Race: Jungle Troll
Class: Druid (archdruid)
Age: Unknown
Vlash rarely sees a need to wear armor, for he always fights while in feline form. But when he does feel like using his troll-ish hands he wears very form fitting leather armor that is designed similar to rogue armor. His day-to-day outfit consists of a loincloth, maybe a cloak if it's colder.
One word can be used to describe his attitude; Predatory. He views and analyzes everything as if hunting it and will go to extreme lengths to know any target that catches his interest. Vlash is know for being an cannibal and will make no effort to hide that fact he will eat members of the horde and alliance both. Vlash does care about nature though, as well as the young of all races, and will not attack children or people he sees as unthreatening. He is, however, hard to trick with his animal instructs and many a rogue has fallen by trying to act 'non-threateni
ng' to try to get close.
See images. He is constantly in his cat form, so his troll form has been changed slightly. He no longer walks with a hunch, and always has large claws and both fingers and toes. He also has more fingers than a average troll...
"Let me tell you a story about a young druid I once met. He was an odd thing, hardly any tusk and not a lick of violence," the she-troll sighed and continued. " Where to begin I wonder. It'd take many days to tell the whole thing, so let me tell a slightly shorted version, shall I?"
"It began with his childhood I suppose. He was born and raised in a small jungle tribe in the north lands, small for his people, but a survivor. All the young trolls were violent, bloodthirsty, and not all that smart from day one, but this troll was different. He was calm, calculating, but most of all; kind. The boy never fit in with his savage kin-folk, and many a times he was punished and humiliated for his kind heart. But not once did he hold a grudge or violent thought against them. It just wasn't his way."
"And then it happened! Well, nothing that exciting just yet hehe. Once he hit adolescence it came time for the trials of adulthood, something he had dreaded for awhile now. He knew he would not pass, and failing meant death to his people. So, when they sent him to go prove himself in combat, he ran for it. The tribe hunters chased him for many days, but eventually they let him go, thinking he was a dead troll anyway. Let the wilds take him and save us the effort! The young troll kept going, through many lands, nearly dying on several occasions for he could not fight. Finally though, he encountered a different jungle troll tribe. One led by a mighty troll named Voljin."
She grabbed a drink and took a generous swig of it before continuing. "Voljin is a wise leader you see, and a very smart troll. He didn't see a weakling in front of him, but a healer! So he had the shamans and priests try to train the boy. The boy, however, could not grasp the magics they tried to teach. To foreign it was to him, to...civilized perhaps? Voljin frowned at the boy, asking 'well, what kind of healing is there that you can learn?' The boy smiled and said in a strong voice; 'I will be a druid!' All but Voljin laughed at such an idea, but the troll chief simply relied with a map. 'Go to the tauren, our close neighbors, perhaps they can teach you the ways of nature.' And so the young troll left yet another potential home, to seek the way of life he so craved for."
"The hunt to find someone to train him turned into quite a journey. At first, he journeyed to the wise Tauren to seek answers, but they were appalled and then angry that a troll would mock them in such a way. He tried to convince them he was serious, but they would not hear such things coming from one of the savage trolls. He then went to seek the night elves, surely there would be one that would take mercy on him. But after several run-ins with the elite sentinels he took another approach. Tired of being sent away, he made the dangerous and near impossible journey to the druid lands of moonglade. After countless dangers, barriers, and slipping past guards he finally made it there. His hopes were crushed however when the druids found him and furiously threw the savage out. Almost ready to give up hope, the troll was approached by an old-appearing night elf who offered to one ballsy enough to face the entire of the druid council training. And thus the young troll learned to become a druid of healing."
"I will not go into his training, for I don't know what happened between him of the elf that trained him and I doubt he could tell me even if he wanted to. The young troll that left Voljin's village returned an adult capable of amazing feats, and taught the basics of druid healing to whomever wished to know. And when the time came for heroes to unite, this druid was on the front lines fighting for his people and the people beside him. It mattered not if the injured were 'horde' or 'alliance,' he was a healer and would heal any in need. The fight agains the forces of Illidan and Kel'thuzad got his name out into the world as a fierce healer dedicated to saving those around him. And in the fight against the Lich King Arthas he rose once more to heal those that needed him. Even when the great earth-warden Netharion returned as Deathwing and the world was breaking he was still healing. In fact, many believed that he could do no else. None had ever seen this gentle soul take the form of the great bear or the fierce cat, nor had they seen him cast a harmful spell. But none could compare to his potent healing spells and love for plants and life."
"But alas, not all stories have happy endings. The druid was often insulted by the orcs for his kind heart, and one ocr hated him more than any. The old warchief Hellscream had the troll targeted for quite some time, hating how this creature could be so soft and still be a member of the horde. So he had him watched, and when the druid tuned a kind hand to a member of the alliance, Garrosh struck. Named a traitor of the Horde, the troll was beaten, tortured, and finally broken by the Warchief and his 'true horde' members. It took time for Voljin to get his loyal healer back, but by the time that he did, the druid was broken. no more has there the happy look and the gentle touch that was his druid. Now there was only a husk, ready to break at a moments notice. And break he did. No more was the healer, now Vlashlil was a beast."
"Vlashlil, now broken and unable to speak with nature or the magic in himself, broke and changed. He became a great cat and tore his way into the streets of Orgrimmar where he devoured many, especially orcs. It tooks hours for the guards and druids in the area to finally catch the beast, even longer for them to make the troll druid change back. And when he did, they were all shocked to see it was their gentle druid that ended so many lives that day. Healers from all races came and tried to help heal his body and mind, but they were only able to put some of the pieces back into place. His magic was forever bound to his feral side, which was locked away deep inside him mind. What they did save was still damaged, but sane enough for him to exist amongst regular folk. Sadly, Vlash never healed after that, or cast any spell for that matter. He became a violent, bloodthirsty feral druid, barely in control of the animal inside of him. If his tribesman could see him now, how proud they would be of the killer he became! And that, my friends, is all the story of Vlashlil I will tell you. Yes, he continued on as a cat to make a mark in the world, he even became an archdruid, titled the king of beasts. He helped save Hyjal, was one of the few who took down Garrosh, and stood proudly by the new Warchief Voljin. But if you want the details on that, feel free to ask Vlashlil himself if you are brave enough to." She yawned loudly, over exaggerating the motion and motioned with her hand. "Go now, I tire from telling stories to the young. Go learn to be what you wish and let no one discourage you from your path."
Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/thrall/vlashlil/simple

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