Page name: Uz Sparring room archive [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2016-08-01 03:57:12
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
# of watchers: 1
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Sparring Room:

This is where people with the government spar to hone their skills.



"Here's the sparring room." Loki said as he led Yuki into the room and smiling.

"Wow it's sooo big!" Yuki said looking around.

"Yeah, it's so multiple people can spar at once." Loki said with a smile as he looked down at Yuki.

"How do I train by myself?" Yuki asked.

"Well if people prefer to train by themselves we have training dummies they can hit." Loki said.

Yuki smiled as he ran and jump kicked one of the dummies. "Thank you Loki!"

Loki smiled as he watched Yuki kick the dummies, "You're pretty good."

"Thanks." Yuki replied jabbing the dummy where, if it where human, would have been the solar plexus.

"No problem." Loki said smiling as he continued to watch Yuki.

After awhile Yuki laid down on the floor in front of the dummy. "Can you tell Jace that I'd like my bed moved in here... Wait... No the floor is good enough."

"Well you could always go to the daycare, it's closer and it has beds." Loki said looking at Yuki.

Yuki raised his head. "Hmmm..I guess..maybe since it's closer."

"If you're too tired to walk I could carry you." Loki offered.

Yuki jumped up. "Nope I can walk, thanks."

"Alright, follow me." Loki said as Snowball meowed and rubbed up against Loki's legs. "You're so spoiled." He said picking up Snowball before heading towards the door.

Yuki ran up beside Loki, and pet snowball as they walked.

Loki smiled as Snowball began to purr and leaned into Yuki's petting.

Loki walked into the room with Momo, Alamar and Sean.

Momo looked around, "Why does this place always look so weird?"

"It's just cause it's empty." Alamar said.

"It's got to have enough room that we don't hit anyone by accident." Sean supplied.

"Yeah, it's just for sparring... It's not like you have to live in it." Loki said with a chuckle.

"I know, but it's still weird." Momo said.

Sean put down his staff and started stretching. "Just ignore it, and you'll get used to it."

"If you say so." Momo said as she began stretching too.

Alamar set his bear down in a corner before he began to stretch.

Fuyu burst into the room, dragging Yuki behind her. "We're here everybody!"

"Oh, no..." Sean groaned.

Hana smiled and walked in. "Has everyone done their stretches?"

"Yes Miss Hana." Momo said as she finished stretching.

Alamar nodded as he too finished stretching.

"Hi Yuki, did you sleep well?" Loki asked when he saw Yuki and Fuyu.

"Yes." Yuki replied as he began stretching.

Fuyu stretched. "Hey, Sean~ Can I borrow your bo staff this time?"

"Aren't you supposed to be sick?" Sean responded flatly.

"I got better. So can I? :D"


"Umm there are some training wepons over here." Yuki said pointing at a rack of training weapons.

"Yeah, but the staff is the best, and Sean always hogs it!" Fuyu declared.

"That's because it's my staff. My dad carved it for me and everything." Sean retorted.

"But you have to share! Hana always says to share."

"Get your own staff."

"His papa made it for him, Fuyu. When it comes to personal items like that you don't always have to share them." Hana explained.

"That's true, sorry Fuyu." Loki said.

"Don't they have any staffs on the weapons rack?" Momo asked as she went to look.

"Yeah, but Sean's doesn't break as easy!" Fuyu stomped her foot.

"Fuyu!" Hana said sternly. "If your parents gave you something really special, would you want to give to someone... When there is a possibility of it getting broken?"

"....No." Fuyu grumbled.

"What was that?" Hana asked in her normal happy tone.

Fuyu sighed. "No, I wouldn't."

"Here's a staff." Momo said pulling one out and holding it out for Fuyu.

"No thanks." Fuyu pulled out a slingshot crossbow. "I'll just stick to target practice, today..."

"Oh... Ok." Momo said looking down.

"I'll take it." Alamar said with a smile taking the staff from Momo who smiled.

Yuki got in front of a dummy. "Can I start?"

"If you've stretched and think your ready... Go ahead." Hana replied.

"Go for it Yuki." Loki said with a smile.

Yuki attacked the Dummy as if he had a life long grudge against it.

"Wow!" Momo said as she watched Yuki and began to clap.

Alamar clapped too, he thought Yuki was pretty good.

"Go Yuki~!" Fuyu cheered.

Sean scoffed.

Yuki stopped and his face got beet red as he slowly walked behind Loki. "...Sorry.."

"What are you sorry for? That was awesome!" Fuyu grinned.

"Not really." Sean glared from Fuyu to Yuki. "That was just a dummy. It's not like it could fight back."

