Page name: Toast [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-04 20:34:42
Last author: Zapinc
Owner: The Stray
# of watchers: 11
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Banner by [Lannanos]

 <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> 


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completely insignificant. an everyday item of consumption. many have a toaster, many eat toast, many make puddings...but few know of the power of toast.
one day, there will be a grand toaster in the clouds, far from the rats and the dentist-wielding shepherds. from this shall come the toast to create the empire. but there are threats to this partially burned utopia. for a start, there is the chocolate-potato realm of [firemist] (yes, you have now been exposed!). we need recruits for the TKGB to prevent the empire from falling. we need an army, members of government, ambassadors, members of the royal court, patriotic followers and of course, loyal residents. --The Queen

<img:> and look, there's some more of me! alright, this does actually have a reason for being here; my eye got used on the Iguana banner. and i thought it could now retire to the Toast empire. -- The Queen.

<img:> that's mah creepy-looking hand! -- sorry, but the Queen is just excited about her sibling's new digital camera, so deal with it...XP

<img:> Fire... Police... Need I say more?-- The King

ah! i have worked out why the King is now being secret! he has offended the bands! the bands...what do you mean, 'who are the bands'?? i mean Tom McRae, singing "It's time to kill the King; It's written in the Scriptures..." and i mean Radiohead, singing "When I am King, you shall be first against the Wall." no wonder he's hiding... it just me, or is this page getting rather chaotic now...?
-- The Queen

Toast is matter. The crust is Anti-matter. And Pudding is energy. It took the King and I no time to realise what the universe really is made up of. Not elements, but Toast. From the original Supernovae came forth Toast crumbs and Pudding in the form of electromagnetic energy. So there you go, our latest breakthrough in a Nutshell. All our work. But now we need to discover how the Tofu came to be..... -- The Queen

Quoth Manny: "Ha! You're Toast! Tee-oh-ay-ee-arr-ess-tee...TOAERST!" *Manny's pride be wounded*

oh how we love Black Books... -- The Queen

congratulations to [Spica] for getting the 100th comment on this page. yay. (i did get the 98th though...^_^) --The Queen

the Queen reserved her spot on the 1000th comment so people (toasts?) start writing more comments!! we've got many more!!???? --> ROTJTD

toast will one day rule the world...
Toast Castle
Toast Banners
Town Map

To join add your name at the bottom of the list, along with a position: Secret Police, Army, or Toastie. *Special positions awarded by the Queen or King*
Also, put the banner in your house with a link to Toast@wiki
Current Members:
[The Stray] The King (secretly)
[Lannanos] The Queen (what do you mean, secretly?!)
[RedNick] Head of Secret Police, TKGB
[Spica] Representitive of the Japanese Toast Division
[firemist] A SPY! AN INTRUDER! but we love her anyway...
[Sillebille] Toastie
[layna] Toastie
[satorifirefly] Toastie
[LightningRod] Toastie (whether he likes it or not)
[angel of the shadows] Toastieat
[blackenedrose*] a member of the TKGB - 0002
[tps30692] toastie
[Simblemunë] Toastie...hope the name worked...
[WinglessFairy] the butter boy
[~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~] toastie i guess or i think or i dont know
[Like Sun Through The Rain] Toastie (i assume)
[sind] Toastie? can i just make my own name? lol...
[Snowflame] toastie..
[Silent Procession] toastie reporting for duty
[kittiekittie] aww...i like toast!
[sXe=clean punk] toast is crispy deliciousness

Username (or number or email):


2004-09-01 [Lannanos]: girls in japan of shimpei's age will actually DO that kind of thing? surely that's classified as harrassment? oh sure, i'd be happy if you used the banner seeing as it took me so long to get it to work on my damn iMac...

2004-09-02 [Lannanos]: hey kendorien hasn't said anything for 12 comments....*sends out a search party*

2004-09-02 [Spica]: believe me... i would tell you more of what they do but..... i'll mail u lol

2004-09-02 [The Stray]: yeah, i suppose we could have a banners section... you have to make it though... because... i don't feel like it... and your banner is very nice :)

2004-09-03 [The Stray]: nevermind, i'll make it.

