Theme songs "Ocean avenue" by Yellow-card.
This is where people with the government go.
Abigail looked around the facility, "Wow! It's even bigger on the inside!" She said smiling.
"Yeah.... I think I remember my way."
Liden said.
"How long has it been since you came here?"
Malik asked.
"Hmm about seven years... But I have photo memory."
Liden replied.
"What if they changed things?"
Malik asked.
"We'll be lost for a lil while... But it's not like we know where we're goin any ways."
Liden replied.
"That is true."
Malik said.
Abigail let go of Liden's hand and rubbed her leg where the cut from earlier was.
"Are you alright Abigail?"
Malik asked.
"Yeah, my cut just hurts a little."
Abigail said.
Liden quickly picked Abby up I'll take ya to Betsie's... I think that was her name."
Abigail said with a smile.
Liden lead the way.
Abigail smiled.
Malik followed Liden.
"Clair, are you sure this is where that boy stopped at?" Caleb asked as he looked at the gate to the Facility.
"Yes, I'm sure Caleb.... Now how do we get inside, the gates are closed and there's a guard..." Clair said.
"Can I help?"
A black haired woman asked as she walked up to the gate.
"Well... We think our sons are in there." Clair said looking at the woman.
"What are your sons names, Race, and age?"
The woman asked as she pulled some device out.
"Gabriel and Logan, they're angels and they're seventeen."
Clair said as Caleb took her hand.
"Yes... They're here..."
The woman had the gates opened. "This way please."
"Thank you."
Clair said following the woman while holding Caleb's hand.
"Yes, thank you."
Caleb said smiling.
"My name's Debbie by the way."
Debbie said walking into the facility and holding the door open.
"Nice to meet you Debbie."
Clair said with a smile as she walked inside the facility.
Caleb smiled at Debbie as he followed his wife inside.

Outside the Clinic
"Cover your heads an' make sure ya don't get cut on anythin'!"
Jace barked, ducking his head to avoid the glass shards.
Ciel quickly made a shield of ice above everyone. "H... How'd that happen?"
Alan covered his head but blinked when nothing hit him.
"Is Me... Everyone ok?"
Alex asked catching himself before he just said Meko.
"I don't know. Hey Sam could you make a light please."
Will said to Sam.
"Sure Dad."
Sam said as he made a fireball in his hand. "Now what would make the light fixture shatter like that?"
"Quick thinkin', pup."
Jace praised Ciel before addressing Sam. "I'm no expert, but I'll guess some extra voltage in the static, or maybe a change in pressure?"
"Is everyone okay?"
Anna looking around.
"I'm fine."
Maniko said holding/ being held by Meko.
"I'm... I'm okay too...
Uhh Soron's going to kill me."
Meko said her left arm was above her head and had some glass in it.
Alex looked at Meko.
"We're ok."
Gabriel and Logan said.
"I'm fine."
Zane said looking over at Ciel.
"I'm ok too."
Alan said.
Raven, Karin are the both of you ok?"
Will asked as his eyes adjusted to the low light.
"Yeah I'm okay..."
Raven replied turning to Karin to make sure she was okay.
"I'm fine."
Karin said.
Jace was next to Anabell in about half a second. "You ok, Ana?"
"I..I'm okay...Are you?"
Anna asked before looking at how the glass would have falling. "Look at how the ice was falling....It would have only hit you and people around you, Jace."
Jace looked at the light bulbs and swore under his breath.
"That's odd, why only Jace?"
Alex asked as he looked up.
Dean said as he got up and walked out into the hallway. "Is everyone ok out here?"
"Glass doesn't normally do that...so did someone rig it?"
Meko asked as she pulled glass pieces out of her arm.
"Can't see how someone could."
Jace replied before looking towards Dean. "I take it your Will's twin?
All these twins wanderin' around, we're gonna start needin' labels or somethin'..."
Alex was watching Meko.
"Yeah, it'd be pretty hard to rig something up like that."
Alan said.
"Yeah I'm Will's twin, Dean."
Dean said to Jace. "Ghosts have been known to cause things to overload."
Jace scratched the back of his head as he turned to Anabell. "Do we have any ghosts?"
Anabell seemed to hold back a nervous laugh."Oh... Th... There has to be another explanation...
"I bet it's that F***** ghost from earlier!" Raven growled.
"What ghost from earlier?" Alex asked looking at Raven.
"And why would a ghost be trying to hurt Jace?" Alan asked.
"It wouldn't be that ghost Raven, she is more of a pest and wouldn't do something like this." Dean said to Raven.
"The D*** ghost has...never mind...*Sigh* any die recently who hated you?" Raven asked Jace.
"Probably." Jace shrugged. "Nobody at the facility or in the prison, though, so that rules out most people I've met in the past ten years."
"What about before that?" Zane asked.
Anabell looked like she wanted to say something but bit her lip, before turning to Jace.
"Before I joined the military? Uh..." Jace furrowed his brow and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeesh...I didn't really keep count, but it's a fairly big number, an' I wasn't really livin' in places that guaranteed a long life, y'know, pup?"
"I heard it was pretty dangerous here." Zane said.
"If Meko and Maniko don't mind I think Dean and Karin should get their paper work done." Will said looking at the clerk twins.
"Will does have a point. What do you think Karin?" Dean asked glancing at Karin.
"That's fine." Karin said with a nod.
"Actually, Dean, I gotta ask ya somethin' first." Jace said. "Ya met Fern, right?"
"Yeah she was my old boss." Dean said to Jace. "Why do you ask?"
"I've heard some things from people who might not be the best sources, but I wanna know if there's any truth ta it..." Jace exhaled. "I...I've been told s-she's not all right in the head? Can ya tell me if she's crazy or just bitter?"
"I've seen her talk to a mangled cage a few times," Dean said to Jace.
"...Yeah. Someone's mentioned that before." Jace sighed. "I guess that's all I wanted ta know."
"What da 'Ell?! I know I aven't been 'ere in a while but this is a wreck!"A young black haired man carring a young brownish blond haired girl said as he walked up. "I can ardly see a thing!"
"Light bulbs blew out." Jace called out. "Watch your step!"
"Iye, Right... Um Betsies is around 'ere right?" Liden asked.
"It is rather dark in here." A man with dark purple hair standing behind Liden said.
"Sorry. Give me a sec and I'll make it brighter." Sam said as he made the fireball he was holding brighter. "How's that?"
"Are you talking about Betty?" Alan asked looking at Liden.
"Betty's right here." Jace jerked a thumb at the clinic door.
"Oh Betty... Okay tha... Wait are you two Logan and Gabriel?" Liden with a happy smile. 'FOOD MONEY, HERE I COME!!'
"How do you know our names?" Gabriel and Logan asked curiously.
"They look just like the picture." Abigail said looking at Gabriel and Logan.
Malik was staring at Alan curiously.
"Picture?" Jace asked.
"Ya parents hired me ta find ya." Liden replied before glancing at Malik.
"Our parents are here?" Gabriel and Logan said before following Liden's gaze to Malik, and Malik's to Alan.
"Hey Dean, I'm getting a weird feeling about that purple haired guy." Will said to Dean in a low voice.
"I know what you mean Will, and I don't like the way he is looking at Alan." Dean said to Will.
Karin got an overwhelming feeling to protect Alan as she looked at Malik and moved closer to Alan.
Alan felt a little uneasy feeling Malik's eyes on him.
"Why are you staring at Alan?" Zane asked.
Malik smirked when Zane said Alan's name, but ignored his question.
"Yo! Pup asked ya a question." Jace snarled at Malik. "Now me, I'd like ta hear the answer."
Anabell was looking over Malik as she hide the fact that she had her gun ready.
"Sam, be ready incase this guy tries something." Will said as his hand dropped to his sword. "That goes for you too Raven."
"Right dad." Sam said as he moved so he was behind Malik and formed lightning orb in his left hand and made the fireball in his right hand bigger. "Ciel, help aunt Karin guard Alan."
Dean let's off a low growl as a black flame covers his right hand.
"Right, sorry." Malik said ignoring Sam, Will and Dean and turning to Jace then to Zane. "I know him, we met when he was twelve."
Alan blinked, "R-Really? I don't remember you."
"You don't?" Malik said his face looking sad. 'Good, it's still working.' He thought.
"Ya met, huh?" Jace narrowed his eyes at Malik but didn't move. "How so?"
Meko got up off the floor. "Perhaps we shou.."
She was cutoff by the sound of creaking glass.
"What's that?" Alan asked curiously.
"It sounds like glass breaking..." Alex said as he listened.
"Hey Dean, I think Alan may have a memory block and I think the purple haired guy is responsible." Will said to Dean in a low voice.
Dean nods as a white light replaces the black flames on his hand as he turned to Alan. "My brother thinks you may have a memory block caused by the guy claiming to know you." Dean said to Alan. "I can try to get rid of the block if you want me to."
"I do know him, we lived in the same town." Malik said.
Alan blinked as he turned to look at Dean, "A memory block?"
"An' how does that warrant ya eyeing the pup like a ribeye?" Jace growled.
"I wasn't eyeing him like a ribeye!" Malik said glaring at Jace. "I was just surprised and happy to see him again after six years."
Will looks back at Alan. "Yeah a memory block. I had to remove one from Sam's mom because of a vampire marking her." Will said to Alan. "Just give Dean a few seconds and he will remove it."
'Crap, he can remove memory blocks?!' Malik thought looking over at Dean.
"I...I don't know." Alan said looking at Dean uneasily.
"Pup, we gotta know how that one knows ya, an' I'm willin' ta take your word over his." Jace did not take his eyes off of Malik. "It's your choice, but I'm all for knowin' who this man is."
The glass by them completely shattered out towards them.
Liden moved so he was shielding Abigail.
Jace grabbed Anabell's elbow and swung her around him so he was between her and the window and shot the shattered glass a death glare before turning it back to Malik.
Abigail buried her face in Liden's chest.
"I'll make it as quick as I can, Alan. Besides we need to make sure what that guy is saying is true." Dean said shooting Malik a glare.
Malik ignored Dean and Jace's glares as he got in front of Alan who was closest to the window and shielded him from the shattering glass getting cut some on his arm.
Alan closed his eyes and covered his face, he opened his eyes to see that Malik was in front of him shielding him from the glass.
"Are..are you okay Jace?" Anabell asked looking up at him she followed his glare to Malik.
Will lets out a growl as he draws a sword and points the tip at Malik. "Back away slowly from Alan or I'll have my sisters move you by force," Will said glaring at Malik.
"I'm fine." Jace said to Anabell as he walked up next to Will. "No need for that. If he cares about the pup enough ta protect him, he'll want ta be remembered." He looked back at Malik. "Now, won't ya?"
'Crap!' Malik thought as he looked from Alan to Jace, "Of course I want to be remembered."
"Oh! You're bleeding." Alan said as he saw blood dripping from Malik's hand and onto the floor.
"He must've gotten cut by the glass." Alex said as he looked at the blood.
Gabriel had his back to Malik and leaned over to Dean, "His aura is off..." He whispered so only Dean could hear.
Logan whispered the same thing to Will with his back to Malik as well.
"I don't trust the guy even though he did protect Alan from the glass." Will said to Jace before glancing at Logan. "I noticed the same thing."
Dean nods to what Gabriel said.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." Malik said smiling slightly at Alan.
I don't recall the pup askin'. Jace fought the urge to narrow his eyes and addressed Alan. "It's your head, your choice."
"Well actually.... Um even though your a vampire... Health problems from your past... Can come back..." Meko added timidly.
"Well... I would be able to finally remember what my life was like before I became a vampire." Alan said looking at Dean.
'Freaking pest!' Malik thought trying not to glare at Jace as he pulled shards of glass from his arm.
"Yeah, your head won't start to hurt when you try to remember anymore." Alex said with a smile.
Gabriel and Logan moved closer to Alan and Malik.
Dean walked over and puts his hand that was glowing on Alan's head. "This may take a few seconds but you should remember everything that was blocked." Dean said as the glow around his hand got brighter as he started to remove the memory block from Alan.
Jace kept his eyes trained on Malik to make sure he did not try anything, but appeared relaxed and non-hostile.
Maniko handed Malik a first aid kit.
"Thank you." Malik said taking the first aid kit and used it to clean and bandage his wounds.
Alan's eyes grew wide as he started to remember his past, he let out a horrific scream before passing out and falling backwards.
Gabriel and Logan rushed forward and caught Alan before he hit the ground.
Malik's head snapped up, "What'd you do to him?!"
"Is that supposed to happen?" Karin asked.
This time Jace allowed his eyes to narrow. "Somethin' happened that the pup didn't want ta remember. You pups get him into Betty's. Will, keep a close eye on our guest."
Liden eyes narrowed a bit. "Um.. ponytails can ya get Abby here to Betty too."
"Oh uhh sure," Meko quickly went over to Liden and got Abigail.
"I don't know. Ask Will he has done this before," Dean said as he fell backwards.
Will caught Dean before he hit the ground. "Alan will be fine. Sam's mom did the same thing and woke up a few minutes later." Will said glaring at Malik. "I'll be glad to, Jace."
"Correction, pups." Jace amended with a sigh. "Get Alan and Dean into Betty's. At least til they wake up."
Abigail smiled at Meko, "Thank you."
Gabriel nodded as he picked Alan up bridal style and walked into the clinic with Logan right behind him.
"Should Malik go too, you know make sure all the glass is out of his arm?" Alex asked.
Jace shrugged. "Might as well. More witnesses that way. Don't ya think, Will?"
Sam sighs as he walks over to his dad and picks up Dean and walks into the clinic with him.
"I agree with Jace." Will said as he stood up and put away his sword. "But if I see him go near Alan I'm having Karin take him down."
"Don't worry Will, I'll keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't get too close to him." Karin said glaring at Malik.
"We will too." Zane and Alex said in unison accidentally.
"Do you know what Alan might have remembered?" Anabell asked.
"It's hard to say Anna, Sam's mom managed to remember everything except being bit by the vampire who marked her." Will said as he watched Malik.
"I'm not sure either." Malik said.
"Speakin' of vampires..." Jace gave Malik a dull-eyed look. "That is whatcha are, right?"
"I can tell by his scent he is a vampire, Jace." Will said as he picked up Malik's scent. "And he doesn't look to bright either."
"Yes I'm a vampire, and are you trying to call me stupid?" Malik asked shooting Will a glare full of hatred and acid.
"I think I'll go check on Alan." Alex said practically running into the clinic. 'Man that guy is scary.'
"I-I'll go too." Zane said as he hurried after Alex.
"Huh?! wh.." David was about to asked what happened with his normal smile when he noticed Will and Malik's faces, and his smile faded to a serious look as he stepped in front of Siven. "What's up?"
"Yes I do think you're stupid and before you decide to pick a fight with me, I'm going to tell you right now you outclassed." Will said as he popped his knuckles while looking at Malik with a smirk.
"And you think I give a Sh**?!" Malik asked his red eyes glowing as if they were on fire as he took a step towards Will.
"Wh-What's going on?" Siven asked as she peeked around David's side.
"HEY! Now's not the time for this!" Karin said stepping in between Will and Malik. "Besides Will you've been injured."
"Pup, you an' your sister get into Betty's. Now." Jace told David in a calm, cool tone without taking his eyes off of Malik.
David clearly wanted to help but quickly grabbed Siven's hand and got her to Betty's.
"Your right Karin but I still have something that can stop him." Will said as his eyes glowed a faint green and two mounds of earth started to surround Malik's legs.
Malik did a sort of back flip before the earth was able to surround his legs and landed next to Linden, "That's not very nice you know, I didn't do anything to you. You insulted me first and then you try to attack me?"
"I think the idea was ta restrain, not attack. Butcha got a fair point." Jace turned from Malik to Will. "Stay on the defensive. Only make a move if he does."
"You took the first step towards me and I have witnesses to prove it." Will said letting his eyes return to normal.
"I was going to hit you though, I was trying to intimidate you. But you do have a point, sorry about that." Malik said.
"*sigh* just because someone takes a step towards you doesn't give you the right to make a hole in the floor where dirt can come an incase the person." Anabell said still at the ready.
Liden stayed quiet but he kept going from looking at Will to Malik.
"Yeah sorry about that Anna, I figured going with earth would've been better than fire." Will said as he started for the clinic door. "I'm going to check on Dean and Alan. Raven, Karin make sure he doesn't follow me."
"And why can't I go check on Alan?" Malik asked raising a brow.
"'Cause you're under watch til he wakes an' tells us how ya know him." Jace replied.
"Since you just want what's best for him, I'm sure you'll understand our standpoint." Anabell said.
"I guess so." Malik said pouting slightly. "Hey, you should go check on Abigail." He said looking at Liden.
"Right." Liden replied as he headed to the clinic.
"Jace, Anna, Alan is waking up." Sam said as he leaned against the wall.
"He is?" Malik said with a smile. "That's a relief."
"Ana, wouldja mind goin' an' askin' the pup who this one is?" Jace asked, keeping his eyes on Malik and not moving a centimeter.
Anabell nodded and gave Jace a look to be careful before heading into the clinic.
"I'm not going to do anything." Malik said rolling his eyes.
"Jace bring our guest into the clinic so Alan can tell us who he is." Will said as he came out.
Jace walked to the clinic door and held it open for Malik to go in without being out of sight. "Ya heard him. Pup's gotta see ya."
Malik nodded as he walked into the clinic.
"What was that ya said 'bout what your wife couldn't remember when her memories got healed?" Jace muttered out into the hallway to Will.
Will stands by the wall and and listens to what Alan is saying. 'Still doesn't explain the bad feeling I'm getting off this guy.' Will thought as he watched Malik. "She didn't remember anything from the moment she was bitten, she only remembered waking back up in the underworld." Will said to Jace.
"So if that guy bit an' changed Alan, he wouldn't remember?" Jace asked.
"More than likely yes, but my wife was already a vampire when she was bitten by another one." Will said to Jace. "I think that guy erased Alan's memories when he changed Alan to cover for something, but I'm not sure what it could be."
Jace shrugged. "Just gotta trust that the pup'll remember sooner or later. Even if just as a feelin'."
"I hope it's sooner." Will said with a sigh.
"I probably should've warned Dean about the after effects of healing memories." Will said as he noticed Dean was awake.
"After effects? Ya mean other than the passin' out?" Jace asked.
"Passing out is the after effect, healing memories or any wound like the way Dean did pushed him to the point where he passed out." Will said to Jace.
"It's best I stay out here right now David." Sam said glancing at David. "I'm not too trusting of my uncle right now."
"Unless ya need anything, pup," Jace told David, "I think I'll be stayin' out here, too."
"Fine..be anti-social." David said with a smirk before as he walked into the hall. Then whispered. "How'd that guy get here any way?"
"He showed up with Max's boy." Jace shrugged.
"Max.... Max... Oh yeah I heard about him... Isn't his son a thug?!" David barely kept his question at whisper tone.
Jace half-glared at David. "Military life isn't for everyone, pup."
"Yeah... Sorry... I wonder why he came back though." David replied.
Jace shrugged. "Ya wanna find out? Go ask him yourself."
Sam leans back against the wall with his eyes closed as he thought about what has happened since his uncle had arrived.
Dean walks over to the wall and sits down beside where Sam was as tears started to roll down his cheeks. 'That monster deserves to die for what he did to Alan.' Dean thought to himself as the tears continued to fall.
Karin looked at Dean surprised, 'Why is he crying?' She wondered to herself as she sat next to him.
"Dean, are you alright?" Raven asked.
"Somethin' happen?" Jace asked Dean.
"That monster in there killed Alan's parents." Dean said as he looked up and clenched his fists. "He then turned Alan and erased Alan's memories to cover it up. I am going to make Malik pay for what he did to Alan."
"WHAT?! Th-That's not true is it?!" Karin said looking completely horrified.
Meko had walked into the hall just in time to hear Dean. "Oh... My goodness... B... But may-maybe he was defending Alan?... Alan said his... Parents hit him."
"That might explain the killin's, but the changin' an' erasin' is still an issue." Jace replied, not seeming particularly surprised, outraged, or otherwise effected by what he heard. "Alan just turned 18 yesterday. That means he changed a minor an' forcefully altered his mind." He looked Meko square in the eyes. "You're a clerk. Ya know what that means."
"I seen it when I was restoring Alan's memories,"Dean said to Karin and the others." I was going to say something in the clinic' but I was afraid that I would attack Malik before I even said anything so that's why I stormed out like I did."
"Dean, you did the right thing by walking out of there when you did,"Will said before looking at Jace." What are we going to do about this, Jace, because I agree with Dean that this guy needs to pay for what he has done."
"Yes... I understand... But we cant do much... We are basing all of this off what Dean saw... No-no affence but the higher ups wont like to hear that we are trusting the ward of someone who was against us over someone who just showed up." Meko said before looking down.
"I seen it when I was restoring Alan's memories." Dean said to Karin and the others. "I was going to say something in the clinic, but I was afraid that I would attack Malik before I even said anything so that's why I stormed out like I did."
"Dean, you did the right thing by walking out of there when you did." Will said before looking at Jace. "What are we going to do about this, Jace, because I agree with Dean that this guy needs to pay for what he has done."
"I agree that it's suspicious, but we don't know the full story... I know the erasing of the memories is bad, but what if he had to turn him?" Karin asked.
Jace scratched the back of his head. "Maybe talkin' with Dean'll jog the pup's memory. Best have Betty there ta make sure things don't go too far, though. And..." He sighed. "I guess it's only fair for Malik ta be there. That way he can defend himself an' maybe supply some missin' details. But I want people on either side a him, an' he's gotta be at least half a room away from Alan when this is goin' on."
"Right." Raven agreed.
"Poor Alan..." Meko sighed.
Dean stood up as his eyes returned to normal. "Alright I'll talk with Alan and listen to what Malik has to say." Dean said as he walked to the Clinic door. "And I want Will and Sam on either side of Malik just incase he tries something."
"I'll do what I can Dean." Will said as he stood next to his brother.
"Fine, I'll help you this time uncle." Sam said as he opened his eyes and gave Dean a cold glare. "But so help me if you try something against my dad, I will take you the f*** down."
"Sam, Dean won't do anything to Will... If he was going to he would have done it when they where in Hell." Raven said smiling giving Sam a quick hug.
"I guess your right aunt Raven." Sam said with a sigh before looking at his uncle. "I'm sorry uncle Dean for saying what I did."
David walked back into the clinic.
Will sighs and turns to Raven. "Dean just said the name of the ghost that possessed you Raven, so be on guard." He said before walking into the clinic.
"He's David's roommate and is hyper... Never stops talking is always in your business... And your things." Anna replied.
"So he rummages through your stuff?" Siven asked.
"That's not very nice." Karin said.
"He's the roommate from H***...David has to do just about everything...and still make it to training everyday." Anabell
"That's annoying." Karin said.
"Aw, poor brother." Siven said.
"It's okay...David played a nasty trick last week.... Pffft he dumped all the junk on Mattie's bed then shrunk Mattie's clothes." Anna whispered
Siven giggled, "Good job brother."
Karin snickered.
"Okay up these stairs." Anabell said before added. "Or do ya want to eat?" Er you I mean."
"Well I am kind of hungry." Karin said.
"Okay then this way, sweets or wood grill?" Anabell asked.
"I had sweets for breakfast and lunch. I want wood grill." Siven said.
"I like wood grill too." Karin said.
Anna looked relieved. "Okay this way." she said turning a corner.
Karin and Siven nodded as they followed Anna.
"Hey Dean, how did you get those files that had our names on them?" Will asked Dean in a low voice as they walked in the hallway.
"I was wondering when you was going to ask about that." Dean said with a sigh. "Those files was in a secret area in a basement of my old bosses hideout, which happened to be the place we where held at for 10 years."
