Page name: War of the Ruins: Chapter Six [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2009-10-29 01:51:53
Version author: Synirria
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The first time in 150 years someone from Mydra's family had tried contacting her in person. Something was going wrong and she could feel it. Lei was the youngest, that she knew of, so Mydra would do anything to protect this little girl. The last time her father had tried contacting her, it hadn't gone well. Ever since than not a single person from her family had sent word, about anything. Maybe Lei was in serious trouble, or maybe her parents were just trying to get close enough to find out how to get Mydra to come back home. Either way, Mydra was going to find out.

"I'm fine. But...why exactly were you looking for me?" Walking over to the bar she walked behind it and made herself a drink. "Want anything?" Mydra caught sight of Aure and sighed slightly. Looking at him always caused her to smile, but not this time. Not in the presence of such memories. Hopefully her little cousin wouldn't be here long and she could move on with burying those memories again.

Lucian stared for a moment, then seemed to snap out of it. He nodded at Cici as she went to the bar to stash her stuff, then turned back to the happy reunion.

"Oh, no thank you," Lei replied as she hopped onto the bar itself and sat there, crossing her legs. She looked at Lucian and waved enthusiastically before looking back at Mydra. "As to why I'm here though, Mother said I was to come here for a while. I don't know why." Her expression fell and she looked around before leaning closer to her, saying quietly and seriously. "I can tell you.. that Great Auntie has been talking to Mother a lot lately. I think it's got something to do with me... switching homes, and Mother didn't want me around, should she lose the battle." Lei was quiet a long moment, but forced herself to shake it off. "What have you been up to? This place is great." She looked around the bar, her sunny disposition back in place. It was hard to believe it was a mask. At least, it was some of the time. "Does it always look like that?" She looked at Mydra, her smile firmly in place.

LC stepped over to sit on the stool near Lei, unconsciously sending out the 'she's with me' vibe to the other guys present. He didn't need to tell anyone that he would be sticking close to the 'new' girl, but then again, he could do his entire job from the hand held he carried around with him.

"I didn't even ask what you did here. Something music related?" Lei guessed as her hand found Lucian's hair and she stroked it absently. It was in her elfish nature to be liked by everyone, but Lei was a nice person in general, never wanting to ignore people. Besides, she didn't want Mydra asking about the family situation just for her sake. She knew her cousin hated the family. So instead, she moved on quickly, hoping her cousin would stop her if she was too much for public. Sometimes her elfish nature made her do things that meant things she hadn't considered, and she mostly relied on adults and such to stop her if she was... going too far. Cousin Mydra would, though, she knew that. Her cousin would chastise her and keep her in line. She'd be a good girl, if cousin would just let her stay.

"Chief sound technician," Lucian said. He liked the feeling of her hand in his hair, and he leaned back against the bar. "And anything else Mydra needs me to do."

"Yes, well right now, Mydra, needs you to go down stairs and help the bouncers with the haunted room." She knew she sounded harsh, but it was her baby cousin he was glued to and she wasn't having any of that on the first day in years that she'd seen or even heard from her. She also knew that Lucian wouldn't take her to heart. Mydra ran a hand through her hair and closed her eyes. Suddenly a severe headache was coming on. "Lei, come with me." Stepping out from behind the bar she called out loudly. "Someone watch Rafe and make sure she doesn't get into any trouble." With that she placed an arm around her cousins shoulders and ushered her upstairs into her office. Closing and locking the door behind them, she went over to her mini fridge and grabbed a bottle a mountain dew and a pill bottle from the ice tray. Popping the pill bottle open she shook a few into her hand the threw them into her mouth before taking a low swallow of soda. "So, what's going on? And why is Great Auntie Bitch trying to ruin your life?"

"I don't know," Lei admitted, putting her hands behind her and crossing her ankles as she leaned back against the door. She kept her eyes downcast as she remembered. Cousin hated family. Did they really have to get into this? "Mother wouldn't tell me. I think it's something about who I marry, or what I study..." She looked up at Mydra and gave her weak smile. "I don't think she likes that I make jewelry instead of potions."

