Page name: Turning in the Castle [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2007-03-26 20:35:25
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Demetrius walked into the chamber and took in the rooms desighn. The young dhampir lord smirked as he saw weapons. One of the was inscribed with vampire runes, the likes of which he was unable to read. When he sat on his throne, he watched the spyed the doors waiting for the other members of his clan to stroll right in.
Zenith was the first to appear through the large doors. Her slight figure framed by the arching doorway, she paused to cast a glance around the room. The dirt that had smeared her cheeks was gone to reveal creamy skin. A few strands of her her hair escaped the simple black ribon that tied her long hair at the nape of her neck. The fiery curls accented the fullness of her lips, her almond-shaped green eyes, and the soft curve of her jaw. The Vampiric Gift had taken some of the girl-ish youth from her face, lending a mature hollowness to her cheeks and an accentuation to her cheekbones. About her shoulders she wore a hooded cloak that obscured her form. She did not wear the hood.

Demetrius waved his clawed hand at one of the chairs at the oak table. A gesture for Zenith to sit. "So how was your bath?" Demetrius got off his thrown and headed toward Zenith. "Have you ever had a feeling you've been somewhere before, but don't remeber how you got there...thats how I feel about this place." With a friendly smile he examined Zenith more closely takin in her form after the dark gift did its unholy job. He walked over to the table and poured blood into a wine glass for her. "Your going to have to fed to keep up your strength." Demetrius offered her the glass.

Zenith walked across the marble floor, her gaze still exploring the many aspects of this room. Sinking down into the hardwood chair, the half-demon sat at the very edge of the seat, her back straight and her senses alert. For a moment, she contemplated the rich chamber before her emerald eyes came to rest on Demetrius. She was aware of his scrutiny and soon arched an eyebrow questioningly.
   A quiet smile came to her lips as she considered his words. "I do know that feeling.. World's End had that affect on me. It's strange, isn't it? Perhaps you've been here before." Her eyes, which had been following Demetrius as he moved, widened fractionally. It had yet to accur to her that she would have to drink blood and she was, admitedly, repulsed by the idea.
   The newly-turned vampire's hands trembled nearly imperceptibly as she reached out to accept the glass. Cupping it delicately in both of her hands, she looked down at the vscious crimson liquid. The familiarly metalic sent of blood filled her mind and she found herself closing her eyes. "Must I?" She said when she opened her eyes, grimacing almost comically.

Demetrius shock his head somberly as he poured himself a glass. He recalled the first time he had to drink blood. "When I first tasted blood, it was on a living person. His blood cursed through my tainted vains. That was the day I lost my innocence. There is one rule I'm oing to pass on to you. Thats to only drink the blood of the filth of this world, the evil doer. We are the angels of death that protect the innocent from damnation." His voice was serious as he spoke the one golden rule. "Never slip...slippin will cause you to lose part of your me its something you don't want to live with." His somber voice trailed off as he looked out of a nearby window. "Its another beautiful night." The full moon hung in the sky reflection off a nearby lake its red hue for tonight it was red. He pulled out a small dagger. With one swipe of it he sliced off his hair back to its normal shoulder length. As it hit the ground it erupted into flames becoming nothin but ash. Strangly enough, it didn't smell.
   He turned back and looked at Zenith once more. "I guess I may have been here before, perhaps my father brought me here when I was younger. I have been having strange memories of this place as of late."

Seana Kylstaar walks in and looks at the finery with a bored air. She notices the other vampiress sitting in an oak chair and sits beside her with a respectful nod at the lord.

Demetrius nodded at Seana before walkingback to the window. His claws rested in his pockets as the night's shadow rew on him. Thinking to himself again "I uess my revenge will have to wait...for now I need to rebuild this clan and make sure the current clan members stay safe." He turned and looked at the current members and smiled. He was not normally so trusting of people and prfered to sta out of sight, but he realized being a clan leader required him to be more out going.
 Life was diffrent for him now. He had givin in to his inner beast, and it felt good. He was more vampire now than human. He could never return to Earth, but he knew the familt he had left up there would understand. For the first time in his life, he had a true home. He was ready to lead this clan, but what should he say he thought. "Damn I was never good at giving speeches on Earth...oh well, I uess I'll wing it.

With a pop, Jewl appeared in the room. "I miss anything?"

Seana turns her face toward the newcomer, already used to the strange methods of travel these people used. "Nay, lady vampiress, you have missed little. In fact, the Lord Demetrius is waiting for all of the Clan to arrive."

Demetrius turned on his heel and noticed Jewl. "Glad you came." Demetrius smiled at Jewl. He turned around and faced the window once more. "Four nights left..." Without looking at Jewl or anyone for that matter he spoke again, "So is anyone else coming?"
  He knew that most likely no one else would come and sighed. His eyes had turned mostly red now as his human soul died. His claws lengthend to about three inches as did his fangs. He was still dhampir, but a pure blood. His claw nails turned a glassy black. He turned around again and watched before walking back up to his throne and siting on it once more.

