Page name: Uitav Hdyva [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-02 21:07:41
Last author: Nazarath.93
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<img:>Uitav Hdyva<img:>


 Uitav Hdyva is a eternal plane of existence for the Xviv Ryntyv, the four of the highest ineffable kings of this plane. The plane is round plane that stretches farther than the earth (its about the size of the sun, about 1/6th smaller). Its a flat plane with an ending, the ending is called Umdeneuv.
 The ending is protected by a massive border of mountains called the Luvdpr'Avp Mountains. Beyond the mountains the waters of Leviathan flow eternally over the edge. Umdeneuv is a endless place of eternal falling (think tartarus.
 The plane orbits no sun, and doesnt rotate or revolve. It is roughly a circle started from the outer circle with the Luvdpr'Avp chain that circles from one end of the plane to the other. The second Circle is the dwelling place of the first Ryntyv, the God of waters Leviathan, a massive serpent hundreds of miles long. Then the third circle is a massive cliff range of plateaus and hills, all grassy and usually Grey in the sky and raining slightly. and so on and so forth. Here is a list of the circles starting from the outer going in.

Circle 1: Luvdpr'Avp Mountains
 The long mountain range with waterfalls pouring the water of Leviathan down into Umdeneuv. It rains constantly and is always nighttime in a thunderstorm. There is no life in this Circle except those who fall eternally into Umdeneuv.

Circle 2: Leviathan'Pladdevk
 The eternal river that is more than ten times as wide as the Atlantic ocean and circles the entire Plane, much like the Luvdpr'Avp Mountains. It rains eternally here though much less than the first circle, and only has the occasional thunderstorm. Beneath the water (which is deeper than the deepest part of our oceans) dwells many cities and creatures that dwell in this otherworldly deep. Dragons and other flying creatures make their way through here. The great City of Daneatnv lies in the Western most part of the river. It is the royal seat of Leviathan, although he spends little time there.

Circle 3: Avp'Leviathan
 This is a hilly elevated place, covered in grass, and usually high over the ocean with very high cliffs. Its Grey and cloudy here, but mostly doesnt rain. If it does rain it is small and misty. Its also quite foggy here. Denizens of this plane build small houses and dwell in small caves here.

Circle 4: Kvyrrhdyev
 This is a great Grassland, where it is always slightly sunny with a cloud filled sky. The sun and clouds are a part of the plane, but do not actually exist. The Northernmost point of Kvyrrhdyev is a great Cave surrounded by a great forest, the Cave is miles high and holds the great city of Madeyd, the Royal place of Belial the God of the Earth. The entire city is masoned out of the rock. All life here is mostly in Madeyd but various underground dwellings of the smaller creatures lie here.

Circle 5: Kvait Xuvart
 This is a massive forest or evergreen trees, resembling a northern forest. The life here consists of beasts and demons living in the woods.

Circle 6: Pyvw Xuvart
 This is a smaller forest with a large canopy that blocks out all light, giving it a much darker presence. Many demons and darker beings live here.

Circle 7: Rvul'Dyvp
 This is a great snowy circle that is always snowing, and extremely cold. Little life lives here, except the ones in the various mountains scattered around the Circle.

Circle 8: Venavpadd
 This is a sunny plain that resembles the spring after winter. There are mountains, small rivers and ponds, etc. In the East is a massive city (Imagine an elven city from Lord Of the Rings) with the Royal Castle of Lucifer. The majority of this planes population lives here.

Circle 9: Xevar'ux Satan
 This is a fiery circle surrounded by dead trees and flaming volcanoes. The entire region is a massive labyrinth of razor sharp rocks, flaming brimstone, volcanoes, and lava rivers/ waterfalls/ lakes. Most of the plains are on fire. The sky is always night and cloudy, and in the denser parts it rains fire. In the southernmost part lies the Mdytw Tulav Ux'Satan, a hundred mile tall tower crawling with demons and dragons. Only demons and fiery denizens lie here in cities made of burning Iron and steel.

 Souls do not go to the Uitav Hdyva when they die, and living things in Uitav Hdyva do not live eternally. Only the Xviv Rytyv live forever here, all others die and disappear into Oblivion. Likewise souls are not tortured anywhere here, this is not an underworld, or a place of rest.

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