Page name: The Shard's Child RP: Part 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-17 06:14:10
Last author: Ravendust
Owner: Aeolynn
# of watchers: 3
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D20: 9
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Part 2

The blue glow of Scheien's aura surrounded them briefly then it died down and Todd braced for an attack of some sort but none came, his nocturnal eyes scanning the edge of the forest before they went on.

Raven remained silent as she walked beside her demon companion, her fingers laced through his fur. While they had fed on fish, he had gone off to hunt for his own meal, and now loped at a steady pace beside her.

"It seems the forest hasn't noticed us, lets try to keep it that way," Todd mentioned quietly as they walked.

"I agree." Raven murmured, and Phage nodded, not too happy about keeping silent, but used to it nonetheless.

They were headed to the Lacirosa pass, where two mountain's stood as guards to the pass to get in the valley on the other side. It was the only safe way across. Todd had tried for years to climb over the mountains on either side of the pass but he had failed, being forced to take flight.

Phage looked around at their surroundings curiously before slowing her step to match Raven's. "He's really adorable..." She murmured softly, "Never seen one without the bloodlust... it's a definate improvement.

Raven smiled, "It is indeed." She agreed softly.

Todd's eyebrow raised slightly before he continued forward with a strong pace. Oa healed quickly, not amazingly fast but his blood was nearly back to normal and the poison had done it's damage and in the end had been defeated. That was all that mattered to Todd for the moment, now all that mattered was protecting Raven... and if it cost him his life, then so be it.

Raven stifled a yawn and patted the demon's head, "I'm not really sure what happened, but he's been pretty protective of me..." She told Phage.

Phage smiled, "can I pet him?" She asked.

"Go ahead." Raven nodded, and Phage ran her fingers over the soft fur lightly.

Todd loosened his scarf slightly from around his face and sighed, looking up at the stars as they walked. Naomi, is your journey not going as you had planned either? His sister had traveled to a distant planet in search of the one that could kill her in battle. It had been nine years since she got there, yet every year he saw her again, still alive.

Raven sighed and leaned up against the demon. I hope everyone's okay... She thought to herself as images of their faces passed through her mind.

He could tell that the night of his species demise was nearing... the night he would be vulnerable and trapped within his mind as he watched his species destroy itself. Todd was so deep in thought he didn't realize the demon approaching them till it was almost too late. "Duck!" The Oa threw himself to the ground and covered his head with his hands.

Phage quickly dropped to the ground as well, and as Raven ducked down, the demon hovered over her protectively. "Damn it..." Raven muttered, rubbing her scraped forearms.

Huge feelers were being dropped through the canopy, hanging inches above them, narrowly missing the demon above Raven as they sweeped foreward before being retracted again. Legs that looked like long spikes slowly moved foreward, the body that they supported at least two hundred feet off the ground. Surprisingly the demon was able to move very quietly, snatching victims from the ground with stealth. It moved on to the area behind them, leaving them safe for the moment.

"That was close..." Todd commented casually.

"Close is an understatement." Raven replied as the demon stood and she followed suit.

"Whew, what was that thing anyway?" Phage asked curiously, brushing herself off as though they hadn't narrowly escaped death.

"The demons get larger and deadlier as we head to their realm..." Todd said softly, his voice gruff, "That one isn't as dangerous, but it can still be deadly..."

"Uh huh..." Phage said, gazing at the area where it had vanished.

"Makes sense I guess. We're moving away from the more civilized areas and heading into what is dominantly demon territory." Raven murmured to herself.

"Exactly." The Oa replied, standing, "We must be on guard... I admit that I wasn't paying attention..." Moving forward, Todd set the pace for them again, he wanted to make some progress before the day came.

Raven stretched and brushed the dirt from her arms and legs as she walked, "How much longer, do you think, until dawn?" She asked.

"Perhaps an hour till dawn..." Todd said softly, rubbing his eyes for a moment, "We can keep moving for a while, I've had less sleep before..."

"Mm, but we will need our rest or we won't be able to keep our strength up. And... do you think it would be such a challenge to travel during the day?" Raven asked, "We can only cover so much ground at night, and there is a little more time during the day with which we could travel..."

He glanced at her and sighed heavily, "As you wish..."

"I don't mean to be troublesome..." Raven said uncertainly, "Will it bother you?"