Raven ran out of the clinic after Will and Dean. "Deeeeaaaannn!" She growled from right behind him.
Dean stops and slowly turns around. "Raven I didn't mean to call that ghost." Dean said to Raven. "I know you're mad at me and I'm sorry."
"Dean your on your own on this one." Will said as he slowly backed up from Dean.
"Do you realize how many times I've been taken over by that ghost cause of you.... *sigh* Just... Please don't say it's name again." Raven said lightly punching him in the arm.
"I'll try not to." Dean said with a sigh. "I didn't mean for that ghost to take over your body the first time. She was just suppose to deliver that message to Will and that was it."
"*Sigh* I'm going to try and forget about that ghost...You should probably do the same."Raven said.
"Yeah I probably should, but there is a green haired ghost here that we should try and avoid." Dean said to Raven. "I had some memories that I thought I had control over to come back up and that green haired ghost seemed to make them more intense almost like I was reliving what I was remembering."
"I'm sorry Dean." Raven said as she hugged Dean. "Maybe you attract ghost."
"It's ok Raven, it's just a bunch of memories that Will and I share." Dean said as Raven hugged him. "As for the ghost part, you might be right about that."
"At least you don't attract Demons and hunters that want to see you dead." Will said as he walked over to Dean and put a hand on his shoulder. "How do you think I got half of the scars I have."
"Maybe if you two were more careful... And less nosey..." Raven teased as she let go of Dean.
"You guys done talking?" Ciel asked walking up with Chris.
"Yeah we are done talking." Will said to Ciel. "So do we want to get Dean and Chris a room or go and check on Ciel's brother and sister?"
"I wouldn't mind meeting my other nephew and niece, that is if Chris doesn't mind." Dean said as he glanced at Chris.
"Fine with me." Chris replied.
"Ok then Ciel lead the way." Will said as Sam started to wake up. "Well look who decided to wake up again."
"Haha dad very funny." Sam said as he got off his dad's back.
"Ummm I actually don't know where Meko took them." Ciel replied as Meko passed by fallowed by Logan and Gabriel.
"Ok how's this then, let's go get something to eat and then we will see about those rooms." Will said as his stomach growled. "Hey Raven, you want to head back to Rob's Kitchen for some food?"
"Sounds good,"Raven replied
"Alright follow me then." Will said as he started down the hall towards Rob's kitchen.
Dean and Sam nod and follow Will.
"Okay what kitchen?" David asked.
"Hmm... Which one do you recommend?" Gabriel and Logan asked curiously.
"I think I want to go to Edda's." Loki said as Snowball meowed and stared at Cupid.
"Well since I'm a ghost I don't need to eat." Cupid said floating next to David and looked back at Snowball.
"Hmmm I really like Edda's for her sweets.... But Rob has more meat... He'd have hard boiled eggs today." David replied.
"Well we're fine with either." Gabriel and Logan said.
"I like sweets, but if you want meat or hard boiled eggs today we can go to Rob's." Loki said to David smiling.
"Hmmm okay... To Edda's... I'll try to... Be good!" David as he marched ahead.
Gabriel and Logan smiled as they followed David hand in hand.
Cupid giggled and floated beside David.
Loki smiled as he and Snowball followed the others.
"Long time no see Jace." A blonde haired man said as he leaned against the wall in the hallway.
"Yo, Jay." Jace nodded. "Where've ya been?"
"Been in District Eight hunting down the people making hybrids and super soldiers." Jay said to Jace. "I also ran into some people I used to work for."
"An' how'd that go?" Jace asked.
Anabell stepped out into the hall. "Jay?"
"They tried to kill me again by blowing up my ride and getting into a shoot out with me." Jay said as he held up the remains of his radio. "Lost my radio and they lost their lives in that battle. Hey Anna, and yes it's me."
"I see... So that's why we haven't heard from you in about a year. At least you're okay." Anabell said smiling.
"I do have a bit of bad news though and it deals with the mission I was on." Jay said to Anna.
"Oh... And what news would that be?" Anabell asked as her smile faded to a slight grin.
"Someone is trying to build an army using hybrids and super soldiers, and I heard the names Luki and Nova mentioned a few times." Jay said to Anna with a worried look.
"Ya mean like with...uh... What's it called again?" Jace furrowed his brow. "Genetic...somethin' or other..."
"...... Nova and Luki.... Those are the same people Fern teamed up with..." Anabell thought aloud. 'I don't think Fern would go so far as to intentionally make hybrids and super soldiers... It'd be too messy and risky... So then why would her allies go through such trouble?.... What is their drive?'
"I haven't heard Fern's name since we shut down the Blood games." Jay said as his eyes got a cold look to them. "Is there something that I need to be aware of?"
"We got some new information on her location and some of the people she's working with." Anabell stated addressing both Jace and Jay. "We've got a lot planed out and I'm going to a meeting to finish things up later on."
"I may have a few people I can trust that I used to work with that might be of some use to us." Jay said with a smile. "Still can't believe it's been five years since I killed that assassin that had targeted you Anna."
"Haha... If you didn't Jace would have... He nearly knocked out anyone who wasn't in the government that got near me, back then!" Anabell laughed before turning back to her serious look. "We need as much help as we can get."
"Ok, I'll try and contact them later." Jay said to Anna as his stomach growled. "Guess I should go and get some of Edda's bunny buns before breakfast ends."
"That'd be wise." Jace grinned.
"I'll catch up with y'all later then." Jay said with a wave as he walked off to Edda's kitchen.
"Alright." Anabell replied with a smile and wave.
"Hey guys." Jack said with a wave as he and Alex came out of Edda's dining room.
"Hi." Alex said smiling as he too waved.
"Ya two ready to go?" Jace asked before turning to Anabell. "I'm takin' 'em ta visit Alex's people."
"Oh Alright... They live up in district twelve right?" Anabell asked.
"That's where we're headed." Jace nodded.
"I see... If I didn't have to go to that meeting~... Be careful you guys!" Anabell said looking at all three of them. "You going to be pretty close to District Eight."
"Don't worry, we'll be fine." Jack said with a smile.
"Yeah, I grew up in District twelve." Alex said.
"I know.....just want to tell you to be careful." Anabell replied slight shy tone.
"We'll be back by sunset." Jace smiled. "'Sides, I gotta talk ta the commander, later."
"I'll hold you to it... So if you're not back by sunset I'm hunting you guys down." Anabell snickered before getting closer to whisper to Jace. "Have you told them about your family tree yet?"
"I figure the best time would be on the car ride." Jace murmured back. "No stragglers listenin' in, y'know?"
"Don't worry Ana, I'm sure we'll be back by sunset." Jack said with a smile.
"Yeah, cause we don't want you to worry." Alex mumbled so no one could hear him.
Anna nodded. "Alright."
"Time ta get goin' pups." Jace said.
Anabell's walkie talkie went off. "Hey Anna... The meeting today is being moved to tomorrow evening." Debbie's voice informed. "Why is that?" Anna asked looking at Jace. "One of the heads of the southern facility came today... It was a surprise visit... Your father is talking to him now. No one is allowed near the commanders office. So any request will go through Collin."
"So... What does this mean?" Alex asked curiously.
"Means I can go with ya.... But it will be a pain to get Collin to agree... He hates Jace and I." Anabell replied with a sigh thinking of how difficult Collin tries to make everything.
"Why does he hate you?" Alex asked curiously.
"Ah, mostly the basics..." Jace scratched the back of his head. "Y'know, not fond of my family, heard rumors 'bout my temper, doesn't like Ana bein' in charge... Things most people here resent." He thought for a bit. "The fact that no one would train or graduate his step-kid after Ana an' I each gave him a two-week trial run probably doesn't help, though."
Anabell knocked Jace's hand off his head. "If you keep that up you'll go bald." She shook her head. "That kid is nice an all... But nearly having a heart attack at the sight of a gun doesn't make a good gunner."
"Yeah, it doesn't make a good gunner." Jack said with a chuckle.
"What, does he have a problem with a woman being in charge?" Alex asked rolling his eyes.
"Well... *sigh* Yeah... He thinks I was born with my rank, which is another reason he hates us." Anabell sighed.
"Well, I hope I never meet him." Alex said with a low growl.
Jack chuckled, "Why's that?"
"No reason really, I just don't like sexist pigheaded guys that have a stick up their butt because a woman can do something better than them." Alex said with a shrug.
"Doncha worry 'bout it." Jace said. "Ana can take care of herself, an' her dad's the commander. Nobody'd get past the smack-talkin' phase."
Jack smirked, "I don't think Alex is telling the whole truth."
"Well he'll have to suck it up so we can get going!" Anabell said as she headed towards Collin's office.
Alex glared at Jack and sighed, "Should we follow her?"
"Yep." Jace said as he followed Anabell without pausing.
"Alright." Alex said following after Jace.
Jack chuckled as he followed Jace and Alex.
"Hey Collin are you in?" Anabell asked knocking on the door for the fifth time.
"Weasel better not be hidin' under his desk, again..." Jace muttered.
Alex tried not to laugh, "Again?"
"Why would he be hiding?" Jack asked.
"Because he doesn't wantta talk with us." Anabell replied with her southeren accent coming out, a sign that she is either annoyed or surprised.
"Are you looking for my father?" Collin's son asked, coming down the hall.
"Yeah." Jace responded. "Y'know where he is?"
Alex rolled his eyes, "Freaking coward." He mumbled.
"Oh, he's in the office... Here I'll get the door." Collin's son said as he started picking the lock.
"When did ya learn to pick locks?" Anabell asked curiously.
"Oh... Umm... It's pretty much the only thing I know... Hahaha." Collin's son replied embarrassed.
"Ya might wanna look into workin' with your hands, then. Maybe with microtech?" Jace offered.
"Yeah, if you're good with your hands you should do jobs that specialize with that." Jack said with a nod.
"I would... But dad wants me to be more on the field." Collin's kid replied as the door clicked.
Jace grimaced. "You're plenty old enough ta decide that for yourself."
"Yeah, you shouldn't let people rule your life, do what job you want to do." Jack said.
"....Here I got the door open."The son stated as he opened the door.
Collin was "sleeping" in his chair. He blinked his eyes open and straightened out. "Oh sorry I didn't hear you knock."
'Yeah I'm sure you didn't.' Anabell thought before speaking. "We came to ask permission to go an a personal trip."
Alex rolled his eyes at Collin's lame excuse for ignoring Anabell's knocks.
"And what is this trip for?" Collin asked raising a eyebrow.
"Takin' some pups ta visit their family for the holiday." Jace answered.
"Where is their home located?" Collin asked by his tone it seemed he was going to give them trouble.
"District Twelve." Alex said flatly.
"Then I'm afraid I cant allow it. We've had alot of problems with District Twelve lately... In fact the last two people to go there freely were David and Jace." Collin said flatly.
"I understand the problem we've been having, that's one of the reasons Jace and I are both going, plus it might allow us to get a better understanding of what exactly is going on." Anabell explained, but Collin didn't seem to want to change his response.
"This one grew up in District Twelve." Jace clapped his hand on Alex's shoulder. "He's the one David an' I brought back. It's not like we're takin' one a the preschoolers out on a minefield. He knows the place."
Alex nodded, "Yeah, I grew up there so I can handle it."
Collin sighed I can't allow it."
"Father please! I've been trained by Anabell and Jace... I've seen them train other people and I've seen their ranking! If anyone can go to District Twelve it's them!" The Son stated which shocked Collin.
"V... Very well... But be back before tomorrow!" Collin said trying to hide the annoyance from his voice.
"Don't worry sir, I'm sure we'll be back before tomorrow." Jack said with a nod.
"Good... Is that all you wanted to ask me?" Collin asked.
"Pretty much." Jace responded.
"Alright, I'll be seeing you then." Collin replied as Anabell opened the door.
"Good bye." Alex said with a nod as he left the room.
"See you later." Jack said with a smile as he followed Alex out.
Jace waited until all four of them were out of the office before speaking. "To the van?"
Anabell nodded still seeming rather annoyed.
"To the van!" Alex said with a huge grin.
"Someone's excited." Jack said chuckling.
"Seems like it." Jace chuckled as he led them to the van.
Jack smiled as he followed Jace and Anabell.
Alex smiled as he happily followed Jace and Anabell.
"I bet the'll be happy and surprised to see you, so soon!" Anna snickered looking back at Alex as she reached to open the door.
"Probably... They have a tendency to try and knock me over by running to hug me." Alex said with a chuckle.
"Yeah, I know how that feels, too." Jace chuckled, thinking of David and Liza.
Anna snickered as she opened the door for them. "David's too big to hug people like that."
"But it doesn't seem to stop him though." Jack said with a grin.
"Nope. No, it doesn't. e_____e" Jace gestured to the van. "Get in."
Anabell climbed in Shot-gun shaking her head with a smile.
Alex smiled as he got in the back of the van and buckled his seat belt.
Jack chuckled as he got in the van after Alex and buckled up as well.
Jace started up the van and started pulling away from the facility.
Alex seemed deep in thought as Jace began driving, "Hey Jace..."
"Yeah?" Jace responded.
"Do we have a sister?" Alex asked curiously.
Jack blinked, 'A sister?'
"Yep." Jace did not take his eyes off the road. "Two of 'em. Or, at least we did."
"Well that ghost that possessed Raven last night said something about me looking like my sister." Alex said.
Jace gave Alex a glance in the rear-view mirror. "...Ya got the other one's nose..." He sighed. "Do ya two really wanna know 'bout our family? Full disclosure?"
Anabell looked at Jace curiously. 'Two sisters?..... Come to think of it... I only know Jace had a brother and sister... Now there's Jack and Alex... And Jace didn't really seem too surprised...'
Alex nodded, "Yes please."
"I'd like to know too." Jack said.
"Alright, then." Jace started. "I'll tell ya all I know. Our father left when I was three years old, my brother Cash had just turned five and my little sister Liza was just a few months old. For a while, we stayed where we were. My mother always spoke real highly of Julian. Said he’d be back soon and how he’d be proud to see how big we’ve grown. I was ‘bout seven when she decided to go find out what was taking him so long, herself. A few years of travellin’, trying to find him, and Mom got real sick. Maybe she was to begin with and that’s why she decided to find him. I dunno. It was the first time in five years we’d stayed somewhere for longer than a couple a months. We buried her and kept moving ‘bout half a year later. By that time, Cash had gotten into some bad habits. He was almost never home, an’ when he was, he would holler ‘bout Julian bein’ dead an’ how she should’ve given up years ago. I thought he was right, but that doesn't mean a sick woman needed to hear that, y’know? I was ‘bout seventeen before we tried settlin’ in one place, again. Cash found the place. Forgot to mention how, though. Turned out he chased out a few weaker vampires that were hoardin’ the place. Problem is, those weaker vampires were holdin’ down the fort for some stronger ones. Liza wasn’t feelin’ too good. That’s why we wanted a place to stay for a bit, in the first place, so I figure, since Cash is the stronger of us, she’d be safer with him while I try an’ keep the vampires from noticin’ them sneak off. Cash decided she was movin’ too slow an’ holdin’ us back. When he tried to leave her behind, she made enough of a racket that they noticed him, too."
"Why would he try to leave his own sister behind?" Alex asked a hint of annoyance and anger in his voice.
"Why didn't he just try picking her up and carrying her?" Jack asked curiously as he patted Alex's hand.
Anna seemed shocked for a moment before becoming sad. 'It's common now... To see family trample each other just to try and survive....'
"Don't know. An' I guess it's a bit late ta ask Cash." Jace shrugged. "Anyways, it was ‘bout four or five years later that some soldiers found me an’ offered me a job. At that point, I thought for years that Julian was long dead an’ I was the last of his kids. Kept thinkin’ that, too. ‘Til ‘bout three years ago, when a man named Boyd walked up to a soldier to tell him ‘bout some shady business goin’ on in District Twelve. Durin’ the years that me an’ my family was movin’ around, Julian had another set of pups. This one was a set a four: Boyd, Koby, Mark, an’ Fern. Now, their mom was different from mine. She didn’t bother to pretend Julian was comin’ back. In fact, she played the ‘young widow’ bit to her advantage. Seemed that quite a few men fell for it, too. One caught on. He an’ most a his town were humans. They didn’t take bein’ tricked very well. From what I’ve been told, the kids barely survived it, an’ the oldest—Fern—got her leg pretty badly damaged, to where she couldn’t run anymore. Still can’t. Anyways, turns out she’s the bitter type. Decided that humans in general were ta blame for it all."
"So what happened after the attack, where'd they all go?" Alex asked.
"District Twelve." Jace sighed. "That was sorta how the Blood Games started. Humans bein’ caught an’ used as punching bags by payin’ customers. Then humans were pitted against humans for an audience. Then zombies were pulled in. Then some local ‘businesspeople’ decided to use the Games as a way to scare people into payin’ their debts. If they didn’t pay up, they got half-starved, maybe thrown around a bit, then tossed in with whatever was most likely to kill ‘em. All started by a woman with a grudge. A woman who terrified her own brother. But see, Fern may not be all right in the head, but she’s not stupid either. She heard ‘bout what Boyd did. She knew we were comin’. So she thew him in the zombie pit and put on one last show. She only bothered to let a small handful of people know that we were comin’ and left everyone else to panic an’ scatter when soldiers came knockin’. We caught Koby. Got him locked up, right now, but he wasn’t apparently considered important enough for Fern to tell him anything that we could use. Fern, Mark, an’ that handful I mentioned have been runnin’ around, stayin’ too low to find ever since."
"So she only cared enough about Mark? I mean she let her other brother get arrested." Alex said seeming a little annoyed.
"Koby said she an' Boyd were pretty close once... But that was back before the attack." Jace replied. "I guess whatever happened between them... Well, by the time all that trouble happened, I guess they weren't that close anymore."
"And by him betraying her, he lost whatever use he might have had before, therefore... He became trash to be destroyed in whatever way would give other possible traitors fear." Anabell sighed.
"... What she said." Jace said. "But most anyone said there was never any love lost between Koby an' any a the rest."
"Became trash? I don't understand... How can someone see a family member as trash?" Alex asked feeling a bit confused and sad.
"..... With Fern... I don't think she sees it as Family... She sees more of the value of people and if she can gain something from them." Anabell replied. 'That ghost claimed I was like Fern... But I can at least see the value in family.'
"I've been given mixed reports 'bout that, actually..." Jace narrowed his eyes as they got closer to their destination and he shifted to his slimmer, dark-haired "civilian" form. "Lots of people've said she's very coherent, logical, an' pretty much a mastermind at reading people. But others... Even Dean's confirmed she's a little off. Some old patrons of hers we've arrested said some words an' ideas that toddlers understand just go flyin' over her head."
"Really? Well if I ever meet her I guess I'd have to see for myself." Alex said with a shrug.
"If she doesn't try to kill you first." Jack said.
"Hahaha depending how you meet... She probably wouldn't kill you that quick!" Anabell snickered.
"So she'd wait to kill me at the perfect moment?" Alex said rolling his eyes.
"Only if she saw reason ta kill ya at all." Jace reassured. "... 'Course, seeing' ya alongside me an' Ana might be reason enough to her... Jury's still out on just how off she is."
"Well then I guess I'm doomed." Alex said with a small chuckle.
"So am I." Jack said.
"Hahaha. If we come across Fern, she'll be the doomed one!" Anabell laughed as she filled her Mag.
Jace looked at Anabell from the corner of his eye briefly. "Y'know, nobody at District Twelve's seen me without my necklace, but that makes ya the more recognizable of us..." In one swift motion, Jace removed his necklace from his neck and put it around Anabell's without looking away from the road.
Alex blinked, "So it works for other people too?"
Anabell's hair shortened and got brighter until it was a bright blonde color, her eyes changed to a bright blue as her shoulders shortened in length and she became about two inches shorter. "Ehh?... I-I... Look so weird..... Move aside pups I gotta change." She said climbing in the back with them and leaning over the seats, mumbling about her sizes being so odd.
Jace kept his eyes glued to the road.
Alex's cheeks turned slightly pink as he scooted as close to the window as possible to give Anabell some room and he stared at the passing scenery.
Jack chuckled at Alex's slight blush as he too looked out the window.
"Hey Jace... Was Debbie the last female to be in this van?" Anna asked in a grim tone.
"Yeah, she an' Glen used it 'bout half a week ago. Why?"
"*sigh* the female clothes.... Debbie likes showing skin.... Haha! This one isn't too bad!" Anabell sounded as if she just won a battle when she found a good one.
'Why did the necklace have to make her a blonde?'Alex thought still staring out the window.
"Glad you found a good one." Jack said as he continued to stare out of the window.
It didn't take Anna long to change. "Ok, ya'll can look." She said climbing back into the front in a belly tank-top and cargo pants.
"I... I uh... I think I'll just continue to look out the window..." Alex said seeming flustered as his face turned bright red.
"Ya okay Alex? Your face is kinda red... There's some medicine in the back if ya not feelin well." Anabell said looking a little worried.
"N-No, I'm fine... It's just a bit hot in here..." Alex said avoiding eye contact as he continued to stare out the window.
Commander's Office

Clerk's office:


"How much longer does this test have Betty cause I just heard glass breaking out in the hallway." Dean said as he looked towards the door.
"Your all done." Betty replied looking at the hall.
"Hey Miss Betty!" Gabriel called as he walked in carrying Alan.
"My goodness!" Betty exclaimed as she motioned them over to a bed. "What has been going on?!"
Gabriel laid Alan onto the bed gently.
"My uncle helped Alan recover some lost memories and they both collapsed afterwards." Sam said as he laid Dean on a empty bed.
"Yeah and the light bulbs outside exploded and then the window shattered out of no where." Logan said.
"I dear... I was wandering what all that is... Why hasn't anyone shown up yet, though?" Betty wondered as Meko and Maniko came in.
Maniko quickly went over to Alan and placed her hands a few inches above him. "Dean might be able to restore memories but I can still heal emotional wounds."
"Hi!" Abigail said cheerfully from Meko's arms.
"My goodness." Charlie said looking at Alan. "I hope the poor boy will be alright.
Alex burst in looking terrified, "Man that was intense."
"I'll say." Zane said walking in right behind Alex.
"Hello.... Oh lord what happened now?" Betty went from smiling at Abigail to looking tiredly at Alex and Zane.
"There's a new guy and h-he's really creepy, and he... He looks like he's about to try and kill Will." Alex said as he shuddered slightly.
"Yeah, his eyes... They... They were full of malice." Zane said with a nod.
"He better not! trust me you don't want to see this old lady when she's angry." Betty said as she seemed to puff up.
David came in with Siven but stood next to the door. As if he was ready to running back out in an instant.
"The atmosphere out there was tense, you don't think they'd hurt each other do you brother?" Siven asked as she looked at David.
Abigail rubbed the cut on her leg again, and winced slightly.
Meko set Abigail down on a bed and untied the bandanna that was around her leg to look at the wound. "Oh my...How'd this happen?"
"I was chased by a werewolf, I don't know if he scratched me or if it happened when I fell." Abigail said.
"A werewolf?!" Charlie repeated shocked.
"Drink this." Betty said quickly handing Abigail a odd colored drink.
"I... I doubt they would... Yet." David replied.
"Ok." Abigail said drinking the stuff Betty gave her. "Ew! It tastes funny."
"Hey how are Dean and Alan doing?" Will asked as he walked into the clinic.
"They're still unconscious." Gabriel said from a chair beside Alan's bed, Logan was sitting on the other side.
"'Ey Abby ya alright?" Liden asked as he came in. 'I don't even care about the money at this point.'
