Page name: The Versteckte Oase [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-02 15:37:52
Last author: Rambert
Owner: Bri-chan
# of watchers: 3
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The Versteckte Oase


Welcome to the "Hidden Oasis". Here is a place where most Anthro's and creatures alike come to escape the stress from Mitternacht Route. A large pond sits in the center of the Park, home to many water-creatures such as Mer-People and Water Fairies. The trees come in all sorts of sizes, and create perfect shades to sit under for an afternoon nap, while small children run around and play with one another while their parents sit from the sidelines to either talk or watch their offsprings. So come and enjoy the wonders and relaxation of the Mitternacht Park.


Note: Please create different pages for separate discussions.


Main Discussion:

They ran for about three blocks, and then came upon the park. Gregory slowed to a walk, but still held Desya's hand, which was very warm now from their running. They walked in companiable silence through the dappled sunlight, and then Gregory chose a bench that overlooked the lake and gestured for Desya to sit with him. Gregory took a deep breath and breathed, "it's beautiful, isn't it?" White puffy clouds swirled in the blue sky above them, creating moving shadows on the water.

Desya was a little out of breath from the run, but he looked around, "i-it is. very pretty." he was accutely aware of Gregories hand, but decided to pay the warmth seeming to spread through him on the run, despite the fact that it seemed to be coming from the touch. he instead tried to keep himself amused with watching the children play.

After a few moments, Gregory started talking softly. "Do you know, this was the first place that Brian took me on a date? We spent the whole day here, feeding the ducks, playing with random kids, and laughing and smiling so much that my face was sore for hours afterward." He looked at Desya, and his green eyes blazed with emotion. "I'm sorry if I'm embarassing you, but I've never felt this way about anyone since him. I..." He stared down at their hands, which were still entwined. "I understand... if you don't... you know..." he searched for an analogy, "play on my team." He let go of Desya's hand and shook his head. "What am I thinking... you're probably about as straight as an arrow, right?" He ran a hand through his hair again, feeling very awkward.

Desya spoke slowly, trying to get the words right, ". . n-no. . . i. . i think. . i mean, i don't know. . .what you mean, but. . . i, i think that i am. . .the same as you?"
he lowered his eyes to the ground, terrified he had missunderstood Gregory's meaning in some way, he added quietly, "a-and you donn't emberis me. . "

Gregory's heart leapt. He could only stutter, "R-r-really?" He took Desya's hand again, and it seemed like an electric charge shot through him. Using his other hand, he lifted Desya's face so that he was looking at him rather than at the ground. Their faces were so close together that he could feel Desya's breath.

Desya tensed, involentarily holding his breath, he tried to make himself calm down, cautiously smiling, "y-yes. . . ??" he tried to look anywhere but at Gregory afraid of what he may or may not see.

"Look at me," Gregory said, seeing Desya's eyes darting about. "Do you... do you like me?" He looked almost pleadingly at Desya.

he couldn't help tensing more, feeling rather cornered.
"y-yes. . ." it was barely autable, although it was heartfelt, Desya had a nagging feeling that it wasn't good enough, he tightened his grip on Gregory's hand and chanced a look into his eyes, quickly returning his veiws elsewhere, as though he didn't want to be caught in the act.

"Look at me," Gregory repeated, wanting desperately to see the truth in Desya's eyes.

slowly Desya brought his eyes from the lake to Gregory's, he was terrified, for reasons he couldn't explain, but wanted desperately to make Gregory happy, although doubting very much that he was able to do so.

Gregory's eyebrows scrunched together in concern. "What's the matter? You're trembling..." He thought about drawing away, but for some reason could not bring himself to. He looked into Desya's eyes and saw fear... a knot began to curl up in his stomach, and he tried to shove the thought to the back of his mind that kept trying to surface, but he couldn't hold it back much longer...