"You two are both day dweller's, so I am outnumbered anyway... so no, I will deal with it." Todd whispered.

"We could add hours slowly... perhaps start off around late afternoon? Despite the fact that we are 'day dwellers' we'll probably sleep for a long time due to the night travels..."

He nodded to her and continued their trek in silence. The hour passed and the sky started to lighten as they had met no more demons through the last of the night and Todd silently slipped on his goggles.

Raven yawned, "How much longer do you want to keep moving?" She questioned after a few minutes spent in silence.

"As long as you want to..." Todd replied sleepily.

"Are you tired?" Raven asked.

Phage yawned, "I know I am... it's getting awfully bright... I hate the morning..." She grumbled.

The Oa looked at her, his gaze undiscernable due to his goggles but if they knew him enough they probably assumed it was a glare. And it was. "If you were nocturnal and you were walking about during the day, wouldn't you be tired?" Todd growled to himself before he found a good tree and wedged himself in with the roots.

"Anybody would be tired..." Raven sighed, making her way towards another tree and leaning against it tiredly, the demon followed suit, curling itself around her and the tree.

Phage released another yawn and leapt into the nearest tree, nestling herself against one of the larger bows.

He sat there, refusing to fall asleep as he paid attention to the area around them, listening to the nature and the animal sounds. Within several minutes however his chin had hit his chest and his breathing slowed.

Raven drifted off almost immediately, nestled in the warmth of the demon and shielded from the morning sun. Phage hummed softly to herself for a while, swinging her arm in the air beneath the branch she rested on as she waited for slumber to claim her.

Todd jolted awake, tearing off his scarf as he fought for breath. Calming himself, he glanced up at Phage for a moment before leaning back against the tree's roots, flushing slightly as he tried to go to sleep again.

Phage gave a soft sigh, her humming becoming less frequent as she slowly drifted from consciousness, and finally, her arm stilled it's motions.

Walking delicatly through the underbrush, his paws made no sound as he came suddenly upon three humanlings and... a tamed demon? Bkj's eyes furrowed slightly though his presence did not disturb any of the four he sniffed at each of them gently, more so at the male then of the two females. The one in the tree also interested him because of her scent but the aura of the other female... puzzled him. All he could smell was power. She was obviously the alpha female.

He shook his heavy mane, slightly umcomfortable in the heat below the mountains but he withstood it patiently. Scratching with a paw over one of his eyes, Bkj was about to leave when the demon raised it's head, it's blue eyes meeting the Raeraphume's own blue.

At the slight movement of the demon Raven at first snuggled deeper into his fur, before blinking slowly into consciousness as she realized that he was looking at something. She turned her head slowly, blinking in the morning sunlight, and took in the figure of a strange creature, though she felt no threat from it.

Bkj's tail slowly twitched and he simply stared at her, his eyes furrowing further before relaxing. "I mean you no harm." He spoke softly, though it was not said to Raven. It was said to Todd, stopping the man from reaching for his weapons stealthily.

The Oa growled when he realized that the creature had seen him, yet not, trying to draw his modified pikes.

"Who are you?" Raven asked, sitting up slowly and leaning against the demon, scratching him behind the ears distractedly.

"I am... Bkj." The Raeraphume sat back on his rump and ruffled his wings softly, "I wandered down from the mountains where my home is." Carefully making sure his movements were not threatening, Bkj rubbed his horns against the tree next to him, cleaving off the bark easily but the creature closed it's eyes in relief, a hidden itch taken care of.

"I've never seen a creature in the territory of the demons live for very long up there, but you claim it is your home, what exactly are you?" Todd asked, his tone unbelieving and harsh.

Bkj turned to look at him casually, "I am a Raeraphume, according to human lore we are a myth, yet there are no humans here." He glanced back at Raven.

"My name's Raven, the one still sleeping up in the tree is Phage." Raven said, leaving Todd to introduce himself if he so wished.

"It is a pleasure to meet you... My people were talk to speak by the same species that is sleeping up on that branch." Bkj lifted the corners of his mouth in the closest form of a smile he could manage and his ears twitched, "Why are you all out here?"

Todd snarled softly in responce, still not trusting him before finally sighing, "We're on our way into the demon lands."