Lucian watched them disappear, then headed downstairs to help set up the haunted room. He tossed his jacket in the corner and spread his wings, enjoying the freedom the club offered sometimes. Picking up some of the decorations, he started on one of the walls, making a theme that to him seemed almost silly.

Sighing gently, Mydra pulled Lei into her arms and hugged her close. "I promise, I'm happy to see you. can stay with me. No matter what says." Clearing her throat she narrowed her eyes slightly. It wasn't right dragging him along when she knew she no longer wanted to be with him. "You have any clothes with you?" Mydra gave her cousin a once over and smiled. They were about the same weight but Mydra was almost a foot taller, that made for problems in the sharing of clothes.

Lei shook her head. "No, but I have money. I figured I could just buy, alter, and make new things. Mother didn't know if Auntie had charmed my things, so I had to leave them behind." She shrugged and smiled. "But it's ok. I don't mind. Mother always supported my creativity." She giggled and smiled more mischievously. "But tell me more about this... boyfriend," she said in the same tone Mydra had used, if a tad more suggestive.

Mydra ran a hand through her long white hair. The strands so soft that her fingers didn't catch on a single knot. "Which one did you want to hear about?" She groaned slightly and shook her head. "Well...Hiro is the one I live with. I had thought I cared a lot about him, until I hired Aure. Now, everything is different. I haven't been more happy then when I'm around Aure." Shaking her head she glanced up at Lei and frowned.

Lei's lips were pouting thoughtfully and she tapped her finger to her jaw. "That is a predicament," she admitted, concerned, after a moment's contemplation. She let her hand down. "Are you sure you like Aure, or maybe you are afraid of getting in too deep with Hiro? I don't know Cousin, but I think you should decide, before someone gets hurt." She took Mydra's hand and brought it to her lips. "Mainly you." She frowned before pressing a concerned kiss to Mydra's fingers, then she let it down. "For now, ride it out, and feel with your heart. As Mother always told me, instincts guide us and tell us the way, it is our minds that get in the way." She giggled. "And, ah.. as for that Lucian guy?" She smiled, not shyly nor mischievously, just her usual easy-going smile. "What's he like, really?"

Mydra giggled softly and shook her head. "He's my best friend, but.."She sighed softly and closed her eyes. "I swear to god if he hurts you...I'll rip his fucking throat out." Smiling softly at her baby cousin she shook her head. "We'll go out tomorrow and get you a new wardrobe. For the time being, let's get a drink."

Lei chuckled and nodded before following her back to the bar. "What do you mean 'hurt me'?" she asked as she hopped onto a stool and lazily turned side to side, her face curious. "I barely know the man." She stopped and smiled her typical smile, showing she was being honest.

Lucian came back upstairs, a strand of bat shaped decoration wrapped around his neck like a boa, and hurried up to his sound booth. He flipped on the soundboard, attaching the hand held to his belt. The hand held would allow him to adjust the sound from wherever he was, but he hated using it because it wasn't the most accurate piece of equipment. He went back down the stairs three at a time and landing in front of the stage, plugging equipment in. Just because Mydra had given him extra work didn't mean he could skip his own job. He strummed a tune on the old guitar, adjusting on the hand held that was connected to his hip.

Mydra glanced over at the clock. "Time to open up shop, kids!!!" She always called them kids, basically because she was the oldest of them, and because she would always watch over them as if they were her kids. Clapping her hands she went over to the door and unlocked them as she flipped the switch to the sign outside. The sign was a bit different than normal because it was the week of Halloween so there was a black cat sprawled out across the sign. Coming back over to the bar she kissed her cousin on the cheek and finally answered her question. "You never know, maybe you'll fall deeply in love with him." After that comment she stood and looked around the room. "Butch and Craig to the front doors please. I want someone else at the entrance to the haunted room, in case the other boys need back up at any time. Drunks and haunted houses don't often clash well. But all in all, let's have a good, safe night!"

Lei chuckled at the kiss but remained on her stool, now leaning back against the bar, just lounging. Putting a good elf of any sort in a haunted room could really ruin the atmosphere. She never was able to be scary. She turned to Rafe with her easy smile. "Do you need any help?" she offered, glancing at her belly. "Doubt Cousin would approve of making you work like normal."

