This is where people can join my
WF RP and put their names down. Please follow this guideline to make it easier for everyone to read and to seperate each name with the hr tag, where you put hr in between these 2 symbols <> and remember, we don't want any gods, with no weaknesses and magical abilities that could beat Gandalf. Just copy and paste the thing below to write in everything. It would also help if you put in the html into it so it is easier to read, as when you just copy and paste, the html disappears.
Character Name:
Angel Flight
User: [
The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]
Race: Human
Age: Believed to b about 18
Gender: Male
Rank/Class/Title: Warrior
Appearance: Muscular build with many scars. He has white wings coming from his back from being genetically modified before birth by having avian (bird) DNA encrypted into his genes. However, we do not know from what bird.
Height: 6"
Weight: 15 stone (muscle!)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Flesh Tone: Pale
-(Nationality): Unknown, but speaks English
Clothing and Apparel: Mainly wears a light shirt and jeans with no armour for quick fighting and so he can blend into a normal environment when needed.
Outstanding Marks or Features: Wings!
Skills:Able to fly, able to fight efficiently in battle from years of training in the lab.
Feats and Abilities:Able to fly, has quick reflexes and can fight expertly in hand-to-hand combat.
Combat, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:no armour, especially likes the japanese weapons like the katana and shuriken (throwing stars) but also knows how to use a bow. (Even if he is not the perfect shot.)
-Weapons on hand:Either katana or short sword, and six shuriken.
Spell or Talent Use: None
-Divine or Arcane Spell Use: None
-Racial, Supernatural, Spell-like or Extraordinary Abilities: Flying
-Psionic Abilities or Talents: None
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strength: Is very quick and stronger than the average person.
Weaknesses: Due to having avian DNA, even though his bones are very hard, they are brittle and hollow, so with one hard swing, they could shatter.
Personality:Shy, but will sometimes try to fit in. He does not trust anyone but has a forgiving nature.
History:Born in a secret testing facility, Angel didn't have a name to start of with, so he gave it to himself when he was very young, hence the corny name. Until he was 14, he was tested and hurt every day, until he escaped the lab and flew for the first time. Ever since then, he was hooked on flying. He does it most days, but the lab hasn't tried to find him (yet) so so far he is safe.
Equipment and Belongings:(See Weapons) always wears a chain necklace with a metal feather on it. Doesn't have many belongings.
Other: None
Developments and Updates: Now wears a light leather shirt underneath for more protection on the torso.
Character Name:
User: [
Gender: Female
Rank/Class/Title:erm....she is an adventurer/wan
Appearance:Long,flowing,silky black hair. Very thin due to her rationed food and water. Brown leather sort of tarp thing that is belted at the waste and only goes to her thighs. It goes over her head and covers her torso. Knee-high black leather boots with lots of strappings on the inside. Caucasion. Pointed Ears thanks to [Duhe Rahn] (inside joke)
Height:about 5'
Weight:Around 130
Eye Color:Bright bright blue eyes
Hair Color:Black
Flesh Tone:White
-(Nationality):Of the elven kingdom
Clothing and Apparel:See Appearance
Outstanding Marks or Features:Pointed ears, and her face is very gaunt because of her travels with little or no food. Some say she looks like a fallen angel. Others, a demon.

Skills:Able to shoot a fly into a wall without killing it from a mile away, great magic skills which she has yet to discover.
Feats and Abilities:Able to run faster than the fastest human.
Combat, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:Two axes on her back which she uses to throw like throwing daggers, her bow and arrow and her magic which she has yet to discover.
-Weapons on hand:erm...
Spell or Talent Use:Magic which she has yet to discover
-Divine or Arcane Spell Use:see above
-Racial, Supernatural, Spell-like or Extraordinary Abilities:uhh see above?
-Psionic Abilities or Talents:argh!!!
Strengths and Weaknesses:Children are her weaknesses. Her strengths...?
Personality:QUick to anger. Quick and to the point. Suspicious of strangers. Wary and on guard at all times.
Quirks, Outstanding and Memorable Actions or Phrases: Easy to anger, extrordanary hearing (all elves have that "ability") When she can't think of anything to say she says, "Ah, I see."
History:She used to be a member of the elven kingdom. BUt not anymore, she was banished. But no one knows what she did or why.
Equipment and Belongings:No belongings other than her necklace and sometimes food. (See weapons)
Developments and Updates:She will develop magic.
Character Name:
User: [angrmangment13]
Race: Human
Age: 9
Gender: female
Rank/Class/Title: street kid
Appearance: Slight in build, with short dark brown hair.She has tattered clothes that strangely enough look very well-made and expensive. She is always seen with a small monkey.