Kieda steped in to the room. "Who is the lord of this place? I just got here and im not sure whats going on." She looked around at the others. ok i feel dumb. everyone is looking at me.

Through the doors came a man-- more teenager-- his ink black hair falling about his face, but not abscuring his golden gaze. Atticus said nothing, though questions shot through his head. At his side was a small boy, he looked about six, but was far from being that young. Azrale's hair fell over his face, looking much like the tragic Sadako from the Ring, the shine making it apper almost blood soaked. Azrale cluched his brothers leg with a slight scowl. The brothers stood there with not much of an idea why.

Amidst all of the new-commers, Zenith didn't think anyone would notice her rejection of the blood, so she set down the glass silently and pushed it away from her person. The more she had looked at it, watching as it darkened slowly in it's crystal prison, the more it had disgusted her. She could not bring herself to do it, no matter how she thirsted. And thirst she did. Her tongue was thick and dry in her mouth and she was becoming lightheaded, but she just... couldn't. Not yet, she told herself and diverted her attention by studying the new clan members. Soon, though, her green eyes - darkened by the thirst and moral strain - strayed back to Demetrius. She had to wonder why he kept glancing through that window.
    Quite suddenly and unexpectedly, pain errupted in Zenith's chest. It started in her heart, spreading through her body, consuming. It was not a fiery pain but an empty aching. She doubled over, elbows braced against the table, head bowed and fingers laced into her hair. Red tresses came loose to veil parts of her face, her lips parted in silent agony as another convulsion came. Her consciousness was blotted out by this pain like no other she'd ever felt, so foreign that she could hardly think. Yet somehow, in the farthest reaches of her mind, she realized that she must be dying. That this was just another step in the Turning. It had taken so long to happen to her because of her demonic blood. "Sadistic bastard.." she hissed between gritted teeth before another wave of pain consumed her, not even sure who she meant.
    Despite her inner turmoil, Zenith's agony was not very outwardly evident. She didn't cry out, merely slumped over in her chair and trembled violently. If someone were not watching carefully, they would not have noticed, for her face was mostly hidden.

Seana notices Zenith shoving away the blood and shifting out of the corner of her eye, sitting next to the vampiress as she was. The New One is rejecting the blood... she will die. Poor woman. Very gently, so it hardly could be noticed by Zenith herself, Seana moves her hand to rest supportively under Zenith's elbow. "You must drink," she muttered quietly, trying not to speak any louder than was necessary to reach the woman's ears. "If you do not, you will embarrass both him and you by fainting. It isn't as bad as it may seem to you now. You don't need more than a sip to keep you for a few hours."

Zenith didn't notice Seana's gentle touch, but she did notice her quiet words. It took Zenith a moment of intense concentration to make out Seana's voice, but she could not seem to piece together the meanings of what she said. Instead, she found herself reading the other Vampiress's thoughts. Zenith's perception was jumbled, almost feverish, but she got the jist of the thought. She was going to die if she didn't drink. Sweat began to collect on her brow and her pupils were expanding as her irises were deepening into a crimson hue. Her lips were dry and she licked them, gasping out again quietly as another wave of pain took her. Drink.. She managed the thought, lifting her eyes to the glass of blood.
      Steeling herself to whatever pain it might cause, Zenith reached out with a trembling hand to wrap her pale fingers around the stem of the glass and bring it to her lips. The glass shuddered in her unsteady grip, and she faltered. Just drink it! she cursed herself and took a sip from the glass... yet, all of a sudden, one sip was not enough, and she finished the goblet.
      The crimson liquid tasted much better than it smelt, and it helped almost immediately. Pain-relieving warmth spread through her wanting body. She hadn't realized how cold she felt until the blood had touched her starved lips. The lightheadedness passed and, with a heaveniness in her heart, she knew it was done. She was a vampire. One of them; damned for eternity in darkness.

Demetrius was going through his own painand did not notice Zenith's. His body was making the change as the land called out to him. This land can not be ruled by a half breed...only a pure blood can rule. The land was changing him as his body went into convulsions. He doubled over as he fell from his throne. His skin had lost whatever color it had left. His mouth opened on its own accord as his nerves died sending a numbin pain throughout his being.
  His transformation was nearly complete. All he had to do was drink, and he would be dhampir no loner, but a pureblood of the Clan Tepes. His body flew up onto its feet and warpped itself to the table. There he found a bottle of blood and drank it as the memories of his childhood here flooded his mind. His eyes turned from their brownish color to that of deep crimson. He was now whole.