Aure stepped up to Mydra and took her waist with one arm, pulling their hips almost together. "Do you wish for me to help them tonight, or sing?" he murmured to her quietly, in much the same tone as a servant might ask his queen, though his expression remained calm as he finished his words with a brief, soft kiss to her lips before he met her eyes again with his calm ones, waiting for an answer.

Cici went to the stage, helping Lucian with the sound check. She picked up the bass, strumming it while he fiddled with the sound, making it flawless. He was singing lightly into the mic, a more soothing song than anything, checking the sound.

Mydra placed her hand on his chest and looked up into his eyes. "I'd rather have you sing. Maybe later we'll switch it up, but for now stay up here. Maybe we can sing another duet." Leaning against him she closed her eyes and relished in the feel of him next to her. Looking over at her cousin she smiled softly. Rafe looked up from her plate of spaghetti and smiled. "I'll let you know but as of right now, no I don't. But thank you sweetheart."

"Well, alright," Lei chirped. "But if you need me, you just let me know, and I'll be here in a flash!" She giggled and leaned across the bar to give Rafe a kiss on the cheek before her stool swiveled around and she basically jogged over to the stage, leaning against the edge, her elbows resting on it as she watched her new friends, her head tilting side to side with the music, her fingers tapping on the stage.

Aure watched the person that Mydra was looking at as if cataloging her before he looked at Mydra again and nodded. "I would like that," he admitted as he held her in return. She was awfully comfortable with him, he noted. So odd for a living being to show that attraction to him. He looked over her beautiful face for another moment, enjoying the closeness, before he carefully removed himself from her touch. He pulled a set of black leather gloves from his pocket and slipped them on, an unnecessary part of his Count costume, but a necessary safety precaution. He gave a deep formal bow to her before turning and heading to the stage.

Mydra leaned back against the counter and smiled softly. They had chosen matching costumes, him the count, and her his countess. They were amazing costumes. Some of the articles had actually came from her own closet but she wasn't going to let anyone know that. Sure she was older than them, but she didn't want them to know how much older. Looking over her shoulder at Rafe she smiled. "I hope I'm as happy as you and Tristan some day." Rafe ran a hand down Mydra's cheek. "Oh honey, you will be..." For some reason she though there was truth in Rafe's statement.

Lucian gave up the mic easily enough. He still had the guitar strapped to his shoulders, and he broke into song, followed by Cici on the bass and the drummer who joined them onstage. LC winked at Lei and settled into his place onstage.

Lei giggled, averting her face bashfully. She looked behind her at the empty bar before looking back up at Lucian and winking in return. "Thought you were supposed to be staying by my side?" she flirted, trying to put a hint of sadness to her words, but too amused to manage it.

Aure, holding his mic, looked from one to the other, then back, before looking at Cici and raising an eyebrow. He glanced at them, then back at her as if ask 'do I need to know?'.

Cici made sure that Lucian was distracted before looking at Aure and making a kissey face then giggling.

It was the matter of a moment before Lucian pulled Lei up onto the stage, sitting her in his stool and standing next to her so the neck of the guitar was across her lap. He managed to do that without losing the rhythm of what he was playing.

Aure nodded in realization to Cici, but he did not smile. His eyes, however, did something indiscernible that made it clear he was amused by her antics though.

Meanwhile, Lei giggled and fluttered her pretty eyes at Lucian. She stood, however, careful not to bump him and removed her coat, letting it slide off her mostly bare shoulders. She tossed it behind the curtains of the stage, a thump of something in it dulled by the cloth, but she ignore it. Keeping eye contact, she slowly stepped up to him and brought her hand up to cover his (as much as it could, anyway) gently on the neck of the guitar to still it and he would quit playing. "You can't dance with a guitar," she said, her voice low and inviting.

Aure's eyes slid over to look at Mydra. He raised an eyebrow just barely, wondering if she was approving of this.

Mydra's eyes darted over to the stage and she called out. "Lei, come here, please!" Her gaze met Aure's and her entire body was covered with goose bumps. Her face softened and she smiled at him. Hiro would be out of town for the week, which meant they could spend some time together. Rafe tapped her shoulder and smiled. "Hey...want to get your man a drink?" Mydra laughed softly and nodded. Just about that time people began pouring into the club.

