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ToW: Hiuko Silverbane [Logged in view]
2010-08-17 14:44:17
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Name: Hiuko Silverbane
Race: Half blood elf half human
Age: 190
Weapon: Unarmed
Armor: None
Magic: None
Strengths: Pretty much anything really. Wide or confined space, places with a lot or a little activity. Really I can't draw on just one because of the vast number but this vast number comes from the ability to adapt to his surroundings, I actually didn't plan for this. Also being alive for as long as he has he knows many things.
Weaknesses: Strong smells that he thinks are bad smelling, extremely loud sounds, and fighting in either sand, water, or mid-air because it takes away his best weapon; vibration location. As for knowledge wise he is bad with names.
Appearance: Short (About 5'4") and scrawny with long silver hair that goes halfway down his back and has long bangs that go past his blind grey eyes that also seem full of knowledge past that of most people even ten times his age. He wears a gray tunic, grey leggings, and no shoes. All of his clothes are clean. He also has an ritualistic seal on his hand that keeps him bound to his pet demon cat Bangs. He, like most elves, has pointed ears but he has a human face. He also has green rucksack that contains food, water, flint, and a hand carved wooden flute. He also has a cat named Bangs, named so because she likes to bat around or nibble on Hiuko's bangs. Bangs is a cat as small as a kitten and has brown with white stripes, or the other way around, not sure, anyway. Bang is a demon cat so thus she looks like a normal cat but can, in a startling transformation
, turn into a giant black cat with thicker fur, rougher fur, sharper claws and teeth, a roar that even frightens the largest of animals, and giant demonic wings. The wings however can be brought out in little cat form showing a small cat with small demon wings. Bangs is as old as Hiuko and travels in his rucksack. His rucksack fits around his shoulders by a rope that is attached to said rucksack.
Personality: He is a nice, patient, and calm person. He is not prejudice and is quick to make either friends or enemies and is quick to forget them to if he wishes to part with the memory. He is quick to think in and out of a battle but even quicker to act. He, although short, is extremely powerful and can take down enemies quickly if he wishes to. He also hates people who even mention sex and he hates muscle bound pea brains. He believes strongly in the theory of knowledge is power. Lastly he doesn't like people who take pity on him or go easy on him in a fight just because he is blind. If in a fight and the person goes easy then his opponent will be killed mercilessly and quickly. They deserved it for underestimating him. Can't forget about Bangs either! Over time Bangs has developed her own personallity. She is quick to get annoyed which Hiuko has picked up on and uses to get on her last nerve all the time. She is also very analytical and she has a sort of sixth sense which can detect a person power so evenif something looks pathetic she can tell if it truly is pathetic or if it holds a stronger power. She also says many insults to Hiuko but that is just how they bond, in reality they both trust the other with their lives and it is more out of friendship now than it was when they first met and found they were bound to each other by the ritualistic seal on his hand and her back. They both like to fight and when they do they know their limit and they both know how and when to push it and if done correctly they can unleash a power great enough to wipe out existance (as you might be able to tell the great power they can unleash is evil). Although they are working on that minor, wiping out existance detail, they can fight anyone and live. They usually win but they have been known to lose a few sparring matches for being careless
History: The story of Hiuko starts, of course, with his parents. Rykoon and Sylvia Silverbane were great parents both with unusual traits. His father Rykoon was a blood elf of incredible physical strength. The blood elves were created in labs by magical genetic engineering and it was a success and a new race was born! Some have arcane or divine magic while others blessed with mountains of physical strength. His father Rykoon was not an original but the offspring of a gene spliced elf and he passed on the traits of a blood elf to Hiuko. His mother, although human, was less than normal also. Hiuko’s grandparent, on his mother’s side, both had an abnormality. His grandfather had Magic Tongue, which let him talk to anything and in any language. He could even talk to plants, animals, beasts, and demons too! His grandmother had the unique abnormality of stomach compact which lets you retain food. She could eat a meal and that could sustain her for a week. Also his that ability you can eat as much as you want or as little. You only feel hungry when your retained food is gone. Also you don’t get stomach aches and stomach viruses because you are immune if you have stomach compact. His mother was born with both abnormalities and passed them on to Hiuko. Rykoon and Sylvia met outside a village and Sylvia found Rykoon when he was injured about to die. She helped him recover and they fell in love in little time. Knowing that a normal village wouldn’t let them marry they not only left the country but also the continent. The ship however was attacked and even after Rykoon defeated the monster the ship was still wrecked. Rykoon and Sylvia found some planks of wood they set forth paddling with their