"And besides, we're more than capable of defending ourselves out here." Raven added.

"I don't doubt that." Bkj replied softly, slightly hurt that they would think he only examined them because he thought they needed protection.

"I never said you did..." Raven said quietly, stretching and gazing at the sky, "It's only early afternoon..." She frowned, "If that..."

"The sun is at its zenith," He nodded his huge head before he stood, his small wings opening fully before returning comfortably back to his sides, "I shall leave you if you desire, but I must warn you, there is a giant demon on the move, sticking to the shadows as it is slinking out of their lands... I passed her earlier. She would give you quite a fight if you should encounter her." The Raeraphume's coat twitched as if there was a fly on it.

"Thanks for the warning but I had already sniffed it out, we need not fear it," Todd nearly growled in response but was shocked when the large beast glared at him, "This one is not your normal demon, it is a queen, she is searching for new lands to conqure. Even you, an Oa, should be prepared." Again, this Bkj shocked Todd, "You think I do not know what you are?" The Raeraphume continued, "I've warned you. Now I will leave you."

"You don't have to go if you really don't want to..." Raven said softly, watching the exchange between the pair silently.

"It would be an honor if you would let me accompany you." He bowed low, the tips of his horns grazing the ground, "I have been alone for a while, company would be nice."

"I find that traveling in a group is safer and more satisfying than moving alone." Raven said with a soft smile.

The Raeraphume sighed, "I have no fear for demons... I can rid them of the red mark for a short while so I can pass unattacked, but, they are the cause of my peoples reduced numbers. Are you trying to free the lands of them?"

"That is one goal." Raven nodded, her tone rather distant as she leaned against the demon in an unconscious gesture, "One of several..."

"What are the rest?" Bkj asked curiously, his tail moving while he was still.

"Well... I need to find a way home for one." Raven said, shaking off the dazed feeling that had overwhelmed her for a moment, "And there are still the demons there to be dealt with..." She sighed.

"Yes... they must all be killed or turned fully eventually." Bkj yawned, revealing his startling large mouth and the numerous sharp teeth within, "Why were you all sleeping... and the one up there is still?"

"We've traveled through the night," Todd mentioned, "So we were tired."

"I... see." the creature replied.

"Ack!" Phage exclaimed as she rolled over in her slumber, plummetting from the branch, she turned herself over, midair, and landed in a crouched position. Blinking, she looked around and pointed at Bkj, "Whose this?" She asked as though nothing had happened.

"Ah... the lovely nymph has awakened," Bkj bowed low again, though not quite as low as when he had done it to Raven, "I am Bkj, a Raeraphume, it is nice to meet you."

"My name's Phage." She said with a smile, "Nice to meet you. How'd you know I was a nymph?"

"Your scent, it is unique, smelling more like water then a human." Bkj said after shaking his mane happily.

"Mmhm," Phage nodded, "Water's my element alright." She turned to look at Todd, "Wanna play some music?" She asked hopefully, desiring the soothing sound of his instrument.

Todd was so shocked that she had turned back to look at him he blushed furiously and was totally unaware he did not have his scarf on, "Why... would I play music?" The Oa looked flustered before he speedily threw his scarf around his face and finally nodded, "I'll play as we walk."

"Yay!" Phage cheered happily, "Are you joining our group Bkj?" She asked curiously.

"If you will let me..." He replied to her, his tone light, "Its not often I wander past the pass, so I do not meet anyone of intellgence."

"I don't mind. And I've got the sneaking suspicion that you were already given permission to come with us." Phage replied.

"You were awake and listening the whole time, weren't you?" Raven asked.

"Yeah." Phage grinned sheepishly.

Bkj's ears twitched and he happily purred for Raeraphumes were typically very social creatures and he had grown somewhat depressed from his lonely wanderings.

"Well, guess we may as well head out then?" Raven said, glancing at Todd questioningly.

In response the man slid his goggles over his dark eyes and scowled, "Sure." Todd stood and began to walk off, not giving everyone a second glance behind him.

"What a little piece of coal," Bkj commented to himself before he turned slightly to look at the nymph, "Would you like a ride miss Phage?"

"Oooh, that would be nice." Phage smiled, "You look so very soft..." She wandered over to him.

Raven urged the demon up and the two quickly scurried after Todd without another sound.

