Page name: Toast [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-04 20:34:42
Last author: Zapinc
Owner: The Stray
# of watchers: 11
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Banner by [Lannanos]

 <img:> <img:> <img:> <img:> 


<img:> <img:> <img:>   <img:> 


completely insignificant. an everyday item of consumption. many have a toaster, many eat toast, many make puddings...but few know of the power of toast.
one day, there will be a grand toaster in the clouds, far from the rats and the dentist-wielding shepherds. from this shall come the toast to create the empire. but there are threats to this partially burned utopia. for a start, there is the chocolate-potato realm of [firemist] (yes, you have now been exposed!). we need recruits for the TKGB to prevent the empire from falling. we need an army, members of government, ambassadors, members of the royal court, patriotic followers and of course, loyal residents. --The Queen

<img:> and look, there's some more of me! alright, this does actually have a reason for being here; my eye got used on the Iguana banner. and i thought it could now retire to the Toast empire. -- The Queen.

<img:> that's mah creepy-looking hand! -- sorry, but the Queen is just excited about her sibling's new digital camera, so deal with it...XP

<img:> Fire... Police... Need I say more?-- The King

ah! i have worked out why the King is now being secret! he has offended the bands! the bands...what do you mean, 'who are the bands'?? i mean Tom McRae, singing "It's time to kill the King; It's written in the Scriptures..." and i mean Radiohead, singing "When I am King, you shall be first against the Wall." no wonder he's hiding... it just me, or is this page getting rather chaotic now...?
-- The Queen

Toast is matter. The crust is Anti-matter. And Pudding is energy. It took the King and I no time to realise what the universe really is made up of. Not elements, but Toast. From the original Supernovae came forth Toast crumbs and Pudding in the form of electromagnetic energy. So there you go, our latest breakthrough in a Nutshell. All our work. But now we need to discover how the Tofu came to be..... -- The Queen

Quoth Manny: "Ha! You're Toast! Tee-oh-ay-ee-arr-ess-tee...TOAERST!" *Manny's pride be wounded*

oh how we love Black Books... -- The Queen

congratulations to [Spica] for getting the 100th comment on this page. yay. (i did get the 98th though...^_^) --The Queen

the Queen reserved her spot on the 1000th comment so people (toasts?) start writing more comments!! we've got many more!!???? --> ROTJTD

toast will one day rule the world...
Toast Castle
Toast Banners
Town Map

To join add your name at the bottom of the list, along with a position: Secret Police, Army, or Toastie. *Special positions awarded by the Queen or King*
Also, put the banner in your house with a link to Toast@wiki
Current Members:
[The Stray] The King (secretly)
[Lannanos] The Queen (what do you mean, secretly?!)
[RedNick] Head of Secret Police, TKGB
[Spica] Representitive of the Japanese Toast Division
[firemist] A SPY! AN INTRUDER! but we love her anyway...
[Sillebille] Toastie
[layna] Toastie
[satorifirefly] Toastie
[LightningRod] Toastie (whether he likes it or not)
[angel of the shadows] Toastieat
[blackenedrose*] a member of the TKGB - 0002
[tps30692] toastie
[Simblemunë] Toastie...hope the name worked...
[WinglessFairy] the butter boy
[~/xCurley x Jeffersonx\~] toastie i guess or i think or i dont know
[Like Sun Through The Rain] Toastie (i assume)
[sind] Toastie? can i just make my own name? lol...
[Snowflame] toastie..
[Silent Procession] toastie reporting for duty
[kittiekittie] aww...i like toast!
[sXe=clean punk] toast is crispy deliciousness

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2004-05-02 [firemist]: -_-.....i would have finished that comment....but Lannanos....wouldnt; let me...

2004-05-22 [Spica]: hi lan!! did i do the join thingy right??

2004-05-22 [Lannanos]: yup...u sure did!

2004-05-22 [firemist]: u got a new member whether u like it or not..........mwahahahahaha.....*blinks*.....i havn't been drinkign ice tea.....*cough cough*

2004-05-28 [Spica]: hey, i can try making a banner 4 this page! but how on earth do u put it up here?? any ideas??

2004-06-04 [firemist]: i thought there was 1 already being made?

2004-06-04 [Lannanos]: nah, neither of us hav a scanner

2004-06-04 [Lannanos]: Are We In Pudding folks???