Seana starts to jump out of her seat, then glances worriedly at Zenith, torn between helping the two of them. She notices that Zenith has drunk the entire cup of blood and rushes to Lord Demetrius's side. "My Lord! Are you alright?!" She grasps his arm supportively.

Kieda watched the two of them go through their changes. so that is the lord of the castle. A little fledgeling the ruler of this land wow. Kieda filled three glasses with blood and hand them to the ones going through the change then kept one for herself. "It will be over soon just wait it out." she said takeing a sip of the red liquid in her own glass.

Azrale watched with his dark eyes, the gold dancing about as a smerk played on his lips. A shoert little laugh escaped past this smerk and dance in the air. It was a silver tone like that of a music box.
Attiucs looked down at his brother with a displeased look. He then dismissed the boy at his side and mearly watched as the seane played out.. He knew what Zentith was going through. But Demitiruas on the other hand, this was something new. Yet, he did not more, nor tlk. And Azrale stood by his brother with his evil little smile.

The taste of blood still on her lips, Zenith accepted the next glass. A part of her was still disgusted by what she had done and what she was about to do again. Her quivering hands cupping the goblet full of blood, she gaze down into it. She felt stunned, numbed, as if drawn into a trance. Without lifting her eyes, Zenith knew what was happening to Demetrius. She wanted to jump to her feet, to go to him, but she could not seem to move. Her eyes as deep and feral a colour as the blood in the glass, Zenith sat deathly still until the trembling in her hands stopped and the horrible Thirst was too much to bear. The sent of blood filled her and called to her. She closed her eyes. Would it always be like this?

Jewl looked at the two of them, and started to laugh. Laugh! "Oh, this is wonderful..." She said. She meant no disrespect, and she wasn't trying to be rude. "I remember my change. Amazing... did I really look like that? It was over three thousand years ago..." She pondered. "Wait a moment... I can't remember, there was something about me that was special..." She tried to conjure it up, but it would not enter her mind.

Demetrius grabbed the glass hastily and downed it in one gulp. His eyes were still as red as blood and would remain that way for all eternity. The new born vampire raised to his feet and shock off the lightheadness he had exprienced. The castle spoke to him, "Now you are the rightful ruler of the Tepes Clan, claim your throne." Instead of heading to his throne, Demetrius went to check on Zenith. "Are you ok?"

Slowly, Zenith lifted her eyes. They too were a deep crimson colour, and she seemed to be having some difficulty focusing. After a steadying breath, she brought the glass to her lips and finished the second cup of blood. The smooth liquid banished the last of her lightheadedness and released her from the trance she had fallen into. Suddenly, instead of numb, her senses were on fire. Her expressive eyes widdened as she looked up at Demetrius. She could see every detail of his face - his lips, eyes, ears, nose, neck - down to every eyelash an every pore. Her new world was almost unsettling in it's fullness and richensss of colour, sensation and sound. Her lips curved slowly, revealing pearly white eye teeth that came to a dangerous point against the fullness of her bottom lip. "Yes..." She murmured breathlessly. Her eyes flickered over him again, taking in his changes, worry crossing her features. "Are you?"

Kendra Relcar walked in on this scene, doubt and concern etched on her face. She was seriously wondering if it had been such a smart thing to come here in the first place, and a large part of her was saying that it was the hugest mistake she ever made. Her feeling of maturity had vanished, leaving only fear. What was she doing here? The only good thing was that there were several familiar faces- Zenith, Jewl, Demetrius. The 14-year-old stood in the doorway for several moments, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Not to interrupt, I mean you have such a touching reunion going on..." The smaller boy chimed in walking out from behind Atticus' leg. "Azrale!" Atticus whispered sternly to his brother. "Now, brother, do not talk down to me,' He glared up at Atticus. His violate gaze settling back on Demitrius. "As I was saying, Lord, why--as I know my brother here is curious, and possibly others in this fine room-- have you called for such a meeting?" There was something very unsettling about the way this boy was, down to the very movements of his fingers. His voice, small and fitting of his age, yet filled a room much as a skilled English professor. He bare feet gliding crossed the floor with no sound, as a dancer would. The glint in his eyes giving off much more than his small body could ever show of him. His little kid ways, and little kid smile had been lost years ago, even before his change.

Keida watched the boy talk to the the Lord. She felt very uneasy around him she took a few steps away from him and took another sip of blood before downing it all. "i was wondering that myself why are we all here in the first place?" she asked sitting down the glass on a table near by.

Demetrius looked at Zentih a mischievous grin palying across his face. "I'll be better than fine." His fangs retracted to their standard one inch length as a shadow behind him swirled. He heard a little voice pipe up asking why they were all here and laughed. Turning to Azrale his eyes bore the predator's trait. "Were here to rebuild the clan...and to become the rulers of the night."
  "And after that, I'll kill Ambrose..." He walked back to his throne and sat upon it waiting for others to ask him questions. He figured most of the clan was here now when he spotted Kendra. "Yo Kendra, take a seat and grab a glass of blood. You'll need it to keep up your new strength." Pyre flew into the room in his shoulder riding form. "Master everone is gathered." "Thank you Pyre."

