Page name: vampireteen [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-20 19:53:08
Last author: Artemis Riddle
Owner: Artemis Riddle
# of watchers: 9
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Welcome to vampireteen


this is all about: Vampires!!!

____V.T News_____

yeah, and members..... I really dont get this stuff...
well, you can tell about books, films, stories..
well, to start, I am [Artemis Riddle], I haven't relly put so much work into these pages, but it will come, thats a promise. If you have any suggestions on how to make things better, just message me, and I'll consither it! Thanks for your attention, now ,enjoy!

well, about everything that has anything to do with vampires....
as long as you are not a vampire hunter, cause I wouldn't like that!!!



vampireteen banners



vampireteen art

some other vampire related wikis:

Young vampires
Lestat de Lioncourt
Full moon town
Vampire lovers
Vampire heaven
True Vampires


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2005-05-12 [Thyler Durden]: ı am not bloodthursty as much as u.... But ı would bitE....

2005-05-12 [Artemis Riddle]: okey...

2005-05-15 [vampire_wish]: whana join! just dig the vamps! like Spike! and ^__^

2005-05-16 [Artemis Riddle]: youre in, but people,

you don't have to ask, just join:D

2005-05-16 [Final_omega]: cool pic

2005-05-17 [Artemis Riddle]: yeah, a friend of my gave it to me... I dont know where he got it frome thou...

2005-05-17 [Final_omega]: lol. yeah, i get that too. i get a good pic on my pc, then dont have a clue where it came from.

2005-05-17 [Artemis Riddle]: yeah.... to bad if it is stolen art... hope not!

2005-05-17 [Final_omega]: yah, if it is, your kinda unlucky. but i think it is not.

2005-05-17 [Artemis Riddle]: We better hope so^_^

2005-05-17 [Final_omega]: yeah. so, how is the promotion of the wiki going?

2005-05-17 [Artemis Riddle]: well, it can only go one way^_^ having some problems with the layout, dont really know how i want it, it just sucks everytime i try to do something about it...'

2005-05-17 [Final_omega]: lol. you will find something that works for you soon.

2005-05-17 [Artemis Riddle]: yeah... but a friend of mine has nominated this page... to the wiki awards... help, that was a nice thought, but...

2005-05-17 [Final_omega]: yah, i understand. well, add a few things. perhaps some opinions, or facts about vampirism

2005-05-17 [Artemis Riddle]: but i have made another wiki page (she nominated that to:() i think it was better than this one!! check it out ald tell me what u think! plz? the nightwish cult

2005-05-17 [Final_omega]: yeah, i saw it already, it looks good.

2005-05-17 [Artemis Riddle]: thanx....

2005-05-17 [Final_omega]: thats ok. ;)

2005-05-17 [Artemis Riddle]: ^_^!!!

2005-05-23 [vampire_wish]: O.O hehehe..!

2005-06-07 [Lillith Winchester]: kewl... sorry but i love going onto wikis about vampires, i find them so fascinating and they're jusr great!! \m/ their whole way of life is amazing..... im not one by the way, some people think so cuz of my name hehe

2005-06-08 [Artemis Riddle]: do to, thats why i made this one \m/ ^_^

2005-06-10 [sita14]: Hi everyone. So, is everyone here a vampire? lol :P

2005-06-10 [Artemis Riddle]: well, most of em i guess... are you?

2005-06-10 [sita14]: Yes, I am

2005-06-11 [westleysgirl1]: i would like to join how do i?

2005-06-11 [Artemis Riddle]: you go in to vampireteenmembers and onto edit this page, and sign your name on the list. but i can do it for you!

2005-06-11 [Heart-Strain]: WOOT. er, so how is everyone and whats your favorit music?!?

