
It was a really wet and stormy sort of day.Windy was sitting at her desk like always.Looking at all the pationts she had to see that afternoon.She said to herself "God why do I have to do all of this by myself,one to meany crazy people out there if you ask me!"
She had maybe 6 or 9 of them to see that day.Look at what time it was "Shit I going to be late to the to frist pationt!"
Grabeing her folders and her bag she runs to the front door."Ahh!My glasses!" then when she was about to lock the door "God damn it my keys!" then again "Fuck,my lunch!"
Stoping to make sure she did not forget anything eles."Ok,I got that,that,that and that what eles?Oh!,and my map!"
Finlly getting every thing she needs heads to her car.
Gitting into her car was much e-zer then leaveing her house.Looking into her mirror she see's a very tired 25 year old shrink!Her glasses wer lopsided,her hair a mess,and very thing eles plain as a blanck peice of paper!
She hums on the way to work.Some asshole passes her on the freeway.She 5 mins late,then 10,then 15,then 20.She finlly gets there at hafe passed 10.Looking at her Doctors ID card she see's her self as a plain jane.Nothing about her was stuning or hot as you would say.But she was one of the best Doctors at that loony been were she worked."Yeah Dr.Mathus!Can I have a word with you?"said that asshole of a boss."Yes,yes Sir I comeing."she said looking deadly afraid of what could happen to her.
"Yes Dr.Small?"she said with head down.
"Oh,miss Mathus you are late once again!"he said with a dumb smile on his face.
"Uhh yeah about that.I'm so very sorry about that Sir!"she said once again with her head down to her lap.
"You are you say!But I'm not seeing a improvmeant!"h
e said still with that smile on his face.
"Sir I was planing to stay late anyway,I could make up my lost time tonight!Sir please?"she said still trying not to look at him in the face.
"Uhh huh!Ok,if you must.But I can to stand your being late any more!Do you understand me miss Mathus?"he said trying to look importunt!
"Yes Sir."she said trying not to look in his eyes.
Some of the pationts say that the Dr.'s can take thier souls away from them by just looking them in the eye!She was always thinking if that was the crazy talking or the truth!But she never got the really loony ones.She always got the over nighters and the "hold a pillow like baby" ones!
Working into the night was a commen day for her.You could always hear a pationt yelling and howling as loud as they can.She had gotten to the folders and one by one she looked that them.One by one she got a head ache.Till the last one.
She looks at the name at the top of the page:
Willard Stiles.He beleaves he can talk to rats,pationt 3071 is a insomnic,un-caned anger,by-poler,and seems to be put off by cats.We have to sedate him every other night to make sure he does not stareve.Heavy meads are the only way we are abell to get him to sleep.Police have not give us axsece to his background and the statments from his arset.
"Well that doesn't help me much!"she said to herself.
"Hey Wind-E what are you doing here so late?"said a voice from behind the door.
"What do you want Chris?!"she said to that voice.
"You didn't eat again!Why don't we go to dinner!"said a some what handsome guy of about Windys age.
"Ehh,I'v got one more IFL to look at."she said looking at the folder on her desk.
(IFL) means In For Life.
"Your doing IFL's now!Wow the old dog whistl finlly gave you a real job!"he said with a big clown smile on his face.
"Yeah,yeah,I'll be done in a bit!"she said giveing him the finger!
"Oh I would love to!"he said trying to look studly.
"Go!Go!Go,before I use this sappeler on you!"she said picking up the stappeler and waveing it in the air.
"I'll be in the car."he said walking down the hall awaking some pationts.
Looking back at the folder on her desk she said "Smalls you ass!You could have given more about him!"
Closeing the folder and with deep sigh,she gits her things and heads out the door.
"Where do you want to go?"Chris asked her.
"Any where,as long as they DON'T have pudding cups!"she said with a gloomy look on her face.
"Hahahah!I think I can find a place."he said looking at her.
"Good.You do know your hand is on my knee!?"she said to him.
"Oh!I see.What are we going to do about that?"he said looking at her.
"You could move it!?"said Windy.
"I could.But I do not want to!"he said getting closer to her.
"Chris you know I'm not ready for this!"she said to him weakly.
"I know.But one can hope.You do know I really like you?"he said looking back to trun on the car.
"I know you do.Can we just go get food?"she said with her head down.
"Yeah,sure."he said.
After Chris's move on Windy they didn't talk much at dinner.And when they did they jsut talked about the boss or some of the pationts they had at one point or nother.Takeing in all of what they had to say to each other.And in leaveing the parking lot they didn't say any thing.They got back to her car,and before she could get out he grabed her hand.