2004-09-04 [Lannanos]: lol...i would've made it but i was away for a bit...well thanks anyway ^-^

2004-09-04 [The Stray]: yeah... that's cool.

2004-09-07 [Spica]: the king sounds eatable now....^__<

2004-09-07 [Lannanos]: don't eat him! don't eat him! take me instead! ;_;

2004-09-07 [The Stray]: hah.

2004-09-08 [Spica]: oh i'll take you both then! lol *gets knives and forks ready*

2004-09-08 [Lannanos]: *attacks spica with a lobster* THOU SHALT NOT EAT PUMPKIN PUDDING NOR ME!!!

2004-09-09 [The Stray]: WHATS WRONG WITH EATING PUMPKIN PUDDING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

2004-09-09 [Spica]: exactly!! *boils lobster* (heh Ascot :P)

2004-09-09 [Lannanos]: WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT'S WRONG WITH EATING PUMPKIN PUDDING?!? SHE'S TALKING ABOUT YOU!!! *batters her with boiled lobster*

2004-09-09 [The Stray]: oh... well in that case maybe i should change my name back...

2004-09-10 [Lannanos]: hey i think it's a nice name, just make sure you don't talk to cannibals like spica...

2004-09-11 [Spica]: am not!..hopefully. anywayz, pumpkin pudding sounds good and i'll go eat something else :) --*looks at the boiled lobster*

2004-09-11 [Lannanos]: fine, eat the lobster. it's only rubber anyway ;)

2004-09-11 [Spica]: gah! *chokes on lobster* you should have told me earlier! XD

2004-09-11 [Lannanos]: but you were threatening to eat us!!!

2004-09-11 [Spica]: ho...sorryz >.< but everyone is toast.....

2004-09-11 [Lannanos]: indeedy...

2004-09-11 [Spica]: so everyone is eatable right?

2004-09-11 [Spica]: by the way, how do you spell 'edible'?? no that's not, it means you can eat it and you pronounce it like the word i wrote there but i don't know how to spell it and...*runs out of breath*

2004-09-11 [Lannanos]: edible is right i think. and i always pronounce as it's spelled...

2004-09-13 [Spica]: hehe ^^ thanx

2004-09-13 [Lannanos]: perhaps everyone is edible. but i'm not in the habit of eating everyone...o_O

2004-09-14 [The Stray]: :P

2004-09-14 [Spica]: hey i just remembered.... i'm a toast too ^^;

2004-09-14 [firemist]: ooooooooooh i'm a spy...^^...i'm not meant 2 say that am i..>><<

2004-09-14 [Lannanos]: heh, we already know that though ^^

2004-09-15 [The Stray]: it's okay. we like spies too. unless they eat our tofu.

2004-09-15 [Spica]: yea *grins* ^^ ....hey, the king's back to Kendorien! (i'm so slow on things...)

2004-09-15 [Lannanos]: nooo!!! you shouldn't have told them about our tofu...!

2004-09-15 [firemist]: *looks at u with her mouth full of tofu*....oh...hem...*swallows it and grins innocently*...what tofu?

2004-09-17 [The Stray]: oh, the poisoned tofu... not that it matters or anything... but you might want to find something along the likes of an antidote.

2004-09-17 [firemist]: *blinks*...poisoned??? ...*dies*

2004-09-17 [Lannanos]: we give her the antidote? i mean, she is a nail-skin-chewer...

2004-09-17 [The Stray]: oh yes... the antidote is pumpkin pudding.

2004-09-18 [firemist]: O_o....(i have 2 eat the former king's form?)

2004-09-18 [Spica]: go ahead misty if you want to live!!!!! lol

2004-09-18 [firemist]: but i don't want 2 eat the former kings form!

2004-09-18 [Spica]: ooh! great idea!! -- go eat some other pumpkin pudding ^_^

2004-09-18 [firemist]: how many places do u know that sell pumpkin pudding???

2004-09-18 [The Stray]: i've never seen it sold... you'll just have to make it.

