Page name: W C's Pals [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-09 17:18:21
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W C's Pals
Here are my friendy's hope you like the pictures
I fixed my scanner now so here they are... well some of them anyway... I will progressively fill up the page!

<img:> [the pallbearer] Brathwa! I love him so much! He's such a good pal! Bow down to the funnyness of his urcle like looks. He rocks.. Brathwa the music man!

<img:> This is Drew.. He is Geekilishous and that is the way everyone likes him! And when I say everyone I mean everyone. 

<img:> This is Laura on left and Brittany on right.  They are physco maniacs who scream and run around in circles but they rock. They're awesome peoples....

<img:> This is a (badly doctored) picture of me [wiccan commander 2525] and brathwa [the pallbearer]when we were fooling around taking pics at school.

<img:> This is an absolutely horrid picture of Gretz.[99 Bowls of Borsht] Even though she looks like a drunken freako we all love her...She's a really good friend.

<img:> This is Jacky also called Jacquilator or Just Jacuilin. She's stalky.. strange.. fun.. loud.. then again we don't completely know everything about her... none the less she rocks!

<img:> My dearest religeous Michelle. Lets just say we don't agree on religion but with music she can choose some good stuff!

<img:> This is my roomy. Her name is Tricia. But we call her tish or Madam CIA. Just for fun. 

<img:> Ok the big ones. Vishnu also known as vash he's interesting we'll put it that way. Just kinda funky sometimes. Alas. The girl is Rachel also known as Yar, muchi, or Mammon the daughter of the devil... I have the best friends eva![Dear.y]

<img:> The one the only Rachel again, and now she's with Harold. They both got there dumb asses kicked out of school, the bastards, but they are still on elftown.[Dear.y]

My one my only [nightgoth] I love him so much. So if you hurt him. I will have to kill you... Have a nice day now!

Oh and back to Wiccan Commander's Pics or Wiccan Commander's Banners she made or [wiccan commander 2525]. I didn't feel like retyping them all. So here ya go.

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2006-03-17 [wiccan commander 2525]: sorry

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