Page name: Toast [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-04 20:34:42
Last author: Zapinc
Owner: The Stray
# of watchers: 11
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Banner by [Lannanos]

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completely insignificant. an everyday item of consumption. many have a toaster, many eat toast, many make puddings...but few know of the power of toast.
one day, there will be a grand toaster in the clouds, far from the rats and the dentist-wielding shepherds. from this shall come the toast to create the empire. but there are threats to this partially burned utopia. for a start, there is the chocolate-potato realm of [firemist] (yes, you have now been exposed!). we need recruits for the TKGB to prevent the empire from falling. we need an army, members of government, ambassadors, members of the royal court, patriotic followers and of course, loyal residents. --The Queen

<img:> and look, there's some more of me! alright, this does actually have a reason for being here; my eye got used on the Iguana banner. and i thought it could now retire to the Toast empire. -- The Queen.

<img:> that's mah creepy-looking hand! -- sorry, but the Queen is just excited about her sibling's new digital camera, so deal with it...XP

<img:> Fire... Police... Need I say more?-- The King

ah! i have worked out why the King is now being secret! he has offended the bands! the bands...what do you mean, 'who are the bands'?? i mean Tom McRae, singing "It's time to kill the King; It's written in the Scriptures..." and i mean Radiohead, singing "When I am King, you shall be first against the Wall." no wonder he's hiding... it just me, or is this page getting rather chaotic now...?
-- The Queen

Toast is matter. The crust is Anti-matter. And Pudding is energy. It took the King and I no time to realise what the universe really is made up of. Not elements, but Toast. From the original Supernovae came forth Toast crumbs and Pudding in the form of electromagnetic energy. So there you go, our latest breakthrough in a Nutshell. All our work. But now we need to discover how the Tofu came to be..... -- The Queen

Quoth Manny: "Ha! You're Toast! Tee-oh-ay-ee-arr-ess-tee...TOAERST!" *Manny's pride be wounded*

oh how we love Black Books... -- The Queen

congratulations to [Spica] for getting the 100th comment on this page. yay. (i did get the 98th though...^_^) --The Queen

the Queen reserved her spot on the 1000th comment so people (toasts?) start writing more comments!! we've got many more!!???? --> ROTJTD

toast will one day rule the world...
Toast Castle
Toast Banners
Town Map

To join add your name at the bottom of the list, along with a position: Secret Police, Army, or Toastie. *Special positions awarded by the Queen or King*
Also, put the banner in your house with a link to Toast@wiki
Current Members:
[The Stray] The King (secretly)
[Lannanos] The Queen (what do you mean, secretly?!)
[RedNick] Head of Secret Police, TKGB
[Spica] Representitive of the Japanese Toast Division
[firemist] A SPY! AN INTRUDER! but we love her anyway...
[Sillebille] Toastie
[layna] Toastie
[satorifirefly] Toastie
[LightningRod] Toastie (whether he likes it or not)
[angel of the shadows] Toastieat
[blackenedrose*] a member of the TKGB - 0002
[tps30692] toastie
[Simblemunë] Toastie...hope the name worked...
[WinglessFairy] the butter boy
[~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~] toastie i guess or i think or i dont know
[Like Sun Through The Rain] Toastie (i assume)
[sind] Toastie? can i just make my own name? lol...
[Snowflame] toastie..
[Silent Procession] toastie reporting for duty
[kittiekittie] aww...i like toast!
[sXe=clean punk] toast is crispy deliciousness

Username (or number or email):


2004-10-29 [Lannanos]: it's true...she even knows about wepos now. and the disgusting thing is, she wanted to know about them. don't you think that's rather suspicious spica??? (mekuru mekuru)

2004-10-29 [firemist]: *laughs*......well...if it helps...i didnt; enjoy hearing abotu them.....

2004-10-31 [Lannanos]: and whose fault was it? *sly grin*

2004-10-31 [firemist]: well....i didn;t no it wud be sumthign so ...ahem.....twisted!!!!

2004-10-31 [Lannanos]: erm...this is gettting a little crazy now...

2004-11-01 [Spica]: she knows the towl and the wepos.... very suspicious indeed lannanos. maybe we should torture her and see if anything else comes out. who knows, it might even be the yucky book next!!!

2004-11-01 [Lannanos]: i bet you she wrote that filthy Yucky Book...!