"Have a good night Win."he said looking into her eyes.
"I will good night."she said looking back at him.
Shuting the car door she walks her car,turning around to look back at Chris.She see's him looking back at her.Waveing back at him she gets into her car.When she got home it had to be 2:00 to 3:00 am.The next day was a friday so she wouldn't need to stay so late a the crazy farm.Thankfully she got there on time.She was still thinking about Willard,she was going to see that afternoon.Enfact at 3:30 p.m. witch was in half an hour.
"Ahh I'm going to be late."she said grabing her folder.
Walking down the hall to the room were Willard lived.The door had his pationt file code :3071 in red leters.She sigh's deep and and un-locks the door.Pokeing her head in the door she see's a man with dirty hair,slitely pointed nose and looking right at her!
"Ummmmmm,Willard can I come in?"she said looking around the room.
"You know my name!"he said.
"Yes Willard I do.Its my job to know that and its my job to help you!"she said to him.
"Have you come to make fun of me?"he said looking at her.
"No!Never Willard.I'm here to be your friend."she said smileing at him.
"The only friend I have is Socrates."he said looking at a spot on the wall.
"Oh!Then were is he?"she said.
"Go away!"he yelled.
"I can't I'm here to talk to you."she said walking closer to him.
"GO!Leave me alone!"he howled.
"Willard please let me help you?"she asked him.
Looking up at her he grined and got up from the bed he sat apon.Walking over to her.
"You'll never help me!You'd never understand!"he said looking grim.
"I would if you just let me be your friend."she said trying to not get him upset.
"You can never be a friend like he was."he said walking around his room.
"Willard I care about you.Please tell me?"she said calmly.
With the fear that he might attack her,she backed in to the door.Her eyes as buged and her knee's shakeing she was so terrified that he might do some thing to hurt her.
"Wil..Willard please let me help you!I care that your upset,I really do Willard!You have to calm down if you want some one to care."she said trying to not say a word that might anger him even more.
"!"he said srinking on the spot.
"Yes Willard I do!"she said looking at him with a warm felling.
She was more carefull about what she said to him,like letting him know that she cares about his fillings!Becuz most of the Doctor's did not care one single bit about weather they did so or not.A few days whent by so slowly do to the fact that she was always trying to help just one pationt.
She still was not abell to get the statement's from his case.So what ever found out about him was from him and on where else.She wanted to know more about his gift of talking to rats,she never was abell to talk about it with out him getting upset at her.
One day she had to open her mouth and ask him to tell her abouthis gift!She started the way she always did asking him how he slept!About 10,15 minutes after she started she asked him nice....and...slow!
"Willard?!"she said
"Willard look at me!"she said with a nice calm voice.
"Yes.What is it you want?"he said looking at a spot on the wall.
"Willard you have to look at me!"she said still haveing a calm voice.
Looking up at her with a grim look on his face.
"What is it?!"he said blinking at her.
"Willard can you tell me about..Your gift?"she said slowly.
A stuned look came apon his face and he did not say a thing.He just sat there looking at her.
"Way do you want to know about that?"he said.
"Well if you want to leave here you have to tell me every thing you can so I can help you get out."she said looking at him with a plane face on.
"You would not beleave me."he said looking back to that the spot no the wall.
"Yes I would Willard!"she said looking at him.
"No one has ever beleaved me."he said looking back her.
"Well I see no season not to."she said.
"Did they tell you how meany Doctor's I'v had in the last year?"he said sitting up on his bed.
"No Willard,how meany?"she asked.
"15"he said.
"They did not beleave me so why should you?!"
Looking down at her folder she saw nothing that would have said that in his very short and very old bio.Looking up to see what Willard was doing,she let out a small sqeek,becuz Willard was standing right in front of her.
"Aaaahhh!Willard you scared me."she said looking up at him.
"Every body seem's to be scared of me."he said with his eyes closed.
"Would you please sit back down?"she asked.
Willard sat back down and started to look at the wall again.
"Now Willard Please tell about yo"she was cut off by Willard standing up and yelling at the top of his lung's.
Sitting back in her chair scared out of her mind,she look's up at Willard.She was so scared that he might hurt her.She grab's her bag and try's to run out of the room.But he was faster the she was!He grabed her arm and shoved her into the wall next to the door.She was so scared she didn't even make sound!He had her arm's up on the wall so she could not move them and had his face in her's.
"Go ahead and yell for help!"he said.
"Scream for your friends to help you!"he said in her ear.
"They won't hear you!They never hear me,when I call out for my friends!"he said pushing his body into her to keep her from moveing.
