Page name: The life of Vanion D'ask [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-22 23:35:46
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Title of story: The life of Vanion D'ask
Author: Yay for [silent_voice]
Story: As time passed, Vanion's pain grew, more and more. Whenever someone came to see him he tried to put on a brave face, will power was the only thing that had kept him going, willpower to get things right with his son, and see his grandson. Vanion's will was breaking though. He was loosing the fight, he tried so hard to stay alive, surviving multiple fits of coughing, pain and almost death's. His frame was so raggity thin, his fur no longer shone with pride, but hung in lumps, his skin was like a loose jumper, too big for him. His eyes were constantly in pain but he refused to die. Vanion's hands had curled up and now were almost impossible to open, some of his teeth had fallen out, his breathing was always laboured. But still he put himself through the torture. Through it just to see his grandson... and to fix things with Cilean, that was prominant on his mind. he had to see Cilean. He had to talk to Cilean. Finally, they entered the night where Djean's child was to be born. Vanion lay in the dark, breathing hard, forcing his body to work just that little bit more. Just that little bit. Looking up he saw his wife. He tried to smile, but it changed to a grimace of pain, tears welled in his eyes "Cilean?" he asked in a whisper. Always he asked for his son, to see him, to talk to him. Djean was on another floor, entering labour, Cilean would probably be there. Yasu was crying silently, her eyes red and her chest heaving. "He's with Djean, my love... I'm sorry.. do you want me to get him?" she asked in a whisper, leaning close. Vanion nodded slowly "Please... I... I need to talk with him... I need to talk to him Yasu.. please." he whispered softly, tears falling. Vanion grimaced in pain again as he felt death's clutches tightening around him "Hurry." he whispered softly.

Yasu nodded and quickly got up, running up the stairs (not wanting to bother with the slow elevator) to Djean's room. Cilean was there, holding Djean's hand and helping her through the contractions like Darson was holding her other hand. "Cilean! Your father wants to see you! Now!" she panted. Cilean blinked at his mom, then looked down at Djean as if asking permission. He really didn't want to leave his sister's side when she was in labor. Djean nodded quickly, reaching up she grabbed the front of his shirt and hefted him down, showing surprising strength "Its about time.... you two.." She growled in pain "GOT THIS SHIT OFF YOUR CHESTS!" She roared in his face "YOU FUCKING GO TO HIM AND DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING COME BACK TILL YOU SORTED IT OUT!" She whined and growled at Darson, letting Cilean go "You! Your not going anywhere" She said pointing at him and squeezing his hand hard.

Vanion breathing slowed, his eyes started to loose there light. He slowly let two tears drop, pulling up the covers slightly he pulled out an envelope. Holding it in his claw like hand he smiled softly "I love you... all of you." he whispered softly, breathing out slowly. Vanion closed his eyes, a final tear rolled down his cheek. He didn't breathe in. Vanion's last thoughts were of when he was a child, walking along the beach, Yasu in his arms, before they had children, before they had sadness. Just Vanion D'ask, the handsome young cat, full of life and energy, and Yasu, the way he had always seen her. His loving wife, beautiful, perfect. The tear that rolled down his face wasn't one of pain, or sadness. Just happy at that perfect last thought before the feline passed on, his heart slowed, then stopped as the life finally exited the cat. That was it... his 9 months of agony, over with a final breath, a final release from this world. Vanion was free, his spirit rose from his body, the strong, young black cat he always was, he looked down at his body then walked out of the room, time seemed to have stopped for the feline. Walking upstairs he moved to his frozen wife. he smiled softly walking up to her he kissed her softly, and put something in her hand, a picture of the image in his head, for her keychain, just a small snapshot of the pair when they were young, he put his arms around his wife and whispered in her ear "Ill be waiting for you Yasu. Forever ill wait... treat our grandchildren well." He moved to his son, looking at him he smiled broadly and put his arms around him "I love you son. You've never made me unhappy and ive always been proud of you." He then walked to his daughter, kissing her forehead "My baby girl. I love you Djean, Never forget How much your daddy loves you. And treat your man well... he is good" Vanion stepped back. Looking at his family he smiled and nodded "Alright... I love you all." he said softly and walked out, walking down the hall he turned back and waved as he too froze, then faded out of sight.

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