2004-06-04 [Lannanos]: XD

2004-06-04 [The Stray]: yupyup we're in pudding

2004-06-05 [Spica]: pudding??

2004-06-06 [The Stray]: 'course

2004-06-09 [Sillebille]: hello there.... Bows for the toast empire... I would gladly become a toastie, I'd would be an honour...

2004-06-12 [Lannanos]: *looks around suspiciously* i swear i saw a rat round here...

2004-06-14 [Spica]: <*IMG:*> this is the link to the toast banner (well, minus the *s)... i think!btw, who made it? it's cool!

2004-06-14 [The Stray]: i maked it ;)... thank you...

2004-06-14 [Lannanos]: *is speechless*

2004-06-14 [Lannanos]: it''

2004-06-14 [LightningRod]: lol, u got it working again...... unless i just never got to it..... hmm i need games..... gammming *drool*

2004-06-16 [Lannanos]: yeah, now me can do links *v proud*

2004-06-19 [Spica]: wow - how did u do links lan!!?? @_@ *is v. curious*

2004-06-19 [Lannanos]: links to wikis? well u type something like Toast@wiki and put square brackets [ ] around it

2004-06-20 [Spica]: cool ^^

2004-08-01 [Spica]: hey, i have a sudden idea!let's do a toast competition!!!!!!

2004-08-01 [The Stray]: Okay. Hows that work?

2004-08-02 [Spica]: er... i can make up a competition. yes. but i have no idea what it should be about! >< toast?? oh i have no idea!! the king & queen should decide!^^

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: How bout a competition for making a picture of the best looking toast. drawing or photograph.

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: or a banner competition maybe? i only suggest that cos i just started designing one...

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: yes! a banner competition... that would be nice.

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: my problem was though that i had to draw you coughing. it's the only thing i had to work from -_-""

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: huh?

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: huh? explain..

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: long story...

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: ...i have time.

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: well, basically, i wanted to design a banner for the empire and i had no idea what to do and i can't draw toast very well, so not wanting to insult the empire i thought maybe i shouldn't try that. so i sketched an idea of the king and the queen and the scorpion sitting on a piece of toast (that way you don't see it so well. this is getting real damn boring, no?). well, drawing me wasn't difficult, but when the only picture i've seen of you is that one where you're having a fit and being bleached on a rollercoaster, all i could do was draw you having a coughing spell (and me looking appropriately worried of course...)

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: lol.. i think i have another picture uploaded... my scanner is on my other comuter though... i'll try to get some in.

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: aww...can't i just draw another banner without the coughing? i like this one ^_~ it's a thoroughly down-to-earth representation of the monarchy!

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: lol. yes well, draw two... i'll get you another image... and keep that one too...

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: whee! thank ye! all i need now is a friend with a scanner...*looks at spica with big puppy eyes*

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: yeah... and i'll have to scan some pics in...

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: damn! and i have to colour them banners too...that's usually the way i ruin my pictures. and hopefully i'll be getting a scanner for my birthday this year ^_^

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: Yay! i had to get a job and buy mine... :P

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: *pretends not to laugh* were you working as?

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: i worked at a coffee shop :P COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: that doesn't surprise me. i suppose you drank it while no one was looking?

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: *looks both ways* *glares with a smile*

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: i knew it...! we may have to extend our empire now to include coffee

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: lol just maybe.

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: yay! just saw the new pics in your house. but seriously, now i get to draw you as a mouse, a 6-year-old, or a sunset? methinks you are deliberately trying to push my drawing skills beyond good and evil...

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: lol i'm trying to find a picture...

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: well, i mean if you REALLY wanna be a sunset... ;)

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: i'm looking... i'm looking!!! and i just found a nother box... so...

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: *excited* i just checked your wiki where you stuck your pictures. the boot one was probably the coolest ;) but thanks a bunch. i owe you one. or several.

2004-08-02 [The Stray]: no problem ;)

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: well, if you want something in return just let me know and i probably won't get round to giving it to you...

2004-08-02 [Lannanos]: you got paid for your coffee job? the only job i had that paid me for working was stuffing letters into envelopes for an accountant *scowls*

2004-08-03 [The Stray]: I did get paid.. *sticks tounge out* nananananaana

2004-08-03 [Spica]: the banner competition sounds cool!!XD but i wonder if we can get more toasties before we start this.... 