2004-11-01 [firemist]: O_O..*hides in corner*....*feel s outcast*...*eats cookies*...*watches spirited away*.....*eats more cookies*...*dies*

2004-11-01 [Lannanos]: *laughs and splutters from her SARS* you're such a child ;P

2004-11-01 [firemist]: meeep...

2004-11-01 [Lannanos]: that was a compliment

2004-11-01 [firemist]: obviously...

2004-11-02 [Lannanos]: so no meeping, or i'll do my dying giraffe impression...

2004-11-02 [firemist]: gwwaaaaaaarrrkkkkkk......sumthing liek that....

2004-11-02 [Lannanos]: lol...amature...

2004-11-02 [firemist]: lol. well....i was close..>_<

2004-11-02 [Lannanos]: your noise can be ...uh...camel foetus being born!!!

2004-11-02 [firemist]: ewwwwwwwwww......

2004-11-02 [Lannanos]: ooh! that's good! that's very good indeed!

2004-11-03 [firemist]: ewwwwwww???

2004-11-03 [Lannanos]: okay, you've made your point...

2004-11-04 [Spica]: dying giraffe....... camel foetus being born............... *stares blank faced*

2004-11-04 [firemist]: lol. we;ve made u a space in our buses..

2004-11-04 [Lannanos]: yeah! and we should name the buses...bus 1 is Mango, bus 2 is Jerry and bus three is Guttercrash. and i think kendorien gets a place too!

2004-11-05 [Spica]: ok...for 5 seconds can i go crazy?? well......howl was in the newspapers AGAIN and gosh.... more pictures!!!!!!!!!! >.< woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot! ok i'm back ^^ buses... well Mango and Jerry sounds safe but guttercrash!??? sounds like a bus that tends to crash in to gutters a lot.....

2004-11-05 [Lannanos]: XD that's cos becky's driving that one and she claims she'll be stoned the whole time!!!

2004-11-05 [firemist]: how abotu bonnie and clyde...i hate those names......i like guttercrash..^_^ casn i have that 1??

2004-11-05 [Lannanos]: what about bonnie and clyde??? i don't understand...what's wrong with mango and jerry???

2004-11-05 [firemist]: guttercrash and jerry....?

2004-11-05 [Lannanos]: _< whaaaat???

2004-11-05 [firemist]: bad move?

2004-11-06 [Lannanos]: *totally confused*

2004-11-06 [firemist]: so whats new?:P

2004-11-06 [Lannanos]: yes alright, touchez, but no more tieing knots in my laces, right?

2004-11-06 [firemist]: *salutes*

2004-11-06 [Lannanos]: good girl, now, left right left right HALT jump up and down on the spot lick my boots charge into battle and die a heroic death...

2004-11-06 [firemist]: oooooooh........bombs!!!!!!! sparkly!!!!!! *runs into no man's laand*

2004-11-06 [Lannanos]: well'll get a medal for this...well, your parents'll get it anyway...

2004-11-07 [firemist]: *picks up a bomb and walks home with it*

2004-11-07 [Lannanos]: now now, i don't think that's the brightest thing to be doing...

2004-11-07 [firemist]: but its pretty...;_;

2004-11-08 [Spica]: oh yeah... the 'explosion' is pretty. *nods in agreement*

2004-11-08 [Lannanos]: you pyros...just don't detonate it near me please...! *hides in a bunker*

2004-11-08 [firemist]: *gives Lan a tv so she can watch the explosion live* ^^;;

2004-11-08 [Lannanos]: hehe...thanks...

2004-11-09 [firemist]: *picks up the bomb and walks towards mrs lucas*

2004-11-09 [Lannanos]: w00t!!!! don't walk you stupid child, run for christ's sake run!!! make her end come swifter!!!!

2004-11-10 [firemist]: lol. *throws the bomb to mrs lucas and hides in a bunker*

2004-11-12 [Spica]: hmm... if you're gonna throw a bomb to mrs lucas misty, could you send one to mr ridel and his pink scarf for me?? lol

2004-11-12 [firemist]: lol. *ties mr riedel and mrs lucas 2gether and throws the bomb again*.....^_^

2004-11-24 [Simblemunë]: You don't even know Mr Reidel Spica! Why does everyone hate him so much when they don't even know him!

2004-11-24 [Simblemunë]: Can I join by the way...please!

2004-11-24 [Lannanos]: i already put your name up! and mr riedel is evilissimuss...must be defenestrated immediately...