"It just make sure you don't get infected... Since it wasn't to long ago it should work." Betty stated giving Abby some juice.
"Yeah, I'm ok Liden." Abigail said as she sipped on the juice.
"Sorry if I had you worried Alex." Will said as he looked at Alan and to Malik out in the hall. "I still say that new guy in the hall is bad news."
"It's ok Will." Alex said as he looked over at him. "Yeah, I get a really bad feeling from him.
Alan groaned slightly as he began to wake up.
"Hey! Alan's waking up." Gabriel and Logan said smiling.
"How are you feeling?" Maniko asked.
"What was going on?" David said as he walked over towards Alan's bed.
"Dean restored some of Alan's memories." Gabriel said.
"Sam, go get Jace and Anna." Will said to Sam as he walked over to where Alan was laying. "How are you feeling Alan?"
Sam nods and walks out side.
"My head hurts." Alan said with a groan refusing to open his eyes.
Anabell came in. "I know you probably have alot on your mind, Alan... But we need to know who this man is."
Alan opened his eyes and looked at Anabell, "Who? Can I see his face? It was kind of dark out there."
"I'll tell Jace to bring him in." Will said as he walked out the door.
Gabriel and Logan didn't leave Alan's side as Malik came in.
Alan looked over at the door as Malik walked in, "I remember you, we were friends when I was younger." He said smiling.
Meko, Maniko and David gave a curious look to Alan then to Malik.
"Yeah, I'm glad you remember." Malik said smiling gently. 'Looks like he doesn't remember everything.'
"But I don't understand why you disappeared." Alan said.
"The other people in the town felt uncomfortable with me there, they thought I was too creepy and a threat and wanted me to leave. People really shouldn't judge someone by the way they look." Malik said.
"That's kind of rude! You shouldn't judge someone by the way they look!" Siven said hissing slightly as her tail flicked.
"Eh Everyone looks creepy to me." Liden said with a shrug "Sept you Abby... Ya just a kiddo."
Abigail giggled, "Thanks Liden."
"Do I look creepy to you?" Siven asked looking at Liden.
Dean groans as he sits up and opens his eyes. "D*** my head hurts." Dean said as he put a hand up to his head.
"Are you ok Dean?" Karin asked as she came into the clinic and saw him sit up.
"I'm fine Karin, my head just hurts a little." Dean said to Karin while glancing at Alan. "How is Alan doing cause I don't think I'll be able to try the healing thing again."
"I'm fine, thanks for the help Dean." Alan said smiling.
Liden set down in a chair in the corner. "Ya 'ave nearly white 'air and your tail flicks alot... It's kinda creepy."
"I'm glad your okay, Alan." Anabell said with a smile.
Siven sniffled, "It's not my fault I'm a werecat."
Abigail glared at Liden, "That's not nice."
"Thanks Anabell." Alan said with a smile.
Karin sat down in a chair next to Dean, "Is that normal?"
"Your welcome Alan and glad I could help." Dean said to Alan while returning the smile. "This is the first time I've done something like this Karin and more than likely the last time."
"The last time, why?" Karin asked.
"I'm glad you can help too." Alan said smiling.
Malik was watching everyone as he slowly inched closer to Alan.
"What do you remember?" Anna asked still looking a bit worried for Alan.
"Everything, or just what I remember about Malik?" Alan asked looking from Anabell to Malik who was now standing on the opposite side of his bed from Gabriel and Logan who were glaring at him.
"Using that ability had put a strain on my body which caused me to pass out, and I put everything I had into restoring Alan's memories." Dean said to Karin as he made a faint white glow appear around his hand for a second before disappearing. "I took a risk in doing what I did and it has cost me that ability."
"So you can't use it ever again?" Karin asked.
"If you could tell us of any health problems your family had... That'd be a good start." Maniko said.
"Well my dad had high blood pressure, but that was about it." Alan said thinking.
Will walks in and over to Karin and Dean, "No, he won't be able to use that ability again Karin." Will said to Karin. "The same thing happened to me a long time ago when I restored my wife's memories."
David opened the clinic door. "Are you guys coming in?"
"Where are your parents?... Where did you live for that matter?" Anabell asked.
"I lived in a really small town... My parents are dead..." Alan said avoiding eye contact and looking a bit uneasy.
Malik noticed this and stuck his hand next to Alan while watching everyone, he was slightly surprised when Alan took his hand.
Anna put a hand on Alan shoulder. "I'm sorry... That's enough questions for now..."
Dean glances over at Malik and let's off a barely audible growl as his eyes briefly flash blue and ice forms in his hand.
"I-It's ok." Alan said smiling up at Anna.
Malik just ignored Dean as he stood next to Alan holding his hand.
"Dean..." Karin said glancing at her brother before looking over at Alan and Malik.
"Hey you, knock it off with the ice!" Charlie said giving Dean a stern look.
"Sorry." Dean said as the ice disappeared and his eyes returned to normal.
"I'm going back to the hall." Will said to Karin as he walked over to the door. "Karin, see if you can get Dean to come out with you ok."
Karin nodded, "Dean, do you want to come out to the hall with me?"
"I know Anabell said no more questions, but I want to know what your parents were like." Siven said with a curious expression.
Alan looked over at Siven, "Well... They weren't the perfect parents..."
Malik gave Alan a look that said 'that's an understatement', but Alan wasn't looking at him.
"They did say they loved me... But I kind of think they were lying sometimes." Alan said as he squeezed Malik's hand slightly.
"I... I think that's normal to think... Once in a while." Meko said with a slight smile.
"But..." Alan hesitated as he looked at his lap and held Malik's hand tighter. "They... They used to hurt me..."
"Hurt you? Like you mean hit you?" Siven asked looking slightly sad and sorry she had asked.
Alan nodded, "Y-Yeah..."
"That's awful!" Siven said as her ears flattened to her head.
Dean stands up and glares at Malik as his eyes flash blue before storming out of the clinic.
Karin blinked as she followed Dean outside of the clinic.
"What's with him?" Zane asked watching Dean leave.
"I don't know." Anna said before gently hugging Alan.
Alan blushed slightly as he hugged Anna with his free hand.
'I hope he didn't see any of Alan's memories... He'll have the wrong idea.' Malik thought as he stared at the door.
"You think maybe he saw Alan's memories?" Zane asked curiously.
"M-Maybe he saw my parents' murder..." Alan said.
"I'll go ask him." Meko said as Anna hugged him a bit tighter.
"Alright." Alan said as he was hugged tighter by Anna.
"It's amazing how sweet you've turned out..." Anna said with a smile as she let go of Alan.
"Oh... Th-Thank you." Alan said smiling.
"Hehehe what is wrong with all of you?... You're practically crying over spilled milk... The past is the past. The dead is dead." A voice filled the room.
"What the... Who's there?" Zane asked as he looked around.
"Who's talking?" Alan asked looking around since he didn't see anyone's lips moving.
"Hehe I'm just your neighborhood Casper." A green haired man replied appearing at the foot of the bed. "Everybody dies! And frankly... In this day an age... No one has a happy live." He now turned to Zane. "Isn't that lil no body loves me?"
"Ya no Casper... Whad the "ell do ya want?!" Liden growled at the ghost.
"A ghost? I've never seen one before..." Alan said looking at the ghost.
"Lil nobody loves me?" Zane repeated obviously confused and not knowing what the ghost was talking about.
"Hi mister ghostie!" Abigail said giggling as she swung her legs back and forth on the bed she was sitting on.
Gabriel and Logan looked at the ghost curiously.
"OH! A ghost, this is cool!" Siven said as her tail flicked back and forth excitedly.
"Wow... I guess I am pretty amazing... hehehe." The ghost turned to Charles. "Yo pops... Can't you tell who your son is? ....Seeesh..What other demon is there... In this room."
"It's ok Sam." Dean said as he walked into the Clinic and saw the green haired ghost. "What the H***?! There is another D*** ghost here now."
Zane blinked and looked at Charles, "D-Dad?"
Charles' eyes widened in surprise, "Zane?"
Zane nodded and smiled as Charles hesitantly hugged him.
"Aw!" Siven said looking happy as her tail flicked more.
"What is wrong with you?!" The ghost asked Dean. "Do you not see that sweet lil child?! tsk tsk."
"Is there a reason your here?" Anna asked before turning to see Zane and Charles hugging.
"Awww! Family reunion!" Maniko cheered.
Abigail had her hands over her ears and was humming.
"Oh this day just keeps getting better and better! First there is that pest of a ghost Aspen and now you." Dean said before he realized what he had just said. "Will tell Raven to be on guard cause I think I just messed up again."
Raven walked up to the doorway of the clinic with an uncharacteristic smirk. "Too little, too late, Mutts."
"Now why go an steals someones body?" The ghost asked before standing on the bed foot rail. "Hmm And why her... There are plenty of other females."
"*sigh* this day... Just keeps getting better." Anabell muttered.
"Raven is going to kill me over this." Dean muttered to himself as he sat down. "Why does this have to happen to me?"
Abigail blinked and looked at Raven, "It's not nice to steal things, give her body back."
Alan glanced uneasily at the ghost that was on his bed.
Malik glared at the ghost, 'He had better stay away from Alan.'
"Sorry, Baby Doll, no go~" Aspen cooed mockingly to Abigail before addressing the ghost. "This is my fourth time possessing her. She's basically an open door to me now!" Then Dean. "Didn't I warn you not to say my name? And you," Raven's body turned slowly to face Anabell, "debutante. I can see why ringleader doesn't like you. The way you work, the way you talk, the way you think!" Raven's body took another step towards Anabell with every word Aspen said. "I for one find it amusing~ All you're missing is the gimp leg and the two of you would practically be carbon copies!" Aspen rasped once Raven's body was about a foot from Anabell's face.
"Hehe trying to get under my skin, ghostie?" Anabell asked with a slight smile.
"Oh I see... She really should've kept here guard up." The ghost hummed before watching Anabell and Aspens interaction. "Hehehaha you can't be so foolish as to not even realize similarities?"
Abigail blinked, "I'm not a baby doll."
Alan watched the ghost curiously before looking over to Anabell and Raven, "Hey! Get away from Anabell!"
"Apparently she is!" Aspen giggled, then turned her attention to Alan. "Poor little orphan boy~ Did the big bad bloodsucker brainwash you~?" She asked sarcastically before clucking Raven's tongue in mock sympathy.
Malik hissed angrily at Aspen as he took a step toward her, but Alan pulled him back.
"No, she's trying to bait you." Alan said squeezing Malik's hand gently.
Dean's eyes glowed blue as he made a wall of ice appear between Aspen and Anna before glaring at Malik. "Malik, move away from Alan now." Dean growled at Malik. "I know what you did to Alan's parents and that you turned Alan to cover it up."
"Wh-What?!" Gabriel and Logan said in unison as they glared at Malik.
"H-He killed Alan's parents?!" Zane said in shock.
Alex and Charles didn't know what to say, they just stood there in shock their mouths opening and closing.
Abigail looked at Malik with scared eyes, "D-Did we do something bad Liden?"
Siven moved closer to David.
"Dun, dun,dun DONNNNN!!! Hehaha." The ghost laughed as it watched the interaction.
Maniko gasped and moved back closer to Meko.
Liden moved Abigail behind him. "I...I think I might of."
David readied himself. What the H*** are you doing Dean?! You're not listing to Jace at all!
Meko readied herself.
Anabell quickly pulled Alan behind her. "Explain."
"I may not be nice, but at least I'm honest~" Aspen giggled. "Unlike your 'childhood friend'~"
"Yes Malik did, I saw it when I restored Alan's memories." Dean said as the air around him grew colder. "I was hoping Alan would remember on his own so I wouldn't have to do it this way."
Alan gasped from suddenly being pulled out of the bed by Anabell.
Malik looked at Alan and didn't take his eyes off of him as he spoke, "I... I had to kill them. If I hadn't they would've killed him."
"What do you mean they would've killed him?" Alex asked finally finding his voice.
"His dad was beating the crap out of while his mom just stood there and watched... I kind of snapped." Malik said looking guilty.
"I... I remember that." Alan said trying to get away from Anabell so he could reach Malik.
"And why did you turn him and erase his memories?" Anabell asked trying to hold Alan.
"Yeah, what justifies you turning Alan into a vampire and erasing his memories?" Dean said with a growl. "You should have gave him a choice before you turned him. Me and my brother had no say in what happened to us but Alan did until you took it from him."
"He... He was dying, I... I didn't want him to die..." Malik said trying to stay calm and not to loose it because of the memory.
David gave the wall a quick knock.
"Al...Alan, Dean do either of yo... You remember this?" Anna asked looking at Alan her hold loosened a bit.
"Y-Yeah... My dad got mad at me cause I was late getting home because I had been with Malik... My dad didn't approve of my life choices so I wouldn't tell him who I had been with." Alan said looking down at the floor.
Aspen finally burst into a fit of giggles. "You? Saving someone's life? How ironic~" Raven's body smirked. "You know, my job is keeping an eye on you breathers, and one of the things her greediness sends me out for from time to time is scouting for talent. I've had my eye on you for a while, and let me say; you've got talent~" Aspen made Raven's body wink at Malik knowingly. "And so brutal too~"
Jace came into the room and stepped in front of Malik, effectively separating him from everyone else in the room.
"I thought I saw something about that but I wasn't sure." Dean said to Anna as his eyes quit glowing but remained blue in color.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Malik said glaring at Aspen before looking at Jace.
"I... I wanted him to save me! I told him I didn't want to die." Alan said looking at Jace's back. "I guess he did they only thing he could to save me..."
Anabell let go Of Alan hesitantly. 'D*** I still feel like he's hiding things... And the way he acted when he saw Alan.... My hands are tied.'
"Hahahaha watch their lil brains scramble!! I wish I could eat some pop corn." The ghost laughed before looking to see Raven's bodys reaction to the living.
"I know how you feel~" Aspen said to the ghost before turning back to Malik. "I've seen you with your sword~ Did you teach the little orphan how to fight, too?"
Jace held firm between Alan and Malik. "Ya weren't acting like an 'old friend' when ya saw him. Ya didn't smile warm or drop your jaw in shock or anythin' like that. Ya stared an' smirked at the pup. Eyein' him like a ribeye, I said." He narrowed his eyes at Malik. "We heard what Alan thinks a ya. What's about you for him?"
Dean slowly sits down as memories start to come up from the time he was locked up and experimented on for ten years. 'Why are these memories coming up now for?' Dean thought as he remembered each and every experiment those doctors put him through.
"No, his father did... I only erased the memories of his parents, he remembered the sword fighting skills he had but not who taught him." Malik said to Aspen before turning to Jace. "What I think about him? I..." He hesitated as he looked at Alan.
Jace gave Malik a curious look. "I figured it was either that or ya were outright stalking the pup. But, most stalkers would go off into a rant 'bout some fantasy they cooked up without hesitation, so..." He stepped aside. "If you're gonna stick around, try an' be civil, got it?"
"Got it." Malik said with a nod and a smile as he walked over to where Alan and Anabell were standing.
"You better behave." Alan said teasingly with a grin.
Malik smirked, "If I don't behave you have my permission to punch me in the face." He said sticking his hand out for Alan.
"Deal." Alan said with a small giggle as he took Malik's hand and shook it.
Jace smiled as he watched them.
Aspen noticed Dean's expression. "What's wrong, Mutt One? Got fleas? >:P"
Anna Looked Malik over before turn away."Well I have to call in the mess in the hall way." She said as she opened the door.
The ghost popped up so only Malik could hear him. "Kiss, kiss."
Then he appeared by Dean to whisper to him. "What's the matter puppy, doesn't like needles?"
"Shut it you stupid ghost! Why is he being annoying?!" Malik demanded glaring at the ghost that was now next to Dean.
"He is kind of creepy." Alan said looking at the ghost.
"Get away from me ghost boy." Dean said as he closed his eyes and tried to calm down. 'D*** that ghost has a point.' Dean thought as another memory came up with another doctor performing another experiment.
Raven's body frowned at Dean. "Now you're just being boring. At least when ringleader freaks out, she does it actively." Aspen left Raven's body only to matieralize in front of Dean and phase her hand through his forehead, "numbing" the memories. She turned to the ghost, her hand still in Dean's head. "Know your toys, newbie. When they curl up like this, it gets old real fast."
The ghost shrugged before appearing next Malik. "I told you to kiss... Go Kiss Alan. <3" He whispered before appearing on a empty bed with a smirk.
Malik without thinking walked over to Alan, bent down some and kissed him on the lips.
Alan blushed bright red as Malik kissed him.
"Oh! Kissy Kissy!" Gabriel and Logan said both chuckling and making kissing sounds.
"Oh my!" Siven said blushing herself as she turned away.
Charles turned away fast his eyes closed tight.
"DUDE!" Alex exclaimed as he made a gagging sound and turned away.
"MY EYES!" Zane said being over dramatic as he covered his eyes and turned away.
"KISS KISS!" Abigail said giggling like mad.
"My god man! WE LET YOU GO NEAR HIM FOR THREE SECONDS AND YOUR MAKING OUT!!" David exclaimed as he jumped back.
Meko stood standing in shock as Maniko pulled out a camera.
"Brahahaha th..th..that's great!! hahaha" The ghost laughed.
Jace smirked and chuckled at the general scene.
"D*** it Aspen can't you just take the other Ghost with you." Dean said as he started to shake a little bit. "And get your hand OUT OF MY HEAD!"
"Much better~" Aspen rasped as she pulled her hand out. Then she noticed Alex who was now facing her. "Well, I never thought I'd see one with a physical resemblance, but you actually have her nose..."
Alex blinked as he looked up at Aspen, "What?"
Malik blushed slightly, "I... I'm sorry... I... I don't know what came over me."
"I-It's ok... I... I didn't really mind." Alan said his face still bright red.
Jace blinked in realization. Maybe I should... He shook the thought out of his head. Too big a risk. Ya can't take somethin' like that back if the other didn't want it.
Aspen giggled at Alex's expression. "You heard me. You have your sister's nose. Your eyes are a similar shape too~ Different colors, though." And with that she faded out of the room.
'Sister?' Alex repeated in his head as he watched her leave.
'D-Did that ghost make them kiss?' Karin wondered to herself as she looked over at Dean.
"Darn pest of a ghost." Dean muttered to himself as he watched Aspen. "What a day this turned out to be."
"Hehehe well, It's been fun...Oh and Doggie...better keep that as just a thought otherwise your'll have bullet holes in ya in no time!"The ghost said as he began to vanish.
"What's up with everyone?" Anabell asked as she came back in.
"Well after Alan told us about Malik..." Gabriel began.
"We think that ghost boy made Alan and Malik kiss." Logan finished.
"Not that the pup complained 'bout it." Jace shrugged.
Anna's eyes widened. "Wh-wh-wh-wh-..WHAT?!..bu..but..Fine Alan's eighteen and was fine with it so I don't see why this is meaningful."
Alan blushed bright red again and tried to hide his face with his hands.
"I hope Raven doesn't wake up and kill me." Dean said to himself as he glanced at Raven. "I really hate ghosts now."
Jace looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. "It's gettin' late...again. We'll have ta take care of Malik's papers an' physical and whatnot tomorrow. Dean, Karin, an' Chris's papers too..." He turned to Liden and Abigail. "Ya two might wanna spend the night."
Liden's face was still red. "Aye...Is taday just a another day for ya?" He asked as he picked up Abigail.
"Well, there's more new people than usual..." Jace mused.
Abigail yawned cutely as she nuzzled Liden's chest and closed her eyes.
"Uhh...Jace tomorrow's a holiday...We don't have work tomorrow." Maniko stated with a yawn.
"Oh but Miss' Iris might be working." Meko added.
"Right. Easter..." Jace grimaced. "Day after tomorrow, I want everyone over the age of fifteen who's shown up in the past couple a days ta be on the training grounds at six in the morning sharp. We will go over your skills, decide who's qualified ta take the graduating test and which recruits go with which trainers."
"That shouldn't be a problem," Dean said with a yawn from where he was sitting.
"Same here," Will said walking in with Sam asleep on his back. "Hey Anna could you show Karin where Raven's room is?"
"Sure." Anabell replied before getting a smirk as she headed for the door. "Don't want any of you to be called a pervert or anything."
Karin raised a brow as she followed Anabell, "Hey, what about her?" She said pointing at Siven.
"Oh yeah... Mattie's probably back... Siven please fallow me." Anna gave a slight shudder as she mentioned Mattie.
"Who's Mattie?" Siven asked as she followed Anna as well.
"*Yawn* Come... On Meko. It's bedtime..." Maniko stated slowly walking towards the door.
"Come on Dean, we still need to get you and Chris a room." Will said as he walked towards the door with Sam still asleep on his back.
"Sure." Dean said getting up and following Will before glancing At Malik. "Hey Malik, I'm sorry about earlier and I'm Dean by the way."
"That's ok, you were just looking out for Alan." Malik said.
"Where should Abigail sleep?" Alex asked.
"Her an' Liden get a civilian apartment." Jace answered.
"Oh." Alex said.
Liden happily held Abigail as he headed for the door. "I remember w'ere the rooms are."
"Good." Jace replied before turning to the others. "Alex, Alan, you two, Will, Raven, Jack, an' Sam can show the new ones around tomorrow. If ya get lost, just ask for directions. Most people here are nice enough ta answer."
Abigail was fast asleep in Liden's arms.
"Got it." Alan said with a nod.
"Yeah." Alex said still thinking about what Aspen said.
"I better get back to the lab." Charlie said leaving.
"Right..." Raven replied barely awake. "Where H*** did my idiot brother go?!" She growled getting up.
"How long has Miss Betty been asleep?" Meko asked holding a passed out Maniko.
"He went ta get a room." Jace informed Raven before turning to Alex. "District Twelve isn't in anymore danger than usual, but my offer still stands, pup. We can drive down so ya can visit those kids tomorrow if ya want..."
"Huh? Oh... Uh yeah sure." Alex said coming out of his thoughts.
"Not sure." Gabriel and Logan said thinking.
"She fell asleep shortly before the ghost boy showed up." Alan said.
"Oh okay...Ummm can-can I talk to you two?" Meko asked Gabriel and Logan.
"Right, then. We'll leave after breakfast tomorrow." Jace told Alex. "Speakin' of which, all you pups better grab somethin' ta eat on your way to your rooms, got it?"
Gabriel and Logan looked at each other then at Meko, "Sure."
"Got it." Alex said with a nod.
"Alright." Alan said with a smile.
"Whatever." Zane said not really feeling hungry.
'Pups?' Malik thought raising a brow.
Jace nodded before walking to the wall where David was and pinching his cheek. "Wakey, wakey, pup. It's not good for your neck ta sleep like that, y'know."
"Uh..Ok..ay..mommy..I Uh Mean Jace! Please don't pinch harder!" David pleaded now wide awake.
Jace sighed and let go of David's cheek. "I'm not your mommy. Now, get some dinner an' go to bed, pup."
"Come on David." Alex said grabbing David's wrist and pulling him out of the clinic.
Alan and Malik followed Alex out.
Zane shrugged as he left the room.
Jace ran a hand through his hair. 'Gotta tell the pups sooner or later. It's their family too, so they deserve ta know...'
"What dinning room do you want to go to David?" Alex asked.
"Oh, yeah," Jace hollered loud enough for even the angel twins and Chris and Ciel out in the hall to hear, "don't forget ta just knock if ya need me."
"You might remember what happened when I did that earlier?" David said as he gave a smirk to Jace.
"Yeah, yeah. I know ya know the rules, pup." Jace ruffled David's hair. "I was just givin' the newbies a heads-up."
"Ok, will do." Alex said with a nod and smile.
"I'll remember that." Zane said.
"I heard Edda's dinning room has sweets... Can we go there?" Alan asked.