2004-08-03 [Spica]: and lan, i don't mind if u send a pic to me for scanning over seas, but it will take a while to actually get here :(

2004-08-03 [Lannanos]: aww...thanks spica! i understand it'll take a while but i am eternally grateful..

2004-08-03 [Lannanos]: *ties your tongue to a coffee pot* i wanna get paid too!!!

2004-08-03 [The Stray]: bwleoapblabeioaepveolearpfeielre *tounge stuck to coffee pot*

2004-08-04 [Spica]: hehe!!^^ i wanna get paid as well!!! <- my skool bans students working...-_-"

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: don't worry, so does Oxford University

2004-08-04 [Spica]: i neva knew that!!

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: Oxford...such a i would love to go to Cambridge...

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: Whats the point in upper education..? I guess it might make sence for some people, but I just wanna be a pirate... i don't think they teach that... or maybe dictator of the world... but then again... I've not learned anything at school since kindergarten, when I learned to write ;)

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: yeah, but i need higher education cos i only just mastered joined up letters *very proud*

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: yeah, i'll probably end up going to college and studying something like it says in my description on "currnet future plan"...

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: at least you have a future plan...i can't even see beyond 8:29 tonight...

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: I kinda have an erdge(sp??) to do something like be a professional asshole or maybe a movie maker... or a writer in general.

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: professional asshole? you mean a POLITITIAN?! *shudders* but your other career options sound good

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: maybe a mercenary/traitor...... but professional asshole as in has a camera man, and goes arround and messes with people and try to get them pissed off....

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: right, like that michael moore guy?

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: sure... but i'd be less political... of course there was an time when my friend caylan and I started "Operation Cuddle Bunny"... we went fishing, and we put a bunch of fish in a bucket... then went to the highway and threw the fish at cars.....

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: XD one-nil to you. i once put a puncture in a car as it drove along the road.

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: one-nil? how did you puncture the dar?

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: er...with an industrial bolt...

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: ...        ...        ...       *roflmfgdao*

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: it wasn't your car, was it??

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: oh dear, no... i live an ocean away... hence the *roflmfgdao* which is "rolling on the floor laughing my fucking god damned ass off.

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: ^-^ well i'm happy that my damned deed paid off in some way!

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: you didn't get in trouble for it did you?

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: i think so, cos now i think of it, it was my mother's car.....

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: oh, i'm sorry to hear that... must have been... a bitch?

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: don't be sorry! i thought it was hilarious. but it was indeed a rather large bitch, if you put it like that...

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: were you sore for a couple of days...?

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: i don't remember, so i could've been unconcious...

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: lol... that's... unfortunate?

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: well you could put it like that. but i was an evil child when i was young, so i probably deserved what i got...

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: but aren't you supposed to be evil... being sadist and all?

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: heh...did i also mention my short-term memory loss??

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: no... what were we talking about?

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: but it's only red in the spring!

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: ah, right then. what's red?

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: i don't remember...sorry, who are you again?

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: I am marshmellow.

2004-08-04 [Lannanos]: pleased to meet you. i might be a spatula but don't bet on it...

2004-08-04 [The Stray]: alrighty.

2004-08-05 [Spica]: did any1 know that this is the 100th comment written on this wiki page!!??????

2004-08-05 [Lannanos]: you mean after all Kendorien and i worked for, YOU took the 100th comment?!?!? i'm sorry, but we may have to terminate you ;P

2004-08-05 [Spica]: hahaha XD!!!! u can aim 4 the 1000th comment then!!

2004-08-05 [Lannanos]: damn right i will!

2004-08-05 [Spica]: then we better get writing here! -- this is still like the 104th many more to go until the 1000th??

2004-08-05 [Lannanos]: i don't have enough fingers to work that out...

2004-08-06 [Spica]: true...^^

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: even if i use my toes as well i'm still buggered...

2004-08-06 [Spica]: use your hair!

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: hmm...nice plan...

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: Hah, i deleted a comment... now lan has the 100th :)

2004-08-06 [Spica]: evil (T_T)

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: ... or should i have the 100th...???

2004-08-06 [Spica]: *puts mines under the king's throne*

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: *picks up mines* You know... you should use antipersonel mines for people... not antivehicle....

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: i found a mine once and though it was an alien spacecraft. so i ran away. but i was only eight.....