Azrale frowned and steped forwerd to say something els. Then a ferm hand was placed on his shoulder. The little boy looked up to glare at his brother. now is not the time Azrale sighed nod noded. His hair falling over his face again. They both walked to a chair and to a set each for their own. Azrale looking all the much more like a doll in the chair that was much to big for him.

Demetrius continued to smile mischievously. He knew what happend to him. The land spoke into his mind once again, Why has your soul not move on? You should have no soul. Demetrius replied with a casual tone in his mind, "I am a dhampir, and have been possessed more than once. My body rejects anything that tries to fuck with my soul...and you have already proclaimed me as the new Lord, so get over it and shut up. I want to address the clan soon."
  Demetrius looked around and his attention turned back to Seana. "Seana, how many members do we have in the clan?" Pyre watched his master with a sly smile and knew he wasn't a full vampire. He was still dhampir, but had more vampire traits than human. "Master you are sly..." Demetrius knew he had a small army of vampires here, roughly one thousand, but still that wasn't enough if someone tried to take over the clan. He thought for a moment, "The clan is in bad shape, and these are the only core members here...wait a minute where the hell is that Luna person? He shock his head and took notice of the little Azrale and his brother Atticus and wondered who was older. The young dhampir sighed again and shock his head. He made a promise to himself than. He said it outloud so all could hear him, "I promise to protect you all...that is my vow as the leader of this clan." Secretly he knew that the Lord's of Darkness would eventually find them and deman the two items he obtained at World's End. "Ambrose you will not win...I'll kill you, that I promise to you." "Seana I'm sorry if I interupted please go ahead."

Seana stands silently next to Demetrius's chair, a bit hurt that he hadn't said anything to her before. She walks back to her seat and sits down, her blue eyes darkening. Her face is set and cold and she looks forward, not acknowledging Demetrius's comment.

Still sitting in her own seat, Zenith looks over at Seana, seeing the hurt expression in the hardening of her previously-friendly features. The bright-eyed girl frowned gently and reached out to touch Seana's arm with her fingertips, her touch light and almost shy. 'Thank you,' she whispered into Seana's mind, also expressing her thanks through the quiet smile that curved her lips. 'For being there while I was Turning...'

Seana glances at her arm, raising an eyebrow at Zenith's soft touch. She looks up at Zenith and her face softens. She must be able to read minds... of course, New One. The turning is always difficult and unpleasant. I would not wish for someone to deal with it alone. Seana gently removes Zenith's hand from her arm. She notices Zenith's smile and interprets it as concern for her. Do not worry so for me.

Zenith's only response was a slow nod of her head and something unreadable that passed behind her eyes before she turned them back to Demetrius, wondering what sort of announcement he was intending on making - or what act he proposed they do to unify and rebuild the clan. Seana's silent words worried Zenith. She could read minds, but only sometimes and only fleetingly.. yet this recent change seemed to have amplified that demonic ability. Zenith lost herself in thought as she waited on Demetrius.

Drake entered the chamber, stopping a few steps in and looking around. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his baggy black hoody. The wires of his headphones dangled out of the hood which was pulled up over his head. The rhythmic base-booms of his music could be heard. Suddenly, they stopped. He said nothing.

A confused look crossed Kendra's face. New strength? She felt no different than she ever had, other than more experienced. And the idea of drinking blood was utterly repulsive. She shook her head. "I- I don't know..." suddenly, a pounding, terrible pain erupted behind her eyes. Her vision started fading in and out, her heart started racing. She felt shaky, and couldn't breath well. Kendra didn't let her pain or fear show, but something was wrong.

Zenith had closed her eyes and propped her chin on the palm of her hand, resting her elbow on the table and listening intently to the world around her. She was still exploring her new senses, bemused by how she could hear every sound, and when she consentrated she could listen in on the thoughts and emotions of other people around the room. None of them were being defensive enough to stop her probing consciousness. First, she noted the new-commer, shrugging off his presense as soon as she noticed the turmoil in Kendra's mind. Zenith's eyes opened quickly, flashing over to study the other woman. "Kendra..?" She said quietly, though her voice carried easily across the room to Kendra's ears.

Kendra ignored Zenith, but the pain was getting worse. She focused on regulating her breathing, and at least it didn't get any worse. The young woman took a seat to keep herself from swaying, and rested her arms on the table, then her head, but the pain wasn't getting any better.

Green eyes peered out from beneath the rim of Drake's hood. They were fixed on Kendra and a slow smile was creeping across the lips that were only barely visible in the shadow. Human, he thought coolly, Here?. He could smell her weakness, her pain. "Who was dense enough to bring a Human here?" He asked, his voice surprisingly cultured and bearing the faintest French accent.