2004-11-25 [firemist]: yaaayyyy...^________^ *hugs rutz and sit son her*..mwahaha..*hiccups* can u not hate him..he is...feels sick...*

2004-11-25 [Lannanos]: ruth has a son?!

2004-11-25 [Simblemunë]: I really hope not! He is not thaaat bad, agianst Mr D he seems good! So what does a tostie do?

2004-11-25 [Lannanos]: a toastie upholds the majesty of toast. and possesses a toaster. and worships the king and queen (secretly)

2004-11-26 [firemist]: i'm a spy..mwahahaha...i think i've said that already..*coughs*

2004-11-26 [Lannanos]: and you ater the tofu...did you know treason still holds the death penalty in Britain?? *stares at mist*

2004-11-26 [firemist]: *nods*..yes well....whats done cannot be undone...

2004-11-26 [Lannanos]: argh...nuuu...macbeth....nuuuu...aaarrrggghh!!!! bloody buggering macbeth!!!!! *passes out*

2004-11-26 [firemist]: O_O...i've never read macbeth..never..never in my whole....

2004-11-26 [Lannanos]: your whole what? pancake?

2004-11-27 [firemist]: nut actually.

2004-11-29 [Spica]: I'M BAAAAAAAAAAACKK!!!!!!! *hugs onto all* the exams are ova! sayonara to them!!!.....for a couple of weeks though m(-_-)m well i'm going to sleep 12hrs today... and lan, any guy with a pink scarf gets to be bombed so there!!!!

2004-11-29 [Lannanos]: *huggles spica* yeeeeeyyy!!! you have returned!!! *happy*

2004-11-29 [firemist]: wb spica..^^ rutz will be happy.. and i have my art mock this friday!!!!!!!

2004-11-30 [Spica]: ooh..... well good luck emi!!!! ^-^ do you have mocks too lan? erica's been moaning about hers too recently....

2004-11-30 [Lannanos]: only a speaking mock next week for german, but my other exams are in january.....*cries*

2004-12-01 [Spica]: aww... well good luck!! i had some tests returned today and yesterday...... awful :P i used to think i was clever.... until high school!!

2004-12-01 [Lannanos]: you are clever silly! you're just up against people of your standard now, rather than us stupid people in

2004-12-02 [Simblemunë]: That is so true! Don't b a mook Spica! I bet awful is like 98% anyway, or some other mark people like me could only dream of!

2004-12-03 [Lannanos]: oh dear! 98%! if i ever got that i would have to take my own life! ........XD

2004-12-03 [firemist]: and why does every1 suddenyl sound like we're stuck in a julius Caesar play?

2004-12-05 [bloodstonedragon]: hell ya a wiki about toast

2004-12-05 [bloodstonedragon]: did you know the word toast can be subistuted for every word in the dictionary

2004-12-05 [firemist]: O_O....interesting. welcome to the toast wiki blood..:P

2004-12-05 [satorifirefly]: wow...i'm bowled over by the magnificence of the wiki..speechless...

2004-12-06 [firemist]: *shuffles feet*...sowwie for being all shitty evil 2 u helen other dayness..i wans;t in a very good mood..>_<...

2004-12-06 [Simblemunë]: is toastariffic a good thing or a bad thing?

2004-12-06 [The Stray]: it's good...

2004-12-07 [Spica]: ooh!! hiya king ^-^

2004-12-07 [The Stray]: hewo

2004-12-08 [firemist]: *bows to king, even tho she's a spy and ate all the tofu*

2004-12-09 [Spica]: we're still out of tofu??

2004-12-10 [The Stray]: no... we're not...

2004-12-10 [Simblemunë]: What is tofu?

2004-12-10 [firemist]: O_O...i didnt; eat all of it? i missed some????? nu!!!!! oh wait..its still in the dungeon..or was that me...

2004-12-10 [The Stray]: the tofu is in the dungeon.

2004-12-11 [firemist]: *grins and starts scribbling notes madly on a piece of paper frowning in thought*

2004-12-11 [Spica]: ok, is it growing in the dungeon or is someone like... making it? *stares curiously at the paper*

2004-12-11 [The Stray]: it grows... oh yes... it grows.

2004-12-12 [Spica]: O.O wow.....

2004-12-12 [Lannanos]: *crawls into the toast empire, gargles something about the horrors of revision and the puppetmeister and collapses in a heap*

2004-12-12 [The Stray]: *laughs*

2004-12-12 [Lannanos]: *twitches* have seen things....chemical equations....german grammar.....bounds of numbers...i have seen things your innocent eyes will never have to witness.....i shall have to retreat to a cave...and live off moss...and stuff............

