Page name: Within [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-08 02:30:41
Last author: 2000HRS
Owner: 2000HRS
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Why is this wiki page created?
Nowadays, everything is wrong. Look around you, our government is ran by a total dumbass. You might say that Bush is doing a good job. Well, hell yeah, he's doing a good job keeping a bad name for America.
Religions are the most and the only form of brutality. Most of the wars are caused by religions as far as we can trace back. Racism is created by religion. So is sexism. I don't believe your savior died on the cross to see you guys dying for him. And I don't believe Buddha, Allah, or whoever that you worship wants you die for them. I can't understand why are people fighting over religion. I mean, how will you find peace when you're killing by any way possbile? Sure, you can't bring peace without a war... but guess what? You cannot kill the soul and the spirit of the people who died for what they believe in.
Everybody today do what's cool.. but not what is right. They don't seek the truth inside their hearts but on the faces of other people. Nobody wants to be what's within them. Popularity became the main reason for most of people to live. Society, my friend, is fucked. Humanity don't have mercy toward each others. After all, we are all human beings. We stomp on each other just to try to be better than the rest. We are selfish and our egoism takes over everything what we love. Satan did not create evil but men did. We blame our mistakes over something weak, something that is hated by everything. Do you really think you'll be forgiven if you go to church every week? I don't think so. In fact, that will make you a bigger sinner than you were.
There are people who needs help and there are people who wants to grab attention of everyone in anyway possible. Yes, I'm calling you out attention whores. I mean some of you guys are rich and have everything that most of the people desire yet you guys cut yourselves to get more attention? For what? Seriously, I don't understand why you want to do that. You try to act depressed because you think it's cool but your life is perfect. I mean what more do you want? Do you just want to fit in to act cool or pollute this mother Earth? I think either of them is the correct answer.
Most of all, I hate posuers. I seriously do with a great passion. Why can't they be themselves? Atleast like something because you do, not because the the television force you to like it because it's cool. You can't find individuality today. The people these days follow stereotypes as a guide to be in style. I mean, this one girl told me that she once used to be a goth... how the hell can you change your personality? By the way, to all of you ignorants... goth is what you think it is. They are the artists, the people who appreciate individuality not fake, they're harmless, and they aren't everything that you thought they are. Smack your head and forget what your church or school taught you. They don't want individuality thoughts in church or school. They don't want to question their "God" because to be honest, most of christian answers end with "because God said so" or by pointing at the Holy Bible. If it's so holy then.. why the hell isn't God's face on the front cover? Right, he looks like all of us. Then how do we know it's he? Once again... religions bring out sexism.
This is just a piece of my philosophy of why this wiki page is created. I will update it when I have time on my hand.

Why Within?
First, I don't like labels. And within explains what I believe. I mean what's within is what it counts. Let your individual voice come through this corrupted system. You can't change the world or see positivity without seeing negativaty. Your thoughts and opinions is what it matters. Don't give a shit about what they say. Say what you are.. most of all know what you are. Decide what's right by yourself. Your alliance is within you. Be responsible for your mistake and try to make a different. After all "to be great is to be mistaken".

Within Army A place to be a member.
Within Banners Grab a banner after you're a member.

Here are the other wikis that I run:
fuck the labels anti-labels.
KoRnKIDS KoRn fan club.

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2005-02-13 [*Candy Vapor Paranoia*]: took me forever to figure this out but im here now

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