Kendra looked up, glaring at the man. His tone said everything: He considered her weak. This time not because she was young but because she was human. Anger flashed in her eyes, and momentarily she forgot the pain- but not for long.

Adam Riddlewood looked at her evenly as she glared, eyes sliding up and down her body and lingering on her neck. Then he laughed. "A stubborn one too," He commented casually, "and untouched. Whoever it was that brought her here, they are cruel." In the blink of an eye, he was right in front of her, his hood down. He appeared only four years older than she. "Don't look at me like that, my sweet. This air," he waves his hand "is not for mortal lungs. Can you feel the ache? The burning pain? You're in the land of the dead."

Kendra tensed. She had gotten used to Demetrius's presence, but this was different. His way of speaking was too enticing. It was dangerous. She listened to his words, but gave no affirmation. Why had she agreed to be here? Why couldn't she have just returned home to her family? Now, she realized, she may never see them again. Still, none of this made its way onto her expression, which mostly conveyed the pain, as hard as she tried to hide it.

Seana hesitates and then rises, gliding over to Kendra. "Let the human alone," she says sharply to the cruel vampire whose hungry gaze was fixed on the woman. Seana moves in between the two, glowering at the vampire, a protective look on her face. She doesn't move her gaze away from him but speaks to the human behind her. "Human, he is right. You will die unless one of us bites you. I am sorry."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Drake commented smoothly, "Is she yours?". A shock of black hair fell into his eyes. He didn't budge. Leaning against the table, he crossed his arms. Suddenly, quite thoughtfully, he spoke to Kendra, "You hide your emotions from your face as if you had been hiding for all your life."

Kendra's eyes flickered from the man to the woman who had just approached. She would die, unless they bit her. What did that mean? She remembered her choices being vampirism or returning to her normal life. They intended to change her. Suddenly she wished she had never seen Deme in the street and healed him. Life would be so much simpler now.... 
  "I belong to no one," she snapped, when the man asked. "And I've never had reason to hide." This was true. Her home had been safe. She'd never hidden emotion.

Draconius Riddlewood smiled, chuckling as he shook his head. "No, you belong to no one. For someone who has never had reason to hide, you do it impecably well. My cudos, it took me centuries." He grinned dissarmingly and hooked his thumbs in the belt-loops of his ragged black jeans. Then he sobered and looked at Seana full on, his expression equaly cold. "She is dying," are you going to let me save her? Or would you do it yourself? Don't drag this on. She's suffering.

"The Human is mine! She is blood-bonded with me." Suddenly, Jewl De La Mirdesang strode from her place in the corner of the Hearing Chamber. Her cape billowed behind her like a pair of wings, and her hair shifted colors from blue-black to a deep crimson. She smiled winningly at Kendra. "No worries." She whispered. Then, Jewl looked at Drake. She was not impressed with his bad-boy soft-heart attitude. "She is blood-bonded. Though her mind, heart, and soul are her own, physically, her body is bound to me." Jewl stated again. "No harm will come to her while she is in my presence. No vampire other than myself can change her. You know the ancient bindingd, I assume? Or are you still a fledgling?" She snapped. She tucked a lock of red hair behind her left ear, and her shifting, luminescant eyes stared straight into Drake's. Without another word, she turned to Kendra. "Remember when you helped heal me? You blood-bonded." She admitted quietly. "I can help you live, without a vampiric shift. There is a spell, but it has... complications." She said, and waited.

Seana opened her mouth, about to offer to turn the human as painlessly as possible, but at Jewl's words she shut her mouth and respectfully stepped aside.

Kendra looked from one to the next, but her vision was getting worse, and the pain as well. It was getting much harder to think. She tried to remember what Jewl was talking about, but she couldn't manage to. How did she even know Jewl? Everything was blurry. "What... complications?" she said slowly, really not wanting to be a vampire right now.

"Interesting." was Drake's only comment. His arms still folded over his chest, he stepped back, giving them some room. His unreadable expression did not change as Jewl glared him down, but his eyes told her that he was no fledgling and she was being rash to think so. He appreciated her passion, and was amused by her contempt, but this he kept to himself. Inwardly, he was disappointed. Kendra had a fire to her, and he would have liked to taste her blood.

"I'm sorry. It's too late for that, it would take too long. You need to change." Jewl sighed. Despite her age, power, and seemingly blunt attitude to most situations, she had only birthed three other vampires. But now it was time that mattered. Closing her eyes, Jewl approached Kendra and gently put her arm around the other woman;s waist. "Tilt your head." She whispered. Then she glanced back at Drake. "I will not do it alone." That was as close as Jewl would get to an invitation. The only matter left was... getting around the bond. If she let Drake take only a drop of her blood, it would bind them but allow him to safely drink. As much as she was reluctant, she cared for Kendra more. Jewl slowly extended her wrist in Drake's direction.