2004-09-18 [firemist]: how'd u make pumkin pudding????...i have watermelon...can u make pumkin pudding with watermelon???

2004-09-18 [Lannanos]: this is supposed to be a toast and coffee empire you know...

2004-09-18 [firemist]: sorry...i'm just dying here....

2004-09-18 [Lannanos]: then go get some pumpkin pudding. and don't eat our tofu again or you'll exhaust our pudding supply as well....

2004-09-18 [The Stray]: yes, yes... tofu is poisoned for a reason... to keep you from eating our pudding.

2004-09-18 [Lannanos]: *rotflmgdfao*

2004-09-18 [Lannanos]: and a major "YAY" for at last being on at the same time ^-^

2004-09-18 [The Stray]: yes, much yay.

2004-09-18 [Lannanos]: i added a tofu dungeon to the Toast Castle now anyway....

2004-09-18 [Lannanos]: that'll keep her out. at least for a short time...

2004-09-18 [The Stray]: hahahah! yes! and the tofu will be safe.

2004-09-18 [firemist]: ^^....i'll find some way...exentually...or i'll b evil and use secret weapons 2 steal them for me..^^....but of course...u won't know that yet...until the tofu has been stolen...which u wont know yet either...

2004-09-18 [Lannanos]: you know, we could just create a firemist dungeon as well...

2004-09-18 [The Stray]: we will secretly not know!

2004-09-18 [firemist]: thank u kendorien..^^...

2004-09-18 [Lannanos]: creep...

2004-09-19 [The Stray]: hahahaha

2004-09-20 [Spica]: toast, coffee, pudding........ but why tofu??? o.O *confused*

2004-09-20 [Lannanos]: because tofu IS

2004-09-21 [Spica]: hear my theory: tofu is made of soya beans. so 'shoyu' is in English 'soya-sauce' so shouldn't 'tofu' be 'soya-pudding'? the way you write it in kanji is actually 'bean' and 'rotten'.... oh well.... so a tofu is in a dungeon of the toast castle??

2004-09-21 [Lannanos]: erm...some of it...most of it is inside [firemist] now though *grumbles...*

2004-09-21 [firemist]:

2004-09-21 [Lannanos]: of course not you -_-;;;;

2004-09-21 [The Stray]: yes, not you. (-(-(-_-)-)-)

2004-09-22 [Lannanos]: *rotflmgdfao*

2004-09-23 [Spica]: ^^; lol i think the tofu dungeon needs more defence....

2004-09-23 [Lannanos]: o_O why? have you information of a vile plot to seize what little we have left?!

2004-09-24 [The Stray]: it's defended by a dreaded curse. and a big dragon.. and the fact that it's only accessable to lan and i seeing as it is in wolrd that is not of material existance!

2004-09-24 [Lannanos]: correct. it en't a material existance, it's a toast existance. the big dragon is called Metropolis by the way, so say hi to him if you see him.

2004-09-24 [The Stray]: yes.. say hi to him.. then he'll be nicer when he gobbles you up!

2004-09-25 [Lannanos]: hehehe...he might even offer you a final request....

2004-09-25 [firemist]: oh yay..^^....i liek curses....

2004-09-25 [Lannanos]: but this is the curse of the eternal PMT...XP

2004-09-25 [The Stray]: yes.. (what is pmt?)

2004-09-26 [firemist]: hem...I thought U'd written PMS at first....*hides*

2004-09-26 [Lannanos]: ahem...well PMT is basically the same as PMS, only with more moodiness...>_<

2004-09-26 [firemist]: *laughs*.....well, i was close!

2004-09-26 [Lannanos]: do you still like curses?

2004-09-26 [firemist]: heh.....eternal PMT? well......It wouldnt; make much of a difference...i'm always moody..:P

2004-09-26 [Lannanos]: are you??

2004-09-26 [Lannanos]: is she?

2004-09-26 [The Stray]: huh?

2004-09-26 [Lannanos]: is firemist moody?

2004-09-26 [The Stray]: don't think so...

2004-09-26 [Lannanos]: she shouldn't go mucking around with our nice second-hand curse...

2004-09-26 [The Stray]: yeah! evil her!