LC cursed silently to himself, but let it go and looked over at Lei. "You'd better go." He sighed, then went back to strumming, waiting for the guitarist to show up, who was streaming in with the people. He gave the player a look that had caused lesser men to run in the opposite direction, but the guitarist had the brains enough to keep moving quickly to the stage. Lucian handed the guitar over, then slipped off, taking the stairs to the soundbooth two at a time.

Zataria stepped inside and pulled her hood back, letting her hair fall over her shoulders and frame her pale face. She walked up to the bar and sat down, her piercing eyes swept over her surroundings as she silently observed everything around her.

"Coming," Lei called to Mydra just before people streamed in. Her eyes tore away from Lucian's reluctantly when he told her she should go and she gave a nod before she turned and hopped off the stage almost as easily as Aure did. She weaved through everyone until she was by Mydra's side, wrapping her arm around her cousin's waist. "What is it, Cousin?" she asked, frowning slightly with curiosity. She had guessed Mydra wouldn't like her associating with Lucian that closely, but she couldn't seem to help herself. She glanced at people once and did a double take at the lady at the bar. She smiled. "You look nice tonight," she complimented. Lei, it seemed, was not 100 percent when it came to focus, unless it was something she, herself, had chosen to focus on.

On stage, Aure had taken up songs that were just slightly darker than normal, in light of the spirit, and as his voice flowed over the words, he took in all the costumes in the room. It almost made him smile. Almost. People pretending to be scarier than they were to ward of dangerous creatures, many of them completely unaware how easy it was for truly dangerous creatures to see through the ruse.

It was wonderful. Those were the thoughts going through Zataria's head as she tasted the air, inhaling the different scents of humans that saturated the air. She chuckled as a couple walked past dressed in chains and black with plastic fangs in their mouth.

Mydra grabbed her cousins arm and whispered into her ear. "Take it easy. Don't be so...forward. Your too touchy feely." Sighing she shook her head. Maybe she should just let her cousin go and not be so protective. But it was her first time away her family. Things were different in this hell than they were from the other hell. She couldn't help but smile at her own little joke. "I think it's time for a Duet. Excuse me." She eyed her cousin one last time before making her way to the stage. Jumping elegantly on to stage as the song ended. She smiled at the group and whispered. "The Last Night by Skillet. And a one, two, three!" 

Kage wandered into the bar, half tempted to light up the cigar he had been saving for when he finally found a place of semi permanency. Now that he had, he was in a cheery mood. Setting the lighter and cigar out on the table to see if the waiter would object. Ordering a beer, he quickly regretted it, it had been awhile since he had one and he now remembered why.

Cici handed the bass over, wanting to get off the stage for a moment. She went over to the bar, looking towards the stairs where Lucian had disappeared. The lights were out, so no one could actually see into the room where her brother was hiding. She picked up a drink, then hurried back to the stage, taking up the place at the piano that would be needed for this song. With one last glance at the room upstairs, she started the opening of the song.

Zataria Stood up and sauntered over to where Kage sat.
"Is this seat taken?" She asked and sat beside him. "My name is Zataria."

"No it is not taken." He pushed the beer away. "Mine is Kage," he said with a slight smile.

Zataria glanced up at the bartender and asked for a glass of water.
"Nice name. It's unique" She smiled wrapping her fingers around the tall glass.

"Thank you" he smiled "It is a simple abbreviation for a much longer name" Kage said, his voice took on a brief reminiscing tone. He followed her example in ordering a glass of water, deciding that it was unlikely that it would cause his taste buds to revolt like the beer had.

The music rolled over the room in alluring pulses. Aure and Mydra seemed to sync as if they had sung together all their lives. Lei, after a pause at Mydra's actions, cheered them on, whistling approvingly. She laughed and waved to Rafe before she left the bar and weaved her way up the stairs to the sound booth. She knocked, firmly enough to hear it over the music, which still had her head nodding along, even humming, not that anyone could hear it over the music. She would listen to her cousin though, and try to refrain from getting too 'touchy feely'.

Zataria smiled, "Its wonderful here isn't?" She asked as she tapped her fingers to the beat trying to refrain from dancing in her seat

Kage caught himself swaying slightly. Mentally kicking himself, he nodded "Yes it is quite nice" He figured he had finally found a place of semi permanence, and for that he was in a light yet still guarded mood. He ordered a scotch, savoring a sip before setting the shot glass back down.

