Page name: Vampires 4ever RPG:rpg page 6 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-16 23:31:15
Last author: *Leric*
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"got a nack for sneeking up on people?" Raimi said cocking one eyebrow,her eyes now closed.

"Of course," Christina raised her shoulders and leaned on a tree. "Who doesn't?"

Raimi smiled "some, and you would be.?"

Yoko came in, not know what was going on.. "hello...whats going on here..." She stretched.. 

Raimi opened her eyes. "watch out for sleeping beauty over there" she hinted towards Banpaia,who still lay motionless on the ground "a bit cranky she is today" she joked as she leaned back against the tree. 

"I am Christina." Christina said shortly and looked at the new who had joined them. "I was, well, just looking around, when I came over this place."

"Names Yoko.." She looked around.. then she looked at Raimi "been a while, has it not." She said with somewhat of a smile on.

Koji looked at Yoko and came up and hugged her from behind "hey yoko!" he then looked at Raimi. "Hey raimi, how have you both been.

Yoko jumped when Koji grabbed her but then answered him.. "I have been good you..?"

Raimi leaned over putting pressure on her chest,which was still damp with blood.she sighed and closed her eyes.

"Nice to meet you," christina smiled slowly.

"Was..that you before Christina?"Raimi glanced up at her "I sensed someones presence while I was fighting Banpaia,wasn't too sure if I was halusinating or not."

Yoko just looked at Raimi.. "Huh?.." she then looked at Christina. "nice to meet you too. How have you been"

Koji looked at Christina.."Hello, who are you? i have never seen you around. He then let go of Yoko and just stood next to her.

"That would be my precende yes," Christina nodded. "And I'm not frm around here. Just got here to be precise, left a few friends for a while, minor fight." 

"knew I wasn't crazy" Raimi smiled lightly "Banpaia was to much of a distraction, so I wasn't able to stop and look"
Trying to stand,she stumbled forward dizzily and tryed to find her balance.

"Why were you attacked, if you don't mind me asking," Christine asked silently.

Raimi struggled to stand "heh...she called herself a slayer"

*pop* *pop* *pop* went the bullets as benpaia healed quickly, then unoticed opened one big red eye.

Raimi looked up suddenly 'fuck' she thaught "The tranquilizers are wearing off" she stood up quickly and pulled out her gun in case Banpaia stil intended to fight

Benpaia layed still. not wanting to be noticed quite yet...

Raimi sighed and stood there quietly,then eased herself calmly.

Benpaia snored a little and closed her eye.

Raimi steadied herself then sank back down next to the tree "lets hope it'll atleast hold her off for the rest of the night"she said to herself 

BAnpaia then jumped up and sat on Raimi.

Raimi grimaced and struggled to get out from under the massive creature. "GET OFF!" she screamed,her face turning pale.

Her 9 tails started to wag happily.

Raimi stopped struggling and looked questioningly at Banpaia

She looked over at Raimi with a cute puppy dog look. and shoved her face in Raimi's.

'Those were just tranquilizer darts i shot at her right?' thaught Raimi in disbelief.

GO TO: Vampires 4ever RPG:rpg page 7

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2006-01-16 [Yuichi♥]: who's christina?? im lost!??

2006-01-16 [Artemis Riddle]: me, new one^^

2006-01-16 [*Leric*]: ferk

2006-01-16 [Yuichi♥]: i am Yoko and Koji, i have 2 charecters.. very chalenging lol

2006-01-16 [Artemis Riddle]: I can imagin^^ i have about five in my other rp, hogwarts castle it's hell^^

2006-01-16 [Yuichi♥]: woah

2006-01-16 [*Leric*]: holy shit,5? thats fuckin crazy

2006-01-16 [Yuichi♥]: that is. i only have 2, and i have to remind myself not to keep going on and on.. cause i could make about atleast who knows how many pages from just them.. XD

2006-01-16 [Artemis Riddle]: or was it more. lemme thingk.... or more like eight...

2006-01-16 [Artemis Riddle]: or was it more. lemme think.... or more like eight...

2006-01-16 [Yuichi♥]: wow

2006-01-16 [Yuichi♥]: hey guys i g2g now, i will be on later. i will see you then..

2006-01-16 [Akeatia]: Bye.

2006-01-16 [*Leric*]: bye then^^

2006-01-16 [*Leric*]: cold

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