Page name: War of the Ruins: Chapter Five [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2009-10-24 23:58:03
Version author: Synirria
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The next morning the skies were gray and it was storming out causing everyone to drag themselves out of bed. Coffee was prepared, kids were forced to wake up. Almost the entire state of Missouri was under Flash flood warnings. Most businesses, schools and stores were shut down for the day. But since it was such a dreary day, most clubs were opening up early to put a little cheer back into everyone's day.

Waking up earlier than she had hoped, Mydra swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood. Glancing over her shoulder she saw that Hiro was still asleep. She was going to feel bad if he found out about her feelings for Aure, but since Aure had entered her life, she just wasn't sure about Hiro anymore. She knew that Tristan and Rafe wouldn't hate him if there wasn't something they didn't sense about him. She was going to have to take a vacation day from work, home, and Hiro to get her thoughts together and to figure out what it is about Hiro no one liked. He had never harmed her but that didn't make a person who they were. Sighing gently she walked out of the bedroom and downstairs into the kitchen. She needed a cappuccino. She began preparing herself a cup when her cell phone jingled from a text. Walking over to the outlet that held the charger, phone attached she slid the phone open and read the text from Rafe. Apparently her and Tristan had decided to start a family because the text read I'm pregnant!!! Me and Tristan just found out this morning. We'll be going to the doctors before we come in today. Wish us luck. Love ya! Mydra couldn't help but smile. She had always wanted a family, she had thought she wanted it with Hiro, but right now wasn't the time to think about that. Her finger's slid along the buttons easily, texting her best friend back. Congrats! Let me know what happens.  

"Good morning, early bird," a gentle voice greeted her from the doorway to the kitchen. There stood Hiro, smiling at her as if he'd just seen heaven as he leaned on the door frame in the most uncharacteristic of clothes: the t-shirt and cotton pants he had slept in, and was barefoot. His hair was even a bit of a mess. It was so out of the ordinary that he was not groomed, but after last night, waking up without her had given him an unpleasant feeling. But she was here, still here, and now here she would stay. This was her home now, and he was still feeling relief that she had said yes.

Mydra turned around and smiled softly. "Hiro, please sit down. We need to talk." Her voice was calm yet a little sad as she sat down her cup. Moving over to the fridge she brought out some eggs, sausage and bacon and began fixing up there breakfast. "Last night you were probably thinking I was acting weird. Which, is true, I was." Swallowing she turned over a few of the bacon and the sausage. "As we both know, my friends really dislike you. I need to know why. Rafe if very intuitive, so there has to be something about you, that sets her off."

"Well, people often don't like a snake in the grass, love," Hiro commented mildly as he sat down at the dining table with a cup of coffee, sipping more as a habit. "Or a politician." He breathed deep and closed his eyes, the smell and taste in the air of coffee, meat, and eggs making him smile.

Mydra thought about that for a few moments and than nodded. "I ought to tell you. Later I have to run by the bank to put this money in the bank and do the checks for everyone. Aure's going to assist me there, so you won't have to worry about me being mugged or anything." Smiling she came over with his breakfast and sat it down in front of him before kissing his cheek. She went over to get her breakfast and sat down across from Hiro. "Also! Rafe's pregnant."

"Oh is she? That's wonderful," Hiro replied with honest joy for the mother-to-be, even though his mind was still hissing at the idea of another man escorting his girlfriend, especially that man. He tried to quiet it though in favor of pleasant conversation. "How far along is she?" he asked as he cut up his sausage and bacon and mixed it with his eggs.

Mydra gagged at how he ate his eggs. "Um, she doesn't know yet. There going to the doctor today before we open up the club. I'll probably find out then." She cut her eggs and began to eat along with him. "Are you going to work today?" She stood and moved over to the fridge to grab the milk and two glasses than returned to her seat.

Hiro shook his head as he carefully organized his food on his plate so that he could 'cut' bites from it to eat them. "No. I have the day to pack," he said calmly as he ate another forkful. He smiled at it before taking a sip of his coffee and continuing to eat. "Are you opening your club early like the others?" His eyes slid up to look at hers, even as he took another bite of food. Hiro's eyes, unlike Aure's, did not sparkle with stars, but they had the same dangerous quality. The two, if their eyes told the truth, would probably cause a lot of damage, should they ever fight.

