Wandering in Belgium
Belgium's a small country, with a great diversity in people and a rich history. Best known for it's chocolate (beware, you really don't think we sell the best ones to the tourists, don't you) and it's beer (assuming that you drink one new beer every evening, don't think you'll be done tasting them all within the year).
It's a monarchy where around 60% of the people speak a form of Dutch, some 40% of them French and the rest speaks German.
Yncke] invites you to a visit (and taste! ) in Belgium !
Current moderator’s hikes in Belgium…
Please enjoy having a tour in the following areas…
Of course, Belgium equals
good beer.

These are typical for the area of Poperinge and Aalst, and serve to grow hops on it, a plant used for...

... Belgian beer, of course.

The abbey and it's beer.
Belgium's a country containing beautiful
city monuments.

A lot of
processions are organised in Belgium, not all of them are religious in nature. (In this case, hops and it's history in all it's aspects.) They involve:

... a significant part of the children of the organising town, dressed up as something that is not always easily recognised. (In this case: plant lice.)

... various horse and cart combinations, depicting scenes or just representing something. (In this case: a brewery)

... the local guilds, music corpses, associations and similar. (In this case: the shooter's guild.)

... the election of some kind of queen, miss or similar. (In this case: these are all the previous hops queens.)
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