Page name: The Solarsystem of Seram [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-19 00:18:01
Last author: LunaFuria
Owner: LunaFuria
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Seram is a Solar system with thirteen planets and two suns.
This is my worlds, this is where my characters live and grow.

The Planets

Kvad: The only planet in the system thats totally square. Three moons: Lu, Op, and Na.
Bi: Two Circles around the planet and twoo moons : Mello and Ira.
Sel: A little Red and Blue planet. One moon: Wa
Allè: This planet has The grand total of nine moons: V, Uv, Iv, Se, I, K, N|, Ran and Ci, thats more than any other planet in Seram.
Tweenis: Tweenis is a combination of two planets, they look like they've melted together but not quite. they've got Two Circles around them. Two moons Kliv and Pi.
Nero: A completly black and fairly small planet, very little is known about it. It has no moons, just the one big silver stone that orbits around it, Cira. Cira is orbeting at high speed and many have tried and failed to get a piece from it. Nobody dares to land on Nero itself. 
Vente:No moons at all! Vente is full of religious fanatics who believe in the great Star (witch is actually the planet Nav only they don't know that) They have never had contact with anyone that's not from Vente. 
Columbose: The biggest of the planets, also known as the Hugi amongst the Wioans.
Wio: Wio is the home of a primitive race witch is not Elflings. They are swamp dwelling creatures. Very supersticious and doesent like anything different than themselves, like the time Dan found a new spicies of butterfly, that was bad so they killed it. They've never seen an Elfling. And maybe thats for the best?

The Suns

Los and Sol. The myth about these two suns witch is known throughout the system, is that they were two Elflings of the Highest in the beginning of all. They thought that never could the system be safe and grow if it did'nt have guardians and light, and so they left all including each other and went to either side and became the guardians, the Suns. So strong was the love of the world that they gave up eachother, never to see the other again. Sol is the Center and Mother and Los is the Protector and father. 

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