David snickered. "You're such a good boy, who's a good boy you are!" He said as he patted Jace's head (best he could).
Jace growled. "Do that again, pup, an' you're gonna lose that hand."
"I'd listen to him David." Alex said.
"I was just joking.... I've known you long enough to tease you." David said with a smile.
"Which is why ya aren't missin' any fingers." Jace smirked back.
"Love you too, Jace!" David was smiling like he had no cares in the world.
Alex rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Now, get goin', pups. It's late an' I don't want ya snoozin' through your graduation, Monday." Jace grinned wolfishly.
"So to Edda's?"David asked with a smile.
"Sure." Alex said with a smile.
"Edda's?" Malik repeated.
"Edda's a cook her dinning room makes sweets." Alan explained as he smiled at Malik.
"Oh, I'm not a huge fan of sweets... But that's fine." Malik said.
"Hmmm we could split into groups for the people who don't like or want sweets." David suggested.
"I don't mind sweets... I just don't like to eat them every day." Malik said.
"Alright then... Follow me." David said leading the way.
Malik nodded and followed David while still holding Alan's hand.
Alex chuckled as he followed them.
"Alright sit down." Betty said letting go of Jay's ear.
"How has things been since I've been gone Betty?" Jay asked as he sat down.
"*sigh* Alot of ups and downs...."Betty sighed beginning the physical.
"I can't believe it's been five years already since I quit being a assassin."Jay said to Betty."Betty, have I changed any since I came here from the person that I was?"
"Hmm Do you believe you've changed?" Betty asked drawing is blood.
"I like to think I have but some days I'm not so sure." Jay said with a small sigh. "I can't really remember what I used to be like before joining that assassin guild."
"Alright... Do you want to change the person you are now?" Betty asked.
"No I wouldn't change the person I am now, not after I made the choice to save Annabel's life five years ago." Jay said to Betty. "That was the one hit I could not carry out, and I still carry the piece of paper around that has the hit on it to remind me that I made the right choice."
"Then you've changed for the better." Betty smiled.
"Thanks Betty." Jay said some small tears slide down his cheeks. "Still can't believe it's only been twelve years since I lost my parents."
"A lot can happen in only twelve years." Betty sighed.
"Yeah a lot can happen and did happen to me during the last twelve years, some of which I'm not proud of and a few things that I am." Jay said to Betty with a smile. "Coming here I believe was the best thing that could've happen to me."
"It's funny how fate works sometimes." Betty giggled.
"Are we almost done Betty, cause I still need to talk to Collin and get a replacement radio." Jay said to Betty.
"=_____= Almost." Betty said stabbing a needle in his arm. (not as gentle as before)
'Ok I need to remember not to make Betty mad when she has a needle in her hand.' Jay thought as he winced a little from the needle jab.
"Okay all done deary." Betty hummed before getting serious. "I was on the field once myself.... Don't rush yourself onto the battlefield."
"I know Betty and I'll see ya later." Jay said as he got up and walked to the door.
Meko put Maniko over her shoulder and took Logan and Gabriel's hand as she lead them to a different room of the clinic. "Are you the oldest Gabriel?"
"Yeah, by like two minutes." Gabriel said.
"Soo... Is Logan your protector?" Meko as Maniko started nibbling on Meko's shoulder.
"Actual Gabriel's more protective of me." Logan said.
"Yeah, but Logan's protective of me too." Gabriel said with a nod.
Meko blinked. "My parents said... That since Maniko and I are twins... And she's the oldest... She had a goddess in here and it was my job as the second to protect her... Is that not what you where told too?"
"We might be different because we're angels... But our parents told us to protect each other." Gabriel said.
"Maniko and I decided to do things together and work together behind our parents back.... I thought all twins go through that... WAIT YOU'RE ANGELS?!"Meko jumped back and had a look as if she thought she was unworthy.
"Yeah, but it's not a big deal." Gabriel said with a shrug.
"We do everything together too." Logan said smiling as he looked at Gabriel then at Meko.
Meko looked back at them with a smile. "Thank you for clearing things for me... I should probably get Maniko to bed."
"Alright, good night Meko." Gabriel and Logan said in unison as they both smiled.
"Night." Meko said before stopping. "Wait... I'll show you the way to the boys dorm first.... Unless you want a map."
"It's ok, you can show us the way." Gabriel and Logan said.
"Okay." Meko replied leading the way.
Gabriel and Logan smiled as they followed Meko.
Meko happily lead the way. "How did you two get here?"
"Well this portal appeared and a bully pushed Logan into it." Gabriel said as they walked.
"And Gabriel tried to grab me and fell in too." Logan said.
"I see... Well I guess it could have been worse for you." Meko said.
"Really?" Gabriel asked with a raised brow.
"How so?" Logan asked with an identical raised brow.
"Well if you went anywhere else in America then you might run into Zombies, Vampires, Vampire S, or a werewolf." Meko replied as they passed Dean, Will, Raven, Chris, & Ciel.
"All of those things are bad then?" Gabriel asked curiously.
"Are there zombies, vampires, vampire s or werewolves here?" Logan asked.
"Yes... Only a hand full of Vampires Ss though and there is one Zombie... But it's almost always having test done on it.... But out there they are usually not very nice..." Meko stated.
"Why are they testing on the zombie?" Gabriel asked curiously.
"Zombies are some of the most unpredictable.... We just recently got this one... It's the first that has been able to control itself... Not to mention Zombies have been having strange behavior recently." Meko answered.
"Strange how?" Gabriel asked curiously.
"Zombies don't normally control themselves?" Logan asked.
"The've started to bleed and have gotten faster along with having the ability to heal now! And... No they normal just go about trying to eat anything with a heartbeat... Er anything actually." Meko replied as she played with a hole in her left are from where the glass was removed.
"Do they normally bleed?" Gabriel asked.
"No... Zombies hearts don't beat therefor there blood drys and clumps."Meko replied.
"Oh! How awful!" Gabriel said.
"That is an awful life." Logan said.
"I... I don't think you can call it a life... It's still alive... But it's not living." Meko stated a bit surprised by the twins.
"Zombies move don't they?" Gabriel asked.
"And you say that they're starting to bleed again right?" Logan asked.
"So how do you know they don't think it's a life the way they do things?" Gabriel asked looking from Meko to Logan.
"How do you know they don't have feelings and that zombie they're testing on is in pain?" Logan asked looking from Meko to Gabriel.
"That's what I've been wondering.... I know before they haven't shown any signs of "Feeling" things.... But now... With all the changes.... I don't know any more." Meko replied as Maniko let out soft snore.
"Perhaps you can teach them how to be civil again?" Gabriel suggested.
"I hope so.... It would be neat to have a tea party with a Zombie." Meko said with a smile as if she was picturing it.
Gabriel and Logan chuckled, "Are we invited?"
"Of course! I'd like to be friends with you two!" Meko replied happily.
"Really?" Gabriel and Logan said slightly surprised.
"Well that is... If you want to be friends." Meko replied.
"Sure!" Gabriel and Logan said with smiles.
"Sorry if we gave you the impression we didn't want to be friends." Gabriel said with a bow.
"We're just not used to people wanting to be our friend." Logan said with a bow of his own.
"Oh... Uhh you don't have to bow... hehe... Wait... People don't usually want to be friends with you?" Meko asked puzzled.
"No, most of the other kids bully us." Gabriel said with a shrug.
"I'm Gabriel's only friend, and he's my only friend." Logan said with a sad smile.
"Not any more, now all three of us are friends! Trust me... Here at the facility... People become family in no time." Meko said the look on her face made it very hard to not believe her.
"Mmmphhmm Friends.... Nice... Friends... mmmph" Maniko mumbled.
"Oh, well uh thank you." Gabriel and Logan said smiling.
"No thank you... For agreeing to be my friend." Meko said blushing a bit.
"You're welcome." Gabriel and Logan said smiling happily.
"Well this is as far as I can take you. Open doors mean the room is up for grabs half open means it needs one more and closed means it's been claimed." Meko stated.
"Thank you for showing us the way." Gabriel and Logan said smiling as they bowed in thanks before leaving her.
Edda's Dinning hall:

"Edda we're dying!... Can you make us something uber special?!" David asked pleadingly.
"Ok... Okay... Whatever you want... I'LL MAKE!" Edda replied clamping her hands together as she gave a wink.
"What do you already have, I don't want to be an inconvenience." Malik said still holding Alan's hand.
"Yeah, I don't really want to either." Alan said.
"Hmm... Blueberry cheesecake!" Alex said his eyes sparkling.
"I'll whip up the cheesecake... But it wont be any inconvenience." Edda said smiling.
Alan thought for a moment, "Would you like to share a slice of the cheesecake with me Malik?"
"Sure Alan." Malik said smiling.
"Oh... My I'm sorry I was impolite, my names Edda." Edda said to Malik & Alex with a slight bow.
"Nice to meet you Edda, I'm Malik." Malik said with a smile.
Alex and Alan just smiled at Edda.
"So one cheesecake?" Edda asked.
"*sigh* I'll just have a apple tart... Jace would kill me if I had cake again." David stated glumly.
"Yay! You're learning! Okay I'll whip it up." Edda replied going into the back before calling. "Please take a seat while you wait!"
"Alright." Alex said heading for a table.
Alan smiled as he and Malik followed Alex.
"I'm not that addicted...." David pouted as he fallowed Alex.
"Why do you go crazy when you eat too much sugar?" Alex asked curiously as he sat down.
"Yeah, you act almost like you're drunk." Alan said with a nod as he sat down across from Alex.
Malik sat down next to Alan.
"Hmmm... I really don't know.... Maybe it's because I didn't have it much growing up." David replied before looking a bit embarrassed as he scratched his head. "Although I don't really remember... hehe."
"You don't?" Alex asked curiously.
"Yeah I don't remember much before three years ago... hehehe... I wish I did... I mean I'm probably hurting Siven." David said.
"Why do you think you're hurting Siven?" Alex asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well.... She has all her memories they're so many memories we should be able to talk about... That I don't remember at all.... I don't even remember saving her... hehe but I'll have to remember some day right?!" David's smile returned as he said the last part.
"Yeah... Maybe if I hit you really hard on the head they'll come back." Alex said making a fist and standing next to David.
"Th... That's okay." David replied.
"You sure?" Alex asked with a grin.
"Alex! You can't hit him!" Alan said.
"You're violent...." David said looking a little worried at the fist.
"Oh, I was just trying to be helpful." Alex said plopping down in a chair.
"By offering to hit someone in the head?" Malik asked with a raised eyebrow and an amused look.
"Well, it helped my friend back where I lived." Alex said.
"Really?!" David asked as his eyes light up.
"I don't think that's a good idea... What if you just make it worse?" Edda asked as she placed their food on the table.
"Yeah, there is a chance it can get worse." Alan said giving Alex a stern, 'don't do it' look.
"Enjoy your... Food... Um I mean please enjoy your food... Unless it's bad... Umm then." Edda began to ramble
"We understand Edda, thanks!" David replied.
Zane came over and sat down.
"Where'd you disappear to?" Alex asked looking at him. "What's wrong?" He asked noticing the look on his face.
"How do you know if someone is flirting with you?" Zane asked.
David smiled. "What did the person say?"
"Well she said if I needed anything to just ask, and that she wouldn't mind sneaking me into her room if I needed to talk late at night." Zane said.
"<.< yeah she was flirting... Who was she?" David asked.
"I'm not sure... She didn't say her name." Zane said.
"Okay... What did she look like... Did she have short brown hair?" David asked.
"I think so." Zane said.
"Sarah." David said shaking his head.
"So that's her name, does she flirt with everyone?" Zane asked curiously.
"Only the odd races... I've heard a lot about her though." David said as he ate his tart.
"Odd races?" Zane repeated with a curious look.
Alex chuckled as he ate a slice of the blueberry cheesecake.
Malik smiled as he fed a blushing Alan a piece of the cheesecake, "Is it good?"
"Y-Yes." Alan said smiling.
"Odd races like demons, aliens, if we had any Zombies." David replied. "Oh sure talk about how good it is see if I care." He teased Alan and Malik with a smile.
"Want me to feed you some too?" Malik asked with a smirk.
"I'll pass... Thanks." David replied.
Malik chuckled, "If you say so." He said feeding Alan more of the cheesecake.
Alex chuckled as he ate, "I bet you'd eat it if Jace said he'd feed you."
"Of course I accept any pfft thing from mommy." David replied.
Alex raised a brow at David, "Seriously?"
"I love my mommy pfffffffft haha okay okay.... Try again. *clears throat* I love my mommy, so of course I'll allow Jace to feed me." David said as he made his eyes sparkle.
Alex blinked, "Dude, you're weird."
Malik chuckled, "Mommy?"
"Wait... Jace is mommy... So... UNCLE!" David teasingly reached out to Alex.
"I'm not your uncle!" Alex said scooting away from David so he wasn't within reach without David having to get up.
Malik chuckled, "Aw, be nice to your nephew." He said earning him a death glare from Alex.
"There isn't any sugar in that tart is there?" Alan asked glancing from David to the tart.
"Hahaha huh? Oh no there isn't enough to make me all loopy." David answered before looking back at Alex. "Was wrong unkey... Do you not like me any more? *sniffle*"
Alex groaned, "No, I still like you..."
Zane rolled his eyes, "I think someone needs sleep." He said staring at David.
"Eh I'll get sleep soon enough." David stated.
"Alright then." Zane said with a sigh.
Alex sighed and pushed his empty plate a little bit away from him.
Alan smiled as he ate the last of his blueberry cheesecake fed to him by Malik.
"If everyone's done, it's room time. At least for You two." David said looking from Zane to Malik.
"That's fine with me." Zane said standing up.
"Alright." Malik said with a smile and standing up.
Alan yawned slightly as he stood up.
Alex nodded and smiled as he stood up, "Alright my little nephew."
"Okay... Hmm there was a room open next to yours and Alan's room right?" David asked.
"Yeah, I think so." Alex said with a nod.
"Okay." David opened the door. "Right this way."
Alex chuckled as he walked out of the dinning room.
Alan left holding Malik's hand.
"Thank you." Malik said as he walked out.
Zane sighed as he walked out.
Yue walked into Edda's dining room and looked over the selection. "Oh! You have the bunny buns out~ :D"
"<3 YES!! It's a mystery flavor unless you want all of them!! =D" Edda declared before adding. "Oh umm are you allergic to anything?"
"Nope~ I even ate a mothball once~ =^_^= I can handle anything so long as it isn't sharp!" Yue chirped happily before tapping a finger to her chin. "One of everything, please~ :D And if there's any custard ones, can I have extra of those?"
"Okay!! <3 It is sooo fun getting your orders!" Edda said as she quickly got the bunny buns.
"I honestly don't know why I didn't come up here to eat more often before~" Yue chirped. "I can't believe I'd never tried egg custard before until the other day! To think I've been missing out on something so amazing all these years..."
"Promise you'll come here from now on!" Edda said handing her the bunny buns.
"Of course~" Yue chirped happily.
"Yay! please enjoy your food!" Edda said seeming really pleased.
"I know I will! =^_^=" Yue took a seat and bit into one of the rabbit-themed steamed buns. "Mm~ Strawberry~"
"Yay! I found you!" Meko sang coming over. "I found out my arm was made with some of your blood as a weapon..So as a thank you..." She held out a box with a smile.
"Oh? You really don't have to~" Yue smiled. "It wasn't my idea. I just supply the blood~ The Weapons Development department are the ones who plan it out and put it together!"
"I wanted to though...I have gifts for everyone at weapons development department already." Meko replied.
"Oh... Ok, then! :D Thank you~" Yue chirped, accepting the box.
"We made them ourselves... So if it's good that's me, if it's bad it was Meko!" Maniko teased as she grabbed Meko's arm. "We'd love to stay an chat *sigh* but we have alot of chocolate bunnies to pass out."
"That's alright. It was nice talking to you two~" Yue chirped. "Oh! And Happy Easter! =^_^="
"Yeah Happy Easter!!" They called back.
Liden looked around. "Wow this place 'as changed."
"It's so big! And pretty!" Abigail said giggling as she looked around.
"Oh, little kids like bunnies!" A pink haired girl with ponytails stated heading their way.
"NOOO MEKO!! You'll look like a kidnapper... Besides... We didn't make a lot of candy." A girl with short pink hair stated grabbing Meko.
Abigail looked over at Meko and Maniko and waved happily as she giggled.
"Hehehe she saw us! Now we have to give her candy! XD" Meko declared running over. "Would you like a choco bunny?!"
"Uhh th-thanks." Liden replied blushing slightly as he took the candy, and looked it over. "'Ere ya go Abby."
Abigail smiled and took the bunny, "Thank you."
"Yeah thanks..." Liden replied. 'D*** girls are hard to talk too... Why do they havetta be so different from guys?!'
"Your welcome. HAPPY EASTER!!" Meko & Maniko Cheered.
"Happy Easter!" Abigail said giggling. "Oh, my name is Abigail."
"I'm Meko." Meko said with a smile.
"And I'm Maniko." Maniko added.
"Uhh... L-Liden... n-nice ta meet ya." Liden stammered.
Abigail giggled and patted Liden's head, "It's ok Liden."
"Wha?! I-I'm fine.. You don't havetta say somethin like that." Liden said blushing before adding. "I... Uhh gotta get the kiddo somethin to eat... See ya."
"Okay. bye, bye." Maniko & Meko replied.
Abigail giggled, "Bye, see you latter."
"Girls are weird." Liden mumbled as he walked to the counter. "Hi Edda..."
"Hey Lili!" Edda said with a smile before adding."What will you two have?"
"Please don't call me that... I'll ave ya bunny buns."
Abigail giggled, "Lili?"
"I came up with that nickname when we where younger!" Edda hummed as she got the bunny buns.
"Yeah I used ta visit this place alot with my old man... And Edda never left me alone..."
"THAT'S BECAUSE YOUR ALWAYS ALONE!! It mad me sad to see you always with your dad and never with the other kids..." Edda said setting the buns down on the counter.
"Maybe Liden didn't like other kids." Abigail said as she patted his head. "But he's not alone now, he's got me."
Yue turned around in her seat at the sound of Edda yelling and gave her a worried look.
Edda noticed Yue looking and her face turned red as she relized she yelled. "Oh... Uhh sorry for yelling... I'm glad you're no longer alone' Liden... Hehe you sure are a handful."
"Huh?! I'm no 'andful! *Sigh* ya the one that insisted on takin care of me." Liden said scratching the back of his head with one hand.
"I'm still up here silly." Abigail said as she leaned back some so his hand wouldn't touch her.
"Uh?! Sorry Abby!" Liden said pulling back his hand to get the food. "See ya Edda."
"Hehehe bye, bye." Edda replied waving.
"Bye!" Abigail said giggling as she waved.
Liden set Abigail down once he found a table.
Abigail smiled as she got in a seat and made herself comfortable.
Liden slid her a plate with some of the buns on it. "Ere ya go."
"Thanks Lili." Abigail said teasingly giggling like mad.
Liden's eyes widened as he blushed then his head snapped to Edda. "Edda ya turned 'er against me!!!"
Abigail giggled, "I made you look like a tomato!"
"I-I ain't a tomato!" Liden protested which just made him more embarrassed.
"But your face is all red." Abigail said giggling.
Liden didn't reply, instead he just popped a bun in Abigail's mouth.
Abigail blinked as she bit into the bun and chewed it, "Yummy!"
"Yum... Liver an brussel sprout!" Liden said happily.
Abigail gave Liden a look like he was crazy, "EW!"
"It's good..." Liden said before he noticed the twin angels and his smile faded. "*Sigh* 'ow em I goin ta get them back to there ol' man an lady? They said they'd know when I find their kiddos!"
"Maybe they're on there way?" Abigail suggested as she ate her bunny bun.
"Better be." Liden grumbled eating his bunny bun.
Abigail giggled.
"PLUM!" Liden seemed uber happy.
Abigail giggled, "You like plum?"
"Almost as much as peaches." Liden answered.
"Oh! I love peaches!" Abigail said smiling.
"Here we can split this then." Liden said cutting a peach bun in half.
"Thanks Liden." Abigail said smiling as she took half.
Liden nodded as he ate.
Abigail smiled happily as she ate the peach bunny bun, "Yummy!"
"Hahaha ya 'ave some cream on ya cheek." Liden snickered cleaning her cheek off.
Abigail smiled as he cleaned off her cheek, "Thanks Liden."
"Uh huh." Liden replied.
"Liden?" Abigail said looking at Liden with a cute little smile.
"Hmmm? Yeah?" Liden asked as he pulled out his phone. "Great... Six missed calls."
"You're the best big brother ever!" Abigail said smiling as she stood up on her chair to kiss his cheek.
"Huh?! Oh... Umm glad ya think so Abby... But... I uhh I'm not doing that much smack dab job." Liden said ruffling her hair before noticing Hana coming over. "Oh 'ello, Hana right?"
"Yes... I run the daycare! And I was wandering if your sister might want to come and play in the egg hunt." Hana replied.
"Abby?" Liden looked down at her to see what she wanted.
Abigail looked over at Hana, "Ok, but what's an egg hunt?"
"Well it's Easter and it seems the Easter bunny has a bad habit of leaving behind eggs... Some even have candy in them! So we're going to find the eggs!" Hana chirped.
"Oh! That sounds fun!" Abigail said smiling happily.
""Ave fun Abby." Liden said giving her a hug.
"Alright Lili!" Abigail said hugging him back and giggling.
Liden let go of her before looking up. "UH THE TWINS PARENTS!!"
"Umm seems he's busy... This way dear." Hana said taking Abigail's hand and lead her towards a table.
Abigail smiled and happily followed Hana.
"Okay go see what flavors you get!" Hana said deciding to let them order for themselves today.
"OK!" Momo said running over to Edda's counter and pulling Alamar behind her by his hand.
"Momo slow down." Alamar said as he tried to keep up.
"Hey, wait for me!" Fuyu called out as she ran after them.
Sean wasn't far behind.
Edda snickered at the man yelling to her. Before turning to the kids. "How can I help you?"
"What kind of bunny buns do you have?" Momo asked with a cute smile.
"Every type! Oh..but if there is one you don't want just tell me." Edda answered.
"No veggies!" Fuyu demanded.
"I'm fine with anything edible." Sean shrugged.
"I just don't want one with liver and/or brussel sprouts." Alamar said.
"I want a sweet one!" Momo said smiling.
"Okie dokie!" Edda hummed going to get the food.
Momo smiled and bounced in place as she waited.
Alamar smiled as he waited for Edda.
"Here you guys go!" Edda handed each kid a plate with a few bunny buns.
"...Thank you." Sean said as he took his plate.
"Yum!" Fuyu eyed the buns as she took her plate.
"Thanks Miss Edda." Momo said happily as she took her plate and ran back to Hana.
"Thanks." Alamar said with a nod as he followed Momo after taking his plate.
"Your welcome. Take care."Edda hummed.
"I fond a seat over there." Hana motioned to a table as she grabbed the extra plate Edda had sat down.
"OK!" Momo said rushing over to the table Hana pointed at.
Alamar chuckled as he followed her.
Sean and Fuyu followed them, Fuyu trying to race Momo and Sean going at his own pace.
"Hey be careful! There are other people here!" Hana called after them.
Momo giggled as she reached the table first, "I WIN!"
Alamar chuckled.
Fuyu pouted as she reached the table. "Aw, no fair!"
Hana laughed as she approached the table.
"Maybe next time Fuyu." Momo said giggling as she sat down.
Fuyu pouted as she and Sean sat down.
"Lets see what flavors we've got." Hana giggled as she sat down and picked up a bunny bun.