2005-06-11 [Artemis Riddle]: bored.... but lisening to ice queen by within temptation

2005-06-11 [Heart-Strain]: well I'm happeh! aaand listening to NIRVANA. WOOT

2005-06-11 [Artemis Riddle]: eeehy, we like nirvana^_^

2005-06-11 [Heart-Strain]: yaaay, you have good taste :D

2005-06-11 [Artemis Riddle]: so do u! must be a vampire thing!

2005-06-11 [Heart-Strain]: hum, haha yeah -punches air-

2005-06-11 [sita14]: I listen to all different kinds of music. I really like Evanescence though.

2005-06-11 [Heart-Strain]: I like them 2!

2005-06-11 [sita14]: YAY :P

2005-06-11 [sita14]: What's your favorite song by them?

2005-06-11 [Heart-Strain]: I said I like, I'm not a fan... I don't have their albums :)

2005-06-11 [Artemis Riddle]: like and fan, better understand the differens^_^

2005-06-11 [Heart-Strain]: Yeah well I hope I made myself clear :)

2005-06-12 [Nymphette]: i didnt meant hat. i just meant, why dont you make a seperate page for that kinda stuff, cus this seems to be a good wiki, dont jade its reputation straight off by making it like that god dman young vampires wiki

2005-06-12 [Artemis Riddle]: oki, I'll lisen to u...... hope ur right though....

2005-06-12 [Nymphette]: sorry if i caused any offence, its just i hate to see perfect good vampyre wikis goin the same way other ones have. make a rpg page, its nice to act that stuff out ^^

2005-06-12 [Artemis Riddle]: oki, thanx for the tip^_^

2005-06-12 [Nymphette]: tis fine ^^ how long has this wiki bin up for?

2005-06-12 [Artemis Riddle]: not long.... can't actually remeber... a month or so? i think it was the first I ever made^^

2005-06-12 [Nymphette]: wiksa are fun to make indeed ^^ ever thought about an art page?

2005-06-12 [Artemis Riddle]: well, yeah, but just never got started!

2005-06-12 [Final_omega]: hi. sorry i have not been to this wiki for a bit. so whats been happenin?

2005-06-12 [Heart-Strain]: yes... what has been happening?

2005-06-12 [Artemis Riddle]: well, more members, nothin much.. oh some stories on the storything...

2005-06-17 [Heart-Strain]: is this wiki dieing?

2005-06-17 [Artemis Riddle]: no, just not so much life just now... but we have got some art though^_^ updating

2005-06-18 [fdsice]: hello

2005-06-18 [Artemis Riddle]: hallao!!!!

2005-06-19 [sita14]: heeeeeeey :P What's everyone up to?

2005-06-19 [Artemis Riddle]: Dying my hair like armands (in the vampire chronicles^_O)

2005-06-21 [sita14]: thats kool

2005-06-22 [Heart-Strain]: I made my hair blonder....

2005-06-26 [Artemis Riddle]: was dark blond before.....

2005-06-28 [Rowan Gabrielle Alexandria]: I'm colouring my hair red again

2005-06-28 [Artemis Riddle]: yay, go red!

2005-08-08 [back by nonpopular demand]: helo Gabriella and every one else

2005-08-18 [Artemis Riddle]: hey^_^

2005-08-25 [back by nonpopular demand]: so its 8:00pm over hear whats for diner

2005-08-31 [sita14]: I've got red highlights

2005-08-31 [Artemis Riddle]: yay, red hair rocks^_^

2005-09-09 [sita14]: I know!!! I need it done over though.

2005-09-10 [Artemis Riddle]: hm, me to, it's orange/pink now^_^

2005-09-12 [sita14]: lol :) Mine's going away

2005-09-12 [Heart-Strain]: I'm dying my hair black :O

2005-09-13 [sita14]: cool

2005-09-13 [Heart-Strain]: Yeah I think so too... I'll put up a picture when I like dyed it for one day(I don't know what thats calles in english) and then you'll all have to vote ok?

2005-09-15 [sita14]: Okay, I will

2005-09-15 [Heart-Strain]: k awesome!!

2005-09-15 [sita14]: yay :) lol

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