"I'd planned on it. Where are you going again? I forget." Mydra yawned gently before rinsing off her plate and putting it in the dishwasher. Collecting the rest of the dishes she did the same thing. The grease with the food went into a can and than it was placed in the garbage. Picking up her cup of cappuccino she took the last drink and placed the cup in the dishwasher as well.

"New York, just for a week, maybe less, depending on how well things go," Hiro replied as he stood and placed his own empty cup in the washer. He turned to Mydra and regarded her silently for a long moment. In the end, he smiled sadly and hugged her. "I'm going to miss you so much." He looked down at her face with a small, almost joking smile. "Promise you'll still be here when I return?"

Mydra had an arm wrapped around Hiro's neck while her free hand rested on his chest. "I promise." And she was telling the truth. She would still be there. Maybe not because of honest reasons. Glancing at the clock she frowned, it read 9:15. "I better get ready. Aure will be here soon and I still haven't taken a shower." Raising up on her tiptoes she kissed Hiro's cheek and smiled. "Good luck in New York. Come by the club before you leave?" It was more of a request than a question but she knew he would.

Hiro smiled at her gently. "Of course, my love," he said softly and moved one hand so he could caress her cheek with the back of it. "Now you go ahead. Far be it for me to keep you from unnecessary grooming." He chuckled softly, remarking on how he always thought she was beautiful. Mydra was the most incredible woman- no, person- he had ever laid eyes on, and there was no better day in his mind than the day she agreed to first go out with him. "When I return from New York, I'm going to take you anywhere you want to go. Anywhere in the world."

"You don't have to do that. But we'll talk about it when you get back." Mydra giggled softly as she walked from the room. She'd hurriedly jumped into the shower and than came back out fresh and smelling good. She gather her clothes which consisted of a leather skirt, tight black and read corset, and her thigh high heals, and quickly got dressed. She sprayed herself with her perfume and grabbed her leather trench coat and headed back downstairs and into the kitchen to grab a soda.

Up in their room the sound of things being shifted around, or clicking open and shut could be heard softly as Hiro went around packing things. But, even through that small amount of noise the soft pecking on the door rang clear as someone rapped on it a few times, then fell silent. The exact same set of pecks that had hit her office door the day before.

Mydra's heart fluttered slightly as she made her way to the front door. She opened it slowly and smiled. "Morning. I'll be right back." Going into the room next to the door she unlocked the safe in there and grabbed her money back and check book. She slide them both into the inside pocket of her trench coat. Coming back to the front door she smiled and closed it. "You got a car or will you be riding with me?"

"Riding with you I suppose..." Aure said, apparently teetering on distracted as he took in her outfit. "I flew here." He looked back up and met her eyes. "You're beautiful," he said honestly, but did not smile. He was beginning to wonder why an aristocrat would want Mydra, the way she dressed. Wouldn't that hurt his reputation? Well, it was none of his business. For now, looking into those red eyes, he decided he didn't care what other people thought. He liked her.

Mydra blushed slightly and ran a hand down the side of her trench coat. "Well thank you." Her eyes sparkled slightly at his comment. She thought he said fly but she wasn't going to ask him about it in case he thought she was crazy. Stepping out of the house she closed the door and locked it behind her. "Have you eaten yet?" Her tone was calm and a bit quiet as she led the way to her black Scion XB. Clicking the button on her key ring her doors unlocked. Walking over to the XB she opened her door and climbed in.

"Yes," Aure replied simply as he opened his own side of the car as she had done, then leaned down to look inside and inspect the inside of the car. Noting the seat the contraption offered him, he carefully maneuvered himself into it, still managing to seem graceful and poised despite his lack of knowledge in this. "I did not want to waste your time. You wished to go to the bank." He followed her cue for anything else he had to do, which was close the door and put on his seat belt. Noticing he did not have pedals or a wheel as she did, he assumed the rest was up to her.

Mydra turned the key in the ignition and backed out of the drive way. "It's not a big deal. We're not going to open up the club for a couple of hours anyway. Do you have any plans before work?" She carefully drove through the town until she came to the block that the bank was on. Finding a parking spot a few doors down she parked and climbed out of the car, money and checks in her hand now.