"So what, you don't have to be mean Sean!" Momo said glaring at him.

"It's ok Yuki, you don't have to be sorry." Loki said.

"Who's being mean? I just want to see what he can do in a spar. That's what this room's for, after all." Sean said to Momo without taking his eyes off of Yuki.

Yuki grinned and came out from behind Loki. "So... You want to spar with me, Sean?"

Sean smirked and pointed at the racks with his staff. "Pick a weapon, newbie."

"Chose a good one Yuki!" Momo exclaimed smiling.

"And both of you remember it's just a sparring match." Alamar said glancing at Sean.

"Don't need one..just try to keep up." Yuki replied with a full smile.

Sean nodded and got into a starting position with a blank face, obviously taking it seriously.

"Kick his smarty-pants keister, Yuki!" Fuyu cheered.

Yuki got into his stance as well. Quickly his smile faded besides a quick smirk and wink at Sean.

Sean narrowed his eyes at Yuki's smirk and wink and waited for Yuki to make his move.

Yuki quickly took off (not at human speed) and slid to knock Sean off his feet.

"Yuki! No using inhuman speed." Hana called clearly worried.

Sean hopped in place over Yuki's leg and swatted him on the head with his bo staff (not at full strength, just enough to hurt a little).

Loki smiled as he watched them spar.

Damn! I let her distract me! Yuki thought as he moved behind Sean and jabbed the pressure point under his right arm. (Not going full strength either...but enough to get him back.)

Sean suppressed a hiss as a pain shot through his dominant arm, but swung around to bop his staff against Yuki's side to shove him off-balance.

Yuki managed to stay on his feet but slid a few feet to the side of Sean.

Sean lunged towards Yuki to jab him in the stomach with the staff, then swung it up to catch his chin, trying to knock him over.

Yuki hissed in pain when his stomach got hit and narrowly avoided his chin getting hit. A different look came across his face as he charged Sean his fist went straight for Sean's head when Hana quickly moved her own staff in between them.

"That's enough!!" Hana said as the look on Yuki's face changed to confusion and he started blinking.

"Aw, come on! Neither of us even got knocked down, yet!" Sean protested.

"I said it was can go back to training with dummies or you can train with someone else." Hana replied. "Yuki I think you should take a short break."

"What?! Bu..But I'm fine, I can continue... Like he said neither of us even got knocked down..I don't need a break." Yuki replied quickly.

"Why would Yuki take a break? I didn't even hit him that hard!" Sean said.

"...He kind of got a scary look on his face for moment, didn't he?" Fuyu said under her breath from where she was next to Momo.

"Yeah, he did." Momo whispered back.

"Listen to your elders Sean." Loki said as he walked over. "Yuki, are you ok?"

Alamar looked curiously at Yuki before looking at Sean.

Sean nodded at Loki before moving to where the others were. He noticed Alamar's look and hissed desperately at him. "I didn't hit him that hard. I barely hit him any harder than I do you. That's less than I would a dummy!"

"I left my ribbons in the room.... I'll go get them." Yuki said with out replying to Loki's question.

"Don't take too long." Loki said.

Alamar ignored Sean as he looked at Hana.

"W-what just happened, Hana?" Fuyu asked.

Hana looked slightly worried. "Loki, you know Yuki best, is that... Normal for him?"

"I only just met him today, maybe you should ask Jack... They did come in together." Loki said.

"Hmm I'm not sure if I can let him train if he is going to do something like that..." Hana said quietly to her self. "Who is Jack with? The sooner I can talk with him the better."

"He was at the training grounds with Jace, that's why I'm with Yuki, it's too dangerous for him there." Loki said.

"Oh...With Jace...I should wait then." Hana looking worried for Jack.

"Are you worried about Jack?" Loki asked.

"Umm..Well Jace is pretty tough on his trainees... I don't think they could afford to get distracted." Hana replied.

"I guess Jack would get worried about Yuki if you went there now and told him." Loki said.

Sean walked up to Hana and tugged on her skirt. "Is Yuki alright? We're not in trouble, are we?"

"I think he should be fine. Hehe neither of you are in trouble." Hana replied as she patted his head.

"Should the rest of us spar now?" Momo asked.

"Yep!" Hana replied as she glanced at a clock. "Hmmm Yuki's taking a while...I'll go check on him."

"Boys against boys and girls against girls again?" Momo asked.

"I can go check on him." Loki offered.

"I'll go get a practice sword!" Fuyu ran to the weapon rack, adbandoning the slingshot crossbow.

Sean gave a non-committal grunt.

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