Height: 4'
Weight: 32 lbs.(from starvation)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: dark brown
Flesh Tone: very tanned

-(Nationality): Aarbu,a obscure human colony
Clothing and Apparel: ragged clothes with no shoes and adirty band keeping her hair out of the way
Outstanding Marks or Features: nothing special, very normal looking

Skills:exraordanarily good with her two daggers and is able to sprint amazingly fast
Feats and Abilities:see skills besides that nothing special
Combat, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:wears only her two daggers and has a limited ability to shoot a bow
-Weapons on hand:one dagger under each wrist tied with hemp that comes undone at her command Spell or Talent Use: None
-Divine or Arcane Spell Use: None
-Racial, Supernatural, Spell-like or Extraordinary Abilities: none
-Psionic Abilities or Talents: None
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strength: can sprint away from a tight position, is very small so can slip in places to use her knife abilities Weaknesses: not very strong so is held easily and has a weakness for very small children
Personality:wary,from living on the street, but otherwise when you get her trust is a very cheerful, hard-working person
History:a secret, but we do know she was born in Aarbu, and was raised by a witch woman
Equipment and Belongings:(See Weapons)a little devil monkey, Mikki, who she is extremely attached to and a silver, link bracelet she wont take off
Other:The ability to talk to animals through telepathy
Developments and Updates: none
User: [Elodicressida]
Race: Mini-dragon
Age: About thirty
Gender: Female
Rank/Class/Title: Pet/familiar
Appearance: Well, looks pretty much like a small dragon, about the size of a hawk. The kind that sits on shoulders all over elfwood, looking melodramatic and appealing. She's dark green, which camouflages her pretty well, except when she's asleep, in which case she turns lavender. She doesn't believe this, rather like someone not believing they snore.
And I'm leaving out some of your categories that don't apply. They're very nice for a human character, but all those 'N/A's and 'Dragons don't have's are (insert adjective here).
Size: (Rather than height or length) About the size of a hawk. I'm not sure how tall that is, but however long, she fits comfortably on any shoulder.
Weight: About that of a hawk, again.
Eye color: Green, but much brighter than that of her body.
Nationality: A certain little forest in... um... Moving right along, a mage's tower in another world.
Oustanding Marks or Features: She's a mini-dragon, and mini-dragons are extinct. That's pretty outstanding.
Skills: Potentials, more like. A mage wouldn't summon a useless familiar (unless, of course, it became the style to do so...foolish mages...), but Anessa didn't really stick around, although that shows even more potential. Anyway, back to it.
Feats and Abilities: She can fly! And hunt, etc. A number of rather useful, if mundane, abilities.
Combat, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: When fighting field mice, there's probably no one better. However, since most people do not spend their time waging war on mus musculus, I suppose one would have to say she's best at divebombing faces. The element of surprise is key.
Weapons on hand: Claws. Beak. Teeth. And, if she were a regular-sized dragon, tail. But she's not, so that doesn't count.
Spell or Talent Use: Ah, potential... She could switch worlds, obviously (see below), but she doesn't know how. Nor does she know how to do various other things all dragons can do (or so people keep telling her), like cast spells, breathe fire and smoke, etc. She can communicate telepathically, which sums up the next three queries so... delete button!
Strengths and: She can survive and hunt and etc. She has potential to do a lot more damage, with spells and fire and world hopping. She can fly. She's naturally camouflaged, except when she's asleep.
Weaknesses: She's small, most of her abilities are not currently available to her, and she could be classified as a 'rare bird' (or avian, dragon, creature, animal...) so she has problems with collectors.
Personality: She's shy of lots of people looking at her, and gets very upset when people tell her she should be able to do something that she can't do, especially if she should be able to do it because she's a dragon. She also gets very upset when someone calls her anything other than what she is. She's brave, or else she has a revenge issue. She loves teasing humans.
History: As I said earlier, mini-dragons are extinct. Anessa wouldn't exist, except that it became a fad among magicians to summon mini-dragons as their familiars. Even so, she wouldn't exist here except that the non-mages, who were tired of being suprresed, raided her master's tower just as she was summoned. Anessa, newly summoned and confused, promptly disappeared, and found herself in the nest of a hawk in an entirely different world, with no idea what had happened or how she got there. But the hawk agreed to raise her, and so Anessa continued as a hawk for about thirty years. And then she got bored, as surviving no longer took up much of her time at all, so she decided to find humans, who are always interesting.