"Wil...Will...Willard!Stop it your hurting me!Ahhh!"she cryed.
"Would your friend's help you?Would they you help as much as mine did?Do they even care?"he growled.
Tear's ran down her face and her arm's hurt.She could fell the heat of his breath on her face.She could fell the warmth of his body next to her's.She saw nothing except his eyes witch wer looking at her and did not blink.There was nothing in his eye's that told her wasn't going to hurt her!He started to cry just as she was.
"You will never undrstand what goes on in my head and you never know the pain I know!"Willard she wheaping.
"Oh but I do Willard!I know what it fell's like to be alone all the time,to not have all you care about die away!"she said looking into his face.
He look's up to her face and with out a sign to her.He push's his face to her's.She was shocked at what he just did,she camled herself and found that she was really doing this!The kiss lasted for ever to her.His heads tuched her face,whipeing away her tear's.Now that her arm wer free she put them around him.Putting her head's in his hair.She pulled him away by his hair,then pushing him away slitly.
"Willard why did you do that?"she asked.
"For the first time in my life,I fell...I fell loved!And by some one like me."he said crying into her ear.
The word's he spoke to her made cince for the first time.Holding him to her like a small child in her arm's.She huged him like lost lover she finely found.
He cryed for a long time.This was good for him talked more sence he broke down.He let out so much to her,how his mother was crazy herself and how his father was cheated out of his own family bisness.He seemed not so depressed after all of what happened.He even told her that he was a virgin!This was a shock to her.She was happy that he let all of this out.
She got to hear more about his ability to talk to rats.He said that his mother was always working him as a slave and that he was stuck in the same job for so long that he started to show up late.He was always looking for friends but he just did not have what it took.He said that he was just sitting at hame one day and it happed.But there was one thing that she had to know.It was his father.
"Willard can you tell me about your father?"she asked him one day.
"There is not much to say.He killed himself and when he did my life dissapered!"he said.
"Do you know why he killed himself?"she asked again.
"I don't want to talk about it."he said looking away from her.
"Willard I need to know."she said looking at him.
He had not yelled in so long that she was a little afrade!She got up and whent to were he was sitting.
"Willard stand up!"she told him.
He did what she told him.She walked to him closer till they wer huging.She knew that if his mother huged him more as a kid he would have been so very diffrent from the way he is now.There was something wrong in the way he huged her!He was holding her too close.
"Willard what is wrong?"she asked him.
"Nothing."he said.
All of a sudden he had her pinned to the wall again.This time she did not say a thing.He just started kissing her,then ear,then he was kissing her neck.She did not know what to do!She felt someing that she hadn't felt in so very long.The felling of arousal!
Spark's of fire shot of in her head,her eyes rolled.The felling of it all made her moan with wanting.With the heat of his mouth on her skin made shiver all over!In her mind this was some what rape,she did tell him he could,he had her pinned to the wall,and she just stood there not doing a thing to stop him!
What ever was going to happed she did not care,she want what he was doing to her.She like his hands tuching her all over her body.She like the felling of his mouth on her neck,her ears and her brests.And the way he tuched her body with his hands,he neated her brests and her butt.
She let out a small cry,that could not be misstaken for one thing!The fireworks that when't off in her head wer as if she was on fire!
Breathing hard and deep she fell a little.He helped her up to her feet.She could feel his arousal as well,the hard lump of fleash that grew bigger as she tuched it!
His ferm hands helled her close to him.Knowing he wanted this as much as she did he grabed her whole body in one move,to take to the small but warm bed!Not to hurt her he lead on her witch kepted her from moveing.Kissing her all over her body,she was in the most peacefull place in her mind.Knowing that this wasn't the commen fuck that every one had every day!
As she looks up at him he sits up to look at her.His eyes could glow in the drak!All of a sudden his hands fly to her shirt ripping it open in one jerk!
With a small moan that was more of a shock then sceard!
Whit buttons flying every where,hitting the wall,the flore and on the bed.He bends over to kiss her cheast.She can feel his hot mouth on her skin!She lead there under him in such a heat,the swet covered her face!
He was licking her breast's and kissed them all over.She love what he was doing to her and for her!His body was heavy and warm.She could feel his hips move from side to side from on top of her!
He was pushing her hands down into the bed and pushing his pelvus into her her's!She could feel his orgian's bulge on her legs.Grabing her dress and pulling it up her legs and over her belly to show her very wet maoned of vinse!Kissing her belly and all the way down to her inear leg.She moaned lightly and griped the bed sheets.Her body was on fire with lust and the XD of it all!
He hooked his fingers in her whiste belt and pulled her tranlosent under grameants down her legs and over her toes!