Momo smiled and took a bite of one of her bunny buns, "Strawberry!"
"I got blueberry." Alamar said as he took a bite.
Fuyu took a nibble of hers and promptly put it on Sean's plate. "I don't like chicken."
YOU HAD CHICKEN YESTERDAY! Sean's eye twitched. "...Not. Going. To say it."
"Fuyu you have to eat it...other wise Sean will have more then everyone else." Hana stated.
"But Fuyu, you ate chicken yesterday." Momo said looking confused.
"I don't like chicken." Fuyu insisted as she took a different bun from Sean's plate.
"Fuyu, you can't take his bun unless he allows it..if he doesn't then you'll have to try trading your chicken bun with someone else." Hana said eating her bun.
"Sean doesn't mind chicken." Fuyu shrugged.
"I do when you already took a bite of it. =_______="
"I'll trade one with you Fuyu." Momo offered.
"Ok! :D Which one?" Fuyu replied.
"Pick one." Momo said smiling.
"Thank you, Momo!" Fuyu took a bun from Momo's plate and replaced it with the bitten chicken bun.
Momo smiled happy that the issue was resolved as she ate her own half eaten bun.
"Hey!" Yuki called running up.
"Yuki! :D" Fuyu greeted.
"About time you got here!" Sean grinned.
"Hi Yuki!" Momo said smiling as she waved.
"Where's your food?" Alamar asked noticing that Yuki didn't have any.
"Oh... Guess I forgot... Hey is she with us?" Yuki asked nodding to a young blondish red haired girl.
"Hmm not yet!" Hana giggled as she got up. "Wait here. kay?"
"Ok!" Momo said smiling and looking over at the girl.
Yuki watched Hana talk to the girl. "Hey Sean... Do you know who she is?"
Sean shrugged. "I've never seen her before... She's probably new."
"Oh... Do-Do you think she's a princess?" Yuki asked.
"A princess?" Alamar repeated looking at Yuki.
"Why do you think she's a princess Yuki?" Momo asked.
"She... Looks like one... And she's pretty like one." Yuki replied.
"She is pretty." Momo agreed with a smile.
Alamar smiled knowingly at Yuki's comment.
"...She's not that pretty." Fuyu pouted.
Sean rolled his eyes at Fuyu.
"Name check children!" Hana hummed.
"Yu-yuki.." Yuki said standing straight.
"Sean. e___e"
"I'm Momo!" Momo said smiling happily.
"And I'm Alamar." Alamar said with a friendly smile.
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Abigail." Abigail said happily smiling cutely.
Yuki nodded before whispering to Sean. "Is she trying to be cute?"
"Nah, just being friendly." Sean whispered back. "She's trying... And failing." He gestured to Fuyu who was wearing a very forced-looking smile.
Yuki snickered. "She looks in pain!" He said barely staying in a whisper.
"OH!" Abigail said letting go of Hana's hand and going over to Yuki. "I like your hair." She said smiling.
"O///O Th-thank you... But I'm a boy..." Yuki replied.
Abigail giggled, "I didn't think you were a girl, I knew you were a boy."
Momo giggled, "Yuki's face is red."
"I... Then why'd you say I have pretty hair?" Yuki asked trying to be skeptical.
"Guys can have pretty hair too, my papa did and so does Liden." Abigail said smiling.
"R-Really?" Yuki looked to Sean then to Alamar.
Alamar shrugged, "I guess so."
Momo giggled, "Guys don't really notice that sort of thing about each other."
"Sean's a pretty boy." Yuki whispered in a deepish tone before looking away (clearly trying not to laugh).
"Least people know I'm a boy every time." Sean smirked as he bit into a bunny bun.
"Don't make fun of him." Abigail said smacking Sean lightly on the back of the head.
"He started it. :/" Sean readjusted his hat.
"Fine... This is mine, pretty boy." Yuki chuckled grabbing one of Sean's bunny buns. "Hmm YUCK! Tomato!"
Sean burst out laughing. "I could've told ya~ Since I'm the least picky, I always get the stuff no one wants!"
"Fine... Then this one is mine!" Yuki grabbed another. "....Curry?"
"Haha I'll get you some Yuki." Hana laughed as she went back over to Edda's.
"Yuki?" Abigail said looking at Yuki curiously.
"Hmmm?" Yuki asked sucking the bunny bun.
"Can I touch your hair?" Abigail asked with a smile.
Yuki blushed slightly and nodded.
Abigail smiled happily as she touched Yuki's hair and ran her fingers through it, "Wow, it's so soft!"
"O///O th-thank you." Yuki replied his bunny bun barely in his mouth.
Abigail giggled, "Yuki looks like a cute tomato."
"Well, you got the 'tomato' part right..." Sean snickered.
Abigail glared at Sean, "I don't like you."
"Big whoop." Sean told Abigail before he continued to eat.
"You aren't alone." Fuyu said to Abigail, shooting Sean a glare, herself.
"Sean, you should be nicer." Momo said.
"Don't mind Sean, he's not all bad." Alamar said to Abigail.
"But he was mean to Yuki, so I don't like him." Abigail said sticking her tongue out and sitting next to Yuki.
"Huh?... He-he was just teasing! I-it's fine." Yuki said then turned to Sean. "He's probably just grumpy cause he's short. ;)"
Sean paused mid-bite and blinked. "...I'm short?"
"I think you're about Momo's height..." Fuyu mused. "So yeah. Aside from Momo and Abigail, you're the shortest one here. XP"
"You sure it's ok?" Abigail asked Yuki before looking at Sean. "Well you're taller than me... But I'm only five." She said giggling.
"It's fine." Yuki replied as Hana came back and gave him a plate. "Is everyone getting along? =3"
"Abigail said she doesn't like Sean cause he was being mean to Yuki." Momo said bluntly.
"You two were fighting again?" Hana asked looking worried.
"N-no we were just teasing... Right Sean?" Yuki replied.
"Right." Sean agreed.
"Okay... Good." Hana replied with a smile.
"I got another curry bun!" Yuki said happily.
"Liden shared his peach one with me earlier, I love peaches." Abigail said smiling.
"Peaches are super yummy!... Umm If I get a peach you can have it." Yuki said with a smile.
"Or we can share it." Abigail said smiling.
"B-but that'd mean that his mouth would be where your mouth was! Or your mouth would be where his mouth was!" Fuyu protested.
"S-s-s-second hand... K-kiss.." Yuki realized as his face turned red.
Abigail blinked and blushed slightly, "Second hand kiss...?"
"You can break the bunny bun in half." Momo said looking at Yuki and Abigail giggling.
"R-right!" Yuki agreed with a nod has he tried another bun.
Abigail smiled as she stared at the table.
"Are you alright, Abigail?" Yuki asked.
"Yeah, I was just thinking of what my papa told me once... 'If a guy doesn't mind sharing his food with you it means he loves you!'" Abigail quoted her grandfather trying to make her voice sound as much like his as possible.
"O//////O Oh-Oh I uhh... I'm n-not in love... I uhh just met you and umm I uhh... I'm too young for love!... And uhh Ha-Haniko would kill me!" Yuki stuttered.
"Well my mom used to say you're never too young to fall in love." Momo said with a smile clearly not aware of how embarrassed Yuki was.
Abigail giggled, "I never said you were, I was just quoting my papa."
"Who's Haniko?" Fuyu asked.
"Oh... Haniko is my big sis! She's great!.... But she does more of the tough love... That reminds me.... I'M GETTING ADOPTED!!" Yuki said happily as he squeezed Mr.Glares.
"Really?" Momo said smiling at Yuki.
"Who's adopting you?" Abigail asked curiously.
"JACE!" Yuki practically jumped up when he said Jace's name before quickly looking over at Jace with a smile.
Abigail followed Yuki's gaze, "Oh, I met him yesterday in the hall... But I didn't talk to him."
"WHAT!?" Sean yelled. "No no no no no!"
Yuki blinked for a moment. "What? He's really nice... In fact! I want you to meet him!" Yuki declared grabbing Sean's hand.
"Uh...Really?" Sean looked unsure, but let Yuki drag him.
Abigail giggled as she watched them leave.
Zane was finished eating when he heard Edda's voice, he sighed as he got up and passed by Hana and the kids' table on his way out of the dinning hall.
Yuki just got back as Hana shot up. "Are you here with anyone?" Hana asked Zane as she stepped in front of him looking around. 'I don't see anyone that looks like him.... WHY WOULD ANYONE LEAVE THIS POOR CHILD ALONE?!'
Zane blinked slightly confused as he looked at Hana, "Huh? Well Edda said that the ones who were done eating should leave to make room for others."
Abigail smiled at Yuki and waved, "Welcome back Yuki... And Sean."
"Thanks." Yuki replied with a smile.
"Oh, you can come sit with us sweetie!" Hana said leading Zane over to the table.
Sean sat down with a noncommittal grunt.
"How'd it go, Yuki?" Fuyu asked.
"Ummm good... Then not so good..." Yuki replied before eating one of his buns.
"Oh... Uh... Thanks." Zane said following Hana still confused.
"Oh, what happened?" Abigail asked.
Momo was swinging her feet, she had just finished eating her bunny buns.
Alamar looked over at Yuki and Sean, "So was he mean?"
"NO!" Yuki nearly yelled. "Umm I meant He's going to be my dad... So he has to be nice."
"Of course he's nice." Abigail said with a nod.
"Then how did it go 'not so good'?" Fuyu frowned.
"Umm...well..." Yuki was about to continue when he noticed what Alamar & Sean had on. "Pfffft...Hehehahahahaha wh-what are y-you wearing?!"
"It's Easter, this was the least girly shirt that Hana had for options." Alamar said trying to cover up the bunny on his shirt.
"My only non-frilly options were a pink, yellow, or blue suit." Sean crossed his arms. "Alamar said yellow was too bright and I refuse to wear pink."
"Hahaha Easter threw up on you two!" Yuki laughed as Hana cut in.
"Yuki that's not nice! They look very nice in their suits. Now name Check!"Hana said as she thought of what outfit would look nice on Yuki.
"Yuki!" Yuki said trying not to laugh.
"Alamar." Alamar said glaring at Yuki.
"MOMO!" Momo said happily with a giggle.
"Abigail!" Abigail said smiling.
"So... You want my name too?" Zane asked.
"Yes please... Oh and I'm Hana!" Hana hummed.
"I'm Zane." Zane said with a nod.
"Umm...Ar-are you even a kid?"Yuki asked before Hana pipped in.
"Is everyone done?!" Hana asked excitedly.
"I'm done!" Momo said smiling happily.
"I'm done too." Alamar said.
"Done~" Fuyu said as Sean stuffed his last bun in his mouth.
"Almost." Yuki replied finishing his bun and handed his last one to Abigail. "Peachy bun!"
"Oh, thanks Yuki." Abigail said smiling as she took the bun. "Do you want half?
Zane sighed, 'This lady must think I'm a little kid... Why must I look so young?'
"No, I'm fine." Yuki replied with a smile.
"After this we can start the egg hunt!" Hana cheered.
"Ok." Abigail said smiling as she ate the peach bunny bun.
Momo patiently waited as she swung her feet back and forth.
"Done!" Abigail said as she swallowed the last of the bunny bun.
"Let's go!" Fuyu cheered.
"Alright!" Hana happily lead the way. "This will be a lot of fun... Oh but I'll have to place more eggs for Zane and Abigail! We'll have to stop at the daycare."
"Alrighty!" Momo said giggling as she followed Hana while holding Alamar's hand.
Alamar smiled as he walked hand in hand with Momo.
"This'll be fun!" Abigail said as she happily took Yuki's hand and followed Hana.
'I'm not going on an egg hunt.' Zane thought as he tried to sneak away.
"Where are you going?" Fuyu asked.
"To the daycare, there you kids will play while I get the extra eggs the Easter bunny left enough eggs for everyone."
Yuki froze as he heard his old nickname his color drained. 'No-no... They aren't talking about me.... This is my new life... My new home.' He thought as he looked around.
"Yuki, are you alright?" Abigail asked noticing the color drain from his face.
Zane froze and looked at Fuyu, "I'm not into egg hunts... So I'm leaving."
Yuki noticed them looking over at him. "Ho-hold on I'll be back." he whispered as he headed over.
"Young man I understand being shy but this will be fun! And you really should take the chance to learn more about the other kids! <3" Hana said bringing Zane back over."
Abigail nodded as she watched Yuki leave.
Zane sighed, "I'm not shy, I just... I don't know what an egg hunt is."
"Oh well... The Easter bunny has hidden a bunch of candy filled eggs all over the place and so you guys and gals get to find them and keep them!" Hana explained happily.
"Easter bunny?" Zane repeated slightly puzzled.
"Umm... Yes, Easter bunny... Let's see... Every Easter the Easter bunny comes and leaves eggs for the good little boys and girls!" Hana explained.
"Well since I've never heard of it we must not celebrate it where I'm from." Zane said.
"Where are you from?" Sean asked with an expression of suspicion.
"I'm from hell... I'm an ice demon." Zane said suddenly feeling uneasy.
"Oh how cool! <3 Oh yeah, Easter is more of a christian holiday." Hana said giving him a comforting smile.
"Well that would explain it." Zane said thinking.
"But I'm sure you'll have fun!" Hana declared.
"Maybe... I've never taken part in any games or anything before." Zane said.
"Then you'll really have fun!" Hana exclaimed 'How could he go so long without playing a game? Is the underworld really as bad as they say?'
"Perhaps." Zane said with a shrug."
"Don't worry Zaney I'm sure you'll have fun!" Momo said grabbing Zane's hand with her free one.
"Hmm we need to wait for Yuki..." Hana stated.
Charlie entered the dining room and looked around, he walked over to Hana and the kids when he saw them.
"Oh! Happy Easter Charles!... Do you need something?" Hana asked.
Zane looked over at Charles, 'Dad...?' he thought.
"Happy Easter Hana... Where are you going with Zane?" Charlie asked curiously.
"Oh, I'm taking him on the egg hunt! Umm do you two know each other?" Hana asked looking between the two.
"Well... Kind of..." Charlie said rubbing the back of his head nervously as he looked at Zane.
"Charles is my dad..." Zane said looking at Charlie.
"Oh!... >:O Oh! DO YOU REALIZE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS FOR CHILDREN TO BE ABLE TO PLAY?! He said he's never played a game before!" Hana said trying to stay polite in front of the children.
"Well... I... I just found out he was here..." Charlie said avoiding eye contact.
"How come you didn't know he was here?" Momo asked curiously.
"I was living with my mother in hell... He didn't know about me." Zane said.
"O-oh... I'm sorry... I didn't realize." Hana replied looking down, she understood what it's like to come from a broken home.
"Oh... Sorry Zaney!" Momo said hugging Zane.
Zane blinked and hugged Momo back, "It's ok... You... You didn't know."
"You don't mind Zane playing with the other kids do you?" Hana asked now looking up and smiling.
"If it's alright with him he can go play." Charlie said looking at Zane.
"I don't mind... I guess." Zane said.
"Are you going to come and watch Zaney play?" Momo asked.
"Yes, why don't you come!" Hana asked before turning to Jay.
"Hey Hana, Yuki just found out that his sister is on her way here along with some others, so I offered to take him and go pick them up." Jay said to Hana. "And I was wondering if you could hold off on the egg hunt till we got back?"
"Umm alright... But is it really wise to take such a young child with you?" Hana asked worried.
"It would be better if Yuki was there so his sister will feel more comfortable on the way back." Jay said to Hana. "I'll be careful on the way there and back and I'll have Loki with me."
"Hmmm... Alright. Do be careful!" Hana said.
"I will be and thanks." Jay said to Hana as he walked back over to Yuki and Loki. 'Ok, now to talk to Collin and get a new radio.'
"So what do we do now?" Momo asked curiously.
"I want to go with Yuki." Abigail said.
"We go back to the daycare and play games!" Hana replied before turning to Abigail. "... You'd have to ask Liden and Mr. Jay first... And besides... They might not have room."
"OK!" Abigail said running off to find Liden.
"AWWW there's a line..." David pouted as he saw the "line" of the kids and two soldiers.
"Morning~" Yue chirped from her seat near the door. "Eating at Edda's two days in a row, David?"
Loki looked over at Yue and waved, "Hello."
"What's the big deal, it's not like it's a long line." Gabriel said rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, it could be worse." Logan said with a nod.
"You haven't had Edda's bunny buns." David smirked before turning to Yue. "Hello!... Oh... Umm exactly... Three. BUT I WONT GET SWEETS THIS TIME!"
Loki blinked, "Calm down David."
"Jeez, he sure is hyped up about sweets." Gabriel said looking at David.
"I'll say." Logan said.
"It's not that surprising~ One time he got on a sugar rush and managed to get all the way down to the blood labs and tackle me before it wore off." Yue chuckled.
"And I'm still deeply sorry for that." David with a bow.
Gabriel grinned, "Why'd you tackle her?"
"Do you have a crush on Yue?" Logan asked.
"Don't worry about it~" Yue chirped to David before blinking and turning to Gabriel and Logan. "Oh? Actually we never met until then. I'm not really sure why he went all the way down to the labs..." She tapped her chin in thought.
"I don't really remember it that well so... Yeah no clue why I do that sorta thing when on a sugar high." David said with an embarrassed laugh.
"Perhaps when you're high on sugar you kind of remember the memories you've lost and act them out?" Loki suggested thinking.
"That seems to be the most popular theory." Jace mused as he walked in and held open the door for the recruits.
Cheshire Looked around and frowned. "We need to repaint it. It isn't colorful enough..." He said looking disappointed.
"Really? I think it looks nice." Siven said as she came in holding Cheshire's hand.
Malik and Alan came in behind Cheshire, Siven and Yuki holding hands.
"Hey David." Jack said as he came in behind them.
Alex came in and looked around, "Sup David?"
Zane smiled and waved at David, Logan, Gabriel and Loki, "Morning."
"Hello there." Cupid said floating beside David.
"JACE, SIVEN!" David quickly pulled them both into a hug. "Oh Cupid this is Jace my... Pfft Mommy... Actually my teacher, AND this is my adorable sister Siven! Hi Alex, Jack, Alan, Zane, and Malik!"
"I'm not gonna be your teacher much longer, pup." Jace grinned wolfishly. "Tomorrow ya get one more inspection, then ya graduate! So, uh, make sure Mattie's side a the room is clean. e_______e Don't wantcha gettin' held back 'cause your roomie can't keep his underwear stains ta himself."
Cheshire grabbed Siven away from him quickly. "HEY don't grab Alice!"
"It's ok, he's my older brother." Siven said looking at Cheshire.
"Oh, I don't think you need to worry about his roommate." Cupid said with a cute little giggle floating over to Jace.
"Hello Cupid, you're really cute." Siven said smiling.
Cupid giggled, "Thank you."
"Uh... Why are you floating?" Alex asked eyeing Cupid curiously.
"I'm a ghost." Cupid said smiling.
"Who's thi....CUTE LIL GUY?!" David clearly fighting the urge to pet Cheshire.
Cheshire Took a step back closer to Yuki and Siven. "He is kinda creepy... Is he going to kidnap me?" He stopped and looked to the left. "Are you sure Hatter?" He paused as though to listen. "Ok.... Umm hello Mr. I didn't realize Alice had a brother..."
"Oh my, how beautiful!" Cupid exclaimed floating over to Hatter who was invisible to everyone else.
"I..I..I'm not a kidnapper...it's just..your ears are adorable." David said now depressed.
"Don't worry 'bout it, pup." Jace told David before turning to Cheshire/Chaos. "This one just gets a little fuzzy in the head 'round fur. XP"
"Sorry we took so long getting here." Will said as he walked up behind Raven with Dean right behind him.
"Yeah sorry if I had anyone worried." Dean said from behind Will.
Cheshire was about to say something when he noticed Meko's rabbit run by and quickly took off after it. "Come back white rabbit!!"
"Meko really needs to keep that thing in a cage...." David sighed. "Should we follow him?"
"I'll get him." Raven and Chris replied taking off.
"It's ok Dean." Karin said smiling at Dean.
Cupid floated over to Jace and looked him over, "Hmm..."
Jace eyed Cupid warily. "...Hey. Do ya need somethin'?"
"You're kind of cute, do you have a significant other?" Cupid asked curiously.
"Thanks Karin." Dean said giving her a smile and spotting Cupid. "Oh man, not another ghost. Raven was right I do attract ghosts."
David snickered about Cupid hitting on Jace before turning and whispering to Dean. "I found her... And besides she's staying with Isaac."
Yuki looked over and noticed the Daycare kids. "Can I go play?!"
"H-huh?!" Jace gave Cupid a shocked look. "N-not officially, but I got my eye on someone..." He glanced from Yuki to the kids. "Sure thing, pup. Just make sure ya listen ta Hana an' don't get yourself into any trouble."
Yuki nodded with a smile before taking off.
Cupid grinned, "Oh really? Who's the lucky one that caught your eye?"
David smiled and patted Jace's shoulder. "Oh just a Redhead that's trigger happy and may or may not be named Anabell."
Cupid turned to David, "Oh? Is she pretty? Does she like him?"
"I don't know her personally," Yue chimed in, "but by the present cultural standards of this area, she would qualify as attractive."
"Well....She has a really nice figure..." David then waved his hand. "Jace has good tastes."
Jace gave David a mildly dark look from the corner of his eye. "...I'll ignore that first comment. This time."
Cupid giggled, "My someone is possessive."
"Woah man! I don't have a death wish, she's all yours." David said putting his hand up.
Jace grunted non-commitally and crossed his arms. "....Only if she wants.... >_____>"
"You don't know if she likes you or not?" Yue tilted her head to the side.
"Oh? Unrequited love?" Cupid said looking a bit sad. 'I shall fix that.'
"Well, I'm not sure if I'd call it that..." Jace grimaced. "She doesn't even know I'm interested."
"How could she not know... Haven't you told her?" Ciel asked.
"Are you too shy to tell her?" Cupid asked curiously.
"I told her! Twice! She just..." Jace's shoulders slumped. "...didn't believe me..."
"Hmm... Why not?" Cupid asked.
"JACE AND ANABELL SITTING IN A TREE!" Gabriel sang with a huge grin.
"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Logan sang with an equally huge grin.
"First comes love!" Gabriel sang wrapping an arm around Jace's shoulders.
"Then comes Marriage!" Logan sang also wrapping an arm around Jace's shoulders.
"Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" Gabriel and Logan sang in unison.
Jace's eye twitched at the angel twins. "...You two are gonna pay for that if I end up bein' your trainer."
"Nice to see you getting along with them... But I've got some visitors." Debbie chimed in.
Gabriel and Logan just grinned at Jace.
"GABRIEL! LOGAN!" Clair exclaimed from behind Debbie as she rushed forward hugging them both tightly.
Caleb walked forward and hugged them both as well.
Alex raised an eyebrow at the newcomers. 'I wonder who they are?'
Zane blinked and gave a start at the woman's very loud voice.
Alan looked at Gabriel and Logan who looked a bit uncomfortable.
"...You their parents?" Jace asked.
"Yes. Clair dear, they need to breath." Caleb said pulling her away with some difficulty.
"Oh, right." Clair said reluctantly letting go.
"Hi mom and dad." Gabriel and Logan said looking relieved she wasn't hugging them any more.
"Glad I could help... But I gotta get back to work~" Debbie said turning to leave.
"I'm glad no one did that to me and Katherine when we started dating." Will said to Dean.
"I wouldn't know the feeling Will." Dean said to Will loud enough for Karin and Cupid to hear. "I've never had a girlfriend."
"Yeah... Thanks." Gabriel and Logan said glaring slightly at Debbie while their parents had their backs turned.