Bkj lowered his bulk slightly to the ground so she could climb up and followed after the male who he had noticed been fingering a silver flute the whole time he had been walking.

"You are very soft..." Phage chirped, rubbing his back happily.

The demon stopped then and sniffed at the air, releasing a warning growl. "Something's coming." Raven said slowly as the bushes all around them began to move.

Multiple demons shot out of the brush then, each aimed at a different one of them with their claws extended.

Bkj planted his paws in the ground and opened his jaws to roar yet... no sound came out. Each of the demons froze in the air, their red eyes fading to blue and they landed on the ground, whimpering under the Raeraphume hard gaze, "Leave. Now." With little shrieks the things left them speedily and Todd glared at him, "Now why didn't you kill them?"

The Raeraphume didn't respond and looked away before stepping forward to begin their trek once more.

"Wow, that was cool!" Phage said in awe.

Raven nodded her agreement, "That's an interesting ability, good job." She said with a smile.

"It only lasts for several minutes but most demons I tame won't attack me again." Bkj sighed and continued padding forward, Todd nearly steaming with anger at the Raeraphume interference.

"Nonetheless, it is quite useful." Raven said, frowning at Todd's demeanor curiously.

"Yes, it is useful but provides no long term solution..." The beast responded softly and Todd snorted in reply.

Killing them would be permanant... Todd thought to himself, his fingers sliding up and down his flute as he continued walking, trying to decide what melody to play.

"For long term you have those who could fight them off." Raven said finally, "It would be nice if such a change were permanent..."

Bkj eyed the demon she rode with a puzzled expression on his muzzle for a moment before he shrugged, hoping he didn't unseat Phage.

Raven leaned her head against the demon, closing her eyes for a moment as she ran her fingers through his mane, causing him to release a pleased sigh as he continued to pad along behind Todd.

Finally deciding, Todd lifted his flute and began to play. It's tune rose above the tree tops as they climbed the pass, even what birds managed to live here quieted for his song, its melody somewhat familiar but still a mystery as it brought back memories to most and they knew not why.

Phage sighed happily as the tune moved through her. She enjoyed the sound, enjoyed music in general, and the sound of the flute was hypnotizing to her.

"Such a talent..." Bkj mentioned to Todd, impressed greatly.

The man glared at him and kept playing, though he responded with a very slight nod of thanks.

"The sound of your flute... I recall that I heard it the night that you found me." Raven said softly, "It seems so long ago that I came here... and yet the time has been truly short- only a few days, hardly able to number up to a week..."

"Where did you come from?" Asked Bkj curiously, an ear twitching before laying still and his wings opened along side of him as he stretched them out. He knew of the planets, he knew of many things, even the history of Todd's people.

"I come from a village called Meritates, a place not found in this world." Raven replied slowly, "I got here quite by accident I should think..."

"Not found in this world eh?" the beast repeated, completely interested in her story as Phage was in Todd's playing, "-Curious... ever curious. Your appearance here has to do with the demons... am I right?"

"Yes, actually." Raven nodded, "How'd you guess that one?"

He chuckled, "Well, one doesn't just go hunt the demons... there is always a reason. Parents killed, lovers killed, siblings killed... always someone lost their life or the demons pushed them out of their land or ruined their lives... that is always the story."

"Ah, I see." Raven shrugged, "But with me its more like I want to protect the ones that I love from the demons- there is no desire for vengeance within me."

"That-" He admitted, "Is a reason I did not notice..." Bkj's ears flickered again, this time because Todd's melody shifted slightly to a darker note. "All demons have good inside of them. There are only a few species with anger and hate build into their very being, Todd's species being one of them. But even the Oa has a heart, he shows it through his music."

A muscle in Todd's face twitched but to his credit his song never faultered.

"He plays very beautifully." Raven said, turning her gaze to him, "Almost makes me wish that I had taken up an instrument when my father had asked me too..."

"I took up the art of music to preoccupy my species love of the kill," Todd said gruffly, stopping his playing to utter those words before he started up again, this time much slower then before.

"Oh, I see." Raven nodded, "Wonderful method I have to say."

"Same here..." Phage agreed, "I love music..."

"As a precise warrior it's not surprising that he took to something that takes much balance and precision." Bkj said softly, listening to this new tune thoughtfully.