Mydra's mic was in her hand now as she put her whole heart into the song. This was one of the few songs that actually hit home for her. When she was with her family, Tristan had been the only person there to pick her up. He was the reason she was on this stage today, and the reason she was as hard to trust people as she was. "I'm so sick of when they say, it's just a phase you'll be okay, you're fine." Looking over at Aure she watched him sing beautifully.

"But I know it's a liiiiiiiie. This is the last night you'll spend alone," Aure sang with her, noticing how she took the song so personal, and tried to direct the honest words back at her without losing a single note. The crowds, costumed and costumed alike were dancing, enjoying the duo. He ignored them as he moved around with Mydra, each of them keeping to themselves until the chorus where he promptly grabbed her around the waist with his free arm and lifted her with ease, wrapping her legs around his waist as they sung together, not letting her fall an inch. A few whistles managed to break through the loud music, but he didn't miss a beat, dancing with Mydra wrapped around his waist. For all his enthusiasm and affectionate, passionate eyes, he still didn't smile. He rarely did, having long ago lost any reason to smile.

Mydra wrapped her free arm around Aure's neck as she gazed into his eyes, singing easily in this position. As she gazed his eyes she wondered why he was always so serious. She couldn't remember ever seeing him smile. She would have to change that. A beautiful face like his deserved a beautiful smile, even if it was only every now and then. Feelings welled up inside her as she gazed into his beautiful eyes. The only think she could see in the room was him. She cherished the feeling of his arms around her. The song slowly ended but the drummer eased into a song that was just for Mydra. Glancing over her shoulder she glared. She wasn't used to singing alone. "Go!" He whispered softly. Looking up into Aure's eyes she began singing, Frozen by Within Temptation.

Rhynder walked into the bar and peered around. On stage there was a very good looking woman and a dangerous looking man singing, he was holding her, her legs wrapped around his waist. He wondered how they could sing in this position. Must take great skill to do so. Heading over to the bar he took the only empty seat left and listened to the duo. There voices seemed to fit together perfectly. "What can I get ya?" Glancing over his shoulder at the pregnant bar tender he smiled. "Rum and coke for now. And to take a load off your feet." Rafe grinned and set the drink down in front of him. "I get a break as soon as the boss is through singing." Rhynder looked back up onto the stage. So that was the famous Mydra.

Cici slid off the stage, giving up her space in favor of going over to the bar to help Rafe. She pulled a pin out of the single pocket on her short skirt and pinned her hair up off her face, taking care of some of the things she knew how to do. Her winning smile and innocent face drew some attention, but the regulars all knew who she was. She looked at Rafe. "Do you need to sit down? She might be up there for awhile."

Aure eyes sparkled brightly as she sang to him and he just soaked in every note, his eyes never leaving hers. Even as the song ended he didn't put her down, just started with 'Awake and Alive' by Skillet, refusing to let her go just yet. He had glanced just once at the bar when Mydra had been singing alone and noticed Cici. Rafe would be alright for a bit longer.

Singing out beautifully, Mydra looked into Aure's eyes and smiled softly. "I'll stand my ground and never back down!" It was amazing how easily they sang together. Her voice complimented his perfectly. The onlookers cheered and began a mosh pit off to the side. Mydra's eyes flew to a bouncer and she motioned towards the group. Her boys were on it in a second.

Rhynder stood up and moved a little closer to the stage. He'd heard about this club from a friend of his. He was amazed at how right she had been. And not just with the club. The owner of it was exactly how his friend had described her. Beautifully seductive and she didn't even know it. He smiled to himself as he went back over to the bar and continued with his drink.  

As the last of the notes died, Aure lowered his mic so that whatever he might say to Mydra would not be broadcast to the entire room. He looked into her eyes, his chest rising a bit harder than usual from the effort, but he still seemed to hold her up without a problem. His eyes glanced to the bar, then locked with hers again before he nodded is head toward it, asking if she thought they could get something to drink and take a small break, all without a word. In public, it seemed, he was as reluctant as ever to speak.