Developments and Updates:
Character Name:
(Meaning 'Vanished into shadows', and usually goes by Parr, although a better short-name is welcome; I seem not to be very good at coming up with those)
User: [Elodicressida]
Race: Elf
Age: Twenty-four
Gender: Male
Rank/Class/Title: Warrior/Mage
Height: 6'2"
Eyes: Light blue, but they look purple after he's been swimming.
Hair: Black, and kind of curly, but not too long.
Flesh Tone: Pale, but more tan than usual, as he's been spending quite some time outside lately. Particularly after he started on this mission.
-(Nationality): None really, although he could be assigned to the elven nations, or to Secret Evil Society.
Clothing and Apparel: Tends to wear a green cloak about the color of Anessa's scales, for camouflage purposes. He also wears typical Villainous Black clothes.
Outstanding Marks or Features: He has a brightly colored and intricate henna design on his right hand, which is magicked and serves several purposes. Firstly, it marks him as part of a certain evil society, and the first bit of magic serves to keep it from wearing off while he's in the field. The second part of the magic is a sort of communication/tabs-keeping spell. Parr sometimes keeps some magic in the design, too, but not if he can't help it, as he's not supposed to do that. Also, since it disappears once he gets back to where it can be redone, this is not a practical thing to do.
Skills: Parr can fight reasonably well, both with a sword and with a bow, and rather better than most people. His main abilities, though, are magical and varied.
Feats and Abilities: Able to fly, has quick reflexes and can fight expertly in hand-to-hand combat.
Combat, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Good with light armour, although he doesn't wear it when he's not expecting a difficult fight. Decent with a long sword or a bow, and untrained but creative in the use of other weapons.
-Weapons on hand: Unless he's sure he's going to be in a fight, he only keeps his long sword and amulet with him.
Spell or Talent Use: Plenty; Parr has a knack for everything from dispelling to setting broken bones to setting forts on fire, although it’s the battle magic that he’s best at. Obviously. He has elven abilities, but he’s been brought up with human bows, so he’s never been particularly good at archery, to the disappointment of his master. He’s never really met an elf before, though, so it may well be that being in contact with Aurelia will make them begin to appear.
-Racial, Supernatural, Spell-like or Extraordinary Abilities: He has typical elven abilities (see Aurelia above), but they are unrealized.
-Psionic Abilities or Talents: None
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths: Parr is very fast, due to being an elf, and decently good with a bow and a long sword, and can use magic pretty well.
Weaknesses: Parr can be overconfident, although he won't get cocky until he's quite sure he can be. He's perhaps a little too friendly with prisoners (see personality), and he's curious about his own people, elves. In other words, he's not rock-solid evil, only brought up that way, and it might be possible to persuade him to convert to another side. If you did this, though, you couldn't count on him, as his new thoughts and his upbringing would conflict, and he'd probably be constantly switching sides, poor fellow.
Personality: Parr is businesslike and efficient. He doesn’t bandy words, having failed several times when he was younger due to excessive gloating. He loves debating, though, and after he’s successful he’ll often discuss things with a prisoner, taking the part of whichever side the prisoner declines. He’s manipulative; if he has an advantage, he’ll use it, no matter how unscrupulous it may be. He's been brought up your average evil guy, so he doesn't trust people, etc.
History:Parr was kidnapped during a raid when he was very small, and rather than being killed, he exchanged hands rather rapidly for a year before he was given to his current faction, who raised him to be a warrior and a leader of a small but effective force. Showing some degree of skill, he was given a slightly higher rank, and has been steadily climbing since, although he is not allowed to leave the profession of Leader of a Small but Highly Effective Force. He has succeeded in nearly all of his missions, starting from when he was fourteen, and his current one is to capture one of the party members, unstated here. In working at this mission, he has come in contact with quite a few of Darken Rahl's minions, and met Shae several times. In most of these cases, they were working to accomplish the same thing, but generally something they couldn't work together on, thus conflict.
Equipment and Belongings: Parr has a long sword, a bow, armor, a shield, etc., but he usually only carries the sword. He also has an amulet that he stores energy in for use in difficult battles, and if he comes up against someone without time to get his armor or whatever, he uses magic to shield himself. His hennaed hand is a sort of communication device.
Other: Directionally challenged.
Developments and Updates: If he meets Aurelia for an extended period, he will start showing elven abilities, and probably a moral conflict.
Character Name:
Age: Twenty-two
Gender: Female
Rank/Class/Title: Beater, or messanger of Father Rahl
Height: 5'8''
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black, straight hair cut short. To her shoulders about.
Flesh Tone: Hispanic tan
-(Nationality):She was found as a child on the steps of an old abandoned church.