2004-09-26 [Lannanos]: ha! she ate or tofu too...methinks she should be punished like the non-skin biters...

2004-09-26 [The Stray]: banishment?

2004-09-26 [Lannanos]: or a slow and miserable death in a cage with a small oven so she is forced to eat her own flesh when she gets hungry? or is that too twisted?? >_<

2004-09-26 [The Stray]: i'm sure we could come up with something better.. like cutting the skin off her fingers, covering it with gause, then tearing the gause off when the blood and wound dries... and then covering it back with gauze and repeating....

2004-09-26 [Lannanos]: maybe we could cut off her eyelids and sprinkle salt on her retina?

2004-09-26 [The Stray]: rocksalt or table salt?

2004-09-26 [Lannanos]: which is more unpleasant??

2004-09-26 [The Stray]: rocksalt.

2004-09-27 [Lannanos]: right...we might have to make a trip to south america for it though. but it could be fun :D

2004-09-27 [The Stray]: why would we have to go to south america?

2004-09-28 [Spica]: you know, i think you two should be torturers (is there such word?) or something....

2004-09-28 [Lannanos]: well we're already fellow sadists...and if we went to south america we could go to the salt flats to get the genuine stuff (and have a nice holiday too ;)...)

2004-09-28 [firemist]: ahem.....sorry 2 interupt ur plannign2 torture me session.....but.....i am moody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-28 [Lannanos]: not really...

2004-09-28 [firemist]: bah...u've only known me 4-5 yrs...thats not long enough 2 know whether i'm moody or not..>><<

2004-09-28 [The Stray]: yeshuh!

2004-09-29 [Lannanos]: ...yeshuh?? is that another fish-type-thing like a yepper? ;)

2004-09-30 [Spica]: kipper is sweet.......

2004-09-30 [Lannanos]: kipper as in the fish?! i never thought of it as being sweet...unless you eat your with syrup or something...

2004-10-01 [The Stray]: i don't eat fish... ever...

2004-10-01 [Spica]: then i don't think you'll last very much in japan... lol

2004-10-01 [Spica]: lan> kippy!!!! the one with the red blanket!!!!! ^_____^ he's so cute!

2004-10-01 [The Stray]: I doubt i would...

2004-10-01 [Lannanos]: oh...kippy...yeah, i love him sooo much...and i happen to like fish. but not seaweed oddly...>_< do they have toast in japan???? *worried*

2004-10-01 [firemist]: kippy/.....i spent around 30 mins talkign to a friend abotu how much i didnt; like fish..^^

2004-10-01 [Lannanos]: not kippers >_< i mean kippy the dog.....

2004-10-02 [Spica]: yes we do have toasts in japan ^^ and nearly all food in japan is imported from other countries (we're at risk now coz of that >.<) so you might last kendorien! don't like fish misty? well if you ever go to a sushi parlour you'd only be able to eat the ones with egg on the top.... i think they are evil though... egg on rice tied with dried seaweed >:P

2004-10-02 [Lannanos]: methinks the japanese are slightly too over-creative with their food...

2004-10-02 [firemist]: lol.....don't they have pasta in Japan??? egg...on sushi?...not nice...i'm not a big fan of egg either...:D

2004-10-02 [The Stray]: i thought she said egg on rice...

2004-10-03 [Spica]: er right... egg on sushi is even more gross! XP and i don't like eggs we do have pasta in japan ^^

2004-10-03 [Lannanos]: erm...that's nice?

2004-10-03 [firemist]: well, Couldn;t i jjust get aroudn eatign pasta? why do i have to eat fish or eggy sushi? or egg or rice...or.....or...i'm lost..:S

2004-10-03 [Lannanos]: yeah but why go all the way to japan just to eat pasta? just go to Sainsbury's...

2004-10-03 [The Stray]: i'd just sneak into the kitchen or something... of course then i'd have to figure out how to get it cooked without getting caught.......

2004-10-04 [Spica]: mission impossible@the kitchens.... la, i miss Sainsbury's!>.<

2004-10-04 [Lannanos]: you miss Sainsbury's? i didn't realise it meant so much to you. and i'm sure it'd be easy to cook is without getting caught. maybe switch pans with some chef's pan so he thinks he's cooking his own or something?