Cupid glanced at Dean momentarily before looking back at Logan and Gabriel.
"Ya here for a holiday visit, movin' in, or takin' 'em home?" Jace asked the parents.
"Taking them home of course!" Clair said looking at Jace.
"What?!" Gabriel and Logan said backing up some.
Caleb watched Gabriel and Logan with a raised brow.
"Shouldn't it be up to them?" Liden asked walking up.
"But they are just children!" Clair said turning to Liden.
"Um... No offense, but they're seventeen right?" Alex said.
"That's right." Caleb said with a nod.
Liden smirked and pulled a paper out of his pocket and looked it over. "Lets see seventeen... District.... This says they'd be considered an adult in this district." He showed them a paper which had the age in which each district considered someone to be an adult.
"But we are not from Earth! And they are still children to me." Clair said.
"Sorry for butting in Miss, but they will never grow up if you continue to treat them like children." Malik said.
"Yeah, and they seem grown up to me." Alan said with a nod.
"Are you all their friends?" Caleb asked curiously.
"Well even though I just met them I'd say yes." Alan said.
"Any friend of Alan's is a friend of mine." Malik stated simply.
"I like them, they're funny." Alex said with a grin.
"And very polite." Jack said with a polite smile.
"They're also very caring." Zane said remembering how they never left Alan's bedside while he had been unconscious.
"I like them too." Siven said walking over and taking Gabriel and Logan's hands.
"I'm sorry... I uhh overheard... And just wanted to say that Gabriel and Logan are my friends too." Meko said with a smile holding a basket filled with chocolate bunnies.
"And mine." Maniko added also holding a basket.
"I'd call them friends." David said with a smile.
"Ta me, those two are pups, just like any recruit here. And they've gotta stop touching me." Jace gave Logan and Gabriel a sharp glance. "But I've definitely seen stranger characters go far 'round here. They'd probably do well for themselves." He shrugged.
"I consider them to be friends too, they did help out with my brother after he passed out." Will said as he stepped beside Logan.
"Yeah, they seem like good guys." Karin said with a nod.
Gabriel and Logan looked a bit surprised as they looked at everyone then at each other.
"Really?" Clair said looking at those around her.
"Clair, perhaps we should let them stay." Caleb said looking at everyone then looking at his wife.
"But..." Clair began trying to argue.
"Maybe we can stay here with them." Caleb said.
"It can be arranged." Jace offered. "That's what the civilian apartments are for."
"And if you chose to stay, we can take care of the paperwork when you're ready." Maniko added.
"See there." Caleb said with a smile.
"I... I guess so." Clair said with a sigh.
"What do we have here? A family reunion?" Anabell asked walking up with a smile.
"Yeah." Gabriel and Logan said with a nod.
Clair smiled slightly as Caleb held her hand.
"Oh! You're really pretty!" Cupid said floating over to Anabell smiling.
"Oh... Uhh thank you..." Anabell wanted to ask about the strange new ghost but chose to address Logan and Gabriel's parents instead. "Don't worry your sons are quite safe and will go through training to ensure they'll be able to defend themselves, and if they decide to, they could work here in one of the labs. Of course returning home is always an option for them too."
"Well it's up to them." Caleb said smiling.
Clair look like she was going to protest, but remained silent.
"My name is Cupid, what's your name?" Cupid asked smiling at Anabell.
"That's Ana." Jace answered, eyeing Cupid warily.
"The one we were talking about! :D" Yue chirped oh, so helpfully, much to Jace's disdain.
"Oh, so she's Anabell." Cupid said with a mischievous grin.
"Talking about me? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Anabell asked crossing her arms but she still had a smile on her face.
"As if David an' I'd say anythin' bad 'bout ya!" Jace clapped David's shoulder, squeezing it lightly to get him to agree.
"Y-yeah we'd never say anythin bad about you!" David replied.
"Hahaha well aren't you two sweet!" Anabell laughed.
"Yeah, they had nothing but nice things to say." Cupid said grinning and winking at Jace.
"Hmmm that so? What were you saying about me?" Anabell teased before laughing.
"Uh, well..." Yue panicked, trying to think of something true that wouldn't be too personal. "DAVID SAID YOU HAVE A GOOD FIGURE! :D"
Jace made a choking sound and all the color drained from his face.
Anabell hit David upside the head. "Why the H*** where you checking out my body?!
"What Cupid wanted to know if you looked good!! Did you want me to call you a hag?!" David asked.
"Wha? I-I've never!" Anabell pushed David's head back down.
Cupid giggled, "She has quite a temper."
"That she does." Malik said with a nod.
"-____- I heard that.... I just don't like being called a hag." Anabell stated.
Meko tapped Alex's shoulder.
"Like anybody with eyes'd ever call ya a hag!" Jace scoffed. "Pup's just bad at explainin' himself, is all."
"Who would like being called a hag?" Cupid asked.
Alex turned to face Meko, "Yeah?"
"Hey dad, Anna is kinda like mom in a way." Sam said to his dad. "I miss being with mom."
"I see what you mean Sam." Will said to his son with a sigh. "I'm going to work on a way to get home but it may take a bit ok."
"Yeah, you know I'm awful at explaining stuff!" David said as Anabell let go of him.
"You're right... Thanks Jace." Anna smiled before answering Cupid. "No one."
"Umm... I made this for you... I hope you like it." Meko said as she pulled out a chocolate rabbit that was about three feet high. "It's half caramel filled and half blueberry filled..."
Alex's eyes seemed to sparkle when he saw the chocolate rabbit, "Wow! You made this for me? Thank you." He said smiling happily.
"Yeah, I know I'd hate to be called that... Though I don't think I'll have to worry about it." Cupid said thinking.
"Because you're dead?" Gabriel and Logan asked.
"Well you're half right." Cupid said with a giggle.
"So you like sweets Alex?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, but I really love blueberries too." Alex said smiling.
"I'm glad you like it!" Meko replied happily.
"<3 There's my beautiful angel<3!" Isaac cooed as he ran over to Cupid.
"ISAAC!" Cupid exclaimed happily floating over and hugging him.
"It must've took a long time to make... You didn't have to go to so much trouble." Alex said.
"Beautiful angel?" Gabriel and Logan said as they looked at each other then at Isaac and Cupid.
"I take it you know her, Isaac?" Yue chirped.
Cupid looked at Yue and giggled.
"Of course I know my angel. <3" Isacc replied holding Cupid. "I have some papers at the office that might be of use."
"Oh... But I wanted to... I made some for Logan and Gabriel too." Meko replied saying the last part loud enough for Gabriel and Logan to hear.
"Really? :D That's great! I'll just--" Yue glanced at a nearby security camera. "...Oh. :/ Um, can you either let Soren or Charlie know or wait until tomorrow? Betty doesn't want me to work today..."
"You made some for us?" Gabriel and Logan said surprised.
"Very well ^-^." Isaac replied placing one hand on Cupid's head but kept the other around Cupid's waist.
Meko nodded with a smile as she pulled out two for them, one had a red bow and the other had a purple one.
"Oh... Thanks." Gabriel and Logan said smiling as they took the bunnies from Meko.
"Aw! Are you two a couple?" Siven asked curiously as she watched Cupid and Isaac while her tail flicked.
"Your welcome!" Meko replied.
Isaac bent down to nuzzle Cupid's cheek with his own. "I'd like to think so.<3" He replied.
Cupid giggled and nuzzled Isaac's cheek back.
"Aw! That's so cute!" Siven said happily as he tail flicked more.
"How does that even work?" Zane asked eyeing Cupid and Isaac curiously.
Will sighs and walks over to an empty table and sits down before pulling out a photo from his pocket. 'Soon we will be back together Kat, I promise.' Will thought as he looked at the photo.
"-______- there are kids near by Isaac.... Keep it clean." Anabell said looking over the couple. 'Zane's right... How can they even try to have a relationship?'
"Well when two males love each other..." Isaac was cut off by Anabell. "I said keep it clean!" She reminded him. "Oh right of course." Isaac turned back to Zane. "You'll find out sooner or later... Also I'm going to bring Cupid back to live!<3"
"What do you mean I'll... Wait... Two males?!" Zane said his eyes wide.
"Wait a minute..." Gabriel said looking at Isaac then at Cupid.
"Cupid's a guy?" Logan said shocked because Cupid was dressed like a girl.
"Hmm... Well I guess that answers my question." Jack said with a chuckle.
Alex was too busy looking over the chocolate bunny Meko made him to pay attention.
"So this boy is a cross dresser?" Clair said looking Cupid over curiously.
"It would appear so." Caleb said with an amused chuckle.
"You make a very pretty girl." Siven said giggling.
Cupid giggled at everyone's shocked looks before turning to Siven, "Thank you. <3"
"Awww I spoiled it." Isaac chuckled.
"You did, but that's ok." Cupid said smiling and nuzzling Isaac's cheek.
"Y'know, pups," Jace started, "in less than an hour, now, it won't be breakfast anymore. Now, I don't know 'bout the rest a ya, but Jack, Alex, an' I got things ta do. So get ta eatin'."
"Oh right, we forgot." Zane said going to get some food from Edda.
"Yeah, come on Alex you can admire the chocolate bunny later!" Jack said grabbing Alex's arm and pulling him towards the 'line'.
"Hey, you make me drop it and I'll kill you." Alex said glaring at Jack.
"Let's go get some food." Alan said to Malik smiling and leading the way.
Karin nodded and followed after them with Siven who grabbed her arm.
"Alright." Gabriel and Logan said as they happily skipped over to Edda.
Clair smiled as she watched her sons and followed them with her husband by her side.
Dean looks over at Will before walking up to the counter. 'I guess I could get enough for the both of us so he doesn't have to come up here himself.' Dean thought.
"30 minute frenzy!!" Edda called as a bunch of people came in. "What would you like, Zane?"
"It doesn't matter to me." Zane said smiling at Edda.
"Alright... I'll give ya some awesome flavors!" Edda said getting some of the bunny buns.
"And by awesome you mean what other people don't want." Liden teased waiting against a wall.
"I might like them." Zane said trying to help Edda.
"Or ya might get sick." Liden smirked.
"Grrr Liden! You're sooo mean, that only happened twice! And that was when I was still learning!" Edda argued handing Zane his buns.
"I'm sure she's better now." Zane said smiling at Edda. "Thanks Edda."
"Why are you being so mean to the pretty lady?" Jack asked as he and Alex came up after Zane left.
"Yeah, it's not nice to make fun of a lady's cooking... She might give you food poisoning on purpose for revenge." Alex said.
"I'm going to go sit by my dad uncle." Sam said to Dean before going to sit by his dad.
"Alright Sam, I'll bring you some too I guess." Dean said as he watched Sam sit down by Will.
"Wouldn't be the first time!" Liden laughed.
"Sush! I apologized for that! And you're going to make them think I'm a bad cook, Lili!" Edda said giving Liden's ear a tug.
"Oww! I told ya not ta call me that!... Seesh ya 'ad claws back then too."Liden mumbled rubbing his ear.
"Lili?" Alex repeated snickering.
"Ey! only Abby an Edda can call me that!" Liden protested.
"Oh shhh! Now what can I get you two?" Edda had a pleased smile.
"I'll take anything sweet... And get Mr. giggles over here a surprise." Jack said looking at Alex who was mumbling Lili and laughing.
"Aw, but Lili is a cute nickname." Gabriel said smiling at Liden.
"Yes, very cute." Logan said with a nod.
"Yes, but not as cute as you are Logan!" Gabriel said grabbing Logan and twirling him around as he pulled him close.
"Do you really mean it brother?" Logan asked his eyes seeming to sparkle some as he smiled and blushed.
"Yes, I mean it." Gabriel said hugging Logan to him lovingly.
Clair rolled her eyes at her children's antics while Caleb ignored them all together.
"Are they always like this?" Dean asked Clair as he waited in line.
"Yes, they've been like that ever since they were five." Clair said turning to look at Dean.
"I see, oh I'm Dean by the way." Dean said to Clair. "And that's my twin brother Will sitting over there with his son, Sam."
"I'm Clair, and this is my husband Caleb." Clair said with a smile.
"Hello." Caleb said.
"It... isn't cute... Oy! I still need da money from ya two's parents!" Liden said hitting his head.
"Hehehe your slupy has ever! You know the point of a job is to get payed."Edda teased handing Jack two plates.
Jack smiled as he took the plates, "Thanks Edda." He said as he pulled Alex away to join Zane at a table.
"Oh right, here you go." Caleb said handing Liden the money he promised.
Gabriel and Logan grinned as they stuck their tongues out at Liden.
"I'll be right back Sam, I need to ask Anna something." Will said as he got up and walked over to Anna. "Hey Anna, I was wondering if you could train me to be a gunner?"
"AWWW!! YAY! Wait 'till Abby see this! I can buy 'er soooo much toys!" Liden said to himself with a big smile.
"Hehehe seems like she's warmed your heart up a bit." Edda teased causing Liden to stick his tongue out at her. "Oh... Umm What can I get you two?" She asked Logan and Gabriel blushing slightly.
Anna turned to face Will. "If you think you can handle it. :3"
"You'll be surprised at what I can handle." Will said to Anna. "Some of the toughest training I've been through was when I learned sword fighting from a thunder elemental demon named, Raiju."
"Hehe well... With the tech we have here... You'd be surprised how much I can make ya suffer... Er... No... Suffer is the only word for it." Anabell chuckled.
"When do we start the training?" Will asked with a half smile on his face.
"Anything sweet." Gabriel and Logan said smiling and winking at Edda.
Jace smiled and waved at Yuki when he heard his name.
"Alrighty!." Edda said with a giggle going to get them their food.
"Edda are ya okay? Ya face is all red." Liden asked worried.
"I'm f-fine... Don't worry... And my face isn't red!" Edda replied.
"Tomorrow most likely." Anna replied smiling as she heard Yuki. "Those two seem to be getting along."
"Yeah they do." Will said glancing at Yuki.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Gabriel and Logan asked grinning.
"Y-yes I-i'm fine." Edda replied blushing slightly as she handed them there food.
"Hey Jace! This is Sean he's the kid I wanted you to meet yesterday." Yuki said smiling as he dragged Sean over.
"Yo. Nice ta meet ya." Jace grinned at Sean.
Sean eyed Jace warily. "...Hi."
Gabriel smiled and placed a hand on Edda's forehead, "She doesn't seem to have a fever."
"Well if she doesn't have a fever then she must not be sick." Logan said thinking.
"I'm fine... You really don't have to worry... Please enjoy the buns and angel fruit-cake!" Edda said with a smile.
"...... Sean thinks you abuse your trainees... Can you tell him it isn't like that?" Yuki asked as David cracked up laughing.
"Mommy is sooo~ abusive! hahahaha... Oh... Boy." David was nearly on the floor laughing.
"You're not really abusive right... David's just kidding right?" Cupid asked floating a few feet away.
"Alright, thank you Edda." Gabriel and Logan said smiling and each kissing one of Edda's cheeks before going to a table.
Clair smiled at her sons, "They're so sweet."
Jace just gave David a blank look before snapping his attention back to Sean when he started yelling: "How can you be laughing about it?! I SAW THOSE SECURITY TAPES!! You were the one he almost killed, right? The human? The one he kept putting on those machines that the other trainers wouldn't even let werewolves and vampires get on?! This is serious!!!"
Jace scowled. "An' what was a little one like you doin' watchin' those tapes, pup?"
"Hey Karin, do you want to go next or should I?" Dean asked Karin.
"I think Clair and Caleb should go next, I don't mind waiting." Karin said.
"Thank you sweety." Clair said smiling.
"Oh... Uh... You're welcome." Karin said smiling.
"What can I get you two~?" Edda asked holding her still red cheeks.
David stood up and dropped the smile. "Yeah... You're too young to see security tapes... Oh and to answer your question... I am the human, the training was hard, but it makes me strong... And Jace is always ready to pull me out of danger."
Jace nodded. "I don't put my trainees in those situations for kicks. They gotta be able ta survive that sorta thing if they're gonna be soldiers, y'know?"
Sean looked down and tried to hide his face with the rim of his hat. "...My uncle showed me the tapes."
"Why would your uncle show you the tapes if you're not allowed to see them?" Cupid asked curiously.
Clair smiled, "It doesn't matter to me."
"I'd like something spicy." Caleb said smiling.
"Alright." Edda smiled as she went to get them food.
"Umm... Well... I'M SURE IT WAS JUST ONCE! An-AND MAYBE IT WAS BRING YOUR FAMILY TO WORK DAY!!" Yuki said trying to defend the uncle. "Err.... Umm... Actually... His uncle didn't show it to him!.... I uhh saw the security room and... Dragged him in with me..."
"...Y'know, pup, if you're gonna lie 'bout somethin', you're better off stickin' with one story." Jace told Yuki.
Sean pulled his hat over his face.
"Or at least don't say uh a lot and keep pausing." Cupid said giggling.
Clair smiled as she waited with Caleb for their food.
Edda returned with their food. "Here you go!"
Yuki's shoulder raised as he looked down. "Sorry..."
David bent down and put a hand on Sean's shoulder. "What are you hidding for? You didn't do anything wrong."
"Nothin' ta apologize for. I'd rather ya not lie ta me, at all, but state of things bein' what they are, ya might as do it right." Jace shrugged.
Sean tilted his hat so one eye peeked out at David. "...You're sure he didn't attack you?"
Yuki nodded.
David chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I'm sure... Jace is like a big brother to me."
"Thank you sweety." Clair said as she and Caleb took their food and went to the table.
"I guess we are up next sis." Dean said to Karin.
"You can go first if you want Dean." Karin said smiling.
":/ But, Uncle Orson said--"
"Orson's got a right ta his opinions," Jace interrupted Sean, "an' so do you."
"How about we order at the same time since I'll need to get enough for me, Will, and Sam." Dean said to Karin.
"Alright, that's fine." Karin said smiling.
"What can I get you?" Edda asked.
"Th-that's true... If I listened to everything my birth father told me, I'd have died years ago." Yuki said with a slight smile.
"I need enough bunny buns for me, my brother and my nephew, can you make half of them meat filled and the other half sweet please?" Dean asked Edda.
"I want meat filled please." Karin said.
Edda quickly got them their food before looking around the kitchen. "Hmmm it's getting too crowded." She walked over to use the speakers. "Everyone that has already eaten, please head out so people that haven't eaten can have a place to sit down. For those of you who need a seat you might have to sit down with people you don't know... I'm sorry for the inconvenience!"
"Guess that means I better wait outside for Alex an' Jack." Jace murmured before turning to David. "Ya can keep an eye on everyone, right, pup?"
"I got this." David replied as Yuki grabbed Sean's hand.
"Let's get back to Hana and Abigail!" Yuki said dragging Sean along.
Sean groaned, but let Yuki drag him.
"... Sure ya do, pup. Just stay clear of the sugar." Jace pinched David's cheek before walking out to wait in the hallway.
"Thank you." Dean said to Edda as he got the food and sat down by Sam. "Eat up kiddo."
"Thanks for getting the food uncle." Sam said before putting one of the sweet bunny buns in his mouth and eating it.
Karin smiled as she sat down with Dean and Sam.
"Isaac, should we go back to the morgue?" Cupid asked as he heard Edda's voice.
"Alright." Isaac hummed happily leaving with Cupid.
Cupid giggled as he floated beside Isaac.
Yue continued eating.
"SWEETY! I'M SOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!" Betty exclaimed as she hugged Yue.
"Oh! O.O Good morning, Betty~ =^_^= Happy Easter!" Yue chirped as she hugged Betty back.
"Happy Easter dear! I thought you'd forget and try to work." Betty smiled.
"Hi Miss Betty, hi Yue." Loki said walking over to them.
"Hello dear! Happy Easter!" Betty cooed.
"Morning, Loki~" Yue chirped.
"Happy Easter." Loki said with a huge smile.
"And what a fine Easter it is!" Betty added.
"Did you get your food yet, Loki?" Yue asked.
"Yeah, earlier." Loki said smiling.
"What about Snowball?" Betty asked rubbing Snowball's cheek.
"We always share." Loki said as Snowball meowed.
"How sweet~" Yue chirped.
"Hehehe remember when Anna had Smokey? That big guy took all her food!" Betty said pulling a picture of huge black dog laying on a young grumpy Anabell.
Jay walks into Edda's kitchen and spots Yue and Betty talking. "Hey Betty and Yue. Long time no see right?" Jay said with a smile as he walked over and stopped beside them.
"Wow, that is a big dog." Loki said looking at the dog before turning to look at Jay. "Hello."
"Hey Loki, how have you been?" Jay asked Loki.
"I've been doing good, how have you been?" Loki asked with a smile as Snowball meowed.
"I've been better, ran into some people I used to work with about a year ago." Jay said with a slight frown. "But at least I made it back in time for Easter."
"Good job! You went missing for four years just to come back in time for Easter!" The green haired ghost clapped from the table he appeared on.
'Green hair, purple eyes...' Yue blinked. "Oh! You're that ghost Soron and I saw on the security tapes! Only... You weren't on the tapes themselves, just the live feed..."
"...... I might have been... I might not have been." The ghost replied seeming to think about it.
"Actually I've been on a three year mission and the Facility lost contact with me last year due to my radio being shot up." Jay said to the green haired ghost. "Besides I can handle myself out in the field due to my background."
"Another ghost?" Loki said looking at the green haired ghost.
"Hahahaha th-that's a good one! I don't give a D*** what your background is! Doing a mission on your own is idiotic!" The ghost laughed.
"Not when you're a former assassin it isn't." Jay said with a smirk.
"Don't get too proud of that... People hate Jace for his family I'm sure they'd be more inclined to hate you for who you Were. Plus, even a Former assassin can get killed... No one is unstoppable." The ghost said blankly.
"That is true." Loki said with a nod.
"That may be, but I don't let it bother me. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to see Edda about getting something to eat." Jay said as he walked off towards the counter.
The ghost shook it's head before looking around. "...looks like they aren't here...." He turned back to Betty. "Hey that other ghost was Aspin..Aspen or something like that right?"
"What's it to you?" A voice rasped from nowhere.
"Hmm just wandering.... Do you have to show up if someone says your name... Or are you just being polite?" The ghost mused.
"Another ghost, is this the one that keeps possessing Raven?" Loki asked curiously.
"Hey Edda, you still have any of those sweet bunny buns left for an old friend?" Jay asked Edda with a smile as he stopped at the counter.
"I see all. I just take my name as an invitation~" Aspen's voice rasped. "You've heard of me?"
"I've heard you've possessed Raven I think twice." Loki said looking at Aspen.
"You cant blame her...what ghost doesn't want the chance to live again." The ghost hummed.
"Actually four times~" Aspen giggled. "And the first two were to keep the soul-sucker from eating me. It got addictive, I guess~"
"Soul sucker?" The ghost echoed with a shiver.
"What soul sucker?" Loki asked curiously.
"The little boy with the pigtails. The one his father's men call prince." The last word echoed throughout the room.
"Prince...? They must think highly of themselves." The ghost snickered as his eyes moved over towards Yuki. "Is that the little prince?"
"Prince?" Loki said looking over at Yuki.
"Oh looks like he's on his way~" The ghost mused.
"... Jay? B-but I thought we lost contact..." Edda began.
"This that guy ya told me about Edda?" Liden asked popping a bunny bun in his mouth.
"Yeah sorry bout that, I had a run in with some people I used to work with back in my assassin days and my radio got shot up." Jay said to Edda before looking at Liden. "I'm Jay Strife but some people know me by my code name, Switchblade."
"Oh... Yeah, I think my old man talked about ya. *sigh* the names Liden Lander."
"So I guess you know what happened five years ago and how I came to work here then." Jay said as he let out a small sigh.