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: I went into a mine... they had people with big picks down there... and it was all dark and cold.

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: ...and i have something that's mine.

2004-08-06 [Spica]: *sends the king a poisoned dress*.....oops, that's not right!! lol

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: a miner onece went mining for mines in a mine that was mine.

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: okay - you win...

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: yay! what's my prize?

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: what do you want? the goldfish, the giant cuddly panda, or the surPRIZE?

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: what is the surprize?

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: that's the point, you don't know unless you choose it

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: um... i guess I'll take all three...

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: that's fine by me, i didn't really wanna keep them...

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: well then... what's the surprize?

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: it looks like salami to me...

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: IS it salami... or does it just LOOK like salami?

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: er...try it and find out...

2004-08-06 [The Stray]: *bites* uh... what is it?

2004-08-06 [Lannanos]: i was gonna ask you the same thing...!

2004-08-17 [Lannanos]: oh wait...i think it's a 'Stop' sign

2004-08-19 [The Stray]: oh...

2004-08-20 [Lannanos]: is that all you can say?

2004-08-20 [The Stray]: of course.

2004-08-21 [Lannanos]: right, sorry

2004-08-23 [Lannanos]: o_O

2004-08-23 [Lannanos]: ^-^

2004-08-23 [Lannanos]: i had another idea for a banner! yay

2004-08-23 [Spica]: ooh, let's hear!!

2004-08-23 [Lannanos]: some kind of fantastic toaster...

2004-08-23 [The Stray]: ooooh... sounds fun.

2004-08-24 [Lannanos]: maybe a double-decker-bus sized one that's all painted nice...

2004-08-27 [satorifirefly]: hello - i haven't visited this wikki in ages - and i'm supposed to be a toastie!

2004-08-27 [Lannanos]: indeed...

2004-08-28 [Spica]: lan, you must make a major decision - ashitaka or drawing equipment!!!?????? choose NOW!!!!

2004-08-28 [Lannanos]: noooooooo.......i'll die before you make me choose!!!

2004-08-28 [blackenedrose*]: TOAST!!TOAST TOAST TOAST TOAST TOAST

2004-08-28 [Spica]: *hands rose a toast* lan - you must choose or else you get no present!!

2004-08-28 [Lannanos]: *cries hysterically* okay okay...i choose...i choose.............ashidrawingequipmenttaka

2004-08-28 [Spica]: nice try ^_^

2004-08-28 [Lannanos]: *sobs* okay...i guess...if my life depended on it........ASHITAKA!!! there i said leave me alone!

2004-08-28 [The Stray]: what is ashitaka?

2004-08-28 [Lannanos]: something that i cannot live without...

2004-08-28 [The Stray]: oh... ok.

2004-08-29 [Spica]: damn, i just remembered that towl thing >.< meep!!!!!!

2004-08-29 [Lannanos]: Howl in the towel? you're still thinking about that?

2004-08-29 [Lannanos]: i'm not sure i like where this is going...

2004-08-29 [Spica]: don't worry - i won't go on!! lol

2004-08-29 [Lannanos]: thank you for the photo by the way. you look really good in it. and shimpei's all grown up now @___@ but i still don't understand the whole grave-cleaning shinanigan......

2004-08-30 [Spica]: believe me, shimpei is as immature inside as ever...*groans* the grave-cleaning is.... boring. you pull out weeds, wash the stones, do praying thingy and whack the gong in the end!

2004-08-30 [Lannanos]: does shimpei still fall off his chair when girls come around? and does he still play stickles (i miss that game)? way...grave cleaning sounds fun......indeed...

2004-08-30 [Lannanos]: btw, kendorien, can we add a banners page to this? i just finished a banner and put it in my house and i think three banners is a good enough number to deserve its own page

2004-09-01 [Spica]: ho ho....shimpei falling off his chair? nada he's more grown up now... he RUNS from girls...even from telephone calls. but i wouldn't blame him -- he has way too many fans all phoning him 'could you come to disney land with me?' or 'are you free this weekend' or even 'me and a few other girls are having a sleepover and we really want you to come.....' etc etc etc....

2004-09-01 [Spica]: i've half forgotten that game 'stickles' was so fun! but now we haven't got the space to play them... btw lan, your banner is SOOOOOO cute!!!!<- the butter is so sweet!! how did you do the cloud things? can i use it on my house??

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