Desya swallowed nervously, "a-am i. . .?? i am sorry. . . " he didn't know what to do with himself, he certantly didn't want to appear as though he didn't like Gregory, but he was cautious, he didn't want another relationship like his last, Gregory's story hadn't helped, either. he found himself wondering if his mother hadn't been right, maybe being gay would put him in hell, a living hell. he shook his head, closing his eyes, no, that wasn't right, he would be happy.

he took a deep breath and opened his eyes, smiling appologetically he tried to explain as lightly as possible, "i am sorry. . . i haf been, how you say. . .mentally f-fucked?" as he said the last word, his look of mild terror returned, although not nearly as seriously as before, he could just imagine the look on his mother's face if she had heard him using such language, ah well, another thing he would prove her wrong with.

Suddenly the thought that had been swimming around in Gregory's mind burst out through his mouth before he could stop it. "You're seeing someone else, aren't you? Oh, God, how could I have been so stupid!!! Of course, that explains everything: why you're so hesitant, why you're almost bloody terrified to look at me..." He let go of Desya's hand and stood up, taking a deep, shuddering breath. He looked Desya in the eye and said, "It's not you who should be apologizing, it's me. I'm sorry, so, so sorry..." He turned away so that Desya could not see his eyes, which were starting to fill with tears. Nasty little voices in his head were whispering, You fucked up, you screwed yourself over, falling for someone who's already taken, you big brute, you practically jumped the poor kid... you don't deserve anyone you great big arsehole... Gregory squeezed his eyes shut to try to shut out the voices, but to no avail. He turned his gaze to the lake again, and looked without seeing out over the waters. Now he was the one who was trembling... from sheer sadness.

Desya jumpted to his feet, cursing himself, he had said something wrong, as he knew he would. he had ment to lighten the mood, and had made it worse.
"ah. .. n-no!! i. . . i haf note been seeing anyone for. . .a long time naow. ." he stopped, swallowing again and standing in silence for a moment.

putting a hand hesitantly on Gregory's shoulder, he continued, "i. . . i am not terrified of you. . . i just. . . i just. .. ah, don't be sorry!!" he was all red again, he just knew it, he could feel it burning in his face. he didn't know how to explain to Gregory that he wasn't afraid of him, but himself, how was he to say that he didn't want Gregory to hate him, how could he explain the years of his mother telling him that he was wrong, damned, the devil's child. . . how was he to explain that the only man who had expressed interest in him before had turned out to be a sadistic bastard? how on earth was he to explain that he thought his mother might be right, how was he to tell Gregory that he was terrified that he might turn out to be just as evil as his ex?? there must be a reason behind the years of being told he was bad, he had to be bad. . . Gregory didn't seem bad, he didn't want to make him bad. . .

Desya's mind spiraled, but he tried to speak, "please. . . i sorry. . . don't . . don't be sad?" he had moved to see Gregory's face, and seeing tears, he mentally smacked himself, "n-no!" he wanted to wipe the tears away, he wanted to see Gregory smile, but he was terrified that he would just make it worse again.

Gregory's heart skipped a beat when Desya said he hadn't been seeing anyone. He looked into those beautiful eyes, and suddenly those eyes became blurred as tears obscured his vision. He wiped them on his sleeve and sniffed. "I'm sorry... I'm an emotional wreck." He went and sat back down on the bench and wrapped his arms around himself, like he was cold, only it was a very warm day. "I just..." He shook his head.

Desya wasn't sure if he had messed up again or not, cautiously he sat down next to Gregory, bending down so that he could look over and up into his eyes, suddenly self-consious of his blind eye, he brushed the thought away. he put a hand tentitively on Gregory's shoulder, rubbing lightly "h-hey. . . is all o-k naow. . . yess?" he made a concious effort to continue looking at him.

Desya's touch sent tingles swarming all over Gregory's body. He smiled and wiped his eyes again, and now they were dry. "Yes.... I'm okay now." He sat up and put a hand on Desya's cheek. "Thank you..." He stroked some of Desya's hair out of his face and tucked it behind his ear. He really was cute... Gregory started to say something, but the words stuck in his throat. He wanted to gaze at this face forever...

Desya flinched as the hair was pushed from his face, but stubbornly didn't move away, although he was pretty sure that his blind eye was squinting in an effort to hide itself. he tried to look at Gregory, studying his features as if this were his only chance. maybe it would be, for all he knew?

he swallowed again, making a little noise and jumping at the sound of it, surprized that he had done such a thing. he almost laughed at himself when he realized what he was doing.
he smiled slowly,expectingly, "you. .. h-happy naow. . .??"