Exhaling deeply and looking into Aure's eyes, Mydra nodded her head. "Yes, a break would be nice." Looking out at the crowd she smiled. "We'll be taking a quick break. Thank you." Turning the mic off she smiled at Aure. "Are you going to put me down, or just carrying me on over to the bar?" She giggled softly.

Aure averted his eyes as he thought. After a moment, he gave a little shrug, walked to the edge of the stage and hopped down off of it, still holding his arms full of Mydra, carrying her to the bar with ease. Only then did he put her down, depositing her onto a free stool gently and leaned forward on the bar next to her, his eyes half lidded with thought. He was a bit tired. He glanced at the clock to find out how long he still had to go.

Seeing the dancers starting to leave the dance floor, Cici hurried back up to the stage, whispering to the guitarist. He smiled and nodded, winking conspiratorially at her. She took up the mic. As the opening rift of Rin Oikawa's I'll Be Your Home started. Cici smiled at the couples that took the floor. She glanced at Mydra and Aure, hoping they would take this chance to dance as well.

Mydra's eyes snapped to the stage. She'd wait for the song to end but when it was over. Cici was getting an ear full. Taking a deep breath she looked back up at Aure and smiled softly. "We sound good together. And I don't just mean with the music." She giggled slightly and shook her head at the foreign sound. It just didn't sound right coming from her. She noticed that the song had ended. Hurrying over to the stage she switched off the mic and looked at Cici. "My office, now. As for the band, take a break, that's why Aure and I left the stage. So that the people could have some down time to talk." This was the time where Lucian could do his thing with the music he had up there. She wish he could hear her thoughts so he knew it was his time. They needed walkies. Tomorrow she would make sure to get them all some. Glancing back down at Cici she frowned and repeated. "Now."

Rhynder came over to Aure and smiled slightly. "Evening, you work here? I saw you and Mydra singing together. You two do a great job. You a couple?" Taking a sip of his drink he watched Aure.

The door to the sound booth opened and Lucian, in all his demon glory, opened the door. His tail twitched slightly and his marbled blue skin glowed in the low light that was allowed in through the glass. "Come in, quick," he said to Lei, afraid that Cici would sense that he was in full demon form right now.

Lei nodded and slipped in quickly, wanting to giggle but settled for just grinning. It felt like they were committing some kind of crime. It amused her. She took up the spot directly behind him as soon as she was in and, unabashedly, placed a hand between his wings to feelt the joints then slid it down to feel where his tail connected. She sighed wistfully. "You're so beautiful," she said, almost jealously, but more in admiration. She added her other hand and came back up so that her hands could mirror each others' as they slid along the main part of the wing's framework.

LC shuddered at the feel of hands on his wings. They were sensitive to touch, and he wondered if Lei could feel the heat he was putting off. It had been way too long for him and he realized that. In addition, they were now alone in one of his safe places. He smiled to himself. "Me? I have nothing on you." He turned and placed his hand on her cheek, smiling at the difference in color.

Lei chuckled softly, appreciating the comment. "Ah, that is but my kind," she said, leaving out that she wasn't even a full one, and exactly what she was. She thought maybe he had guessed it by now, but she had never given him a straight answer, having avoided the question entirely when he asked her what she was back in his apartment. Noting his hand and what her cousin had said, she turned away from the touch under the pretense of looking at the room. "So this is where you work? It all looks so complicated," she said as she looked at all the buttons and knobs and such, but touching nothing.

"This has nothing on the boards at the station," Lucian said, letting his hand fall to his side. "These monsters predate the war." He laughed as he adjusted a few of the sliders as they hit the climax of the song. LC sat on his stool, pulling the extra out from under the soundboard and offering it to Lei. He switched on a few of the stage lights, purple and blue shining onto the stage. "This is where I do most of my work, my sanctum within Mydra's realm." Lucian smiled to himself, as if this was some sort of inside joke to him.

"Hm, you seemed more social than that to me," Lei replied as she poised herself on the stool, crossing her legs properly. She pulled something small out of her vest pocket and was tinkering, not fiddling, with it without even looking at it. She looked at Lucian with the cutest curious frown. "Why do you speak so fondly of the places where you hide away?"

