Wes's Comic Archive
Adress (when it updates) description
http://foxfire.keenspace.com/ (Rarely) A story of a group of soldiers turned into anthros. But there is much, much more going on than a simple government job. (RARE but REGULAR)
http://2kinds.com/ (Rarely) A story of a human mage waking up in a world with anthros and no memory. Keideran, the big anthro race, are considered inferior and treated like slaves. (RARE and IRREGULAR)
http://www.magickitsune.com/ (Rarely) A story of kitsune, not their best portrayal, but a bit of nifty fake-legeand about them. Guy can see the kitsune girl in disugise, hit by car, gives her a place to stay, bla bla bla (UNCOMMON and SEMI-REGULAR)
http://www.brawlinthefamily.com/ (M/W/F) Kirby and brawl character related shenanigans.
http://www.mspaintadventures.com/ (Constant) There are no words. Read it.
http://www.sabrina-online.com/ (Monthly) Awesome anthro comic, one of the best known and first made, some adult-ish comment but generally just plain funny. Also has that very same Zig Zag! (DEPENDABLE and VERY REGULAR)
http://www.dominic-deegan.com (Daily!) The daily update is probably the best thing about it at this point. Either that or treating it like watching the first round of contestants on American Idol, absolutely FAILING but so bad its almost good. If you haven't read it, read it through the Storm of Souls arc, then STOP.
Infernomancer sprite legion! (FREQUENT and REGULAR)
http://www.vgcats.com/comics/ (Weekly)
VG Cats. Simply awesome. (INFREQUENT and IRREGULAR)
http://www.goblinscomic.com/ (Weekly, maybe a bit more)
Goblins :3 A group of 'em decides to break custom and forms a Player Character party in a D&D world, and awesomeness (and violence) ensues.
http://drmcninja.com/ (M/W/F)
Dr. McNinja :D There is nothing I can say about this that wouldn't be an understatement
. Outrageous and internet-worthy. (FREQUENT and SEMI-REGULAR)
http://www.lfgcomic.com/ (M/R)
LFG Comic; Semi-set in Azeroth (WoW) these characters are awesome. (DEPENDABLE AND REGULAR)
New comics!
http://www.abominable.cc/ (W)
A wonderful story involving an Abominable, lots of forest animals, lots of comedy, and emotionally moving scenes.
http://www.dawnoftimecomics.com/ (Random)
The Abominable Charles Christopher - Another great but fairly new comic. Involves Dawn, a lady of prehistorical fantasy times, a triceritops and time-travelers.
http://comics.shipsinker.com/ (Long-time random)
The 10 Doctors - based in the Doctor Who universe a what-if scenario of what'd happen if they all had to work together.
http://www.yoshsaga.com/latest.php (Unknown)
Yosh! A crapload of anime, mixed with some basic magic, and ninjas. So yeah, a crapload of anime :D Mmm, catgirls. (SEMI-FREQUENT and UNPREDICTABLE)
http://www.sinfest.net/index.php (Daily)
Sinfest is so irreverent in a philosophical way. One of my new favorite comics. And its got years worth of almost nonstop daily updates. (DEPENDABLE and VERY REGULAR)
http://www.comics.com/comics/roseisrose/ (Daily)
Rose is Rose! :3 Syndicated but far too awesome not to add to my must-read list.
http://www.pawn.se/index.html (Loooong time, but updates in big chunks)
PAWN ~ AN ADULT, EROTIC FANTASY COMIC. No, not THAT kind of fantasy, at least not really. Kinda suggestive, but more romantic. Only two charaters at the moment, too. (VERY RARE)
http://www.rhjunior.com/TH/ (Once in a while)
Tally Ho! - Story of my life. >_> no, not really. (INFREQUENT and UNDEPENDABLE)
http://faultylogic.comicgenesis.com/ (Saturdays)
Brand new :3 Fairly young comic. Only 30-ish strips at the time I add it to this list. Like VG cats but without the VG and an idea-starved artist. (DEPENDABLE and REGULAR)
http://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic1.php (Who Knows)