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2005-04-08 [mustardseed]: comments ahoy we need to get this thing moving, cmon people where is the team spirit
2005-04-20 [Adaria_Moonlight]: wow, kinda quiet in here isn't it? how come the Lemon king isn't off smiteing people for not comming to visit?
2005-04-21 [wilde-beast]: oh he is.......they all just seem to have a protective layer on...so he's going for all their turtle neck jumpers
2005-04-21 [mustardseed]: well he's a gracious ruler and understands the ignorate fools... why dont you join?? unless you already did then go you!!
2005-06-04 [Daladís]: I was sent here *bows down to the floor*, I heard a rumor out in the wild city about the most fair and noble lemonking... tell me, is this rumor true?
2005-06-05 [wilde-beast]: my dearest daladis- it is most certainly true, and i know i speak for lemonking when i sya that he appriciates your obvious respect for all things lemon king
2005-06-05 [Daladís]: Oh glory! I must say, I'm overwhelmed, I never thought such a wondrous thing could possible exist... I'm just afraid that I'm not a worthy praiser of the almighty Lemon king...
2005-06-06 [wilde-beast]: all those who realise that they are nimwits in comparision to the lemonking, and myself since i am the re-incarnation of the lemon king, are more than worthy to praise him and his acidness
2005-06-07 [Daladís]: So, you don't have a quest for me to prove that I'm worthy? *lies flat in the floor and kisses feet*
2005-06-07 [wilde-beast]: well...you could keep kissing my feet....or you could try and find someone equally enthused about lemonking as we are, or just find someone easily amused by lemons
2005-06-08 [Daladís]: Then I will kiss your feets until my lips bleed and then I will go off searching for more praisers of the lemonking so you don't have to get blood on your feets and then, when my lips are healed I will start to kiss your feets again, most noble one...
2005-06-09 [wilde-beast]: your always thinking about thinking about whats best for me arent you?!?! Thats a good thing, we would want me (lemonkings reincarnation) having to do anything human, it'd be inhuman to ask me to do so. Your in the good boks now!
2005-06-09 [Daladís]: Yes, most merciful one, thank you most merciful one *cleanes feet from saliva and continues to kiss them* Always at your service, most noble one, always prepared to praise your overwhelming beauty and grace!
2005-06-12 [wilde-beast]: beauty eh?!? grace eh?!? oh such a smooth talker are you
2005-06-17 [lagrima]: Oh finally. Daladis sent me here, but I had a hard time finding it. What all this then?
2005-06-18 [wilde-beast]: ooo- im so excited that someone was actually sent here- we should do something for you, like sacrifice a tomato or something, well, all this is just the ramblings of my friend [mustardseed] and i who, one night whilst sleeping in our firneds backyard, realised that there was no human god, only a lemon one, adn he wasnt called god, he was called lemonking, and hence the almighty lemon started useing us to tell the world about lemons adn their wonderfulness and how they are king. It wasnt always lemons though, Avman was originally King of all, but he was so delicious and tasty that he was soon eaten by all, so the mad scientist who created Avman thought he would create something less tastey
2005-06-18 [Daladís]: Yes, I am a smooth talker, but between all my smooth talking and feet kissing I've spread the word of the most holy Lemonking to my friend lagrima and as you can see, she came here! She is ready to praise! *raises hands against the sky and shouts out the last words with a fanatic grin*
2005-06-19 [wilde-beast]: being reayd to praise is always a good thing and always looked kindly upon- keep up with the converting and feet kissing and praising my good people, also with the grining at the skies
2005-06-19 [lagrima]: ay, ay, I'm your most humble servant now. except for Daladís of course... she's probably even more humble :b
2005-06-19 [Daladís]: I am... I'm the MOST humble... *continue to kisses feet and glares suspicious ar lagrima*
2005-06-20 [wilde-beast]: ahhhhh, you are both now worthy of officially being a lemonatic- i suggest joinging the members pae so we have more than we the oringinal three there so people realise how awesome lemon king really is!!
Number of comments: 22 | Show these comments on your site |
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