Vampire Heart 29
Scroll 30: A Fascinating Feast
Vicente watched the young man curiously. There wasn’t a telephone near him, nor did he see another human for hours. There would most likely be no interruptions with his feasting that day.
He crept forward, silently. He could barely hear his Mistress treading a few steps behind him as his concentration grew more and more animalistic. He could smell the man’s blood flowing through his veins and arteries.
He had dozed off in his hammock for near an hour in the mid-day’s white-hot sun. He was dressed in a loose fitting outfit making Vicente’s job all the easier. Vicente froze as he poised above the man.
Naoko was on the other side of the man, watching with anticipation on her face. “What?” she asked as she coyly cocked her head to the side.
“Nothing…I’ve just not done this with an audience,” Vicente blushed.
“Why are you nervous?”
“Because you’re watching me do the most brutal thing a vampire can do…” Vicente retorted.
Naoko rolled her eyes, “You know I have morbid fascinations…”
“I’ve noticed from your book collections,” Vicente blushed even deeper shades of red as he remembered the subjects of her most read books: vampires.
“I won’t stare,” Naoko said simply.
“Alright,” Vicente said as he bared his fangs, eager to get feeding over with. He glanced over at Naoko and poised himself upright again.
“What is it now?” Naoko asked. She was sitting on the ground, staring up at Vicente.
“Just don’t look until after I’ve started feeding,” Vicente said hastily.
Naoko rolled her eyes and stared down at the ground, waiting until after she heard the breaking of skin. She glanced up at Vicente and shifted her weight as she watched him.
She bit her bottom lip and continued watching him curiously. Her thoughts made her blush and look away quickly. She caught a glimpse of a glass bottle that was tipped over and laying on the ground.
She held up the bottle and read the side: “40 proof alcohol.” She blinked then looked up at Vicente. “Vicente…this man is passed out drunk…”
“Hmm?” Vicente asked.
Naoko stood up and waved the bottle, shaking the liquid that remained in the bottle. “He’s passed out. You’ll have to watch how much you drink from him.”
Vicente stood up, wiping his mouth, trying to look composed. “He did taste funny…”
“How do you feel?” Naoko asked as she dropped the bottle and joined Vicente on the other side of the drunk man’s hammock.
“I..I…” Vicente hiccupped, “I’m not feelin any pain…” he slurred his words, losing his accent.
“You’re so drunk that you lost your accent…” Naoko tried not to laugh. “Let’s get some sleep.”
“Wait…we sleep together?” Vicente asked.
Naoko quirked an eyebrow at her pet, “You know we do…”
“Then how am I still a virgin?” he asked, losing his balance and stumbling forward a few steps.
“Let’s just say that you’re not a smooth talker,” Naoko replied, trying to bite her tongue, knowing his unwitting intoxication.
Vampire Heart 31