Aure climbed out after her and nodded as he closed his door. He motioned with his hand at her, then the bank, saying this was all he had planned to do. He was tired of talking. Usually his voice was only used to comfort the dead. It was meant to be one of the most comforting sounds in the world, the voice of a Reaper, an Ankou, and yet he spoke to her so much. Why? Why did he feel the need to say so much to her? Why did he want to comfort her? She wasn't dead. He found himself staring at her again and slowly averted his eyes, so as not to show his embarrassment for staring. To an other, it would simply look like his mind had moved on from whatever he had been contemplating about her.

Reaching over she took his hand, and laced there fingers together. "Well, I have to do a few errands, personal and business oriented. Care to join me? I could use a shopping buddy today." Glancing up at the sky, Mydra noticed a little ways away the sky was dark. It was going to be raining down in this area of town in no time. Licking her lips she led the way into the bank and over to the same teller she went to ever week. Smiling she greeted the woman. "Morning, Trina." She slid the bag of money over and the teller got to work. "Will you be filling your checks out here today?" Mydra shook her head slightly, then realized the woman wasn't looking at her. "No, not today." With that the woman passed over the bag and a slip of paper. "Enjoy your weekend." Mydra nodded in thanks and turned away. The woman seemed a bit rude this week, something must be wrong in the world of the teller. "Do you like coffee?" They had exited the building by now and were heading back to the car.

Aure nodded, his focus still slightly back the way they had come, where he was looking. After a moment he looked down at her, his shimmering eyes meeting hers again. His eyes were the color of a universe of stars, and yet, when he looked at Mydra, he looked at her as if she was his universe and he could stare at her forever. "What do you need to shop for?" he asked, none of his curiosity showing in his tone, though he still sounded polite. The gods had just given him his list of souls for the night, now ingrained in his mind as every name he had ever had was, and he was now reading through it mentally, seeing how many he had, but his focus was more on the woman with him. He had gone though The List so many times before, it was not habitual and he could do it almost entirely without thinking.

"We always decorate the club for Halloween, sadly. So I need to pick up some supplies for that. And I figured we could stroll through hot topic and check out what they got in there shipment this week." Mydra looked him up and down once and sighed. She wished she could get him into a pair of trip pants and a trench coat. God he would look gorgeous. Not that he doesn't already, but still. Climbing into the car she turned her attention back to the present. "Johnny Brock's should have a large shipment of cauldrons and goblets, I told them they'd need to order triple the amount of goblets this year. Hopefully they listened."

"Will you.." Aure couldn't think of the word as he joined her in the car. "Decorate yourself?" he tried. "Wear a costume?" He wasn't sure what people called it when they pretended to be another creature, not that the creatures needed to, just the humans really. He shoved it aside and wondered what the club looked like all decorated. He was often busy on Halloween. He wondered about that as well. The Reapers favorite night of the year...

"Actually, I've thought about it. I may make it a requirement this year. Even though none of us need to dress up, technically." By this time they were driving past East Side St. Louis, the only part of town that still remained in ruins. Mydra cleared her throat and averted her eyes. Memories of the war were still fresh in her mind, she had been a part of it. "Why, would you like me to? I could always find something worse to wear than I already do." Her eyes sparkled slightly, she was obviously teasing him. 

Aure did not smile, but still somehow managed to look amused. "If you like the tradition so much, and make a requirement, I will need one as well, as I have never done so before, and therefore have no opinions or decisions on such things." His sparkling eyes left hers as he took in the ruins and the memories almost seemed to play on his eyes like a movie screen, though the visions of people running in fear were nothing more than the reflections of the piles of rubble. "What decorations did you want for the club?"

Mydra smiled softly and shrugged. "I want cauldrons and dark stuff for sure. The basement we normally turn into a Let's see...There is a werewolf, vampire couple I ordered, it's awesome looking." She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as she came to the street where Johnny Brocks was. "While we're there we'll see if we can't find you a costume, but I think we'll have better luck at Hot Topic." Pulling into the parking lot, she stopped and climbed out of the car. "Ready to watch a woman spend some cash?" She giggled softly and then caught herself. She never laughed, what had gotten into her. Shaking her head she waited for him to get out of the car.