Kendra was having an incredible difficulty keeping track of what was going on. Only a few words broke through the haze: 'too late,' 'alone.' Then Jewl's arm was around her waist. Kendra suddenly panicked. She struggled as hard as she could to get out of that embrace- which wasn't very hard. She was weak, very weak. But she had to escape. The girl was hyperventilating. It was too much. She fainted.

Drake watched as Kendra struggled, almost sighing when she fainted. He disliked taking blood from the unconscious; it took away all the fun. But her helplessness struck a chord in him and he joined Jewl. He took her wrist and brought it to his mouth. His lips were cool and his bite was quick. He took her blood into himself, not letting a drop escape. Then he released Jewl's hand and drew nearer, wrapping one arm around Kendra. He was lithe but strong, his hold supporting her easily, even supporting the back of her head, as he bent over her. His lips came very close to Kendra's and he breathed slowly against them; a hot, vampiric breath that drew her back from unconsciousness.

With a small, barely audible sigh, Jewl leaned to Kendra's left, her head tilting fluidly, and pressed her warm lips against the fainted woman's neck. The hot pulse of blood running just millimeters away was almost too alluring, but Jewl waited. She would bite when Kendra regained consciousness. Her wrist started to drip blood, but Jewl didn't bother to close the wound. She would need it in a moment. Her hair and her eyes slowly, gradually faded to deepest black. It was a rare occasion that Jewl went into a BloodLust, maybe only once every 100 years. She fought one now.

Kendra faded in and out, sometimes aware of what was going on, sometimes not. When Drake breathed upon her she gained enough consciousness to remember to try to get away, but though she told her muscles to move she could not make them. She remained tense, trying to muster the strength to get away. She did not want to be a vampire. Why had she not just listened to Telcara and returned home? Oh how she wished she could now. Would she lose her healing powers? Would it hurt? Could it kill her? There were too many possibilities. She needed to get away. In one last immense effort she tried once more to escape from the arms of her captors.

Drake was briefly stunned by the surge of Kendra's emotions. Her fears intoxicated him and he closed his eyes, holding her steady in his inhuman grip. Stop fighting it, he said soothingly into her mind, Let us help you, let us take the pain away. Forget what you think you know; right and wrong are figments of the human imagination. And then 'we' dissolved into the intimacy of his vampiric kiss. Icy lips were on her throat, parting to suck her warm skin before taking her. A sharp pain. His canines slid into her, pierced her flesh. His mouth filled with her delicious Life Blood and his voice grew louder in her mind. Give in to feeling, give in to my touch. Leave the pain behind and let me give you life. With his magic, he took her mind away from this hearing chamber in this Land of Death. He put her mind with her family in a quiet meadow in which the sun was setting.

Meanwhile, Jewl's pierce was completely painless. She had waited, and had sunk her needle-sharp fangs into skin at the precise moment Drake had. She let him mind-soothe, as he was younger and of the oppostie sex, and probably more reassuring to Kendra. Her eyes glazed over as she began a BloodLust. Not dangerous, but very powerful. She didn't control her actions anymore, except from a distant level. Her thoughts wove in and out of the other two in a sensual, echoing whisper. To Drake: Listen... feel her heart? Almost there... not so fast... let her begin to.. die.. memories... bring her back... when she.. falls... And to Kendra: Remember the Red Siren?... Let your heart... slow down... relax... feel my hand?... focus... slower... see, the pain is leaving... don't fight the cold... It took only a few, static-filled moments to complete the task. As Kendra neared death, Jewl raised her wrist to Kendra's lips. Jewl would be drained first, to establish a strong base. Hopefully, Drake would handle details. Come back to the present... drink... feel new life flow into you... warm, delicate... just a sip...

Kendra did not know the art of blocking one out of her mind, but she did everything she could to get the smooth voice belonging to Drake out. She didn't want this to happen. She couldn't die. She had a life... a family... a brother. Where was he? Why wasn't he protecting her when she needed him most? She couldn't remember why she was here. She should be home. Not here. But she could not block the words out, no matter how hard she tried. Slowly she began to relax- and as soon as she realized that she started struggling again, but to no avail. The skin was pierced, her blood flowing. They were drinking it, and it was repulsive. She kept trying to escape their grip, and she kept failing. Jewl's calming telepathic voice only made her more frantic. She couldn't die. She had too much to lose. She could. not. Die!
  And yet, she could not escape it. Her blood was drained. It was true, the pain left with it. The idea of dying was not one she could get her mind around, but it was happening to her right now. It had happened. She was dead.
  But she would not- would not drink their blood. Obviously she wasn't entirely dead, just close. But drinking their blood... no, she couldn't do it. That would seal it. She would be a creature of the dark. Every part of her being fought against the idea. Instinct told her true death would be better than immortality. She turned her head away.

