Page name: Vermin lord scar tooth [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2010-09-20 00:07:26
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 1
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Name: Scar Tooth

Age: 45

Rank: Lord

Height: 6,0

Appearance: He is actually quite a sight, his fure is a perfectly kempt jet black, his beady eyes ember red, and his claws looking as if they where polished silver.

Armor: A suite of rust red armor plate worn over a complete chain mail suite

Weapons: A mighty Halberd that he weilds with but a single hand, also he has a wicked envenomed blade asfixed to his tail. He always carries a sheild with him. This sheild is a horror in itself, for it is covered in the stretched faces of his defeated foes, often their final agonized looks forever immortalized on the bronze sheild.

Abilities: He is a potent lightning mage, though this is the extent of his abilities.

Personality: Brutal, foul, and scheming. He is a great tachtician who always looks for the best fight possible to lead his verminous hordes against. He has however a martial respect for a worthy foe to which Lomien and Ullari both have proved to be, for he has fought both numerous times and has only managed a bloody stalemate each time.

History: Through assasination and brute stengh he fought his way to the lordship of his clan, swelling it's numbers and ravaging many near by cities.

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