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2007-09-14 22:26:15
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the unsung tale...

epsilon eridanus star system.october of 2552,unsc controlled space sector alpha

flight officer enrico veredi stiffened in his systems operations seat as his dropship rolled to the right and settled upside down in mid air."vertigo,what a perfect day,to go vertigo!!!"
he thought to himself,in the back,his 25 well armored odst pals were feeling it too.."hey who flipped us?!??!" yelled Lt.mooring,a tough gungo-ho,man with a love for things that go
boom,from his spot in the troop bay."bad gee slip, sir" f.o. veredi replied as hey keyed the thrusters to half burn.suddely a loud booming voice came over the ships COM link.                                                                   
"unsc supercarrier AUTUMN SERENADE,under heavy fire-static-not able to maintain new" as static drowned out the rest of the message,
f.o.veredi took a moment to right his ship."covenant ship twenty meters and closing" he announced,thier mission was to go aboard this "ship" and destroy it from the inside out.
"good lord in heaven whats that?!?!?!" sgt.lokvar yelled over his com."thats the remnants of the patrol cutter lancebreaker ,sir"w.o.veredi replied.
suddenly,a streak of blue plasma struck the dropship and 2 of the odsts in the troop bay vaporized..the metal twisted and contorted against the stress of space.
then out of nowhere, a second bolt collided with the repair station scaffoldbreak,causing it to explode into 2 milloin glittering shards of metal,glass,and debris."oh my god,did any
escape pods came out of the station?" Pvt.swarez asked."no,no signs of escape pods" w.o.veredi replied, plasma bolts singed the air and slammed into objects..the dropship,badly damaged
finally reached its goal,13 of the well armored soldiers were gone,either from spacial pressure,or from plasma..,in the distance,f.o.veredi watched the super mac gun VENICE,
burst into sparks,burnt metal,and glittering hunks of debris."not good"he thought"more lost souls",as his 12 buddies left,he wished them a silent "adieu" on his way back with one of the wounded,the ship
was hit with another blob of blue sun fire..only this time the right thruster,completely severed from the ship,tumbling into space.
f.o.veredi cursed at the alien rats for causing his thruster loss.."no good dirty covenant junk!!!!" he screamed in his mind.."what is that??" asked wounded lt.skartev
"looks like a cruiser running low,maybe 25g"replied w.o.veredi,and as he tried to hail this "rathbone" class,25mm auto cannon shredder-rounds tore through the titanium-a of the ship,ending lt.skartev..
as suddenly as the rounds began,they ended..bieng replaced with a sleek,oily voice."this is governor max halswell,you are not permitted to enter my space..desist or face complete destruction"
"governor,i am in need of assistance,my ship is badly damaged..and i have a dead man on board" hailed f.o.veredi."clasification sector outbound charlie,mike,lima 2356" he spoke.."code accepted,you are clear to land in my base"
gov.halswell answered."thanks" f.o.veredi said,sighing "wonder if they have a 4 star motel" he thought..but quickly squelched his curiosity."these guys arent nice to fancy unsc personnel" he thought..once aboard,they put the dead odst in a drop pod,and sent him into space.
gov.halswell was short,stocky,and had a bad reputation for unsc men..and women.soon after, f.o veredis ship was repaired and as he flew back into the darkness of space,he thought "whens this war gonna end??"

----------------------------------------------meanwhile,back at reach base moon 2

chief petty officer jones strode in from the engine room of the SABERS EDGE,a still running hammer class assault ship.
his two tech officers t.o.ashford,and t.o.yager were seated at the two consoles at the front of the ship,checking schematics and running it through its shake-down process. "still any com patches?" cpo.jones asked to.yager "nien,no patches at all" he replied,in a deep german accent,jager came from europa base 3,which was a bad place for most sailors."lord have mercy" piped to.ashford

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2007-10-09 [American Revolutionary]: this is my stry yall,feel free to comment

2007-10-09 [Aki Neko]: COOL! Your working on a book?

2007-10-11 [American Revolutionary]: yesh...i be workin on a book

2007-10-11 [Aki Neko]: Coolie!

2007-10-12 [American Revolutionary]: me a faver,tell some friends about it..i want to know what they think about it..

2007-10-12 [Aki Neko]: Ok. ^ ^

2007-10-16 [American Revolutionary]: ty

2007-10-16 [Aki Neko]: Welcome.

2007-10-16 [American Revolutionary]: V_^

2007-10-16 [Aki Neko]: ???

2007-11-03 [American Revolutionary]: *wink*

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