"Mmhm." Raven agreed, "How about we stop for something to eat soon? We all need to keep our energy up you know..."

"Would you like me to hunt? I can fly over the tree tops and find something to kill fast..." the beast offered, his tail whipping through the air.

"If you wish to." Raven said, looking over at him with a smile, "Though you really don't have to if you don't want to."

"I've been meaning to eat soon anyway..." Bkj mentioned, "Phage my dear, do you mind slidding off?"

"No problem." Phage said, slipping to her feet, "Be careful." She said, patting him on the back a few times, "We'll be right behind you... er... sort of anyway."

He nuzzled her shoulder, "I'll be back soon." With that said his wings became a tan blur, and he pushed himself into the sky, his flight pattern unpredictable as he zigged zagged out of sight.

"What a wise creature," Todd remarked sarcastically, his flute falling from his lips as he realized how childish his comment was. Sighing, "I'm sorry, it's just... I'm uncomfortable with how much information he knows... specifically about my race."

"It's understandable. I find it rather unnerving, but he is no threat to us." Raven said simply.

It was a few minutes later that Bkj trotted back to them, a large buck with a set of antlers in his jaws. Setting it down, "Found him being chased by demons, I'm sure it would be better for us to eat then them, considering they wouldn't have killed it before they began to eat it." Slightly out of breath, Bkj laid on the ground and began panting, his wings trembling as they folded against himself.

"Yeah," Raven agreed, "Phage, want to gather some firewood?" She asked the other girl as she began to prepare the meat.

"Sure!" Phage said, heading out.

A little while later they had a small fire going, some of the meat roasting over its hot flames as Raven sat near it, keeping watch to make sure that it didn't burn.

Bkj and Todd were both tearing into the raw carcass, each staying out of each other's way as they ate.

Phage hummed softly to herself, sniffing delicately at the air, "Smells yummy, Raven." She said hungrily.

"Glad it does." Raven said, smiling over at her, "Just a few more minutes and we can satisfy our hunger as Todd and Bkj are doing now..."

"We can't help that we eat raw meat..." Whinned Bkj softly before continuing to eat.

Todd simply grunted in affirmation.

"I wasn't complaining..." Raven laughed, turning the meat over the flames, causing them to sizzle and burn higher for several seconds.

The man had finally had his fill, licking off his hands and face much like an animal and when he was finally clean he laid down in the grass, sighing as he slipped into sleep.

The Raeraphume however was much larger then a man and continued to gorge himself, even swallowing a leg whole, bone and all.

"It's done." Raven said, pulling the meat from the fire and allowing it to cool, "It's-"

"Mm, good." Phage said, lifting up a piece immediately and drawing it to her lips before dropping it, "Ouch... that's hot..." She complained.

"Indeed..." Raven said, masking a small chuckle, "It needs to cool..."

"I forgot..." Phage said sheepishly.

All that was left of the buck was it's head and antlers by the time Bkj was done with it and he hummed happily, full and content to watch over the two females eating. He had even saved part of the haunch for the demon.

"It should be cool enough now." Raven said finally, and the two dug in, devouring the hot meat rather quickly between the two of them.

"Oh that was tasty..." Phage said, laying back and patting her stomach, "Definately hit the spot."

Bkj made a face, cooking meat just didn't make sense to to him.

"What's the matter?" Raven asked, cocking her head to the side as she caught his look.

He laughed, the sound seemingly unreal from his furry face, "Nothing... seems the great warrior has fallen asleep..." Bkj mentioned softly, looking over to Todd as he slumbered.

Raven shrugged, "He doesn't usually travel by day, so I assume that that would make sense." She replied simply.

"Yes, that would make sense. Should we wake him?"

"Let him sleep... if only for a little while longer." Raven said softly, "There are hours yet until sunset, and we'll be travelling throughout the night..."

"Actually... we'll reach the summit of the pass by tonight, we'll have to stop there. Even I must be careful for I can be overrun by demons if I stray from my path by the slightest. It would be better if we stopped at my cave before we headed into the most dangerous part of the journey." The Raeraphume licked his paw and ran it over his face before laying his head on his paws.

"Hm, yes, that'd be fine." Raven said, turning her gaze back to the fire and gazing into it's midst.