Aure didn't know what her being a woman had to do with anything, so instead he just nodded and closed the door of the car before joining her. He thought perhaps of suggesting that a witch help them decorate, but he figured she'd already thought of that. All he knew were graveyards. He had seen fake tomb stones in the patches of grass by the houses sometimes on the holiday, but he had never found such things to be particularly creepy, having always been around them, so he didn't know why they would use them to try and scare other people, or why teenagers thought it was fun to bring people to a graveyard to frighten them. What was so frightening about the graves?

They had gone to both Hot Topic and JB's. She had bought all the decorations she had ordered and even more. She was even able to buy an amazing outfit for herself and Aure. By this time they were headed to the club. "So did you enjoy yourself? I've never gone shopping with anyone before so I'm not exactly sure how it works." Pulling into the large parking lot of the club she climbed out of the XB and headed over to the front doors. Unlocking them she propped the door open and went back to the car and started taking boxes and bags out of the trunk. "I still have the write out the checks for you guys." Another car pulled up just than and honked. Rafe and Tristan hurried out of there mustang convertible. "Need some help?" Rafe asked kindly. "Not from you, but I can use your mans help." Tristan jogged over to Mydra and kissed her cheek lightly. "On it, Boss. Rafe go with Mydra." Rafe followed after Mydra obediently and groaned. "I'm not a child, I'm just carrying one." 

Cici wasn't like everyone else in the city. They were all hiding inside. She was outside, dancing in the rain, being her usual happy self. Which meant she was soaked through. Her skirt clung to her legs and her shirt was thankfully black and not see through. She had stopped by her house to see that Lucian was still passed out, thankfully he had the day off. She had changed her clothes then, putting her boots on because it looked to be a wet day. Cici paused in front of Mydra's club, hiding under the awning for a breather, wringing out her hair and skirt.

There was an uneven pause of the rain hitting the pavement and hurried scraping of sneakers on the sidewalk as someone hurried to her. A girl, a young woman, with long blond hair and soaked clothes joined her, panting slightly from running. When she looked up from where she had had her head down to ward off the rain, eyes that were just a shade too bright, too clear, met Cici's, and the girl grinned. "Such weather! Mother nature is quite sad today, isn't she?" she said conversationally and chuckled as she straightened her posture, pulled her beanie down a bit more to keep the tips of her ears covered, then went about wringing out her own hair, still smiling easily.

With a laugh, Cici shook her head. "She is so full of joy that she couldn't keep it contained any longer." She tossed her bright pink hair behind her shoulder, where it promptly started curling in a riotous mess. Celedona shivered slightly, then stretched. "I know everyone's hiding today, and I know what I'm doing out in the rain, but I really wasn't expecting to see anyone else about." She grinned the other girl.

"Ah but it's the unexpected, that makes each day worth living, is it not?" the girl replied, but it seemed to be a rhetorical question. She turned to face the wall of rain before her, which fell in sheets beyond the awning, though it was fine, so it wasn't very loud. She held her hand out so that just it was being covered with liquid. She continued smiling. "So many tears... Poor Mother." She closed her eyes and bowed her head, as if to pay a short respect, before she opened the again and let her hand fall back to her side. She looked at Cici, seeming to want to move on. "So what are you doing out here?" she asked conversationally.

"Just enjoying the weather." Cici leaned against the club's wall. "And I needed to get out of the house." She looked out at the rain. "Though I should probably head back. My brother needs to be woken up. Or he'll be late." She didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, though, as she scratched her leg with the toe of her boot.

The girl tilted her head at her, still smiling a little. "Aw, are the schools not closed? How hold is your brother?" She liked little kids, it seemed. "Can he tie his own shoes yet? They are so precious before that stage, don't you think?"

Cici giggled. "Yeah, he can tie his own shoes. He's actually a bit older than I am. Though he doesn't act like it all the time." She smiled. "He works here, at the club. And he was all asleep when I left the house this morning."

"Oh I'm sorry!" the young woman apologized and held up a fair skinned hand to her lips. She looked sorry. "I just assumed- Oh we must never assume though should we?" She gasped slightly and looked up at the sky just before the rain slacked off to a light drizzle. She smiled slightly, letting her hand down. "Oh look! I think she's had pity on us."

Turning to leave, Cici paused, then turned back to the other woman, holding out her hand. "I'm Cici Calron." She smiled. "If you aren't doing anything today, would you like to come with me? I have to stop by my house and then I'm going to come back once the club is open."