Clothing and Apparel: She wears the normal uniform of a beater. Black leather with red lining. The top is sort of like a bodice.
Outstanding Marks or Features: She was branded with the beater sign on the inside of her left wrist.
Skills: Shae can use a whip extremly well, and, she is immune to tortured screams.
Feats and Abilities: Not really
Combat, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Her leather is about as much armor as she has, and her weapon is the whip.
-Weapons on hand: Her whip, which is at her hip.
Spell or Talent Use:Shae is not educated in that field. -Racial, Supernatural, Spell-like or Extraordinary Abilities: None
-Psionic Abilities or Talents: None
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths: Shae can torture like nobody's buissness. She also is practically immune to sweet talk or any of that. She is unable to have pleasure, but I suppose this can also be a weakness.
Weaknesses:She gets frusterated easily if she doesn't get the correct answer to whatever it is immediatly. She also is extremly curious, which she fears will be her downfall.
Personality: Shae is all buissness. Since she is unable to have pleasure, her buissness is her life. She is forever Rahl's servant and will never decline a single word he says. She will also promptly kill anybody that badmouths Darken Rahl while she is around.
History:Shae was found on the steps of an old abandoned church, and so she really has no history. She is about the same age a Darken Rahl, and so they grew up under the same family. She lived out in the barn and was made his servant.
Other: Nada
Developments and Updates:I'll get to it later.
Character Name:
User: [angrmangment13]
Race: dwarf
Age: 375
Gender: male
Rank/Class/Title: runt of the breed
Appearance: very short, has rough beard and is covered in wrinkles. Wears a dirty, handmade loincloth (that's it) only slight muscle on upper body, but very powerful legs(from running away a lot)
Height: 2' 7"
Weight: 134 lbs.(from the rock he was made from)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: dark brown
Flesh Tone: nut brown
-(Nationality): a dwarf colony in the Aran mountains
Clothing and Apparel: handmade loincloth
Outstanding Marks or Features: very small, has many scars from beatings up
Skills:very strong legs, can work stone to some degree, is an amazing lute player
Feats and Abilities:set the record in his colony for being beaten up the most
Combat, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:can wield an ax if forced to but he is very peaceful
-Weapons on hand:none
Spell or Talent Use: rid any stone obstruction (all dwarves can)
-Divine or Arcane Spell Use: None
-Racial, Supernatural, Spell-like or Extraordinary Abilities: see spell or talents
-Psionic Abilities or Talents: None
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strength: can run fast and can work stone Weaknesses: very runty and is weak in a fight
Personality:trusting and good naturedHistory:was born in his home caverns and was always teased and beaten because he was the smallest, and he prefered outside air to the caverns. He ran away when they didn't give him a mate.
Equipment and Belongings: none but his stone tools, which are sacred.
Other:stone-talking(talking to stone, duh)Developments and Updates: none
Character Name:
<center>Evony Hatake
User: [Blood of the Immortal]
Race: Elf
Age: 700 Human years
Gender: Female
Rank/Class/Title: Aeon
Appearance: She is tall with a lythe body that much resembles the power of a panther and is much stronger than she looks. She has a pair of large, powerful Red and Gold feathered wings on her back that resemble much of a phoenix. Her nails are also unnatrally sharp and strong.
Height: 6" 1'
Weight: 170Lbs
Eye Color: Blood Red
Hair Color: Gold, red, and silver streaked
Flesh Tone: Light Cream
-(Nationality): None now. Speaks English and Elven.
Clothing and Apparel: Evony wears a red loincloth with gold trim and a maching "Bikini" top. She also wears gold and silver anklets and matching braceltts.
Outstanding Marks or Features: Wings, and has two burned in brands in her fair skin. The brands look like two quarter moons facing back to back with a horizontal slash going through them (This is the brand of the excile.) She has one on her hip above her left leg and the other on the sin right between her wings.
Skills: Flight. She's nearly impossible to catch in flight and would take a very nible flyer to do so.
Feats and Abilities: Master of unarmed combat and can conrol Fire.
Combat, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: No armor. Fights with her hands and feet.
-Weapons on hand: None.
Spell or Talent Use: Can control fire.
-Divine or Arcane Spell Use: None
-Racial, Supernatural, Spell-like or Extraordinary Abilities: Flight and control of fire.
-Psionic Abilities or Talents: None
Strengths and Weaknesses: Strength: Quick, powerful and accurate. Weaknesses: Could never kill or harm an innocent.
Personality: Evony has a very hard time trusting others just to come close to her. She is mostly silent all of the time and can attack without warning.
Equipment and Belongings: None.
Other: None
Developments and Updates: None.
To Winged Freaks