Dreadfully conscious of the slowing of her heartbeat, Drake Riddlewood smiled calmly at her Death. Thud thud... the painfully slow beat boomed in his head. He tore his mind away from the delicious extacy of her sweet human blood, unclamped his jaw and withdrew his canines. Licking his lips, his sharp eyes flickered quickly over the two women in the intimate, bloody embrace. Kendra was refusing the blood. Thud...thud.... Even slower now, the heartbeat's came. It was so loud in his mind and something twisted in his gut. He could not let her heart stop completely.
   "I won't let you kill yourself." He hissed into her ear, taking her in his powerful grip, pulling her out of her seat and dragging her limp form onto the table. He kept her pinned with his body, one hand clasped her jaw and forced it open. He tore his other wrist open with his teeth and pressed it to her lips. Blood dribbled between her parted lips and it burned in her mouth. She would loathe him, but he knew how good it tasted when she was in that state - like fire, ice, like hope and erotic extasy all at once. "Drink." he commanded, plugging her nose so instinct would force her to swallow.

Kendra's eyes widened, her limbs thrashing as she fought against him. She would not be pinned down. But too late; she already was. She clamped her mouth shut, but he was still stronger than her; he opened it again. She breathed deeply- as deeply as she could- before he plugged her nose, and held the breath, not letting herself swallow. Every instinct in her told her to drink it, swallow, revel in the strange but wonderful taste. She didn't let herself. The stream pooled in the back of her mouth until she coughed violently, spitting it out. It wouldn't work though. Now she had no way of breathing. Her only options were to drink the blood or drown in it. She chose the latter, and once again held her breath. She would not give in.

Azrale hardly cared as this whole thing went one, or didn't want to care. He sat stairing off, lost in thought. Though he glanced over once or twice with a glare. Atticus would glance at his brother and sigh. Azrale you have not been yourself lately <i/> He was worried. Though he must also admit that he himself had not been fealing...right.
Azrale's eyes finally settled on Kendra and Drake. His face shown nothing. Though, again, everything about this was wrong. Him sitting there like a little homeless doll while a vampire's fight to change a girl went on before him. Though the gold in his eyes flashed. Atticus payed carefull atention to Azrale, he wasn't sure exactly what he would do, but he had the, he knew. Attiucs' raised an eyebrow as he relized something very strange. Azrale looked over at his broether with a trange smile. He rassed an arm slightly off the chair's arm. Atticus felt that urge to come over him. Brother there is more to our curse than you know...much more his silvery little voice called to Atticus.

Demetrius looked on as Drake and Jewl attempted to change Kendra into one of the damned and sighed. He looked deep into himself and wished he hadn't brought her along. "Damn it all to hell!" He leapt out of his throne and walked slowly over to where the embrace was happening.
 Get off of" His voice was cold and dark as he tore his own wrist. He fought the urge to heal it and bent down finding a bit off her blood that was on the floor. It was just a drop, but it would do. He licked it up and looked over to Jewl. "The first person she ever healed was me...thus we are also blood bound... the gem brought her here, yet if I hadn't brought her aboared the Siren she wouldn't have to go through this pain....she is my charge child." He didn't know what would happen if he embraced her fore he never knew of a dhampir embracing someone yet somehow he knew it would work. He bent over Kendra and whispered It'll be alright, I'll protect you just like I promised. He gently pushed Drakes arm away from her and placed his own wrist to her lips. "Drink my blood and live..."

Drake withdrew, inclining his head to Demetrius as he stepped back. He wiped the blood off of his lips onto the sleeve of his already-soiled hoody. Glowing red eyes thinned and his wrist healed. Calmly, he pulled the sweatshirt over his head and tossed it to the side. He flicked his wrist, cocked an eyebrow at it, and it burst into flame, leaving only ashes. Three steps back from Demetrius, Kendra and Jewl, he stood inhumanly still, watching; bare arms folded over his black-clothed chest; a white-faced sentinel standing guard.

Kendra was starting to gag, but she resisted the impulse to swallow, as hard as it was. Her will was one of steel. Desperation shone in her eyes when finally Demetrius approached. His cold words reassured her, and Drake released her. The near-dead girl coughed violently for several minutes. The pain was flaring again, but strangely muted. Everything was fuzzy. She knew she was dying, but now she was released. She had not swallowed the blood. It took her several seconds to finish coughing, and she gasped air into her deprived lungs.
  She wanted to tell him that it was not his fault, she had chosen to come, both onto the ship and through the portal. But even if she could gain enough breath for words, she was having difficulty forming them. Still his gentle voice trickled through her mind and had a soothing effect, clearing her conscience. With clearer thought came clearer pain, and she winced as now a third person held a bloody wrist to her mouth.
  By now it was sheer stubbornness keeping her from accepting the blood, living. She hardly remembered why she was so against the idea of drinking blood, but still she clenched her mouth shut, her lips sealed. She had often been scolded for her stubbornness, but it had stuck anyway, and that wasn't about to change.

