Dueling Chamber
To Make You Think
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Poem's Title: Unheard
I move to melodies unheard
By anyone at all,
They ring and sing in river and stream
As I dance the path Life builds to the silent song –
I smile to smile – do I smile to you?
Smile back to discover the truth –
I do.
Poem's Title: Dreams to Flesh
Dreams were never meant to be
Made reality, given flesh
Allowed a life, nor hope
Dreams are meant to be fantasy
Purely unattainable, ethereal
False pretense, lofty creations
Dreams are what we strive for
Yet can never have, just out of reach
Teasing us, flight of fancy
So what becomes of a dream made flesh
When the dreamer awakes, opens its eyes
Does it slowly fade like a half remembered memory?
Or vanish like the last tatters of a morning fog, chased away by the sun?
Dreams are not meant to be reality...
2789) Get those cogs rollin and those cobs dusted. (Administrator: [KainVM])
Number of voters: 4
* a) Unheard
Number of votes: 2 (50%)
* b) Dreams to Flesh
Number of votes: 2 (50%)
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