The woman smiled brightly and it was like the sun was shining again, though the clouds were still thick. "Lei Varvara," she introduced, taking the hand and shaking it politely. "A pleasure, and I'd love to come with you." She let go of her hand and put a finger to her lips as if telling a secret. "No one knows I'm here yet anyway." She chuckled before making sure her hat covered the tips of her ears again, then waited for Cici to lead.

Cici took an immediate liking to Lei. Though, truth be told, there were precious few people she didn't. Leading her the three blocks to the radio station, Cici smiled. "Lucian is sometimes very cranky when he wakes up. Though if he knows I have company, he'll be on his best behavoir."

Lei practically beamed at that little fact. "Oh! May I wake him up??" she asked excitedly, but managed to keep her voice down. She shifted slightly as if dancing in place. "Surprise is such a delightful emotion to witness!" She chuckled again, her eyes sparkling as she looked at Cici.

With a giggle, Cici nodded and opened the door, leading up the stairs to their loft. Lucian was where she had left him, sprawled on his stomach on the couch. It didn't seem to phase her that he had sprouted demonic wings sometime in his sleep, or that said wings had ripped through his shirt.

Lei's eyes widened slightly at the wings, but it was not in fear. If anything, she looked more excited. She dropped into what could only be considered a crouch and hurried for to couch without so much as a sound. It was only through this movement that it was apparent how much effort it had taken her to walk normally, because these movements were fluid and effortless, whereas walking had, only by comparison, seemed a bit awkward. She was grinning with barely contained excitement as her delicate hand reach up from her place kneeling beside the couch and stroked over his wings with the gentleness of a feather. Her eyes went right to his face, and she couldn't help it anymore. "You're a demon!" she proclaimed, no louder than a regular talking voice, but it had been blunt, and somewhat random. The whole movement from Cici's side to her outburst had taken only about three seconds.

Lucian upon feeling and hearing another person's presence, opened his one good eye for a moment. When it focused on the girl next to him, he jumped up, his wings contracting and sending him to the wall, where he landed in a crouch. He covered his face with his hands, quickly reforming his eye while he did so. "What the-" He looked up at the girl, then at Cici. "Who is she?" His head whipped back to the girl. "Who are you?" When he realized he still had his wings, an 'oh shit' expression crossed his face.

"Why, I'm Lei Varvara," the blond introduced as she stood up, her petal pink lips turned up slightly as she suppressed a giggle. She lifted the hand that had 'petted' him and waved it in greeting. "You are Lucian," she answered for him, her smile now knowing as her blue eyes sparkled. She glanced at the girl with them, then back at him. "Cici's told me somewhat about you already." She looked at Cici again. "Told you surprise is beautiful to witness." She looked at Lucian, right into his eyes. "Very beautiful," she said cryptically, then lost eye contact as she giggled.

Cici laughed, then looked at Lucian. "Play nice. I have to go change." She went to her own room and shut the door.

Having lost most of his decorum in the leap from the couch, LC still had enough dignity to stand and incline his head at Lei. "Well, you know who I am, but I'm still at a loss as to who exactly you are." His question had the underlying idea that Lucian wanted to know more what she was than who she was. He took his eye patch from his pocket and situated it over his missing eye so it wasn't such a strain to keep this glamour up.

Lei chuckled again. "My, your sister didn't question me nearly as much," she noted as she took off her trench to reveal with her brown elven boots she also wore what appeared to be a pleated blue plaid skirt and a black vest as a shirt. She laid her coat on the arm of a chair before she smiled prettily at Lucian again. She held her arms out, as if to open herself to him and turned in place. "As you can see, I'm no match for you, regardless who I am. Besides, I like dark creatures, even if I'm not one. So relax, sweetie." She held the secret finger up to her lips again and winked. "You're secret's safe with me."

"My sister is an innocent," Lucian said with a lopsided grin. "And I won't do anything so long as you don't turn me into the FCC for being a demon." He stretched and arched his back, popping his shoulders and stretching his spine. LC decided that no matter how intoxicated he was, he couldn't sleep on the couch anymore. He gave Lei another smile as he looked her over. "You don't look like you could win a fair fight, but beautiful women aren't exactly known for fighting fair."