Todd mumbled in his sleep, one of his hands innocently across his chest and the hood of his cloak had slid from his head, revealing the silver crests behind his ears.

Phage wandered over to where he lay, nonchallantly crouching beside him, "Todd," She whispered, then, "Tt-oo-dd." She drew out the pronunciation, "Wake up please." She gave him a light poke to the shoulder, resisting the urge to touch the silver crests.

He mumbled again in reply, his hand swiping at hers that was poking him and he rolled onto his side.

Phage pouted slightly, her fingers twitching as he gave her a better view of the crests, and finally she reached out a tentative finger, brushing it along one of them.

It raised itself at her touch, flaring gently before laying still again and Todd's eyes flashed open, unnoticable because of his goggles.

"Ooo..." Phage said, entranced, "That was cool..." She drew her hand back for a moment as if to examine it before reaching out to touch it again.

Todd kept his eyes unfocused as he tolerated her touch for only a few seconds before snatching her hand in his own. He didn't say anything however and stood, walking away from her to the fire.

Phage stood, following almost drunkenly, "That was cute." She chirped with a smile.

"I'm not cute dammit." Todd said forcibly but what you could see of his face was somewhat neutral and he tossed his hood over his head when he sat down on a log.

"Yes you are..." Phage pouted, sitting down near him with a soft sigh, "Especially sleeping you know. I bet without all that stuff on it'd be even more adorable..."

He edged away from her and growled, his crests up in anger and they lifted his hood up on the sides, making him look like he had small horns. "I am a warrior, I am NOT adorable."

"Even warriors can be adorable." Phage giggled, swinging her feet beneath her.

Raven couldn't help a small laugh at Phage's behavior and Todd's reaction to it.

Todd glared at her heatedly, the glare lessening in intensity because of his goggles, "Would you lay off already?" A light blush stained his cheeks, blending in with his red scarf.

"Fine then." Phage said, "I was just complimenting you you know." She said in an almost hurt tone.

He almost cringed when he realized how she took it and became silent, inwardly scolding himself for feeling sympathy.

Bkj chuckled and rolled onto his back, his paws in the air as he watched the scene play out between the nymph and the Oa.

Raven stood slowly and finally doused the flames as her demon companion returned from its own hunt for food, licking the red from his jaws as he approached them.

"Well, are we leaving?" Todd asked hurriedly, wanting to leave the place sooner then later.

"Yes... we have lingered too long..." Bkj stood and padded over to Phage.

The demon caught sight of their kill and couldn't help but to lope over to it and devouring it in a single bite. He licked the fresh blood from the grass lastly before padding over to Raven obediently, "Yeah, I guess we'd best be headed off." Raven agreed as Phage stood.

Once again Todd started out before any of them, mumbling to himself.

Bkj lowered his bulk so Phage could get on him and he trotted to catch up to the man.

Raven walked alongside the demon, merely keeping one arm draped over his back as they moved. Early afternoon shortly shifted into dusk.

The Raeraphume picked up his pace and the trail got steeper and steeper, "We're almost to my home, just another mile..."

"Alright then." Raven said, bracing her legs as the path grew steadily steeper, the setting sun was mildly warm, though she could feel the chill of evening beginning to settle in.

Finally Bkj ran the final yards to a cave entrance, scratching the walls where a plant bled a luminescent green.

Raven followed silently, taking in the cave curiously as she moved, "This is your home?" She asked finally.

Bkj nodded, "Yes..."

The Oa didn't say a word, he just tucked himself into a corner and removed his goggles, glaring around him with his oceanic eyes.

Raven stretched before sitting, massaging her sore calves for only a moment, "It looks rather... lonely." She said at last.

"Ah... to be alone..." Phage said mournfully, "I used to be alone to you know- wandered the woods for years..."

"As I have..." Bkj said softly, "It's against my nature." The night turned from comfortable to freezing and with the two beasts inside it was only barely tolerable. Todd however was fine, he had his cloak.

Raven snuggled against the demon, shivering for a moment before he drew a paw lightly over her form and she released a contented sigh, "It gets cold here, huh?" She questioned.

The Raeraphume nodded before curling into a real tight ball, his head in the middle.

Todd continued to glare, even as Phage was left alone to fend for herself.

