Page name: Tuarn'tell [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-07 16:09:35
Last author: Barock
Owner: Barock
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Tuarn’tell translates literally, from the harsh language of the Dhoragak, into “Hewn Mountain”. In essence this is what it is; the Towns Oasis is located around a great mountain once known as “Sharragor”. Over many years and through the effort of the races of the Sands (mainly the Dhoragak) the Town on Tuarn’tell was carved out of the Mountain itself.
Half the face of the great peak now makes up the Town, and this size is always increasing. Being built in this way has made Tuarn’tell the most formidable defensive town in all of Mezrul, as each time the Town is expanded a new wall is built to protect it. Leaving ring upon ring of walls defending the Town itself, easily the safest place in Mezrul is the Great Hall of Tuarn’tell found at the very back of the Town.
The Town is made up largely of Dhoragak and those Fel’Roan who enjoy using their power to destroy rather than create. Using the brute strength and magical prowess of the two races, the Town has been excavated and is no ugly construction. Fel’Roan artistry can be seen carven into every wall, complemented with Dhoragak durability this is both an awe inspiring and mighty thing.
Tuarn’tell is known to have the best Dhoragak weapon smiths in all of Mezrul, using the ore that comes so readily from ‘Sharragor’ they fashion weapons stronger and sharper than steel. This is always a great pilgrimage site for the Dhoragak who are coming of age, as the best armour is also available here. Due to a mighty coalition of Fel’Roan and Human minds the armour of Tuarn’tell is both light and strong, the most sought after in Mezrul.
Conditions in Tuarn’tell can be harsh and dangerous to say the least, as the weak or useless are cast out or alternately killed. Only those who are strong of both body and will can hope to survive here and those that do thrive.

Skexx: The Skexx have a mighty respect for the denizens of Tuarn’tell and as such, there is a small population of Skexx within. Sought after for their crafting abilities and knowledge they are always welcomed. For this reason the Skexx often visit Tuarn’tell, bringing a degree of trade to the Town. It is said that the Skexx were involved in the original planning of Tuarn’tell and as such many of the race see it as a form of home.

Dhoragak: Tuarn’tell has one of the highest populations of Dhoragak in Mezrul, due to its location and the wares on offer. Almost all of the race can boast at least one visit to the great Town and most have at least one artefact bought from within the great defensive walls. Many Dhoragak see Tuarn’tell as largely ‘their town’ of course it’s not, but it would be easy to believe them. The lead house in Tuarn’tell is know simply as ‘Pixx’, many say the first head man simply could not spell ‘picks’ but know one knows for sure. This house is famed throughout Mezrul as the best armed, as it has the highest amount of weapon smiths within its ranks. In fact almost all members of ‘Pixx’ are crafters of some sorts, which is rare for a Dhoragak house. The Head man is the infamous Tor Kal, who is said to be able to carve rock with his claws and horns alone. This is almost certainly untrue, but is shows how impressive he truly is. Tor is a capable leader and many view him the leader of the entire Town, as he is the first told and the one with the most powerful sway out of the other leaders.

Sand Dwelling Humans: Within Tuarn’tell craftsmanship is prized and as such the population of humans here is slightly less than many other towns. Simple labourers are not really necessary, due to the coalition of magic and immense strength. So for these reasons those humans that do live in Tuarn’tell are immensely skilled in their chosen profession. They make up the only armourers, making them prized at least in that field. Hardier and far harsher than the humans of other towns, it is said that by the age of five a human from Tuarn’tell has already begun its training. The Harutman of Tuarn’tell is known simply as Thar. He is a harsh man of few words, many fear him but all respect him. It is said that Thar has wrestled a Dhoragak to the ground single handed.

Fel’Roan: The Fel’Roan of Tuarn’tell are looked down upon by those Fel’Roan from other Towns. They are seen as brutish and stupid, mainly due to their professions. Few become tradesmen, instead working as crafters, masons or battle mages. There are almost no Fel’Roan scientists in Mezrul. The Fel’Roan of Tuarn’tell are not nearly as arrogant as those from other Towns, this is mainly due to their interaction with the other races and the fact they see them at their best. The Merchant Prince of Tuarn’tell is Sal’kir, he is a master mason and many say he was with the Skexx who first deigned the Town. Sal’kir is a powerful mage, but uses his power for his work rather than other means, this makes him somewhat looked down upon by the other leaders of the Fel’Roan people, but within Tuarn’tell he is considerably revered.

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