The religion Wicca
What defines Wicca
Wicca is the religion based on witchcraft, it's not a very old religion and yet it made a huge impact on modern day society, you can find interested people by the dozen on internet sites,
Wicca itself has a core with the believe of the goddess, the moon, and in most paths also the god, the sun, celebrating or conducting rituals at full moon, following the paganistic yearly celebrations and ritual magic.
I think that pretty much displays the general explanation of what makes Wicca what it is, there is much more focussing on the admiration of the goddess and rituals, if you follow a certain path you can also choose to try to become a member of a coven, a tight group of fellow believers that might let you in if they get a good vibe of you,
So.. how does a ritual go then?
Well I will give you a random example, it's different per coven and person, lets say someone thinks he's being haunted by an evil spirit, the coven gets together on an empty moon (when its black) because that is the best day for banishing rituals, they go to the scene, the priestess draws her sword and walks 3 circles with the sword pointing outwards while chanting a protection spell to make a circle of protection, afterwards the coven members enter the circle with some ingredients to lay on the altar, black stones and a scent, they might sacrifice it to earth by laying it in the grass or they might not, the members and the priestess will start concentrating on the spell, or chanting it out loud, most likely a simple poem you can remember, over and over and over and over, untill the priestess starts ending the ritual.
Afterwards they'll probably have a drink and some fun.. a coven is much more then a group that fullfills rituals, it's a close group of friends and the job of the high priestess is to keep it that way, she's the mother of the coven, you can go to her for any problems.
Note, nowadays you may enter a coven but find yourself paying up to 3000 euro or dollars because of all the extra costs, I've spoken to several people in this little subsociety and found out it's an absolutely normal adjustment for the current society
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