Page name: WR Wolf RP [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-21 03:49:03
Last author: ~ShadowWind~
Owner: ~ShadowWind~
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WR Wolf RP

Rp Area

"Who are we looking for , Thelia?" Illadrial asked in great wonder.She gaveout a calm sigh as she looked up upon the dark , starry sky that was lit with the brilliance of the pale moon. Thalia looked over at Illadrial with concern,"have you forgotten about the others? It may have been a long time since the war , but there are still wolves out there , some healthy , some wounded , they have not all died ..I can sence it."

" Oh , yes, I remember now...I'm just tired...that's all," Illadriel replied serenely while the wind touched her face with chill feel. Then she pressed her foot into the ground covered in a blanket of snow,at least a foot deep , that sparkled in the moonlight's gleam . Then she sighed as she peered over towards Thalia.

"Do not lose hope, even if our leader had spared his life for the others , he will never truely be gone , he lives inside all of us never to be forgoten"

"Yes...i know ...But my worries linger for our companions... I don't want anything harmful befalling them...We have to get there in time...Wait! I have a scent...familiar to Za'nix's! Za'nix! Illadriel said and then howled before she galloped off through the snow. " Come on, thalia!"

Thalia galloped off towards Illadriel"We shall arrive in time, don't worry we won't let them suffer , even if we must risk our own death"

Illadriel only nodded. "I just hope they're alright."

"Only time will tell, and weather, they should be able to take down an elk or something,although the horned beasts are very rough."

"Indeed," Illadrial said calmly." Well...let's hurry." She sped even faster , trying to make up for what time they lost,yet she knew that they would come upon a human village sometime. "there is a village coming up...We should best avoid it."

"or pass through the shadows, The humans of these villages are afraid of us,for reasons we may never know, but if we continued the road leading strait through the village we could reach the mountains faster then if we avoided it."

" You're right... THen let's go...WE don't have time to waste..."

" Right!" Thalia replied. The two she wolf galloped through the north side of the village , the safeest route, or so they thought. They had been seen by a dog that had been on a walk keeping it's owner company, Thelia and Illadrial had fled before the man had seen them,... "Wow, I thought there would be atleast one safe road to travel but I guess I was wrong, atleast that man didn't see us."

"I am so thankful he didn't" Illadrial said, dashing towards where their friends might be.

"Were not far from the mountains now, When we get there we will have to look out for each other, there are many strange things that linger there , and we must search every cave , we should find them."

" Good...At least we're near... the other creatures don't concern me."

"Me neither, its just Cyotes are a bit mad, when I was a pup a cyote tried to kill me, they have been known to attack us wolves."

"Why so?"

"Because of the wars, the cyotes had always been betrayed by other packs so they have the idea that all wolves, young or adult that step on "their" land as they say , want to seek war with them."

"That's terrible! What ever happened to negotiating?"

"I don't know , but let's just hope we don't see any."

"Yeah...Oh-..." Illadriel saw the mountains and her hopes rose. "We're here!" Joy filled her heart.

"Finally we are here,and in one piece." Her eyes filled with joy at the thought that the remaining of her companions were this close by, scattered through the mountains and land but close.

Without saying anything, Illadriel dashed towards the mountains and began to climb its rugged rock surface. She followed a familiar scent that led her to a cave. When she entered, there stood some of Thalia and her companions.

"I know,...but I still want to lay beside him...especially if he wakes..It conforts me..."

"Do as you wish ...I must find someone ."...Thalia bounded out of the cave , saddness and grief in her eyes , talmar was not in the cave , he was out there somewhere, she needed to find him.

Za'nix awoke, feeling Illadriel furry body beside him. He laid his arm over top of her and stroked doen her back with a smile ."Illadriel..."

Illadriel's ears perked up and began to pant in joy. She moved her ears back in comfort as Za'nix petted her ."Za'nix ! I've missed you!" she shouted as he hugged her.

"I've missed you as well..." he replied softly. then he looked at Thalia. " I know where Talmatr is..."

"You... Know...Where?!" She asked anxiously.

