Page name: The security desk [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-16 16:09:21
Last author: DracoDormiens
Owner: abyss_angel
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The security desk

back to the guild of the damned

In order to get to the rooms below, a guild member must first go through security ( a stone room with a mean looking imp guard)
You must state why you wish to enter the chambers and get rid of all weaponry.

roleplay below this line

Lexy pressed the buzzer on the heavy iron door of security. A small, rather pathetic looking imp peered through the peephole and let her in. "Name, reason for visit, guests?" He said in a monotone voice. "Im Lexy from the black heart. Im here for an meeting in the tactics room. Oh and theres a few others with me." The imp nodded slowly. He then proceded to search her for weapons. "Woah easy...erm tiger." She said with a grin and placed two daggers on the table. "Thats everything."
The imp proceeded on to Raze, who snarled at him. "Your weapons, please," the imp said. Raze stepped away. "I give my weapons to no one! They are mine, and I will not trust you them." The imp sighed, and Raze pulled out his sword. But not to give it to the imp. He pressed the edge against the imp's throat and grinned. "Will I pass through WITH my weapons?" he hissed.
"Raze," kazul said fed up, "that is so Aragorn like" she said "Oh, look I've got the flame of the west and I'm so cool, I don't give my sword to anybody." kazul imitated.
"Here Imp, this is my gun, and here my sword, take good care of them or you will be found by the crows, hanging from a tree with so much blood and scars covering your beaten body that not even you own mother would reconize you, you get that?"
The Imp squeeked and staggered backwards in fright of Kazuls gleaming red eyes.
Raze laughed. "Ooooh, really scary, arent we? You're a vampire, what else could we expect?" He turned to the frightened imp. "I will give you my sword. But if you don't take good care of it, I'll do what Kazul said, only a hundred times worse." He gave the imp a long, silvery- blue sword and a long knife. "Knives are so last year..." he muttered.
"Damn right." Said Lexy with a grin. "Oh and don't underestimate this little fellow. He's got ogres round the back." She ruffled the imps few hairs. "So can we go?"
The imp sighed once more and reluctantly opened the door leading to the tunnels. "Follow me to the tactics room!" Shouted Lexy to the others.

"Hiho, hiho, it's of to the room we go! To discuss and decide, the angels' homeside. Hiho, hiho, hiho, hiho" Kazul sang as she marched inot the room after Lexy.
Raze sighed, snarled to the imp and followed them.

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