Trigun Manga Updates!
Be warned: THIS PAGE CONTAINS SPOILERS!! The info displayed here is from Trigun Maximum books 5-13. Mind you, none of these are translated yet. The newest ones are only just fresh in Japan. Which means....-_-;; A lot of this stuff won't be published in English for another year or so. Seeing as we here in the U.S. have only acquired up to Trigun Maximum 6 (In July), they have a LOT of work to do. So be patient! >.<
My delve into deciphering the upcomming Trigun mangas began when I happened to stumble upon a very shaking manga scan- Vash's hair is nearly ENTIRELY black. ((For those of you who don't know, plant hair turns black as they die.)) Naturally, this disturbed me to quite a great length. 0_o;;
So anyway, my reaserch thus far has concluded in the notion that they
really screwed up in the anime. (Seeing as though they finnished the anime before Nightow could finish the manga 0_o;;) Think the anime was too short, fizzling out at only 26 episodes? You're entirely correct.
The upcomming mangas (6-13 Woa, that's a lot!) are
sooooo much better than the anime. It's so great, I just can't even tell you how great it is!
Now. I'm hardly educated enough in the so-far untranslated mangas to say I can tell you the entire story. I can't. Hell I don't even know how it ends yet! But at least I can brief you on a few things.
1.) Appearantly, the main conflict in the last books is the fact that Earth has sent a fleet of ships
to Gunsmoke. Good? No. This only shortens the time in which Vash has to defeat Knives. If the ships get there before Knives is defeated, his brother has all the more power to himself- and working spacecraft. (Can you say doom for the entire universe? XP) So naturally, Vash is more frantic. What's more...his ideals seem to change a bit. 0.0;; (*GASP!*)
2.) Knives' power is completely different from the anime. Now we know why Knives' name is "Knives." His angel arm power is that he can not only create the black hole orbs of destruction that destroyed Augusta and July, but he can actually angel-arm his arms into multiple giant Scythes. And not only can he transfrom his arms. He seems to have the power to transform his entire BODY into these scythe-like knives. (From the scans, he really begins to look more like a giant, mutated scorpion than anything.)
Sidenote: We find out that Vash's left arm wasn't shot off like it was in the anime. It was severed by one of Knives' scythes. (Also, he was chained to a pole in the middle of nowhere...0_o;
3.) To all you Brad, Legato, and Wolfwood fans out there, I have good news. All of these characters are alive. None of them have died. (At least not yet.)
4.) At (or near) the end, as I have mentioned earlier, Vash's hair is nearly entirely black. (It grows steadilly blacker as the story progresses.) Only a few tiny, thin strands (1/10) of gold stick up in the front. (They're bearly noticable.) Signifying that Vash is staggeringly near death. While this does disturb me, and is quite sad...
It actually is due to a rather cool occurence. :P Vash takes his gunmanship to the max. Oddly enough, using his "angel powers," he makes...
ANGEL BULLETS! Haha! Yes! Angel bullets! THOUSANDS of them. Just as their name suggests, whenever an angel bullet is fired, it errupts into tiny feathers and whizzles toward its target; of course, doing more damage than any normal bullet would. So this is what Vash gave most of his remaining life energy to produce.
Ah..that's all I can think of for now. Stay tuned and watch for more updates! ^-^
u_u More bad news on the Vash end. Incompairable bliss on the Legato end. Legato fans who hate Vash for killing Legato in the anime, you now have your justice.
The scans for Japan's latest Tri Max ((August 2005)) have been released on the site I draw most of my info from. These past three releases ((June, July, August)) consist mainly of Legato torturing a near-death Vash.
And it hasn't done him much good as far as life energy goes...

Look at that hair. Do you see any blonde in it at all? I don't either. I don't think he's dead yet, but things don't look so hot for poor Vash.
X3 Much on the flipside, Legato is doing quite well and is having the time of his life. So Legato/ Knives fans needn't worry. ((Knives just kinda watches. x3))

Legato having fun.^ I'm also pretty sure this is the end of Vash's right arm, as in the next panel it is in an abnormal position and is spewing blood everywhere. Of course, that's no good for his angel arm..
*Sigh* Stay tuned. Will update when I know more. u_u
Ok. Here are the major things in the latest translations:
1.)Bad news for all you Wolfwood fans out there. Xx it would seem the anime had some effect on Nightow's mind. And indeed, Wolfwood, in the manga, does die. But rather than alone in a church, he dies peacefully over a drink with Vash. u.u
2.)Knives is obtaining near-unlimitless power by having several thousand plants' power fused with his. Which is why he can use his powers over and over again without the hair colour change. W00t! XD Limitless chaos!
3.) This isn't really a new fact, but I just thought you should all know that Knives has several ships en route to earth. Appearantly he's composed a crew of some kind now. Xx
4.) Legato seems to have lost his paralysis and is up and about again. Knives is beating the hell out of Vash in battle when Legato buts in, insistant on torturing Vash himself. So Knives just...I dunno. Xx Loses interest in fighting or something and dissapears, leaving Legato to have fun with Vash.
Vash, at this point is all black-haired and exhausted and spraying blood everywhere like hell, crippled on the ground. Legato is leaning over him, taunting him and stuff. He keeps telling him to "stay asleep" as he continues his torturing.
5.) T__T And there's always bad news for the Vash fans, isn't there? My final statement about this translation will be that the scene with Vash and Legato ends with Legato taking a giant mace-like thing, and slamming it down into Vash, who is still lying there. The ends of his coat flutter up from underneath the huge thing....and that's it. >.< End of Vash's part in Trigun Maximum 12...
*Sigh* --__--; Trigun will make an excellant tragedy, no?