"Damnit Kendra...if you chose to come here you knew that the stone would turn it did Zenith." He turned and looked at the demon dhampir that had recently turned before turning back to Kendra before speaking to her. "Don't die on me now. You are on the brink of death now and there is no turning away from this...if you do then you will die the true death of mortals...and you'll never have the chance to see your family again...I promise you that you will see them again...I swear on my still breathing soul." He kept his wrist over her mouth and not forcing it.
  He knew that it was her choice but, how could he live with himself if she died here. "Damn it all to hell...I'll save you Kendra and then Ambrose will die. If it wasn't for him none of us would be in this situation...FUCK!" Demetrius' hair grew out once again. It was back to it natural length. His dark hair covered his face like a mask of shadows. "Take it now Kendra....please..." A tear of blood slid down his face onto Kendra's lips as he pleaded for her to take it.

Atticus clenched his teeth as he glared at his brother. He then shook his head and watched. Tears of red began to slowly trail down his white face. why? Why must you be this way Azrale...mother would have never had wanted this...
Azrale laughed lightly. you know nothing of mother Atticus, his voice was dark as he laughed lightly. Azrale looked back in front of him. His smirk still held. He cocked an eyebrow at Demetrius as he watched. This was all very interesting. Then he scowled. A small growl, to light to be recognizable, escaped past his lips. "Damn you all," he whispered: jealousy growing behind his lighting eyes of violate.

Jewl grew impatient. "There's a way that you have NO choice." She hissed as she bolted to the table Kendra was on. Before anyone could react, she grabbed Kendra's wrist and sunk her teeth in. No blood flowed from the wound, Kendra had little enough left to spare. Hastily Jewl brought her own wrist and began sucking, drawing a large mouthful of blood out. Without a word she returned her lips to Kendra's wrist, and forced the blood into her veins. It wouldn't change her completely, but it would give her the shift between death and immortality. Jewl's wound closed almost instantly. Her eyes and hair were still midnight black, but now she stepped away. Because she was in a BloodLust, Kendra would immediately enter one due to the exchange of blood. Her first meal had to be of a vampire or it would curdle and sour in her stomach. She closed her eyes. Poor Jewl had stayed in a BloodLust longer than was safe.

Demetrius jumped ack as Jewl rushed to the tale that Kendra was on. He allowed his wound to heal and sighed with relief. He never wanted to turn another and almost did. He grabed his hair and sliced it down to its shoulder length size. "Ok well I guess this episode is over and I can....what the hell was that?"
  Demetrius heard a rumbling from outside. As he peered out he saw that a massive army had come to his very castle. "The hell!" The Dragon Katana appeared in his hand as he yelled a call to arms and headed outside to face this new threat.

Atticus jumped up from his chair, joininf Demitrius shortly after a glance at his brother who fallowed. Atticus had no real idea as to why he was helping, though he was more shocked by Azrale's willingness to join him. Though whith their curse, if he thought about it there was no real shock when it came down to it.

Seana runs smoothly to the door, glancing at the others. "Coming?" she asks rhetorically. She runs smoothly down the stairs, drawing her longsword as she goes, the fire of battle drawing her outside.

Zenith, who had no weapons on her person, rose to her feet and walked towards the broad doors at a more sedate pace. Those silent footsteps carried her to where Drake stood and there, she paused. "I will stay with her." She said, "You go. I will be of little aid in battle."

Pyre watched as everyone left the room and thought about leaving himself but thought better of it. If the Clan lost the battle outside he would help these Zenith and Kendra to escape. He flew over to where Zenith and Kendra were and his face contorted into what could be interpreted as a smile. "I'll stay here, after all I think thats what D would want...besides if he needs me he can call me at will."

Kendra tore her wrist away from Jewl, but too late. The blood was within her. She felt the change like a fire in her veins, a surge of senses. Life returned to her, but not life she wanted. She would rather be dead. Still, the deed was done. There was no going back. It turned her stomach. She had enough strength now to force them all away and stand. She felt nausious, and was sure she would be sick.
  Then the bloodlust hit, and suddenly all she could think about was blood. She wheeled around, thoughts of revulsion fighting instinct, instinct winning out. She squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her lips together, not allowing herself to give in. Slowly she forced herself to follow the others out of the room, though all she could think about was drinking her first meal.

Pyre knew something was wrong and transfored into his adult form. "Stay here!" The dragon flapped his great wings once and flew out of the window towards the battle to save his friend and master from certain death.

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