Phage wrapped her own cloak about her, leaning against the cave wall she closed her eyes, ignoring the chill that still ran through her. She curled her knees up to her chest.

Finally relenting, "Come here." Todd growled softly to himself but forced his glare to dissapate, "Before I change my mind."

Phage cracked an eye open tiredly before scooting over to where he sat.

He awkwardly placed an arm around her shoulders and swallowed, trying to ignore her shivering body beside his own.

Phage leaned her head against his shoulder, feeling comforted by their combined warmth. She felt herself drifting slowly from consciousness.

Todd would continue to stay awake through half the night, finally falling sleep a few hours before dawn, his scarf wrapped around Phage for extra protection from the mountain's chill.

Raven fell asleep slowly, though comfortably warm, she could not stop her mind from wandering to more topics than she wished to contemplate, though finally she managed to drift into a light sleep.

Leaving the cave softly, Bkj left at dawn, running to a nearby river and catching some fish, which he brought back to the cave for everyone else. He would not need to eat for another day or so.

The demon lifted his head lazily, both when Bkj left and when he returned. He simply gazed at the other before laying his head beside Raven once more.

When the sun started to peak through the tree's Todd began a series of tired mumblings, his body twitching every once in a while from sleeping sitting up.

Raven slowly pushed the demon's paw from atop her body as the morning heat overran the evening chill. She sat up finally and looked around, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Good morning," Bkj rumbled, "I caught some fish for everyone, it's not much but it'll have to do..."

"Sounds good to me." Raven said, stretching, "It doesn't have to be alot, thank you for getting it to begin with." She smiled at him.

Bkj glanced over at Todd who was snoring slightly and shook his head, "Todd is nocturnal so we should let him sleep... Phage?"

"She looks comfortable." Raven smiled at Phage who simply snuggled closer to Todd, "So why not let her sleep for now also?"

The Raeraphume nodded in reply, "Alright... Hopefully Todd won't be too mad..." He chuckled.

"Yeah..." Raven snickered, "But if he is... oh well I guess- nothing we could have done about it, right?"

"Considering anger and hatred are built into his very genes, no, there is nothing we can do about it." Bkj explained quietly, his tail twitching in the morning light, "But it's mostly just an act."

"You going to eat yours raw?" Raven asked, looking over at Bkj questioningly.

He was quiet for a moment before he laid his large head on his front paws, "No. I won't need to eat for a few days now."

"Oh, okay then. I'll just lay some aside for Todd since he seems to prefer them raw." Raven said with a simple shrug, "Now I'll just need to gather some firewood..."

"Be careful," Bkj warned, "It's more dangerous here then in the valley where the humans live, keep your demon close."

Raven nodded, "I'll keep that in mind." She replied, heading for the entrance. The demon stood and followed her out of the cave.

Bkj watched them leave, looking back to the couple in the back before sighing.

Raven and the demon gathered firewood before heading back towards the cave together, "We're back." She said.

The Raeraphume did not respond but simply pointed to a rock ring he had made while they were gone.

Raven nodded at him and made her way to the ring, setting up the logs in the center so that they would burn optimally before settling to lighting the kindling.

He watched her, his back legs stretching briefly as he relaxed in the morning sun.

After a few minutes Raven had the fire going strongly and she began to roast the fish, her stomach growling from the tantalizing scent.

Todd's mouth twitched as his nose caught the scent, however, he continued to sleep. "Will you be cooking some for the nymph?" Bkj asked softly.

"Yes." Raven said, looking over at him, "The rest I'll leave for Todd, and this demon has proven to be a capable hunter... I'm afraid that there wouldn't be enough to fill his belly here..."

"I just hope you won't lose him in the next few days... his kind of near the bottom of the food chain past this pass." He responded to her, his voice still soft.

The demon released a soft growl at his comment as though to say that he wasn't going to die and Raven simply patted him on the nose, "I've faith that he will survive." She replied.

"Alright..." Bkj said back, closing his eyes and scratching a paw over the hard scales near his eyes.

Once the fish had finished roasting Raven set aside some for Phage as she delved into her own hungrily.

Todd grunted and pushed Phage off of him a few inches and sighed angrily when her body fell right back against him once more.

Phage cracked an eye open slowly, content and comfortable, though unsure as to what had awoken her. She looked around slowly, catching sight of Raven making breakfast.