feet towards a continent in the distance. They found themselves on land outside a forest. A couple of dwarfs and gnomes helped them out of the water and took them to their home. The village in the forest was the perfect place for them to live because it was free of prejudice. They were full breeds and half-breeds of all sorts! Hiuko was born a year after their marriage and grew up happily as a half-elf. He was taught by many different races as teachers and his friends were all sorts of races also. One of his friends was even a half-dragon! When Hiuko was born there was a litter of kittens born and when Hiuko opened his eyes, Bang opened her eyes too. When the doctor wiped off Hiuko he found a seal on his hand and the same thing for Bangs. Hiuko and Bangs had a strong attraction to each other their whole life and when he was just ten he ran off and found Bangs in the same village. When Bangs’ owner saw the mark on his hand was the same as Bangs’ mark, although it was Fluffy at the time, she knew they were meant to be together and they were never apart again. When Bangs and Hiuko touched for the first time their seals burned and a telepathic link was set. Bangs was also a half-breed cat it seemed. She was a cross between a demon cat and a regular cat. Although unlike Hiuko she can change shape to either side of her heritage. Also being linked by the seal means that the one with a shorter life span can live as long as the one with the longer life span. That same year Hiuko’s sister Kiki was born with the same traits as him although not marked with the seal. Hiuko fell in love with a supposed human girl who was actually a dragoon, her species lived on another planet. They got married rather quickly and at age thirty they started having children. Although they only had two when men came to bring the dragoon back to the organization. While trying to fight off the evil men trying to take the one he loved he was cursed with an irremovable curse of blindness. He was taught, though meditation, the ability to ‘see’ using his other senses and he was soon very good at it. Also with this ability he became quicker at deciphering an opponents next moves and this made his curse, a gift! He gave his children to his parents thinking his quest to be a short one and he set off to find her and not too long into the search he met the dark knight! The knight managed to knock out Bangs and trick Hiuko into losing his footing in a stream by a waterfall. Hiuko slipped and fell down the waterfall and the dark knight threw Hiuko’s rucksack (because Bangs was resting in there after being knocked out) over the waterfall edge too! He woke up in a bed in the house of a family of potion makers. They found him almost dead by the waterfall while the potion family’s daughter was out playing with the baby sitter. Both he and Bangs had amnesia but they gave both a potion to regain their memory. It was an incomplete potion though because they were one herb short. They still had no memory of what happened but they remember an organization taking Hiuko’s wife away for some reason. They now have full memory of their past but at the time they have very little. While in the village the dark knight heard Hiuko survived and came to kill him for sure and this time Hiuko won because he had forgotten the formal techniques he once knew and he was able to fight freestyle! Hiuko and Bangs left the village in search of their memory and they hope to one day find it! Recently Hiuko has traveled to many places around the world feeling destiny calling him everywhere he goes. He has met many people who he has made a strong friendship with. Bangs too has found friends. They also found out a couple tricks from a spiritual teacher, one is soul mixing which can only be done by two being that are linked to each other. Bangs and hiuko can combine, mix up, or completely swap their souls. Bangs changes into a half elf when they mix or swap and Hiuko, although stays a half-elf, becomes more beast like and he gets Bangs’ fur armor that cane come out on command. Bangs has never once let out her demon in her half-elf form. Also Hiuko and Bangs can combine their souls into one being and Hiuko has never let loose the demon in that form nor has he broken the restrictions of the mind in that form. The restrictions of the mind are restrictions the mind uses to preserve the body although being in his mind so many times to use his senses effectively he has learned how to break these and achieve massive power. During the crusade to end the wars of the continent he and his friends fought the General and the General revealed one of his dragoons as Hiuko's wife. Although it sent him into shock he was able to snap out of it quick enough to help gravely injure the General, his friend killed him completing the General's Prophecy of Steel Blood. When the General died all of the dragoons went with him. Hiuko's wife, Cheryll Silverbane, filled in the final gaps of memory before she disappeared and though Bang's eyes he was able to see her one last time. Now he travels to find his children, his first stop is of course his village Seoul
Other: Now that he has his full memory expect him to be a lot stronger and better at fighting <insert maniacal smile here>. Also he is very intelligent because of his mother’s side of the family. His grandparents and mother were scholars and the knack for knowing things and thinking quickly was passed on. Although thinking like a supercomputer during battle came from his father who had to think fast in the heat of battle because as a blood elf he was literally born to fight!
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