"Yes..We were also ambushed by the Dark Lord's henchmen...They took Telmar to Zellor'ax's lair...We could not persue them, for they had already gone. The henchmen also took with them a few others ...ounce i've healed , I'm going to lead our group to Zellor'ax...hopefully we get our friends back alive and well...I've told the remaining of us to leave to save the others but they persisted on waiting until i got better"... 

"But we must get him out?!"

"I know...That's what I've been telling the others..." Za'nix came to his black and red wolf form as he stood up."I'm not staying here...and doing nothing while my best friend is out there to suffer.."

"But Za'nix!"You're weak!"Illadriel said worriedly." Don't!"

"I'm sorry , but I would do the same for you if you were in Telmar's situation...Now let's go. We don't have time. " Za'nix looked at Illadriel and smiled ." Don't worry ....Everything will be alright."

"Okay then lets go!"Thalia shouted anxiously. " Every minute we waste is one less minute he has to live, hurry!"

Za'nix nodded and left with Illadriel and Thalia . " We have to head west..." He coughed for a brief moment."Zellor'ax's lair is west..."

The wolves bounded off toward where their friend was being held captive.."Telmar! I will save you!" Tears filled her eyes as she thought of him, he was one of the reasons she was still alive.

Sniffing the air , Za'nix could smell the henchmens' scent , " I've got their trail, but...we still have some ways to go.."

" Yes , I will take them down! If they are in small packs we should be able to take them down easily!"

" There's only five of them ... We can't let our guards down..If we do , We're as good as gone..."

Illadriel only nodded in reply.

"Ok, so we should try to avoid them,and attack later.." Her eyes filled with hope as she reconized a familiar scent .

" You smell thet? It's Telamar's scent.." Za'nix dashed off even swifter. Illadriel followed.

"Are you there......Telamar?.."Thalia bolted past the two hoping to find Telamar.

"It looks like..." Za'nix haltd "The Dark lords castle...Telamar is in there I know it ..."

Thalia was too far ahead to hear the others ,she froze suddenly ."Who's there? " She felt like she was being watched.

"Thalia....don't move..I sense something..." Za'nix said.

Thalia did not reply she just stood there, scared and frozen in place.

Illadriel dashed foward and stood by her side. " Don't worry, I'm here Thalia." Then she growled at what ever it was that came forth.

"Illadriel!" Za'nix shouted in a wisper and then joined them.

Thalia started to wimper faintly remembering all that she knew about the cyotes,she had felt as if there were 100 cyotes staring her down, waiting for a chance to kill her.

Illadriel sniffed the air. " The henchmen...are wolves?"

"Yes..." Za'nix replied . "Let them come to us."

" Are you sure that they are henchmen or just another pack? " Thalia wispered.

"I know their scent...I remember ...I have a long history with them." Za'nix replied.

" Oh.. I see , well do they still work for the dark lord?" Thalia questioned.

"Indeed..." Za'nix looked to the side and saw a pack of black wolves ." And here they are...Just in time.."

"Just great! Now that there is only three of us and all of them , how are we to get past them?"

" We have no choice but to fight them." Za'nix growled.

"Oh...I detest fighting but ...I suppose if it is our only dilemna...Alright...Bring it on you freaks!" Illadriel growled at the attacking wolves. Za'nix slightly laughed.

"Don't make them angry..."

Thalia had been overtaken by bravery and she charged at the pack of seven, she snarled vishiously at them.

"Thalia!" Illadriel shouted . " Be careful!" She growled and attacked the wolves with Za'nix at her side.

" I'm fine! Trust me, I can take them on!" Thalia yelled bravely.

Za'nix shrugged before he bit one in the the neck fiercly.

Thalia jumped on top of one of the henchmen, vishiously biting into its neck, killing it.

Illadriel blinked in astonishment as she watch Thalia.Then she killed one herself.

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2007-01-30 [The Dizzy Raven]: Rp! woot!

2007-01-30 [~ShadowWind~]: W00t *dances*

2007-01-31 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD

2007-02-01 [~ShadowWind~]: lol

2007-02-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD

2007-02-02 [~ShadowWind~]: *galomp*

2007-02-03 [The Dizzy Raven]: *screams* I've been glomped! XD *glomps!*

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