2004-12-12 [The Stray]: live off moss?

2004-12-13 [firemist]: *hides the paper from prying eyes* um..moss?

2004-12-15 [Simblemunë]: is anyone going to answer my question?

2004-12-15 [The Stray]: *stares blankly at simblemune; bringing forth a long, drawn-out nonanswer*

2004-12-16 [firemist]: WHAT IS TOFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-12-16 [Simblemunë]: *cries* Everyone is being so mean to meee!

2004-12-16 [firemist]: O_O.....we're not being mean...we're being

2004-12-16 [Spica]: oh lan!!! >.< i seriously hope you're ok.. i mean, living off moss!!?? well let me say that your present set has been completed yesterday (all ghiburi ^-^) and i'll be sending it off as soon as i can finish the letter i started writing in Enlgish class. and simble, tofu is a japanese food made of mashed up soya beans - it's white and squishy and..... makes me sick :P

2004-12-16 [Lannanos]: *sits quietly in the corner chewing moss*

2004-12-16 [The Stray]: *pours hot sauce on the moss*

2004-12-17 [Spica]: right... the king and queen is eating moss now..... maybe we should start growing them for food in the dungeons next to the tofu? or is it already growing....?

2004-12-17 [firemist]: *shuffle shuffle*

2004-12-17 [Lannanos]: *looks at her sauce-covered moss and starts crying*

2004-12-17 [The Stray]: i'm not eating the moss.

2004-12-17 [firemist]: *blinks*

2004-12-17 [Lannanos]: what did you do to my moss!? it's my only food supply.....*sobs*

2004-12-18 [The Stray]: what about tofu?

2004-12-18 [Lannanos]: tofu is too sacred for plebs like me...

2004-12-23 [bloodstonedragon]: wassup my fellow toasted peeps

2004-12-24 [Spica]: moss and tofu...... right. *runs*

2004-12-24 [The Stray]: Meow

2004-12-26 [firemist]: *shuffles some more*

2005-01-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: hey if u ppl like toast than got 2 Heero is not ull like it (i hope) they have sum kool pix go to adopt its on the side

2005-01-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: then click on any 1 of the little ppl there called chibis when u do u get alot more of just that 1 chibi u clicked on they have toast chibis 2

2005-01-18 [firemist]: thanx shazaku

2005-01-18 [Lannanos]: oh i missed my glorious toast kingdom while i was away.....^^

2005-01-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: NP im always willing 2 help

2005-01-19 [Simblemunë]: *falls down and pays homage to her queen*

2005-01-19 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: who is ur queen?

2005-01-20 [Lannanos]: read the list of members...(queen is not amused)

2005-01-20 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ok

2005-01-20 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: O *bowz*

2005-01-21 [Spica]: ohisashiburide~ ^-^ hello all~! has the parcels arrived?? <-- v.v.v. sorry if any ripped......X_X

2005-01-21 [Lannanos]: you're back!!! *huggles* i thought you had been eaten by an angry bee!!! i hope you got my email from ages ago...^^

2005-01-21 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ....

2005-01-22 [The Stray]: *mimics shazaku* ....

2005-01-22 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: *mimics Kendorien mimicing me*.....

2005-01-22 [Spica]: oh stop mimicking you two!XP ....and lan... i'll go check my inbox ^^;;; sorryz...

2005-01-22 [Lannanos]: that's fine ^^ and now i'm getting confused *points to shazaku* you're kendorien, right?

2005-01-23 [Lannanos]: but everyone started mimicking everyone else, therefore everyone else is not who they originally were and are somebody totally new and i rest my very un-watertight case.

2005-01-23 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ........wu

2005-01-23 [Simblemunë]: Thank you soooo much Spica for the presents!! Have you got my letter?

2005-01-24 [Spica]: ah, mimicking is a messy thing...... and nope i haven't got your letter yet simby ;__; did u like the broach!!?? lolol

2005-01-24 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ...

2005-01-24 [The Stray]: I hereby order shazaku to stop putting dots on the comments. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

2005-01-25 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: eeps I only do the dots becuz i fell its rude not 2 comment on things but I dont have anything 2 say so i ... Im drry if u think thats rude I dont mean 4 it 2 b

2005-01-25 [Lannanos]: dots are there to add enjambement to a sentence that can't be split into separate lines...maybe...

