Page name: Vices & Virtues Classes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-17 04:12:55
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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Vices & Virtues

1)Warrior *Any Alignment
-Page-Just starting out, they are working on their skills to become better swords men/women, they work alongside knights in the hopes of becoming a knight.

-Fighter-These warriors don't necessarily train under other warriors, they range in skill learning the skills of the sword through learning in the wilds.

-Knight- These are the most skilled warriors. Through strict training and discipline they have learned to be the most skilled and adapt warriors out there.

-Berserker-These warriors can fall under the other warriors. They take on the skills of the other warriors with a slight change. In battle they run the risk of losing their senses to bloodlust, some even turning against their own comrades. As a result they are feared.

2)Rogue*Alignment ranges see below
-Thief-*Any alignment
These pickpockets and trap springers are often hired as a scouts. They are adapt at picking pockets, finding traps and disarming traps.

-Assassin-*Tend to be evil
Skilled and adapt at the skills of a thief they use these skills to kill their assigned marks.

3)Forest Walker*Alignment ranges, see below
-Ranger-* Good alignments
Defenders of the forest, they are warriors that work toward achieving justice and defending the innocent.

-Druid-*Neutral They defend the forest and avoid large cities. They are able to do nature magic and even shift into animals.

4)Bard-*Any alignment-They have the skills of nearly every other class but to a lesser degree, their magic is channeled through their music and singing.

5)Healer*Alignment Varies
-Cleric-*Good or evil -These healers are able to have weapons as well as cast healing magic, they are seen as the warrior healers.

-Priest-*Good or evil- These healers can't use sharp or edged weapons, but their healing and purification spells are stronger

-Paladin-*Good(Trained with the discipline of a Knight these healers are adapt as warriors and healers and are desired in battle as leaders. They are driven for justice.

6)Spell caster*Any alignment
-Mage-Any alignment- Mages are born with the ability to use magic and do not have to study in order to caste magic. However as a consiquince, their magic tends to be more wild and difficult to control due to the strenght.

-Enchanter *evil-They are able to caste spells of manipulation and enchantment. They are also adapt at illusion

-Wizard-Any alignment-These spell casters were born with the ability to learn magic. They are weaker then mages but their magic is more easily controled through study.

-Elemental caster-Any alignment- They cast spells that belong to a specific element. However they can be weakened by their opposite element. For example: Fire is weakened by water and vice versa.
Elements to chose from:

-Soul Forger* Any alignment- They are enchanters but to a greater degree, able to effect the soul and even manipulate peoples emotions, thoughts, desires, memories, and who they think loves them. As a result they are hunted and very rare. *(Ask on this ability)Some are even able to create souls and plant them in others, animals and even objects.

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2010-04-05 [Rice]: Question I am torn between 'enchanter' and 'soul forger' for my main character. Could you explain some abilitties of the two please?

2010-04-05 [Silver Moon]: I will put that in when I get a chance
but here:
Enchanter *evil-They are able to caste spells of manipulation and enchantment. They are also adapt at illusion

Soul Forger* Any alignment- They are enchanters but to a greater degree, able to effect the soul and even manipulate peoples emotions, thoughts, desires, memories, and who they think loves them. As a result they are hunted and very rare. *(Ask on this ability)Some are even able to create souls and plant them in others, animals and even objects

2010-04-05 [Rice]: Would It be possible for my main character to be a Soul Forger, so long as any other characters I make are of average capabillities and maybe even weak. To balance it out?

2010-04-05 [Silver Moon]: alright but that last ability listed I will have to think of

2010-04-05 [Rice]: Maybe that can be something he learns as we progress? But it is up to you :) Anyway I shall get working on my character now, I'm very deep in thought about him.

2010-04-05 [Silver Moon]: ok good luck and remember to chose which vice or virtue you want

2010-04-05 [Rice]: Is it first come first served? If so which oned are availble for me to take?

2010-04-05 [Silver Moon]: go look and yes it is first come first serve

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