Lei grinned back (well, it was almost a smirk) as she walked slowly over to him, holding eye contact. "Lucian..." she said sweetly, her voice soft and smooth like flower petals on a clear creek, floating down stream as lazily as she was walking toward him. "Are you sizing me up for a fight. Or-" She stopped in front of him, really smirking now as she stood close, but just far enough away that he could still see all of her. "Just sizing me up?" She chuckled again, her eyes sparkling prettily.

"Would you be offended if I said it was the latter?" Lucian let his gaze travel back up her body and to her eyes. It's been too long, he said to himself. "I have no intention to fight you...Unless you're into that sort of thing." He smiled again, then frowned suddenly. "Or you're actually a guy in disguise. You...aren't a guy, are you?"

Lei smiled good-naturedly and shook her head. "There isn't a thing about me that could, in any way, be seen as male," she assured him. "And I'd be willing to prove it." She chuckled and stepped back a little. "And no, I'm not offended at all. I'll take it as a compliment, thank you." She couldn't help but smile at him. What a pretty man. Yes, that much she liked. And he seemed very nice. Ah, but what would Cousin say? It was her first night in town, and she had yet to even go say hi to her. Oh yes, Cousin would not approve of her flaunting her elven charm around. Dark elves may have a dark allure to some people, but regular elves? Even partial ones? Had a charm on everyone.

Lucian's smile returned. "Well, that's good," he said, not clarifying what he found good. LC gestured at the couch as he sat in the chair, sitting forward so he wouldn't crush his wings. "So, are you new in town? Or just here to visit? I haven't seen you around. And I would remember a face such as yours." Lucian mentally cursed himself. He was probably coming on a bit strong. But she wasn't screaming and running away in horror, so it couldn't be all bad.

Taking his offer, Lei sat in the middle of the couch, not close or far away from him, and crossed her legs before laying her hands on her lap. "I just arrived today. I think I'll be staying a while, but it really isn't up to me." She smiled at him. Her eyes, while not always holding focused eye contact, had never really strayed over his body. Well, not in a way that would suggest she was picturing him naked. She was just taking him in. He was a demon after all, and it interested her, regardless of the fact that he had a very sexy human body. At least, for the most part. "Have you lived here long? And why the radio station?" One of her hands lifted and pointed at the floor, down to the station.

"You could say that," Lucian offered. "I work at, own, and manage the station downstairs. I also work at a club in town." He shrugged. "The station makes plenty, but I really enjoy working with Mydra at the club." He seemed to notice finally that his shirt was ripped. With a small flash, he was dressed in a new shirt, one that already had holes for his wings. "Sorry. Sometimes we don't quite have the necessary control to hold our shapes for too long." He self-consciously pointed at the eyepatch and wings. "Those disappear when I go out."

"At least you can hide them sometimes without actually covering them up," Lei stated. Mydra? Cousin Mydra? Did they know her? She had to find her cousin later and see. "Not all creatures get that luxury." She chuckled again and was silent a moment before she asked, "How old are you? Really? I'm sorry if that is a rude question, I just don't get much chance to talk to dark creatures."

"Three hundred forty five," Lucian said without pause. "As humans count the years anyway. I've been on this plane for two hundred ninety five years." He shrugged. "I'm still kinda young for a demon. But thanks to good genetics, I'm not going to look much older than this. Neither would any bride I take...If that ever happens." He shrugged again and smiled. "So, while I've been answering all your questions, maybe you should answer some. What exactly are you? You aren't completely human...I can tell that much."

Lei smiled and touched her secret finger to her nose this time. "That's because you are smart. Most people don't even pick up on that much, just like they surely don't pick up on your age." She put her hand down and leaned back against the couch, regarding him with wonder. "Wow, three hundred and forty-five.. You don't look a day over twenty, at most. How old is Cici? She's not really fifteen, I'm sure, if she's your blood sister."

"Celedona is only two hundred ninety five. And believe it or not, that is her natural hair color." LC smiled. "Her father is my father, yet we have different mothers." He leaned back just enough so he wouldn't break his wings. "It's not as if it's hard to believe. When I'm five hundred, I'll look like this. Same as when I'm one thousand. I'll die eventually, but it'll be a long time coming. Unless I'm killed." He grimaced slightly. "Which I don't plan on anytime soon."

