translated by Drs. McIntosh&Twyman of the Antiquarian Lodge, Genoa, Italy; 1975
3. Evidence That Demands a Verdict Josh McDowell; San Bernardino, CA; 1979
4. The Bible as History Werner Keller; New York, NY; 1980
5. Many Infallible Proofs Henry M. Morris; San Diego, California; 1975