When the Oa realized she was awake he hurriedly slipped his hand over his face and went back to sleep.

Phage pulled herself to her feet and made her way over to Raven, who handed her a cooling fish. Phage grinned and sat down, taking her first bite of the steaming meat.

"So... how did you sleep?" Raven questioned Phage with a small smile quirking her lips.

"Quite well, thanks..." Phage mumbled, taking a larger bite than she meant to and gasping as the hot fish scalded her tongue.

Bkj rumbled in slight laughter, "Careful with thy tongue young nymph..."

Phage stuch her tongue out at him, "No need to make jokes... that really hurt!" She pouted.

He stuck out his tongue back, his tongue being purple and large in comparison to Phage's.

Phage couldn't help but release a soft giggle at the sight of his tongue.

Bkj snorted and stood, shaking himself and walking to the entrance to his cave on slow and heavy feet, glancing over at Todd who still slept.

"Something wrong?" Phage asked, worried that she may have offended him.

"Not at all young child... Just, we shouldn't stay here too much longer..." The Raeraphume replied, "Not another night."

"Soon as Todd is up and has eaten we can leave." Raven said.

Bkj's ears perked up for a moment, along with Todd's crests as they both strained to hear something. Even the demon listened. "We need to go," It was Todd who spoke, standing and placing his scarf around his face.

"What's wrong?" Phage asked as Raven quickly doused their fire.

"Big... big demon headed this way." Todd said, grabbing the fish as fast as he could, "Bkj, can Phage and I ride you?"

The great beast nodded his head, "Of course."

Raven leapt up onto the demon wolf's back as Phage made her way over to Bkj and Todd.

Todd simply tossed her up on Bkj's back, leaping up behind her and Bkj needed no heeding and turned on his back legs and shot out the cave entrance just as the rumbling's of an earthquake met their ears.

The demon quickly followed after the trio, giving a worried whine.

A huge demon, red eyes blazing in a rhinocerus like build crushed the cave, growling and charged after them.

"That was close!" Raven commented, looking back at the remains of the cave, "Do you think we'll be able to outrun it?"

"Won't have to," Todd yelled back as Bkj opened his jaws and let out his silent roar. However, the demon behind them shook its head mid run, the blue not holding onto the red.

"That doesn't look good." Raven said, looking back at the demon.

Bkj snarled but continued to run, through the pass rock and mountain would stop the demon from blundering through behind them.

Raven pressed herself to the demon who sped up to keep from being caught in an attack. Phage followed her as quickly as she could, "What happened with the demon?" She asked Bkj.

"What do you mean?" The Raeraphume called back, not understanding what she meant.

"I mean, how come its eyes didn't stay blue and it didn't run away?" Phage replied.

Bkj looked back, then kept running though he lowered his head to run faster, "It's too big."

"I see." Phage nodded, "But why don't we just attack it then? I mean, I'm certain that all of us together could at the very least wound and frighten it away..."

Jumping from rock to rock like a mountain goat, Bkj climbed higher before answering, "Once we get farther up it might tumble to it's death."

"That sounds like a pretty decent idea." Raven replied, nodding.

"And if it doesn't fall to its death?" Phage asked.

"We fight." Todd said quietly, pulling out his weapons.

Phage nodded agreeably, "Alright then." She said, looking over her shoulder at the demon with a light grin playing on her lips.

Todd however had a different plan. His fabric-like wings snapped out and pulled him into the sky, away from the huge demon's grasp as it stubbled after it tried to grab the Oa. Bkj moved to attack, relying on Phage to back him up. His blades erupting from their housing, Todd slammed into the beast's head, going for it's unprotected eyes.

Phage drew two daggers, ready to attack, "Well, guess there was a change in plan..." She commented.

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2007-11-17 [Aeolynn]: um... isnt she on bkj and isnt the demon huge?

2007-11-17 [Ravendust]: oh wait, I forgot that she was on Bkj ><;; okay...

2007-11-17 [Aeolynn]: *sigh* sorry... kinda been bored of my rps lately...

2007-11-17 [Ravendust]: That's okay... sorry you're bored...

2007-11-17 [Aeolynn]: lol not ur fault, i've just got no ispiration right now

2007-11-17 [Ravendust]: ah, I've had that problem a few times now...

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