Gregory took a deep breath and leaned in closer. "Yes, I'm very happy..." He knew what he wanted to do, but still hesitated, not knowing if Desya wanted to, and the last thing he wanted to do was go too far with him.

Desya thought he recognized this situation, he was pretty sure this lead to kissing, but he reminded himself that the only person he had kissed had been really messed up, so perhaps Gregory didn't want to kiss him at all??

he didn't know, he didn't want to do something wrong. . . but then he wanted to do it, and before he could stop himself, he had closed his eyes, leant forward even closer, and pressed his lips gently to Gregory's. the moment he realized this, however, he pulled back, eyes fearfull.

Gregory, who had been thrilled at Desya's move, now looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. "Is anything wrong?" He put his hand on Desya's face again.

"n-no. . . " he swallowed, his eye stuck on Gregory's lips and refusing to move, no matter how hard he tried, " . . not at all. . ." he leaned back in a little closer, his eyes hooded, but did not make any contact, half his mind screaming 'STOP', and the other half decidedly focused on the warmth of the the breath he could feel coming from Gregory.

"All right then," Gregory breathed, and he moved so that his lips were barely touching Desya's. He gave him a kiss so light that it was barely a kiss at all; it was more of an enticement for another kiss. He moved back slightly, but their faces were inches apart. "Is that better?" he whispered.

he nodded, "y-yeah. . ." he changed his mind, "uh. . no. i mean. . .no. no it's not." he said quickly, oddly driven to convince his mind to say 'yes' whole-heartedly. he moved in awkwardly, pressing his lips to Gregory's with a bit more force, setting himself off-balance for a moment and then correcting it, this time he didn't move away though, determined not to let the anoying half of his brain (that was still telling him to stop, although now seemed rather dazed) take over agian.

Gregory's mind reeled with the force and passion of the kiss, but suddenly what Desya had just said clicked into his brain. With an odd sucking noise he pried himself away and said, panting slightly, "Wait... it's not better? What's that supposed to mean?" He looked at Desya with a mixture of concern and hurt.

Desya laughed sheepishly, slightly embarassed by himself, "oh, sthat. . . i am sorry. i think i was trying to be . . . 'funny', again." he smiled appologetically, "but i see sthat it was nott. . " he bit his bottom lip, frustrated with himself, "i haf to stop doink sthat. . ."

he tried to explain, although it probably wasn't necissary, "you see. . . i said sthat it was nott better, because you did nott kiss me very maach, sso i make it better, by kissink you more. . ??" at the sound of this, he suddenly realized how stupid he must seem, and started turning red again.

Gregory grinned. "Well we can remedy that," he said, and his mouth devoured Desya's. He couldn't believe that he was actually doing this... but his rational thoughts left him as he was swept up in the kiss.

Desya made a soft noise in his throat, happy to comply to this act, eventually he broaght himself to fight back, ravaging Gregory's mouth with as much vigor as he was being assaulted with.

Gregory pulled Desya to him, feeling his warmth. He moaned with satisfaction and his insides squirmed with pleasure. The kiss was sending small shivers down his spine as he continued playing with Desya's tongue.

Desya gave into the sensations, his thoughts becoming blurred with overwhelming satisfaction, both physically and emotionally. then the rational part of his mind broke through, and he pulled away suddenly, his face red, and breathing hard, "ah . .we. .. uh. . we haf to stopp. .. " he swallowed, licking his lower lip involentarily, "or. . .or i won't be able to. . ." a deep breath, "i won't be able to stop."

with this he closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on bringing his breath and heartbeat under control, afraid to open his eyes and see people staring, or worse, Gregory angry.