2004-10-04 [firemist]: awww....*sends a sainsburys to Japan*..^^

2004-10-04 [The Stray]: i dunno... maybe.

2004-10-05 [Spica]: *sainsburys land right next to my apartment crushing the power plant thingy* thankies misty ^^ i hate that power plant (is that how you spell it?) -- nasty :P i luv Sainsburys!!!!and the parking lot there --> drew my first Serie page in the car there *grins* o(^_^)o very memoriable...

2004-10-05 [Lannanos]: parking lot...? oh right, car park. nuh, how could i forget the odd american phrases XP

2004-10-06 [The Stray]: parking lot makes more sense. seeing as lot means an area of land.. thus parking lot is an area of land upon which you park... or maybe i'm crazy... i dunno.

2004-10-06 [Spica]: i neva knew parking lot was american english!!!! @_@ so you say car park in England then??

2004-10-06 [Lannanos]: no, i think car park makes more sense, for it is derived from the action of parking the car and many nouns originated from verbs (ha i think i win)

2004-10-08 [The Stray]: why don't we just agree to disagree...

2004-10-08 [Lannanos]: now why didn't i think of that? probably because i'm stupid and i think with my foot...

2004-10-09 [The Stray]: with your foot?

2004-10-10 [Spica]: *thinks same as Kendorien* @___@???

2004-10-10 [firemist]: ii thought yoiu think with ur knees?

2004-10-11 [Spica]: @____@ ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

2004-10-11 [Lannanos]: knees are the cleverest part of me, i only think with those on special occasions...

2004-10-11 [Lannanos]: ...erm, i guess if you could all see me you'd be giving me the 400% withering look...heh...

2004-10-11 [The Stray]: probably.

2004-10-12 [Spica]: definatly.

2004-10-12 [Lannanos]: heh..

2004-10-12 [Lannanos]: by the way...i think i am going to cry because my computer STILL won't load your images and the caption is so intriguing...the war with my iMac goes on.......>:(

2004-10-14 [The Stray]: hehehe. did it load the fire and cops??

2004-10-15 [Lannanos]: it loaded the caption, but instead of a picture i just have the 'img:http://' etc.....

2004-10-16 [The Stray]: gah. it should work...

2004-10-16 [firemist]: hey Lan....i'll save the pic and send it to you by hotmail mail...maybe it'll work then?

2004-10-16 [firemist]: could someone explain how you put banners up on ur house? i'd like to but toast and soem others up...6^

2004-10-16 [Lannanos]: firemist -> you put for example Toast@wiki in square brackets...[*Toast*@*wiki*] without stars

2004-10-16 [Lannanos]: firemist -> thank you...that may work...^^

2004-10-16 [Lannanos]: kendorien -> gah. exactly...

2004-10-18 [firemist]: heh...thank u..^^ i'll try when i get back.....tho i had a lto of problems tryign to save the picture...:S

2004-10-18 [Spica]: you know, just really really really recently, i found out who harbringer was ^^ lots of faces i no now!!!

2004-10-18 [Lannanos]: lol...harbringer, king of KFC. last time i saw him was when he was skipping a tram fare...

2004-10-19 [firemist]: *laughs* king of all fast food i'd say....tho...KFC is his ultimate domain....i have no idea hwo many times i passed that KFC on the bromley high so sick of it..>_< last time i saw him...was...uh...couple of days ago....i wish i'd got him drunk tho...then taken soem photos..:P

2004-10-19 [firemist]: Lan>ok...i've sent the pic to ur e-mail so hopfulyl u'll get it.....its still sarah wobble thing right?

2004-10-19 [Lannanos]: indeed, i'm still wobbling (apparently) and i just got the mail. and surprise surprise, it didn't work -_-

2004-10-19 [firemist]: awwwwww.......i'm least i tried right? and thanx 4 giving me the djiin!!

