Page name: What the Hell does RPG stand for? [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-06-23 19:09:13
Last author: Kai Crewger
Owner: Kai Crewger
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What the Hell does RPG stand for?

Alright you n00bs, listen up. Kai is getting tired of seeing all you terrible RPers out there, so here's what we're going to do. This wiki is for those who want to work on their RPing skills, or who have no RPing skills whatsoever. Read thru the wikis below, then send either myself or one of the sub-captains a message when you create your character. Be sure to include which RPing wiki you will belong to.

[Kai Crewger]

[Faulty Limerence]
[Kuroda Illuser]
[Captain Rachel Black]
[Jeesum Crowe]

Preliminary Reading Material
Role Playing for Dummies
What is Godmodding?
On Character Sheets
[more to come]

Practice Wikis
The Land of Lotis - the setting for all three rpg pages
RPG-Page 1 - for anyone just starting out
Page 1 Chars - characters for RPG Page 1
RPG-Page 2 - for anyone who's ready to leave page 1
Page 2 Chars - characters for RPG Page 2
RPG-Page 3 - for anyone almost ready to leave this sorry excuse for a wiki
Page 3 Chars - characters for RPG Page 3

Username (or number or email):


2006-06-01 [Captain Rachel Black]: *pokes*

2006-06-01 [Captain Rachel Black]: how should we start the RPing?

2006-06-01 [Kai Crewger]: I'll open all the rps. oh, and on your bios, don't forget to add the weapon slot in Page 2 Chars, then weapon and magic in Page 3

2006-06-04 [Captain Rachel Black]: Yah I did I really didn't know what to put for magic though 0.o is that ok?

2006-06-04 [Kai Crewger]: you did fine ^^ while earth magic is mainly used for manipulating actual soil and rock and such, it can also be used for growing things

2006-06-04 [Captain Rachel Black]: phew! *wipes forehead*

2006-06-06 [Faulty Limerence]: Woah I really should have been watching this page hahah. Didn't realize that I had forgotten to.

2006-06-06 [Kai Crewger]: silly baka

2006-06-07 [Kai Crewger]: rpg-page 1 is now open

2006-06-07 [Captain Rachel Black]: joined

2006-07-03 [Faulty Limerence]: we need a banner

2006-07-03 [Captain Rachel Black]: yes we do

2006-07-04 [Kai Crewger]: feel free. I might make one, if I'm struck with inspiration.

2009-04-20 [loam]: oh, oops, here i thought rpg was rocket propelled grenade

2009-04-20 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Common misconception. You'll find those launchers actually project 40MM Role Playing Games.

2009-04-25 [loam]: thanks ever so kindly there tarkis nethermoon.

2011-04-02 [Alexi Ice]: I wish I could invite people to this place without seeming like a liners make me a little queezy. OR for those of you who have seen Due Date 'I was seeing red...' Lol.

2011-04-02 [Captain Rachel Black]: I <3 that movie...

2011-04-02 [Alexi Ice]: Me too! That line is my favorite. And I was horrified when he spit on the dog...>>

2011-06-30 [Faulty Limerence]: RPG is actually an acronymn for the Russian word for Shoulder-fired Anti-tank Rocket launcher. Not rocket propelled grenade.

2011-07-28 [Kai Crewger]: RPG is actually not an acronym at all. It's actually spelled 'arpeejee' and means "the noise that a horn makes when you attempt to blow through it but really only end up filling it with saliva"

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