Gregory was a bit miffed at first, but then understood completely where Desya was coming from: this was a very public place. While Desya had his eyes closed, he chanced a look 'round: Thankfully, no one was looking at them too closely. "It's ok, I understand," he said, panting slightly also. He looked at his watch. "It's almost 5:30; we should head over to Angela's," he said, not wanting to sound rushed, but hoping to make Desya feel comfortable enough to open his eyes again. He gave him a quick peck on the cheek and whispered in his ear, "Come on, then, love." He stood up, streched, and waited for Desya to join him.

happy that he wasn't angry, and reassured by his positive reaction, Desya opened his eyes and joined Gregory.

Gregory started to take Desya's hand again, but then hesitated. "You don't... mind, do you?" he ventured.

Desya felt a smile quirk the edge of his lips, and let it, as he replied by putting his hand in Gregory's.

Gregory felt a surge of happiness as the two of them walked out of the park and towards Angela's house. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something wonderful... He couldn't help beaming as they walked down the main road of Mitternacht Route.

Desya certaintly felt warm and fuzy inside as they walked along, although he had no idea where they were going (where did Angela live, anyway?), he couldn't help entertaining the idea of this becoming an actual, healthy relationship.

Continue at Angela's Apartment Discussions

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2005-08-01 [Bri-chan]: wow, you guys have been busy ^.~ didn't think a park was in "high-demand"...

2005-08-01 [Okami]: nevermind, that was mean. sorry. (assuming somebody read that comment)

2005-08-01 [Bri-chan]: ....o_O?

2005-08-01 [Okami]: exsactly. oi, Bri, isn't it yer turn in the Forest??

2005-08-01 [Rambert]: Hey, Bri, could you make us a nice new page for Angela's apartment? Or should I just put the discussion onto the page where the description of Angela's apartment is? Either way...

2005-08-02 [Bri-chan]: hmm.... make a page called "Angela's Apartment Discussions", and put et in where the description for her home is, and that's where you can go whenever she invites someone to her home ^ ^

2005-08-02 [Rambert]: ok! thanks! *scuttles off*

2005-08-02 [Rambert]: All done! *Beckons to Bri and Okami* Come on then, onwards! Especially you, Bri... you need to post!!! Ao's been very very quiet... XD

2005-08-02 [Bri-chan]: um, okay o.o  and oh! Ao's name is now 'Charlotte' (because 'Ao' is a Japanese name, but she lives in Medieval Germany) but she hates to be called 'Charlotte' because et means 'tiny and feminine'. So, she makes people call her 'Lotte' because et means 'masculine', but some people still call her 'Charlotte' to annoy her XD

2005-08-02 [Rambert]: Okay..... lol reminds me of "Little Lotte", but whatever... XP You still need to post though!!!

2005-08-03 [Bri-chan]: um, I'm not exactly sure of what all you guys did, so, fill me in on the important details o.o

2005-08-03 [Rambert]: :P you COULD just read it.... but I'm feeling gracious. You left us back at the coffee shop, so I'll go from there. Desya finds out about Gregory's past from Angela, because Gregory still is unwilling to talk about it much. (To make a long story short, he got cheated on by his bisexual bf.. he went for the other sex.) So then Angela pretty much cleared the air by taking Ao (Excuse me, Lotte) to the Museum (or whatever), leaving Desya and Gregory alone. They go to the park, and... you can pretty much guess from there >.>

2005-08-03 [Rambert]: And now we're at Angela's place, where she's cooking dinner. Lotte's been hanging with her for the whole day, so you two should be pretty chummy by now... relatively speaking XD

2005-08-03 [Okami]: *cackles*

2005-08-03 [Rambert]: lol things are always funnier when they're concise : )

2005-08-03 [Bri-chan]: .:sticks tongue out at LOTR and Ouka:. ef et wasn't for me, you two wouldn't even be in this RP right now...

2005-08-03 [Okami]: true enough, but threats will get ye nowhere, as it's easy enough to move to a different place if ye don't want us here :p not that i'd ever do that.

2005-08-03 [Bri-chan]: .:thinks for a moment:. yer right o.o but I did post!! So "Ha!"

2005-08-03 [Okami]: but . . ye didn't post in the forest *cries* ye said ye would. . .

2005-08-03 [Bri-chan]: oh. right. *poofs over to the forest*

2005-08-03 [Okami]: yaaay!!

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