Lei frowned for the very first time, but it was slight, and she still managed to look as beautiful as when she smiled. "I couldn't imagine living so long... Surely you would either see so much... or grow so bored with this world.." She thought on it another moment before she met his eyes again. "Which do you think you will do? Or.. have you already come to a conclusion? It has been over three centuries for you."

"You would be surprised at the answer, I think." Lucian laughed. "This world has changed so much since I came to be here. It always changes. That's the great thing about humans. The ones you know this decade will be so much different than the ones you'll know later on. I haven't been bored once." He ran his hand down the arm of the chair. "Though I would like to go home to see how it's changed, I'm not nearly done here."

"Done?" Lei asked, her expression becoming curious. She leaned forward with interest, her hands resting on the edge of the couch. "What are you doing? Or planning to do? Sorry, that sounds suspicious." She smiled sheepishly, her cheeks flushing in the cutest way. "I just mean, what do you want to finish before you go back? Wouldn't you be sad if.. you didn't finish in time, and never got to see your home again?"

LC laughed suddenly. "Oh, I have no fear about seeing my home again. I will undoubtedly wind up there before I die. Or after. Makes little difference." His smile didn't fade as he continued. "I came here because demon women are a bit...vicious. And I love the music that floated from this place. The two loves of my life, well, three now. Music, women, and my sister, are all here. Nevermind that I'm searching for my soulmate before I go back."

Lei smiled appreciatively. "Oh, Lucian. You're such a romantic." She giggled softly before seeming to calm a little. "So.. you're kind really has soul mates? Or is it an ambiguous term, and you just mean the person you want to be with for ever?"

"That's one thing I've never been accused of before, being a romantic." Lucian grinned. "It's the person I want to be with forever, and if fate agrees, will bless said person with my own longevity. Unless theirs is already better, then I get to be the lucky beneficiary. It's...complicated." He looked at her again, then laughed. "It's not as if there hasn't been matings without that sharing, but I really want to find her. Or at least find out if such a person exists."

Lei nodded. "I know what you mean. It's a wonderful goal." She smiled. "It is another... perk, I guess you would say, that your species gets." She chuckled before looking at Cici's door, then back at Lucian. She motioned to the door with her head. "Do you think she's ok?" she asked secretely, as if they were on some covert mission that Cici had went in for recon, and they may have to go in after her.

"She always takes this long. Some days it's longer. Must be a girl thing. I don't know." Lucian shrugged, and as he did so, Cici danced from her doorway, wearing a completely different outfit and a different hairstyle. "Speak of the devil."

"More like angel! Tre magnific!" Lei praised, standing from the couch quickly and clasping her hands together in front of her. She was beaming with excitement. "You're beautiful Cici! Oh, I wish I had hair like you! So unique. Unfortunately, it just won't stay!" She giggled before addressing them both. "So.. When do you go to..." She looked at Lucian, not quite sure. "Work?"

"Now," LC said, standing as Cici picked up her jacket and tossed his to him. He folded his wings in as best he could, hiding under his trench. "Would you like to come? The club is always a good spot to hang out." Cici picked up her bag and Lucian led the way to the door. He opened it and waited for the girls. Cici looked at Lei. "You should definitely come," she said with a smile.

Lei shrugged with good-nature and smiled. "Sure," she said and chuckled. "Sounds like fun." She picked up her own trench coat and put it on with a smooth motion that made it seem like it had floated on of its own accord. She headed out, making sure to smirk, wink, and making a kissing motion at Lucian as she passed him and waited to walk with them to the club.

Cici giggled as she passed Lucian. "Be nice." LC smiled at his sister and locked the door behind him. "I'm always nice." They hurried down the stairs and Lucian took Lei's hand, tucking it into his elbow. Cici walked on her other side. "Let me be your escort, my lady," Lucian said with a slight bow as he walked. "On your right we are passing my own radio station, WDVL. On your left is some pedestrian girl who tends to follow me around."

Lei giggled at their antics and even waved to Cici and pretended to take a picture. "So, this is the club we were by earlier?" she asked Cici once they were calmed down a tiny bit. She at least wanted to know where they were going.