"Yep, but even if I didn't I wouldn't care. I'm leaving as soon as I get payed." Liden stated flatly.
"LILI BE NICE!" Edda demanded before turning to Jay. "I'll go get your bunny buns!"
"Thanks Edda." Jay said as he got a piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket and wrote down an address before handing it to Liden. "This is the address to a lab in District Eight that I didn't get to check out. If you happen to past it at some point, could you check it out?"
Liden looked down at he paper, he hesitated before taking it. "I'm not in the government...I just 'elp people find missing family and such...Plus I got Abby took look after now."
"I understand that and I would go and check it out myself but something else has came up." Jay said to Linden.
"Alright.... Hey... Why'd ya join the gov?" Liden asked as Edda came back with Jay's buns.
"I needed a safe place cause I had everyone that I had worked for coming after me because I had stopped the hit on Anna." Jay said with a sigh. "I was lucky that Jace found me the next day and offered to bring me here and I accepted."
"Safe place.... *sigh* Maybe I'll stay 'ere after all." Liden thought aloud.
"YAY! You're finally staying!!" Edda cheered as she gave Jay his food. "Enjoy!"
"Thanks again Edda." Jay said as he got the food from Edda and made his way back to where Loki and and green haired ghost were.
"Hey Miss Edda, hey Lili." Abigail said running up to Liden and Edda who were talking.
"Abby! Look at all the money we got!" Liden quickly pulled the money out as he hugged her. "I can get ya sooo much stuff! <3"
"That's really cool Lili." Abigail said as she hugged Liden back. "There's something I want to ask you though."
"Oh?" Liden asked as he released her from the hug.
"Yuki's going with that Jay guy to get his sister, if it's ok with Jay can I go too?" Abigail asked.
"Hmmm.. Kay let's go Abby." Liden replied heading to where Yuki, Loki and the twins are.
"Ok!" Abigail said smiling as she followed Liden.
Maniko noticed Sam sitting at the table with the rest of the Blackfires. "Hey Sam, you haven't gotten your Bunny yet have you?!"
"No, I haven't Maniko." Sam said with a smile.
"Here ya go!" Maniko & Meko sang handing him a bunny. "I made one for you too Will." Meko said with a smile handing Will his.
"Thank you." Sam said as he took the bunny.
"Thank you Meko, and when you have the time later could you show me where Ciel's brother and sister are, I want to check and see how they are doing." Will said to Meko with a smile as he took the bunny.
"Oh sure."Meko hummed.
"Umm, who was that blonde haired guy that was talking to Edda earlier Meko?" Sam asked.
"Oh that could be Jay, Sack, Frank, a lot of people actually." Meko & Maniko replied.
"Oh." Sam said to Meko and Maniko.
'Hmm the blonde haired guy might make for a good sparring partner. I'll just have to ask him if I see him again.' Will thought to himself as he listened to Meko & Maniko talk to Sam.
"Meko! There you are. We gotta go." Debbie stated sternly.
"Oh... Uhh right." Meko replied lowering her head as she walked over to Debbie.
'How am I going to get all of us back to our respected points in time.' Will thought as started to write some ideas down on a napkin. 'If we all somehow went in to the portal down in the underworld at the same time it could cause someone to appear in a place that they don't belong.'
"Dad is really trying to figure out a way to get us back home, but I don't know if it is even possible." Sam said with a sigh as he watched his dad.
"I'll get us back home Sam somehow, but it's looking like Dean and I might not be able to return to our own time though." Will said to Sam as he set his pencil down. "I'm going to have to somehow explain to Kat why I haven't really aged at all."
"Will, as long as the family is together we will be alright." Dean said as he put a hand on Will's shoulder. "I don't care if I end up reappearing on the day that we lost our village, cause there are some things that I would like to change that happened that day."
"Ello princie!" The ghost said as Yuki stopped close to them.
"W-why are you calling me that?" Yuki nearly growled.
Aspen took the self-preservationist route and left once Yuki got close.
"That other ghost told him you were a prince." Loki said.
"Pfft hardly..." Yuki scuffed as he looked around. "Where's the other ghost? I want to talk to it..." Yuki didn't seem angry now he seemed more sad.
"I'm not sure, she was here earlier... What was her name again? Aspen I think." Loki said.
"I'll talk, but I refuse to materialize in front of the little soul-sucker!" Came a rasp.
Yue raised an eyebrow. "...Is it just me, or does this particular ghost seem to be rather... Abrasive?"
"It's not just you." Loki said.
"Y-you know my father... Correct?!" Yuki asked his face was nearly the same as Luki's "no nonsense" face.
"Me and the maestro have met."
"Pfft maestro? haha.... How is my... Er... How is Haniko?" Yuki asked as his face softened.
"She's on her way~"
"WHAT?! By herself?! Why?!" Yuki asked with wide eyes before he got a scared look. "... I-i-i-is my-my... Dad coming?"
"She's not alone, but she's not with the maestro, either."
"Then who is she with?" Loki asked curiously.
"Nobody you've met... Yet. Try asking the ice boy and Mutt Two instead."
"Hmmmm.... But wh-why is she coming?" Yuki asked
"What... You don't like your big sister?" The ghost asked sickeningly cute.
"Of course I love her!" Yuki said shooting the ghost a glare. "It just doesn't seem like something she'd do..."
"She's looking. For. You. e_____e Duh."
"I understand that! B-but she's always been more about sticking with Father... And she said if I did run away she wouldn't bother to find my dead body." Yuki said.
"Actually, the entire time she was hanging around ringleader, she avoided maestro like the plague."
"Odd... Maybe she's come to her senses..." Yuki thought aloud. "But why are you telling me this... I can't see you so it's not like I could eat you if you didn't."
"Umm sorry to interrupt but we got a lil guest." The ghost said nodding towards Jay.
"I get bored. Plus anything that makes her frostiness's life a little harder is a bonus for me~"
"'Her frostiness'?" Yue asked, but Aspen did not respond.
"Don't let me interrupt what y'all was talking about." Jay said as he sat down and saw Yuki. "You look familiar."
"He does?" Loki said looking at Jay then at Yuki curiously.
"And you smell bad." Yuki shot back not wanting to deal with being polite.
"Oh princie at least try to be graceful." The ghost mused moving slightly away from Yuki.
"You said almost the same thing four years ago kid." Jay said with a slight smile. "It's good to see that your ok though."
"What the H*** are you talking about?! Look I don't really care I have more important things to worry about then some creep trying to get my attention!" Yuki said turning away from Jay. (Note Yuki is cranky and wouldn't usually say such awful things)
"I guess I shouldn't of shot the white furred werecat that was following you after the Blood games was shut down then, no offense Loki." Jay said to Yuki. "And I could go and get your sister so she won't have to walk all the way here."
"No offense taken." Loki said.
Yuki eyes widened as he took a step back. "Y-you shot the white cat?! B-but he helped me! H-he unlocked the cage!" 'Why...? How many victims got shot...? Why do people keeping bringing up the past?! Why cant it just be left alone?!!'
Jay sighs and looks at Yuki. "That part I didn't know but I wouldn't call that cat a friend because of who he worked for." Jay said. "My offer still stands on going to pick up your sister if you want to tag along."
Loki looked from Yuki to Jay, "I think that's enough, Yuki looks a bit scared."
"Yeah your right Loki, sorry Yuki." Jay said as he popped a bunny bun into his mouth and ate it. 'Why did those assassins have to make me so cold hearted for? I used to be good kid.' Jay thought to himself as he ate.
"N-no... I'll go... But... Can papa came too?" Yuki asked shaking slightly.
"Sorry prince... But Jace is going some where else!" The ghost laughed.
"Maybe Loki would like to come with us if he isn't doing anything?" Jay asked as he glanced over at Loki. "Jace is a good guy and he was the one who brought me here after I did something back at my old job five years ago."
"I don't mind going if it's ok with Yuki." Loki said.
"Yuki, is everything ok?" Gabriel and Logan asked as they walked over and noticed that he was shaking.
"I-I'd like it if you came." Yuki replied before looking at the twins. "Oh... I umm... Have a lot on my mind.... My sister is coming..."
"Really, we didn't know you had a sister." Gabriel and Logan said.
Loki smiled at Yuki.
"Yeah... I haven't seen her in four years... She was more like a parent then a sister.... Oh she'd love to meet you though! She told me angels didn't exist, and even if they did they would be more of con-artists!" Yuki stated.
"Oh really?" Gabriel and Logan said with equal grins.
"Yeah me, Loki and Yuki are about to go and pick her and the people she is traveling with up." Jay said as he ate the last of his bunny buns. "I'm Jay by the way and you two are more than welcome to join us if it's ok with Yuki."
"I'm Gabriel." Gabriel said with a bow.
"And I'm Logan." Logan said also bowing.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Gabriel and Logan said in unison as they straightened up and smiled.
"Same here, I guess I should let Hana know where Yuki is going so I don't get in trouble." Jay said as he looked over where Hana was at and started walking over there. "I'll be right back."
"Alright." Loki said with a nod.
"Take your time." Gabriel and Logan said in sing song voices.
Yuki watched Jay walk away. "W-what sorta vibes do you guys get from him?" He asked the twins.
"Hmm... Well we can tell he's been in a lot of dangerous situations." Gabriel said.
"Yeah, but he doesn't seem bad." Logan said as Gabriel nodded.
"So... We can trust him?" Yuki asked as the ghost vanished.
"Seems like it, but just in case you might want to be careful and not tell him anything you wouldn't tell someone you didn't trust." Gabriel said.
"Yeah, better safe than sorry." Logan added with a nod.
"Right!" Yuki replied.
"I guess he'll have to earn your trust." Loki said.
"Back so soon?" Gabriel and Logan said as Jay walked back over to them.
"That was quick." Yuki added.
"Yeah, I got the ok from Hana, so now we need to see Collin so I can let him know and so I can get a new radio." Jay said to Gabriel and Logan.
"Alright, lead the way!" Gabriel and Logan said smiling.
Yuki looked over at Abigail before taking Loki's hand, he seemed to want to take the twins' hands too but didn't want to grab just one of their hands.
Loki smiled at Yuki.
"Alright follow me then." Jay said as he led them out of the kitchen and into the hall towards Collin's office.
Gabriel and Logan nodded as they followed Jay.
Yuki followed. "How do you even know where to find Haniko?"
"I learned some tracking skills from my old job so I should be able to find her." Jay said to Yuki as they walked.
"Do you want me to tell someone where you're going? Jace and Anabell will probably be worried when they notice Yuki and Loki aren't here..." Yue offered.
"She has a point... Also you've missed a lot of physicals, and with how long you've been missing I doubt they'll let you leave so fast." Betty added.
"I didn't mean to go missing, I just had an unlucky run in with some people I used to work for and lost my radio." Jay said with a sigh. "And I had planed to stop by the clinic later on today, Betty."
"Maybe you should get a physical before we leave." Loki suggested.
Betty pinched Jay's ear. We'll be back dears!"
Jay winces once Betty pinched his ear. "Loki, you, Gabriel, Logan and Yuki go on and wait outside of Collin's office and I'll meet you there." Jay said as Betty led him to the clinic.
"Alright." Loki said with a nod.
"Good luck!" Gabriel and Logan said with a smile.
"Oh!... Umm is-is Abigail... Coming this way?" Yuki asked blushing slightly.
Gabriel and Logan grinned, "Does someone have a crush?"
"W-what?!! I-I'm too young! B-besides..." Yuki got closer to whisper. "I think she might be a princess..."
"Really?" Yue blinked. "I've never seen a princess before..."
Gabriel chuckled, "So what if she is a princess, what does it matter?"
"If you think she's a princess why don't you just ask?" Logan asked with a smirk.
"Hi Yuki!" Abigail said with a smile as she walked up holding Liden's hand.
"H-hi... Abigail... Are you." Yuki blushed slightly as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "ARE YOU A PRINCESS?!!"
Liden blinked in surprise before smirking. "Yep! She sure is!"
"Well my papa used to call me his little princess, but I'm not a real princess." Abigail said with a cute little giggle.
"Well you do look like a cute little princess today." Loki said with a smile.
"Oh, why thank you." Abigail said with a cute smile. "Where's that Jay guy?"
"Oh, he went to the clinic to get a checkup." Loki said with a smile as Snowball jumped from his arms and trotted over to Abigail and meowing.
"What a cute kitty." Abigail said smiling as she began petting Snowball.
Gabriel grinned and took Abigail's distraction as an opportunity and knelt next to Yuki, "See, she isn't a real princess." He whispered in Yuki's ear.
Logan grinned as well as he knelt on the other side of Yuki, "Yeah, and you know... You're never too young to fall in love." He whispered in Yuki's other ear.
"So go for it." Gabriel and Logan whispered to Yuki in unison with equally giant grins as Abigail continued to pet Snowball.
"She's so sweet~" Yue chirped at Liden. "Are you her guardian?"
"Yep!" Liden replied happily.
"Ehhh?! Bu-but... She's so sweet... And kind... And I'm mean..." Yuki replied blushing.
"Mean?!" Gabriel and Logan repeated in a surprise whisper as they looked at Yuki. "You seem pretty nice to us, why do you think you're mean?" They said still whispering so Abigail and the others wouldn't hear.
Abigail smiled at Yue, "You have pretty hair, it's kind of different from most people."
"Thank you~" Yue chirped. "I like your hair too! The way it frames your face draws attention to your eyes but doesn't detract from your smile. It emphasizes your neotenous traits and just makes you all the more adorable~"
"I called Jack ugly when I first met him... And I called Jay smelly." Yuki replied.
"That doesn't make you mean." Gabriel whispered with a small chuckle.
"Yeah, did you mean what you said about Jack or Jay?" Logan asked curiously.
"N-no.... But I'm still a Vampire.... I take lives just to live." Yuki said looking over at Abigail.
"Well that's not your fault, we all do what we have to to live." Gabriel whispered following Yuki's gaze.
"Yeah, and maybe Abigail will think it's cool that you're a vampire." Logan whispered as he too looked over at Abigail too.
"Why would she find it cool?" Yuki asked cheering up a bit.
"I'm not exactly sure what all you said... But I think it was a compliment so thank you." Abigail said giggling as she looked at Yue.
"Well, vampires are mysterious and girls love mysterious guys." Gabriel said with a smile.
"Yeah, just tell her and see what she thinks." Logan said with a wink.
Yuki took a deep breath as he nodded. "Okay."
"Then go for it." Gabriel and Logan said with a smile as they pushed him gently forward towards Abigail.
"Umm Abigail.... A-are you a human?" Yuki asked. 'Wait... What?! No-no I meant I'm not a human!'
"Hmm? Yeah, I'm human." Abigail said smiling as she looked at Yuki.
"Oh... Umm I'm... A-uhh bo... Ack! I mean Vampirrree... Ehh..." Yuki stammered.
"A vampire? Cool! What's it like?" Abigail asked as her eyes shined with interest.
"Oh uhh... It's... All I've known.... I guess scary... But cool too." Yuki said looking at Yue then the twins. 'Oh yeah... None of them are Vampires.'
"Scary but cool?" Abigail repeated.
Alan walked over to Yuki and the others with Malik, "Hi Yuki, what happened to the others?"
"Yeah... Cause... Well I've gotta feed... And if I wait a while... I lose control..." Yuki replied before quickly turning to Alan. "Oh, Jace, Anabell, Alex, and Jack went to visit Alex's Family."
Abigail looked at Alan and Malik's connected hands, "Are you two a couple?" She asked looking up at them.
"Oh... Uh... Well... Kind of." Alan replied blushing slightly.
Malik chuckled, "We're a new couple."
"Oh... Well good luck in your relationship." Abigail said with a small bow as she smiled.
"Thank you." Malik and Alan said in unison making Abigail giggle.
"Where's Jay~" David growled walking up as he scanned the room.
Yue blinked. "Something wrong, David?"
"He went to get a checkup from Betty." Loki said as he looked over at David.
"Here he comes." Gabriel and Logan said as they saw Jay.
Jay walks back into Edda's kitchen and sees David searching for him. 'Crap, I forgot about him.' Jay thought as he walked up to David. "You need something David?" Jay asked as he stopped beside him.
David's head turned slowly towards Jay. "What... Hel-Heck?! Do you think you're doing?! You can't just take a bunch of kids to do a re-con mission! Especially when it might take you that close to an evil person's hideout!"
"It's not a recon mission David, I'm just taking Yuki to go get his sister." Jay said to David in a bored tone. "Unless you have someone else in mind that you could send with me, I need to take Yuki, Loki, Gabriel and Logan with me and talk to Collin."
"Oh... I was going to ask if I could go too, I... I wanted to go with Yuki." Abigail said looking at the floor and tearing up from the tone of David's voice.
"eh... I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to sound like that! I-I just don't want ya'll ta get hurt!" David said getting teary eyed himself. 'I'm such a jerk I made the kid cry!' then Jay's words sunk in, he turned to Jay calmly. "I don't care if you where an assassin, this mission is too dangerous... You might not even see it as a mission but the fact is you don't know where exactly she is and if she's at the hideout or not."
Jay sighs and glances at David. "You may be right, but I'm not going to leave Yuki's sister and whoever she is coming here with out there alone." Jay said to David before looking at Yuki and Abigail. "David does have a point though and this could turn out to be dangerous or even deadly. Are you two sure you still want to go?"
"Of course I want to go!" Yuki replied.
"I... I do too." Abigail said sniffling as she wiped her eyes.
"I guess that settles it then." Jay said as he turned to the door. "Gabriel, Logan, Loki, Yuki and Abigail, let's go talk to Collin and David thanks for looking out for their safety even though you're still a trainee. You will be a great soldier someday, pup."
'How can he have the gall to call me pup while trying to pull something like this?!' David thought as he was shocked for a moment. "Ya do realize Collin isn't going to let this happen."
"I already figured that." Liden admitted as he walked past David.
Abigail smiled as she held Liden's hand and took Yuki's hand and followed after Jay.
Gabriel and Logan smiled, "Maybe."
Loki sighed, "You're probably right." He whispered to David as he passed him.
'What do I do.... Collin might just let them go... Besides Loki... He think Liden's a ruffian, Jay's... Well an ex-assassin, Yuki is some bad guy's kid! Ohhh this can't be good....' David thought as he followed.
Yue blinked, then turned to Alan and Malik. "Um..." She was not sure if they should follow or stay.
"Should we follow them or stay here?" Alan asked as he looked at Malik and Yue.
"Do you two want to follow them?" Malik asked looking from Alan to Yue.
"I'm... Not really sure how much help we'd be..." Yue admitted.
"That is true, we don't really plan on going with them do we?" Alan asked curiously.
"Well, I'm not really supposed to leave the facility..." Yue frowned.
"Well then I guess we shouldn't follow them then." Alan said with a chuckle.
"Guess not." Malik said.
"But Betty's not going to let me work today, either..." Yue pouted slightly. "So I'm not sure what I'm going to do."
"How about talking to Isaac?" Soron offered walking up.
"The morgue is underground, like the lab. I doubt Betty'd risk it." Yue smiled at Soron. "But what did he say?"
"Oh don't worry about it.... BUT I'VE GOT FAMILY!" Soron said this as he moved so his back faced the camera and he gave a wink. "I'm going out to see her tomorrow, wanta come?"
"Oh, so you found out you have family, that's really cool. Oh, I'm Alan by the way." Alan said with a smile as he bowed slightly in greeting.
"And I'm Malik." Malik said with a smile.
"This is my coworker, Soron." Yue introduced. She noticed the wink. "That's great~ I'll see if Betty can give me another day off!" She inwardly winced at the words "day off".
"You ok with the day off Yue?" Alan asked with a chuckle.
"Haha Yue's the only one who knows me, so it means a lot that she's willing to come with me." Soron stated happily.
"You don't have any other friends around here?" Alan asked curiously.
"Not really... I mean there is Charlie but he's kinda creepy..." Soron said.
"Creepy? Why do you think he's creepy?" Alan asked curiously.
"He wears a doctor coat.... I know he's going to come up behind me and stab me with a scalpel. =____="
"I wear a coat like that when I'm working in the lab. :/" Yue blinked at Soron.
"Yeah, but you don't button it up plus you wear that sweater and your personality is a lot different from Charlie's." Soron replied.
"I'm sure he wouldn't stab you with a scalpel, he seems nice to me... But I did only meet him for a second." Alan said.
"He's the silent but deadly type. =__=" Soron replied before looking around as if making sure Charlie wasn't behind him.
"He may be silent but deadly, but I'm sure he wouldn't hurt you... Especially in a government facility." Alan said trying to keep a straight face.
"Yeah... And Isaac now knows my thought on the matter. If I do wind up dead..." Soron shrugged not bothering to finish the statement.
"Oh, it's great that you and Isaac are getting along so well! :D" Yue chirped to change the subject. "You were kind of freaked out when we first went to the morgue~ =^_^="
"Oh... Uhh well... I'm not used to being surrounded by dead people." Soron nervously chuckled.
"Well that can be creepy." Alan said with a nod.
"Hello, have any of you seen David? I seem to have lost sight of him in the crowd." Siven said as she walked up beside Alan and Malik.
"I think he went off with Yuki and the others." Alan said looking over at Siven.
"But I'm sure he'll be back." Malik said looking at Siven with a smile.
"Maybe I should just go look for him myself." Siven said glancing at the door.
"Siven!! There you are!" David exclaimed as he ran through the doors.
"See? He's alright." Yue chirped.
"BROTHER!" Siven said running over to him and hugging him happily.
"Cute." Alan said smiling.
David hugged Siven back before realizing there where other people around. "Umm... We should probably go over to the table you were at..."
"You mean with Alan, Malik and Yue?" Siven asked.
"Might as well." David smiled heading over.
"YAY!" Siven said as she skipped along beside David.
"Hi David, where are the others?" Alan asked.
"Ehhh yeah... Collin let them go on their lil mission... *sigh* I just hope they'll be okay." David replied looking slightly worried.
"Mission?" Yue echoed. "What's going on?"
David pulled up a chair and took a seat. "They are intending to get Yuki's sister... But most likely they'll end up getting very close to... Fern's hideout... And put everyone in danger. I can't believe that coward would let them go on this mission... In fact I'm almost convinced that he did it just to get back at Jace & Anabell."
"Get back at them? Is there some sort of conflict going on?" Yue asked.
"Not really but he thinks there is. *sigh* From what I've gathered he was pretty much at the top of the combat charts, until Jace came he and Meko we're at the top. So that hurt his pride, but he still wasn't completely against Jace until he heard the rumors of Jace being a spy for Fern. After that he found any reason to hate Jace. Anabell he sees as a brat who has been given her rank, and only tries to save those whom can not be saved... All in all... Collin is a fool." David said tapping a finger against the table.
"That's so awful, he'd really put people in danger just to 'get back' at Jace and Anabell?" Alan said seeming disgusted.
"Yeah, it's foolish and ridiculous." Malik said with a nod.
"I hope they'll be ok." Siven said looking worried.
"Well, Jay was an assassin, Liden was trained by his dad, Logan & Gabriel are angels, and Yuki lived on his own for awhile.... So... *sigh* They should be fine as long as Jay keeps them in their limits." David replied.
"I hope you're right brother." Siven said as her tail flicked nervously.
"I'm sure he is." Yue chirped. "I mean, he's been here for a couple of years now, so he'd know about people's combat abilities~ Right?" She looked from David to Soron.
Soron nodded in agreement. "I'm sure They know what they're doing."
"Alright, but I'm still worried." Siven said as her ears went back.
"Don't worry Siven I'm sure they'll be fine." Alan said patting her head gently.
"Oh yeah!" Yue chirped suddenly and turned to Soron. "We need to go talk to Betty!"