2005-01-25 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: um ok

2005-01-26 [The Stray]: is enjambement a new word?

2005-01-26 [Lannanos]: what do you mean?

2005-01-28 [The Stray]: shush.

2005-01-28 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: uhg

2005-01-28 [Simblemunë]: OK I get the hint I will stop! But let me just say I did like the broach Spica, I need a cloak to wear it with now!

2005-01-28 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: muahahahahhahahahahahahahaha

2005-01-29 [Spica]: lolol

2005-01-29 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: yaya

2005-01-29 [Lannanos]: oh boy...*shakes her head* what happened to the power of words?

2005-01-30 [The Stray]: huh?

2005-01-30 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: words? wut words? were? RUuuuuuuuun from the woooooooooooords

2005-01-30 [Lannanos]: :)

2005-02-01 [The Stray]: words are good... sometimes.

2005-02-01 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: sumtimes key word there

2005-02-01 [Lannanos]: my favourite word is absolution. or maybe pedantic...

2005-02-01 [Lannanos]: or even eucatastrophe...

2005-02-01 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: wow big words

2005-02-01 [Lannanos]: hehe...the only ones i know...

2005-02-01 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol my fav word is fuck cuz of how many way u can change it

2005-02-01 [Lannanos]: o_O

2005-02-01 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol im crazy and hyper

2005-02-02 [The Stray]: my favourite word is word. because it's just that.

2005-02-02 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol

2005-02-02 [Lannanos]: always...

2005-02-02 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ur really smart

2005-02-02 [Elfje*]: plug.^^

2005-02-02 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: huh ok then

2005-02-02 [Elfje*]: lol. sorry, Lan would know what i'm talking about..^^;;

2005-02-02 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ok

2005-02-03 [Lannanos]: get back in your tree firemist XP

2005-02-03 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: huh

2005-02-04 [Elfje*]: Someelf and Firemist :p *Goes muahwhahaha o.O* Hehe.. :p ^^

2005-02-04 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ok

2005-02-05 [The Stray]: is Elfje* firemist?

2005-02-05 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: huh

2005-02-05 [Lannanos]: yeah, though i don't understand the logic in changing accounts...

2005-02-05 [The Stray]: yeah... *shrug*

2005-02-05 [Lannanos]: lol, is shrugging your new thing?

2005-02-06 [The Stray]: *shrug*

2005-02-07 [Elfje*]: lannanos.. Elfje* is from meh, (someelf) but also from firemist, cause she missed ET i gived her my pass and house, so we share ^^... Sort of.. :p //someelf.

2005-02-07 [Lannanos]: she told me that a couple of days ago, but thanks anyway elfy

2005-02-18 [firemist]: meep. i was just thinking...i don't remember writing

2005-02-19 [The Stray]: *shrug*

2005-02-19 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: TOOAST hey wutz ur fav type a toast

2005-02-21 [The Stray]: the kind made of bagles. or bread. and heated... until crispyish...

2005-02-21 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol

2005-02-23 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ALL MUST VISIT MY WIKIS (the more n portant 1s I have far 2 many) Just Cant Stop and Wiccaz Wing

2005-02-23 [Lannanos]: i wouldn't call it tactful to advertise other wikis here....

2005-10-17 [Elfje*]: wiccaz wing?o.o...why does every1 feel an urge 2 stick z on the end of everythign now. 'purzzzzz wiccazzzz friendzzzzz'

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: Yes, untactful. I don't care.

2006-10-21 [sXe=clean punk]: hey hey you know wut you know wut? toast rules

2006-12-04 [Zapinc]: BY THE POWER IN ME - THIS WIKKI IS NOW CLAIMED BY the waffle army  AHAHAHAHA!!!!

2006-12-04 [sXe=clean punk]: *gasp*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no you cannot have this wiki! for it is for toast....not waffles! even thought waffles are equally delicious

2006-12-05 [Zapinc]: Join us, Apathy, join the glorius might of the waffles, we have already riddled the Doughnut army with nuclear war, the Jaffacakes have been taken over, and now it is time for the toast to step aside.

You cannot avoid the WAFFLE-MUFFIN ALLIANCE, over 530 members strong.

You are a strong warrior, and your enrole in the waffle army's ranks would be a noble contribution to the cause.

Join us, you know you want to, nobody bothers with the toast wiki anymore!

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