What to Ask Yourself About a Culture
-How does the climate contribute to their customs?
-What is the normal family unit?
-What are the rites of passage?
-What happens when a child is born?
-Who raises the children?
-What are children treated like?
-What happens when someone dies?
-What kind of food is eaten?
-What is sanitation like?
-How are friends greeted? Strangers? Enemies?
-Are "True Names" significant?
-Are there certain gestures which are insulting?
-Is body language subtle or open?
-How do you show respect?
-Do you make conversation during a meal?
-What is courteous to offer your guests? A meal? A gold ring? A person to sleep with?
-What does their language sound like? Harsh? Fluid?
-What is considered a valuable item in thier culture?
-Are there different classes of people?
-What is taboo?
-What happens for a marriage?
-What are the beauty standards?
-What are the laws?
-What is the punishment for breaking a law?
-What level is technology at?
-How is healing done?
-What kind of art is done?
-What sports or games are played?
-Is literature available?
-What is used to make buildings?
-What is the typical house like?
-How do natives feel about foreigners?
-Can people move up the class ladder, or is a slave always a slave?
-What is personal hygeine like?
-What do people wear?
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