They had gone to both Hot Topic and JB's. She had bought all the decorations she had ordered and even more. She was even able to buy an amazing outfit for herself and Aure. By this time they were headed to the club. "So did you enjoy yourself? I've never gone shopping with anyone before so I'm not exactly sure how it works." Pulling into the large parking lot of the club she climbed out of the XB and headed over to the front doors. Unlocking them she propped the door open and went back to the car and started taking boxes and bags out of the trunk. "I still have the write out the checks for you guys." Another car pulled up just than and honked. Rafe and Tristan hurried out of there mustang convertible. "Need some help?" Rafe asked kindly. "Not from you, but I can use your mans help." Tristan jogged over to Mydra and kissed her cheek lightly. "On it, Boss. Rafe go with Mydra." Rafe followed after Mydra obediently and groaned. "I'm not a child, I'm just carrying one." 

Aure watched the whole exchange from behind two armfuls of boxes. No human could have possibly been carrying all that with the ease he was. He carefully moved past them and set them inside before he returned to get the rest. Rafe was having a child then, and Tristan was the father. Well, that was good news. He mentally checked the list again, feeling the first small ghost of concern for them creep into his mind. He would do it every day now, and make sure none of their names came up, including 'Baby Riekard'.

All the bags and boxes had been brought in and placed around the bar. "We'll decorate before opening, if you guys want you can start now, your all creative enough. But I have to fill out these checks if you expect to get paid." Grinning, Mydra hopped onto a bar stool and got to work. As she began filling out checks, Rafe began opening boxes and grinned. "Beautiful cauldrons!" She giggled and began her handy work, decorating. "I take it we're doing the basement again this year..." Looking up she noticed Mydra nod her head and smiled excitedly. "Awesome! Aure, come grab this werewolf/vampire couple and set if over by the entrance. We'll probably put a strobe light by that."

Aure nodded and did as he was told, just following instructions as he was designated. He even helped the Rafe by taking her waist gently and lifting her the last few inches when he noticed her trying to reach something. He never waited for thanks, just moving about doing his work. Nearing the end, just ceiling work was left and he looked up at the rafters and such above them. He had been instructed to get the ladder, but didn't know where it was. He held an armful of ornaments and, readying himself in a slight crouch, black wings sprouted from his back and spread out making him look like some kind of fallen angel, with his good looks and beautiful dark feathers. In a push of air, he had shot up to the rafters and hovered there, his wings beating only occasionally as he moved about smoothly, hanging various things like bats or candles. He didn't seem to think that this was weird at all, and seemed completely at ease with the sudden appearance of his new appendages, and his complete control over them.

Mydra just finished writing out the checks as a few bouncers came in and helped finish decorating. Hopping down from her bar stool she hurried upstairs into her office and locked the checks up in her hidden safe. Coming back downstairs she looked around and smiled. Aure got along well with her workers. That was always good. Leaning against the door jam, she just stood there and watched him for a while. Rafe caught her at for a few seconds and winked at her. Once there interaction was done, Mydra's gaze returned to Aure. She whistled loud enough for everyone to hear her. Once everyone had stopped and looked up at her, she smiled softly. "Who is going to volunteer for basement duty this year? I've already called for the back up bouncers to be here tonight." A few of the bouncers raised there hands and smiled. Tristan was never one of them, being her head bouncer he was more worried about keeping her safe. "Alright than, let's get to work!" She glanced around one last time. Where is Lucian and Cici...

The door opened to the bar and three new people stepped in. Cici, Lucian, and a new girl on his arm. They all looked to be getting along though.

Aure, who had returned to the ground and was putting fake candles (safety sake) on the tables, looked up. Figuring he'd be filling in in a bit, he continued with his work.

"It's about time you two!" Mydra called and stepped down to see them better. "Lucian, Cici, either of you want in on the haunted...." It took her several moments before she realized who was hanging on Lucian. "Lei?" This was the first time in almost 150 years that she'd seen someone from her family. Lei was probably her favorite relative, but even she couldn't make Mydra go back to her family. Maybe that's why she was here, she wanted her to go back. Clearing her throat, Mydra looked around. "Don't just stand there, everyone get to work!"

Lei, being Lei, disregarded that entirely. "Cousin Mydra!" She let go of Lucian and practically threw herself onto Mydra, hugging her tightly. It was a rather stark contrast, except the white blond hair against the actual white hair. "Oh I thought they were talking about you! Or, at least, I had hoped! And I was right! So clever!" She laughed a minute before leaning back to look at Mydra's face, her own shining with joy. "Oh it is just so good to see you! I found you! Wonderful! How are you??"

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