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2004-05-14 [Finnguala]: My Wiccan Rede is different 0_o
2004-05-15 [Dracotot]: theres alot of different versions of the rede but they all give the same message, just some are worded dif. ^_^
2004-05-28 [Reinos]: ok i have a question..... in the reed it says "Dosil go by the waxing moon chanting out ye baleful tune When ye Lady's moon is new kiss ye hand to her times two"..... i dont under stand what is ment by that... Dosil go by the waxing moon........ peacefuly follow the growing moon...... chanting out ye baleful tune..... chanting out loud your tune..... now the word baleful has a couple of diffrent meanings... one is forshadowing evil... but i dont think that that is it another is sorrowful which is a posibility and the last is deadly or sinister....wh
2004-07-23 [just a person]: whats a Wiccan Rede?
2004-07-26 [Dracotot]: The wiccan rede was wrote long ago, and all wiccans abide it - we follow it!, Once you are wiccan you have the tast of rewritting the rede into your own words and what it means to you. Its very important
2004-09-03 [Flutterbi]: IT'S THE REAL REDE!! I'm impressed, I figured it was just a bunch of people pretending to be "witches" and what not, well i stand corrected!! Blessed Be
2004-09-06 [Dracotot]: *winks* at Flutterbi! lol, i wouldnt put anything else up hunni!
2005-01-23 [frankie j]: "Eight words the Wiccan Rede fufill: And ye harm none do what ye will" i have this tattooed on my back!!
2005-02-15 [ObsidianFalcon]: i like the look of this wiki
2005-04-19 [chaika]: me too
2005-06-20 [~Saraneth~]: I am not Wiccan but Ido have friends that are. May i just say, (as a newbie to Wicca and otherwise stupid) the Wiccan Rede is very beautiful.
2005-06-27 [_Envy_Me_]: wow, thats beautiful!
2005-09-24 [Dracotot]: yeh the wiccan rede is beautiful, theres alot of meaning with it - one of the first things you should do as a beginner to wicca is to put the rede into your own words. it helps alot
2005-11-12 [Morbid Poet]: it is very beautiful have any of you guys read the book that goes with it and takes you step though step with each part
2006-02-23 [Dracotot]: the first task to understanding wicca is to put the rede into your own words, for me thats wot I tell ppl anyway! People must understand what they read
2006-04-11 [Nekko's Revenge]: yep. this is the one I use! ^^
2007-08-05 [Candle Jack]: i forget, what is beltane again?
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