Page name: The REAL Auden and Skyler [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-13 02:44:40
Last author: Mortified Penguin
Owner: HellzHalo426
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This is the real Auden and Skyler.

I want to apologize to all of you I was informed wrongly.
It seems that these girls not only hurt lots of people but also made up Auden and Skyler. They are not real people. The photographs of the two boys below are the photos the girls found and decided to imposter themselves as. Those two boys are real but I have not recieved any information as to who they are. Once again Im sorry..

Basically everyone was touched by Auden and Skyler's story of true love, and suicide. But it got more and more fishy as we weren't being given any facts and it turns out some bitches pretended to be Auden and Skyler, their accounts were deleted and they took more pics of them looking like the two of them. The story was ALL a lie, and the pictures were of the girls. They were fakes, people believed the bullshit that the girls told them. They made fake AOL accounts pretending to be Auden. After many hours, of lying, and many hours of people being sad, depressed, maybe even suicidal themselves, people slowly managed to prove it was not really true.


♥The girls were lying

♥Skyler and Auden never had profiles, they are not real.


These are the girls who posed as Auden and Skyler.


You can contact them and a few others on these screen names:
[Sexisoprah], [FaggotTrashXcore], [Deathly Emo], [Marissa Kwl], [Skylerhomo],
it was a very elaborate story. But there they are named and shamed.
♥they have myspaces too:

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2005-08-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2005-08-30 [THE GOOD UNICORN]: hey, I never actually heard what the whole story was, although what I have heard was touching. Would someone be able to tell me the whole story? pretty please??? ^__^

2005-09-01 [*Night_Shade*]: Well, Auden and Skylar were actually two lesbians who went on the internet and found pics of these two guys, dressed up as them and then made up their identities and the story behind them. Auden and Skylar don't actually exist lol

2005-09-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: ok

2005-09-04 [THE GOOD UNICORN]: oohhh i get it now thankies ^__^ well I guess it was a nice story while it lasted....just because we've found out that it never happened doesn't mean that the moral to the story isn't there. because there's a very strong moral

2005-09-04 [*Night_Shade*]: Damn straight ^-^. I actually don't think the girls did it to drive everyone crazy, but instead to prove a point.

2005-09-05 [THE GOOD UNICORN]: that's exactly what I think!! I mean, I only discovered this wiki after they had found it that they didn't exist. But I would still wear the heart on my face because I'm still making a point ^_^

2005-09-05 [*Night_Shade*]: I suppose

2005-09-06 [THE GOOD UNICORN]: lol ^o^

2005-12-28 [Tay.]: i am stil going to wear the heart on my cheek too it was a sad story and it proves something eventhough it was made up...i still hate the gurls for it too though....*growls at them*

2005-12-29 [THE GOOD UNICORN]: WOOO! Go you! *cheers* damn right <3

2005-12-29 [Tay.]: ^.^ thanks.

2005-12-29 [THE GOOD UNICORN]: lol no problemo ^.~

2005-12-29 [Tay.]: lmao i know

2006-07-29 [Shardae]: even if it's a false story it still serves a good just should not had been carried out as if it were real

2006-07-30 [The Keeper Of The Night]: damn

2006-08-05 [my emo heart explodes for yew]: Skyler and auden were real people tho coz i searched it on the net!!!

2006-08-06 [*Night_Shade*]: Many sites have been fooled by this ingenius, though infamous, prank so I wouldn't trust your online sources.

2006-10-21 [Panty Bandit]: What?!'ve never heard of me?! *pimp slaps [*Night_Shade*]*

2006-10-31 [*Night_Shade*]: (Blocks)

Excuse me? Do you have something valid to say or are you just here to annoy?

2007-06-13 [Mortified Penguin]: *pimp slaps [*Night_Shade*]*... Turkey left... so I'll annoy in his place!

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