Page name: Tiberius relictor [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-12-18 19:01:50
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 1
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Username: [Talos Cyrion]

Character Name: Tiberius relictor

Gender: Male

Race: Half Were-Hunter/Half Daimon

Animal: Hawk

Gennisi: Arcadian

Age: 27

Assigned City: St. Louis

Personality: Caring when he wants to be. Tiberius is reviled of that which is caged within him and this often shows in the form of being aloof and withdrawn.

Physical Appearance: see picture below.

Strengths: The Diamon inactive grants him his elemental ability. When active it lends him this as well as strengh and speed that many would find hard to match.

Weaknesses: His greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. The Daimon only remains compliant so long as Tiberius shows no weakness (meaning no hesitation/fear) and keeps his temper under control.

Weapons: Reaper chains, and a katana.

Hobbies: In human form he prefers to teach and train when he can. This is rare though as he doesn't often let somone get that close. When in hawk form, and when not hunting animals to eat, sitting on who ever's shoulder talking to them.

Abilities: The Daimon has granted him the ability to wield lightning. When the Daimon awakens it grants him unnatural speed and strength such that he can tear his opponent limb from limb as if he where tearing paper.

Pets: none.

History: Tiberius remembers little of his family or for that matter anything prior to the Daimon being imprisoned within him other than it being a bittersweet memory of a life now well beyond his grasp.

Other: The Daimon within Tiberius calls himself Dias irae meaning the day of wrath. The Daimon within Tiberius has been tamed to an extent, however when someone he cares about is hurt or threatened, or he is forced to fight the Daimon lends Tiberius its' power.

When the Daimon is awakened

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2009-12-16 [Synirria]: I'm sorry, I couldn't help it...

2009-12-17 [Talos Cyrion]: no no it's perfectly fine...the picture thing was irratating me any ways lol. Thanks :)

2009-12-18 [Talos Cyrion]: ok so is he in?

2009-12-18 [Synirria]: He's in but fill in the Hobbies section, weapons section, and strengths section

2009-12-18 [Talos Cyrion]: ahh ok. what do you call that weapon in the pic? lol

2009-12-18 [Synirria]: Hmmm I'd call them Reaper chains lol

2009-12-18 [Talos Cyrion]: ooh i like that.

2009-12-19 [Synirria]: Hehe

2009-12-19 [Talos Cyrion]: lol, it's a fitting name. When Dias irae addresses Acheron, i was thinking the voice would sound like (i can't believe i've brought this much anime) the hollow voice from bleach.

2009-12-19 [Synirria]: Wait...Dias Irae? I thought that was just the voice of the daimon in him?

2009-12-19 [Synirria]: Oh don't forget your character has to swear brotherhood time Ravyn

2009-12-19 [Talos Cyrion]: Dias irae is the name of the Daimon within him. Is it to Acheron or Ravyn?

2009-12-19 [Synirria]: It's to Ravyn, since you'll be pretty much with Ravyn 24/7 as of right now.

I don't want Acheron in the rp much...he wasn't in the books much so I want that to stay the same, makes it easier.

2009-12-19 [Talos Cyrion]: ahh ok.

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