Page name: Vices & Virtues Characters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-10-17 21:56:11
Last author: Silver Moon
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Vices & Virtues

Character ages 15-40

Vices & Virtues-Vices

Vices & Virtues-Virtues


1)Lust:Is usually having excessive thoughts and desires of a sexual nature. The character that falls under this sin will have sexual drives and have no regard to how others may react to their advances. They think only of their own satisfaction and take what they want. Succubus and Incubus are the best races to use for this character.
Mortal enemy-Chastity

2)Gluttony: The overindulgence and consumption of anything to the point of waste. The character that falls under this sin is apt to have an insatiable apatite for various things.
Mortal enemy-Temperance

3)Greed: An excessive desire and pursuit of fame, wealth, status, power and material goods. A character that falls under this sin is driven by the desire to get what they want even if they are well off. The tend to lack compassion for others and will harm others to get what they want.
Mortal enemy-Charity

4)Sloth: The failure to utilize one's talents and gifts, often being lazy indifferent. The Character who falls under this sin is often likely to be indifferent towards others and unlikely to help someone in need. They are apt to do the minimum required for a job and take shortcuts.
Mortal enemy-Diligence

5)Wrath:An inordinate and uncontrolled feeling of hatred and anger. The character who falls under this sin is apt to lack the ability to love and is often quick to anger.
Mortal enemy-Patience

6)Envy: The resentment that another has something they believe they deserve, and believe they are lacking. They are not afraid to deprive another of something they believe they should have and the other person shouldn't. A character who falls under this sin is likely to try to take things by force that they desire even if it means harming another.
Mortal enemy- Kindness

7)Pride: A desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others and being boastful of your own deeds. Having an excessive love of yourself and holding yourself higher than others. A character who falls under this sin will be more likely to take what they want and view themselves as being godlike and higher than the law.
Mortal enemy- Humility


1)Chastity: Abstaining from sexual conduct according to ones state of life, The practice of courtly and romantic friendship. Cleanliness through cultivated good health and hygiene. Being honest with yourself and others. Characters who fall under this virtue are apt to be pure in body and mind and driven to helping others. They are unlikely to partake in sexual contact until wed.
Mortal enemy-Lust

2)Temperance: Temperance is generally defined by control over excess, so that it has many such classes , such as abstinence, chastity, modesty, humility, prudence, self-regulation, and forgiveness and mercy; each of these involves restraining some impulse, such as sexual desire, vanity, or anger. A character who falls under this virtue is apt to help others and try to refrain from sinful activity.
Mortal enemy- Gluttony

3)Charity:Restraint, temperance, and justice, constant mindfulness of others and one's own surroundings. Prudence to judge between actions with regard to appropriate deeds at a given time. Willingness to help others and put others before yourself interests. A character that falls under this virtue is likely to help others and put their own desires on hold if it means helping someone in need.
Mortal enemy-Greed

4)Diligence:A careful nature in ones own actions and work, the capability of not giving up. Budgeting ones time in order to get the job done properly.Upholding ones convictions at all times even when others aren't watching. A character who falls under this virtue is likely to be a skilled worker who does the job right and does not allow others praises to go to their head.
Mortal enemy-Sloth

5)Patience:Forbearance and endurance through moderation. Resolving conflicts and injustice peacefully as opposed to resorting to violence. The ability to forgive even if someone did you wrong. To be able to create a peaceful and stable community and resist temptation to material goods. A character that falls under this virtue is likely to be a pacifist and negotiator. They like to avoid conflict and wish to protect others.
Mortal enemy-Wrath

6)Kindness:Charity, compassion, and friendship for its own sake. Empathy and trust without prejudice or resentment. It is the unconditional love toward others and over looking differences in others. A character that falls under this virtue is likely to be peaceful and able to overlook the weaknesses in others. They tend to have a childlike purity about them and care for others deeply.
Mortal enemy-Envy

7)Humility:Modest behavior, selflessness and the giving of respect. The courage of the heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious or unglamorous and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved. Giving credit where credit is due and being faithful to promises even if it means you may never receive recognition for the work you do. A character that falls under this virtue is likely to be a giving and caring person, they are willing to do a job without complaint even if it is a job they may be overqualified for.
Mortal enemy-Pride


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2010-04-05 [Rice]: Which ones have you taken Silver?

2010-04-05 [Silver Moon]: none yet

2010-04-05 [Rice]: Ok. May I have Pride and Kindness?

2010-04-05 [Silver Moon]: sure

2010-04-05 [Rice]: Ok thanks.
I'm making Mr.Pride now. ;D

2010-04-05 [Silver Moon]: lol

2010-04-05 [Gypsy Mystik]: Awwww you took Kindness.... I love HOPE ^_^ lol

Hmmm...? I have to think...I also have dinner be back soon

2010-04-05 [Gypsy Mystik]: I claim Envy and Generosity

2010-04-05 [Rice]: Okie.

2010-04-05 [Rice]: Cool.

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