2004-10-19 [Spica]: djin djin djin!!?!???????? WHERE!!!????? @____@

2004-10-19 [firemist]: *hands spica Zephr*..^^

2004-10-19 [Lannanos]: tch tch, it's ZEPHY to yuriko...alrightly? but hey, whatever floats your boat right? *cringes and laughs at the same time*

2004-10-19 [firemist]: *laughs so hard she fall soff her chair irl* sorry...Zephy...i was close wasn't i?

2004-10-20 [Lannanos]: you seem to fal off your chair a worryingly regular number of times...^_~

2004-10-20 [Spica]: ZEEEPPPPPHHHHHYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! *huge hugs* >.<

2004-10-20 [Lannanos]: *grins* i think i still like the earth djinn best...^^

2004-10-20 [firemist]: 2......*hugs back*...^_^ echo will always be my favorite.....and fallign off my chair is the only thing i can do well so i do its lots to show off..>><<

2004-10-20 [Lannanos]: XD i'm not very good at the art of chair must teach me some day...

2004-10-20 [firemist]: ^_^...well off course i'll teach u mah dear plug..:P

2004-10-21 [Lannanos]: *does da plug pose* aye!

2004-10-21 [Spica]: talking of falling off chairs... do you remember shimpei when you first came over to my house, lan?? lol

2004-10-22 [Lannanos]: how could i forget......*nostalgic hysterics*

2004-10-22 [firemist]: wow...u rememebr the first time? u've known eachother 4 so long tho...

2004-10-23 [Spica]: it was just so funny misty... my bro kept on falling off his chair so many times just to get lan's attention lol

2004-10-23 [Lannanos]: *still in hysterics*

2004-10-23 [firemist]: awwwwwwww............thats really sweet....and the valentine...:P

2004-10-24 [Lannanos]: excuse me, are you suggesting that yuriko's little brother and i should get together?!

2004-10-24 [Spica]: 4 years diffrence...............lolol

2004-10-24 [Lannanos]: that wouldn't be so bad if he had actually hit puberty -_-;;;;

2004-10-24 [firemist]: who? me? never...!...*sqeaks* hehe.......Lan and Shimpei...interesting...

2004-10-24 [Lannanos]: not as bad as your little secret firemist...(YES I KNOW YOU SPENT YESTERDAY WITH KRADEN.....)

2004-10-25 [Spica]: ooh... topic's getting interesting -- so, who is this 'kraden'????? *ish tres curious*

2004-10-25 [Lannanos]: that old guy from golden sun...the one who gets you into all the damn 'saving the world' shit in the first place...

2004-10-25 [Lannanos]: and the one who keeps going 'HO Ho Ho'.....

2004-10-26 [firemist]: *gasp* i only went out with Kraden to make u jealous...u stole Mr reidel and Babi! and don't try to hide it...i no ur having 2 secret love affairs with them...

2004-10-26 [Lannanos]: oh dammit, you know! if only i hadn't asked mrs lucas to film it, otherwise no one would have seen the incriminating footage!!! >_<

2004-10-27 [Spica]: dear me... you two are being naughty!!! ................................. does this mean haku and ashitaka are BOTH free??? *evil grins*

2004-10-27 [Lannanos]: *starts crying* nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..............................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-10-27 [firemist]: haku! haku! nuuuu....*throws "Kraden in the bin* is soooo yesterday...

2004-10-27 [Lannanos]: lol...well, i mean...yeah...ashitaka...meh...but i mean, ashitaka has to take fourth place now...

2004-10-28 [firemist]: u have noooooooo taste Lan...*rolls eyes*

2004-10-28 [Lannanos]: i know...but don't say that in public in front of certain people. they'll take offence *coughcoughwinkwink*

2004-10-29 [Spica]: lolol so if ashitaka's in fourth..... who's first???...........btw.......HOWL IS MMMMMIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNEEEEEEE!!!! (and so is zephy so there!)

2004-10-29 [firemist]: hehe...u can have howl......and the towel..:P mwahahahahahaha......

2004-10-29 [Spica]: k misty.... are you just trying to rhyme or do you know about howl.......and the towel??

2004-10-29 [firemist]: i know all...mwahahahaha..*hiccups*

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