Lucian smiled. "It's easier to hide from the mobs sometimes." He arched his back slightly, stretching his wings and shoulders. He wasn't going to tell her that if some of the women knew that the famous LC worked here, they would be all over him. And that he had used that fact on more than once occasion. "Besides, when I want to talk to someone without their family interrupting at every chance, this comes in handy." He grinned at her, his fangs visible.

Lei grinned back but averted here eyes after only a short moment, looking instead at Mydra and Aure singing on stage. She giggled as Aure lifted her cousin. Dating or not, they made a nice couple, she decided. "And how often does that happen?" she directed at Lucian, referring to his wanting to talk to someone alone.

Lucian shook his head. "Nope. Only once, and she's here, thankfully." He switched the lights and sounds for the new song that was starting, reaching over Lei to reach the board on the other side of her. He smiled at her from over her lap. "Sorry, have to flip some switches."

"Oh, not at all, I'm the one in the way," Lei apologized, smiling a little. "Should I move?" she asked, not intending that to come out as flirtatious as it did. She slipped the small thing back into her pocket to free her hand which, without her thinking about it, reached up and touched his wing again, not stroking it, just resting in that one place.

LC smiled to himself. "No, stay just where you are." He finished with the switches, but hesitated on moving again. "I'm going to have to warn you...If you keep touching me like that, I won't be responsible for my actions." His tone was low, almost seductive. "I may be forced to kiss you. And I'm not sure how you would feel about being kissed by a demon." He smiled up at her.

Lei smiled back at him, her confidence unwavering. "I don't know," she replied sweetly, her voice soft. "It's never happened before." She chuckled softly and slid her hand down his wing and rested it oh his bicep. She leaned a bit closer to him and whispered, practically smirking, "I'm a bit afraid you'll bite me."

Wrapping his other arm around her waist, Lucian shifted so he was on his knees beside her. "Would you like to try?" he asked, his lips just a hair's breath from her own. LC smiled at her, his eyes locked on hers. "And if I bite, I promise it won't hurt....much." He was pushing it, he knew. He needed to back off. But Lei was too pretty, and too close. And his demon side wouldn't let him back out now.

"Cousin wouldn't approve," Lei said thoughtfully, but without much conviction. His words almost made her shiver and she forced herself not to move, to be still, as she tried, mostly failing, to not be so touchy feely, like Mydra had asked her to. It wasn't working. She didn't move away and her arms had found their way loosely around his neck, her fingers brushing the back of his neck. He had pretty eyes, and pretty skin. She smiled softly, looking almost exactly like the personification of a flower. Auntie would probably approve, though. It made her want to chuckle. Someone that she liked, something that her aunt liked. Who knew that such a person could exist?

Lucian nuzzled her, his mouth still over her own. "Of what? Biting?" He nuzzled again. "Or the kissing?" He pecked at the side of her lips, not touching her lips fully yet. "Because personally, I don't think she would approve of either." But he wasn't looking for Mydra's approval. He closed his good eye again, nuzzling up the side of her face. He didn't want to do anything Lei didn't want, but she seemed to not be complaining.

A small gasp of surprise escaped Lei's lips when Lucian gave her a kiss, even if it wasn't on her mouth. Her cheeks tinged slightly pink in the dim light of the sound booth and she looked at the demon with slightly widened sparkling blue eyes. "Lucian..." she whispered. The sound was deafened here and she was already close to his ear, she knew he would hear it, but she wasn't sure why she had said it at all. She turned her head slightly so that her lips were hovering near his again. "I don't think she would approve either..." she said, her voice still a whisper. Her eyelids had lowered to half way now, and she glanced at his lips, thinking. He was so close... The music thudded and hummed around them. He was so warm, so attractive, so... close... She closed her eyes and tilted her head to close the distance- The music stopped. She stopped with it, her eyes snapping open. The muffled voice of her cousin came to her ears and she moved her lips away from the demon's. "I should go see my cousin," she said quietly, no longer whispering, but still not wanting to be loud.

With a frustrated sigh, Lucian pulled away, scooting back into his stool. He flipped a couple of switches, changing the sound back to normal. LC looked at Lei. "If that's what you think is best." He turned back to the soundboard, blowing out air quickly as he did.

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