"Oh crap! That old bat would kill us if we don't." Soron quickly got up and straightened his shirt collar.
"....Bat?" Yue blinked. "I keep hearing people call her that, but I'm sure her blood and records say she's human...."
"It's just a saying Yue, they don't mean an actual bat." Alan said as Malik chuckled.
Rob's Dinning Hall:

"Here we are." Anabell stated walking in.
"Nice place." Siven said looking around. "But I like Edda's dinning room more."
Karin smiled and looked around, she blushed as her stomach growled.
"Hmm really? I thought Rob's had more of a laid back feel." Anabell stated as she went to the counter.
"What can I get ya night owls?" Rob asked as he put the menu (which he had been taking down) back on the counter.
"What do you have?" Karin asked as she looked at the menu.
"Well we still have the Shrimp, steak,& chicken stir-fry, as well as the steak with baked potato, we have grilled chicken, we also Chicken, steak, and shrimp scurers, and hobo pockets." Rob replied.
"OH! I want the steak with baked potato." Siven said smiling as her tail flicked.
"Hmm... I'll take the chicken stir-fry." Karin said.
"I'll have a chicken hobo pocket." Anabell said as Rob place Siven and Karin's plates on the counter.
Siven smiled, "Thank you." She said grabbing her plate and heading to a table.
Karin smiled, "Thank you." She said as she followed Siven to the table.
Anna grabbed her plate and headed for their table when Debbie slapped her on the butt.
"Haha nice toosh I knew you where the red head with the manly walk!" Debbie laughed.
"What the H***?!! What do ya mean manly walk?" Anna hissed.
Siven looked over at Anna and Debbie as she began to eat.
Karin hummed as she began to eat her chicken stir-fry.
"Oh you know what I mean." Debbie replied with a smirk.
"There ain't nothin manly about me." Anabell hissed before covering her mouth with one hand and blushing.
"Hahahaha I got your southern twang out!" Debbie cheered.
Siven blinked wondering what Anabell and Debbie were talking about.
Karin just ignored them as she ate.
Anabell walked over and set her plate down just to get groped by Debbie." GGAHHHHHHHCKK!!!! ST..Stop it!!" Anna demanded jumping away from Debbie as Debbie let go.
"Hehehehe you cant blame me!" Debbie giggled.
"Wh-What are you doing?" Siven asked looking shocked at what she just witnessed.
"Hmm, Oh playing with my bestie!" Debbie hummed wrapping her arms around Anabell's shoulders as Anabell sat down.
"And wanting a sexual harassment charge." Anna said giving Debbie a death glare.
"*Sigh* Let me guess it's because of your silly don't date a co-worker rule." Debbie said.
"No! I like.... I don't like you that way." Anabell stated.
"Who do you like?" Siven asked curiously as her tail flicked.
"I-I... I didn't say I liked anyone... I said I DON'T like her that way."Anabell replied.
"But you started to say 'I like', but then stopped and switched to saying 'I don't like you that way.'" Siven said giving Anabell a suspicious look.
Will walks into the kitchen and up to the counter. "Hello again Rob." Will said to Rob as he came to a stop.
"SPILL THE BEANS!!" Debbie demanded as she grabbed Anabell's breast again.
"GAHHHHHHH!!!" Anabell elbowed Debbie in the chest causing Debbie to let go.
"Wh-What are you doing?!" Siven asked as she saw Debbie grab Anabell's chest.
"I'm trying to get her to spill the beans." Debbie replied "Maybe I'd have to kiss you instead." She said to Anabell
"Try... And I cant promise you wont have a bullet in your chest." Anna replied covering her chest with her arms.
Siven's eyes widened, "I... I think you should go... She looks serious."
"Don't worry she won't kill me." Debbie stated plopping in Anabell's lap.
"What the H*** do you think you're doing?" Anabell asked giving Debbie a cold stare.
Karin sighed and turned to finally look at Debbie, "Obviously she finds it very uncomfortable and annoying for you to sit in her lap and grope her, and I find it annoying to listen to.... SO GET THE F**K OFF OF HER, AND STOP GROPING HER!!"
Siven's eyes widened in complete shock as she looked at Karin.
Debbie got off Anabell and smirked. "Good job... It took you long enough."
"Ugh... You don't have to use me, to see how long it takes someone to speak up... Do you?" Anabell asked.
"Hmm no... But You are soooo adorable!" Debbie stated.
Karin glared at Debbie before stabbing a piece of chicken in her chicken stir-fry viciously, "B**ch!" She mumbled as she shoved the chicken in her mouth.
Will hears what Karin said to Debbie and chuckles as he walks over to her. "Do I even want to know what warranted that outburst, Karin?" Will said with a slight smirk as he sat down beside her.
"That woman kept groping Anabell even after she told her to stop, it was annoying me." Karin said looking at Will.
"That reminds me of of what Kai used to try and do with Kat." Will said to Karin with a slight smile. "Everyone but Raven found him to be annoying but he did save my hide a few times."
"You do realize your calling a supervising officer annoying in front of her right?" Anabell asked with a smirk as Debbie took some food of her plate.
"Yeah, but I call it how I see it." Karin said with a shrug.
"She doesn't do this that often." Anabell stated as she started eating.
"It's been awhile since I've seen Anna in a none-business-format." Debbie added as she ate some of Anabell's food.
"Then I won't call her annoying unless she's being annoying." Karin said eating her food.
"Well I guess besides bringing a building down on myself, this has been an alright birthday." Will said with a smile. "And I couldn't ask for a better present than meeting my little sister and reuniting with my brother."
"Well your welcome then... I guess." Karin said.
Siven ate her food in silence.
Debbie gave Siven a hug. "Come on girl! talk a little, kay?"
"I don't know what to say." Siven said as her tail flicked nervously.
"Then you just start laughing." Debbie replied
"Or.... She could find a way to relate to the conversation." Anabell said as Debbie stopped hugging.
"Are you gay Debbie?" Siven asked suddenly.
"Yo Will, what do you want me to do with Sam? He fell asleep again." Dean said as he walked up carrying Sam on his back.
"I don't know Dean." Will said thinking. "I guess just carry him on your back for right now."
"Hmmm No... I don't... Think so... Hmm haven't really given it much thought... Frankly I don't really care." Debbie replied before looking at Sam. "Awww poor baby all tired out. hehehe He'll get used to all-nighters."
"I guess he will." Will said as he took off his jacket and put it around Sam. "I guess that's the last time I'll be wearing that style of jacket since Dean is here now."
"You want people to be able to tell you apart?" Siven asked curiously.
"Yes in a way, as kids it was hard for people to tell us apart because we look alike." Will said to Siven as he sat back down. "So now I figured it was time I made it easy for people to be able to tell us apart."
"You know Will there is one way people can tell us apart right now." Dean said with a smirk. "You have a son and I don't."
"Yeah, but if Sam's not with Will then nobody will be able to tell." Karin said rolling her eyes.
"Hmm I'd imagine it's hard being a twin... Most people see you as two parts of one... A match-set if you will." Debbie said.
"There was one time where it didn't work out too well for us." Will said as he looked down at the table.
"Yeah, it was eleven years ago but I guess it would be a lot longer than that now." Dean said as he sat down by Will with Sam still asleep on his back.
"Hmm isn't that after you two where separated?" Anabell asked.
"It was before we got separated which lead up to the events that got us here." Will said to Anna. "Dean had attacked some hunters the day before our 14th birthday but he had left one alive. So the next day that hunter came to our village and started killing mine and Dean's friends and eventually our parents."
"It was Will's quick thinking that got Raven spared from what we went through for 10 years." Dean said to Anna. "After I had Raven to a safe place, I went back to help Will and our Dad but was quickly over powered and captured. After that we where experimented on and turned into what we are today. I admit that I did try to kill Will because I was angry that he had left me behind when he had escaped from where we were being held at, but I didn't know he had returned to look for me. Raven helped me see that and meeting Karin like I did only helped me make the choice to leave Fern and to join Will."
"Whoa!" Siven said her tail flicking. "That's awful about what happened to you."
"Yeah it was terrible about what happened to me and Dean, but if it didn't we wouldn't have been able to meet everyone here." Will said as he gave Siven a smile. "How would you like to meet my parents tomorrow Siven?"
"Sure." Siven said smiling as she went back to eating.
Debbie began giggling. "*Sigh* really? You have to take it like that? He is married for crying out loud." Anabell said.
"Well she is a good girl to take home to your parents." Debbie snickered.
"Aghhhh... She is a sweet girl... But you can't really expect David's sister to be mean." Anna replied.
"What are you talking about?" Siven asked curiously as she cocked her head to the side.
"Nothing." Anabell and Debbie hummed.
"Ok then." Siven said with a shrug and a smile.
Sam slides off of Dean's back and shifts to his fox form before curling up on Will's jacket on the ground.
Debbie jumped back. "What the h***?"
"Oh relax... They're just Fox demons... You're not scared are you?"Anabell teased.
Siven giggled, "He's so cute!"
"Aww he is." Anabell agreed.
"Yeah me, Sam and Dean are the only fox demons that I know of." Will said as he looked at Sam.
"You know Will we might not be the only ones." Dean said to Will. "There might be others like us out there somewhere."
"You think so?" Karin asked looking at her brothers.
"*sigh* Unfortunatly there are probably hybrids like you out there too." Debbie sighed as she sat back down.
"Then in that case it would be wise to try and get them to work for the government." Will said to Debbie.
"I don't want to know what Fern would do with a separate army of just hybrids." Dean said as he shuddered at the thought.
"Oh! That would be horrible!" Karin said.
"Of course it would be wise to get them on our side... But most of them were created by off branches of the government years ago..." Debbie stated.
"Dean, you worked with... Ringleader don't you know what she was planning some of what she had working for her, and where she is?" Anabell asked as the energy in the room changed.
"From what Fern told me, her goal was to take out the government and try to get the blood games restarted, as for the people that work for her, there are 4 demons known as the Greco brothers, a werecat named Graham, her brother Mark, and a creepy human healer named Drake. She has also teamed up with a soul-sucker named Luki and works under another soul-sucker named Nova." Dean said to Anna. "I know the location of Fern's hideout all to well, it used to be an old lab of the government that was abandoned shortly after Will's escape years ago."
"Figures... The Greco brothers... I thought they where reported... No it was missing but most likely dead.... Yuki asked me about Luki... *sigh* Soo he's part of this too... But who's Nova?..." Anabell was already walking back and fourth before she turned back to Dean and slapped some maps down in front of him. "Where is the hideout?"
Dean looks at the maps for a second before pointing to a area with a lake and surrounded by a forest. "The hideout is here. The area around it has changed some but the lake I remember being there." Dean said looking up from the map.
"Dean that is where our village used to be." Will said as he looked at the map. "I remember fighting hunters in that forest."
"Really?" Karin asked as she looked over Dean's shoulder at the map.
Anabell quickly marked it. "And... Are you sure that it was a human?"
"Yes, I'm sure he was a human." Dean said to Anna before turning to Karin. "Yeah if Will and I can find time tomorrow, we will try and take you and Sam to see where Will, Raven and I grew up."
"Alright." Karin said with a nod and a smile.
'Why would she work with a human...' Anabell thought before hearing Dean. She placed a hand on the table. "Didn't you just say that Fern's hideout is close to your home?"
"It's a two maybe three day hike from where Ferns hideout is at." Dean said to Anna. "And there is no access to the ruins of my home by vehicle, and I doubt Fern has looked that far yet."
Will looks at the map again and spots a town not far from his former home. "D***, I can't believe that town is still there." Will said as he closed his eyes for a moment.
"I take it that's a bad town?" Anabell asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah if you're a vampire it is or if you're me in my case." Will said to Anna. "I had two of my friends who were vampires run out of town by a few of the townsfolk, and I got into a three day fight against the hunters who ten years earlier killed my friends and family."
"Then I don't see why you should go." Anabell replied.
"Uhh Anna... It has to do with where they grew up..." Debbie began.
"If they care about family they wont go." Anabell replied plainly.
"Karin needs to see the place where her brothers and sister grew up." Will said opening his eyes and looking at Anna. "I know I would if I was in her place and if something did happen I'm more than capable of handling it."
"You're already injured Will, if it's too dangerous it should wait." Karin said.
"You'd be setting yourself up for trouble." Anabell stated before turning to Karin. "Thank you for understanding."
'Hehehe, You know she's right even though I thought you should've died after I stabbed you with your own sword' Brain's voice said in Will's head as the old scar on his chest started to act up and bleed a little. "Maybe your right Anna." Will said as he placed a hand on his head and winced in pain.
"Will? Are you ok?" Karin asked noticing the wince.
"Do you need to go to Betty's?" Debbie asked.
"I'm fine, it's just an old wound acting up." Will said as a ghost of a brown haired demon appeared on the other side of the table.
"You wish that was the least of your problems." The brown haired ghost demon chuckled as it looked at Will. "Why don't you tell them what you did to me in the underworld?"
"Are you sure Will?" Karin asked looking worried.
Will sighs and looks at Karin. "I don't know, for some reason I'm seeing the ghost of the demon that tried to kill me before my first fight with Dean." Will said.
"Stupid worthless mutt. I had a good reason to kill you and you know it." The ghost said as it made itself visible for the others in the room to see.
"*Sigh*.... And that reason would be?" Anabell asked but clearly wasn't in the mood.
"Why did you try to kill my brother?" Karin asked glaring at the ghost.
"The Dumb mutt here killed my brother right in front of me so I stabbed him in the chest with his own sword." The ghost said with a smirk.
"Brian you're just as stupid as a ghost as you where alive." Will said as he narrowed his eyes at the ghost. "Both you and Luke attacked me and you almost got lucky when you stabbed me."
"Who attacked who first?" Anna asked.
"Um Anna I'll take care of figuring this out... Why don't you get some rest?"Debbie said but Anabell shook her head.
Siven was finished eating, she yawned slightly and rested her head on the table.
"Brian here attacked me first along with his brother Luke in an attempt to carry out their father's order to kill me." Will said to Anna. "I had no choice but to defend myself against them."
"So you're the reason why Will wasn't at his best when we had our fight." Dean growled at Brian's ghost.
"I guess the rumors were true that the mutt had a twin brother." Brian said looking at Dean. "As if it would have helped him then. I would have just killed you in the same way."
Karin glared angrily at the ghost.
"You didn't do that good against a half dead Blackfire... What makes you think you'd do better against two?" Anabell asked looking the ghost over. 'Just what I needed another f***** ghost.'
"Us demon's were resourceful, even if I did fall to the mutt's brother there was others willing to finish what I had started." Brian said to Anna before disappearing.
"What's with all these freaking ghosts?!" Karin said glaring at the spot where Brian had once been.
"*sigh* I don't know.... I'm getting a frickin headache, and have plenty of more important matters to address. So deal with it for now." Anabell said before asking. "Is everyone done?"
"Yeah I'm fine." Will said sighing.
"I'm ok although I wish that ghost had a body right now." Dean said to Anna.
"I'm done... I think Siven fell asleep." Karin said looking at Siven who was breathing softly and not moving.
"*sigh* Will can you take Dean to the men's dorms." Anabell asked as she picked up Siven. "I'll show you and Siven to a room, Karin."
"Alright." Karin said standing up and stretching a little.
"Sure, grab Sam and come on Dean." Will said as he got up and walked to the door.
Dean nods as he gets up and picked up Sam and the jacket before following Will.
Anabell lead the way.
Karin followed after Anabell.
Jay leads the group through the hall and stops outside of Collin's office, 'Here goes something.' Jay thought as he started to knock on the door. "Yo Collin are ya in cause I need to talk to ya about something."
Abigail smiled and hummed a lullaby that her papa used to sing to her before bed as she held Liden and Yuki's hands.
"Yo isn't a good way to address someone higher ranking then you." Collin's voice came from the other side of the door.
"Ok! Mr. Jay, try saying 'Excuse me, but are you in at the moment Mr. Collin sir?'" Abigail offered trying to be helpful.
Collin chuckled a bit. "Come in."
"Sorry about that Sir." Jay said to Collin as he opened the door for the others to enter. "Sir, I just found out that one of the new recruits' sister is on her way here along with some others, and I was hoping that I could take some people and go pick her up?"
Abigail came into the office with Liden and Yuki and smiled, "Hi Mr. Collin!"
Gabriel and Logan chuckled as they entered the office behind Abigail, Yuki and Liden, "Cute little girl isn't she?"
"I'll say." Loki said entering the office with a smile as his tail flicked happily.
"This is the group you want to take?" Collin asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes sir, that is if you will allow it sir." Jay said to Collin.
"I see a lot of kids Jay." Collin replied looking over the group.
"I know Sir, but it's one of the kids' sister and the other one wants to go to support the other one." Jay said as he stood there. "Loki is going to help as well as Gabriel and Logan. Linden and David are welcome to come along and help if they want to sir."
"Yeah, we'll protect the children." Gabriel said with a nod.
"Yeah, it's not like we're all defenseless." Logan said.
"Lili's really strong!" Abigail said with a smile.
Yuki looked up at Collin. He had been too worried to talk but he didn't want to stay quiet any longer. "I can take care of myself sir. I've been through a lot and know how to fight. Loki can heal us if we get injured, Gabriel and Logan are great with stealth as well as Jack, and Liden's a good gunner."
"Exactly. We wont let no one get 'urt." Liden stated.
"Where exactly is the sister?" Collin asked.
"We don't know where she is coming from, just that she is on her way here along with some other people, Sir." Jay said to Collin.
"Hmm I'm not sure..."Collin began.
'If I tell the truth there is no way he'd let us go... But Jace told me not to lie....' Yuki thought, before beginning to cry. "I-I just wan... *sob* wanna see her again! *sob* Sh-She never would act-actually come here! She always changes her mind.... NOW I'LL NEVER SEE HER AGAIN!!" 'Man I can't believe how easy this is... He seems to be buying it too!'
"Aw, don't cry Yuyu." Abigail said letting go of Liden's hand and hugging Yuki.
'I could always try and contact Yuzu, but knowing my old boss he probably assigned her the hit that's out on me.' Jay thought as Yuki started crying. "Don't cry Yuki, we'll find your sister and get her here safely, I promise." Jay said to Yuki as he glanced at Collin.
Collin got out a map and made a wide circle around a few districts. "That's your boundaries, you can't be gone more then five days, and you need the parents to allow you to take the kids."
"So-so we can go?" Yuki asked looking up with teary eyes.
"Thank you Sir." Jay said to Collin before remembering the second reason he was there for. "You wouldn't happen to have an extra radio would you sir?"
Collin placed four radios on the table. "If you get separated."
"Thanks again Sir." Jay said as he collected the map and radios before walking over to the door.
"YAY! Thank you Mr. Collin." Abigail said smiling as she followed after Jay while holding Yuki's hand again.
"Yes, thank you." Gabriel and Logan said chuckling at Abigail's enthusiasm.
Loki smiled as his tail flicked happily, "Thanks."
"Wait you forgot the permission slips." Collin said handing the two sheets to Liden.
Liden filled out one before handing Jay the other with a shrug.
Jay takes the piece of paper and then kneels down beside Yuki. "Yuki, do you want me to fill this out since Jace isn't here to do it?" Jay asked Yuki.
Yuki thought for a moment before nodding.
"Jace adopted her?" Collin asked intrigued.
"I believe Jace is going to try to and he has my support on the matter." Jay said to Collin as he filled out the form.
"Yuyu is a boy!" Abigail said glaring at Collin angrily trying to look intimidating, but just looking cute.
"It's true, Yuki is a boy." Loki said with a nod.
'Must not... Hit... Him.' Yuki thought. "Umm I'll take the ribbons out if it helps... But Jace is going to try... I think." He said untying the ribbons so his hair fell down.
"My apologizes... I didn't realize." Collin said before turning to Jay. "You do realize that Jace isn't even aloud near the daycare?"
"Aw, but I like the ribbons Yuyu." Abigail said smiling at Yuki.
"No, I didn't know that. Must've happen while I was gone." Jay said as he finished filling out the form.
"Hmm not quite sure when it happened." Collin replied.
"I-I don't really understand how things work here... Aren't we, as the government, supposed to find out what's true along with fighting was bad?... But most people hear some rumor and chose to believe it, just because they don't really like the person the rumors about." Yuki said as he retied his ribbons so he had a ponytail.
"Hehe you have quite a mouth on you... We do find the truth, the truth is Jace can be.... Rather rough with kids." Collin replied.
"Jace's training methods are nothing to what I went through to become an assassin." Jay said to Collin. "And the people that Jace has and is training has come out better for it."
"Maybe Mr. Jace doesn't know how to handle kids anymore since he deals with soldiers now." Abigail suggested as she smiled at Yuki's ponytail.
"Jace is fine with kids if not great!" Yuki began to protest as David came in.
"Hahaha it's okay Yuki we know that... Why don't we just go wait out side." David said as he took Yuki's hand and started leading him out.
"WAIT FOR ME!" Abigail shouted as she ran after David and Yuki and took Yuki's other hand following them out.
"Here is the filled out form for Yuki, Collin." Jay said as he set the form on Collin's desk. "Is there any thing else you need us to do or fill out before we leave?"
"Keep an eye on that Yuki... He doesn't seem to know how to behave in the government. You can go." Collin said.
"That I will do sir." Jay said as he left the office. 'I had planed on doing that anyway cause Jace would have my head if I let something happen to Yuki or the others.'
"Sorry... I guess I shouldn't have gotten angry so easily." Yuki muttered before smiling at Abigail.
"It's ok Yuyu, you were defending someone you care about." Abigail said smiling back at Yuki.
"You alright Yuki?" Gabriel and Logan asked as they came out of Collin's office.
Yuki smiled."I'm okay. I just don't understand why so many people don't like Jace."
"We don't either, we think his really cool." Gabriel and Logan said smiling.
"Jace is a really nice guy, he's just a bit tough with his training, but you have to be tough to survive out there." Loki said as he came out of Collin's office.
"Hahaha... Yep! That's what makes Jace even greater!" Yuki agreed.
"I know Jace is the best!!" David agreed. "This one time we went to... Oh... Actually that's kind of a violent story..."
Loki rolled his eyes and shook his head at David.
Abigail smiled, "I hope I get to know him better."
"Everything all done now Jay?" Gabriel and Logan asked as they saw Jay walk out of the office.
"Yeah we're good to go now." Jay said as he stopped beside Gabriel and Logan. "Are you planning to go with us David?"
"Hmmm Oka-... Err... I can't... Tomorrow's a... Err important day." David replied.
"Oh yeah... Sorry I wont be there..." Yuki replied.
"It's fine. Family's more important!" David smiled.
"Good luck tomorrow then David." Jay said as his eyes showed a hint of sadness when David mentioned that family was more important.
"Oh, sorry you can't come." Gabriel said looking sad.
"Yeah, we're going to miss you." Logan said also looking sad.
"What's the important day tomorrow?" Abigail asked curiously.
"It's fine. Oh I'm becoming an actual soldier instead of a trainee... Hehe I've actually been puttin it off for a while." David smiled as he scratched the back of his head (a habit he got from Jace.) then his eyes widen. "Ack! I left Siven! See ya guys later!" he called taking off.
"Bye Mr. David!" Abigail said giggling as she waved.
"Alright guys let's get going." Jay said as he started down the hall.
"YES SIR!" Gabriel and Logan said as they both saluted before following Jay.
Loki snickered at Gabriel and Logan as he followed after them, even Snowball sounded like he was snickering.
"Come on Yuyu, Lili!" Abigail said giggling as she took their hands and pulled them along."
"Kay."Liden fallowed shaking his head with a smile at Gabriel and Logans quirkyness
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