Page name: The Salon [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-11-06 17:32:03
Last author: Lidda_Flourhert
Owner: AmiRitter
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The dictionary definition of "salon" is as follows- "salon- an assembly of fashionable guests in such a room, as leaders in society, politics, and the arts, esp. as a regular event."
     Anotherwords, important people would meet and discuss everyday issues and how to solve them. Though there hasn't been many salons since the 1800's, you have luckily stumbled upon one of the few ones today! Though the older salons would have a meeting about once a week, due to the wonder of the internet, our meetings are 24/7. So congrats. Now that the introduction is finished, shall we get to the point then?
    First things first. A list of members. Downward!
-[AmiRitter]- Proud starter of the Salon!

 Ah! I decided to put up a poll! Read on!
For the war with Iraq- 1
Against the war with Iraq- 1
Just add a number to you're preference!

  Now, a subject to discuss. A note to all whom it may concern. If you find the subject offensive (or maybe a bit to hard to swallow- don't worry, we won't tell! ^~) feel free to change it! I run out of ideas, so if you have a new idea for a topic go right ahead and add it to the topic list. A word to the wise. If you make a statement, make sure you can back yourself up if you are challenged by someone else. Now. The topic list.
1. Do you think that the United States is taking the proper measures in the fight against terrorism?
2. Should the world work on developing nuculear weapons so they know how to better use them, or destroy them all?
3. Is Saddam alive?
And the answer board! Please put you're name before you're Answer.
[AmiRitter]- Well, for the first topic, I'd say that I do believe the US is doing the right thing- however for a while I had the destinct impression that Iraq was being singled out. I did learn better now though. For all of you who haven't yet, a war has to be taken in hurdles. Even though it may not seem as though the US is watching all it should be, trust me it is. Think of someone with a lazy eye. You now that they are probably watching you the whole time but you can't tell because the other eye isn't looking at you. Okay... that was a bad example. Well, maybe you understand. It is better to have the Iraqi's (and Saddam) think that our whole attention is on them. They might shape up. ok. Q 2. I have always hated Nuclear weapons. Everyone remembers the movies they show in school, the shows on TV- that ominous dust cloud strikes fear and dread into the hearts of everyone watching. Yet... there are ways to use nuclear energy. If the US (and several other countries) succeeds in making a hot fusion reactor a new form of energy can be used in the world, possibly less damaging then the ones used today. I am against nuculear warfare- but it depends. If you are talking about benefiting the people, I must say; it might not be that bad. However if Hot fusion is mastered I guarantee that cold fusion would be next. Cold fusion is much more destructive than hot fusion. Cold fusion makes bombs. And, is Saddam alive? I don't think so. I've had my doubts every now and then- but I don't think he walks this earth any more. Good Riddance.

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2003-08-10 [AmiRitter]: [AmiRitter] *frown* no comments yet? ok... *sniffle*

2003-09-01 [AmiRitter]: ... this isn't too popular is it. Well I guess..

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