Page name: WoW - Loir Rahal [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-10-19 03:05:32
Last author: Duredhel
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The Lower City Majai Hath

Loir Rahal

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The Rahals, or "streets" of the Majai Hath are much like smaller, more organized Stonebends, their nature reflects the importance of Majai culture over the other cultures that make up the denizens of the Lower City. Still not as clean or organized as the Majai Hath, the Loir rahal is known as the mage street of the lower city. Unlike the Alchemist's Row, where the most powerful warlocks reside and the most secret and dangerous spells are cast, the Loir Rahal is the place of more commonplace, workaday magic. Many herbalists and chemists are seen selling their wares in the street, illusionists and lesser mages innocently play with the graces of the spirits and among them, the true Majai live their daily lives etching a living in the lower city. At the very end of the Rahal stands what seems to be a massive stone garden. Pilars thousands of closely packed pillars of rock have been carved into the likeness of those who have left this world, and among them are several small buildings with stairs leading down into the darkness. The large complex houses dozens of shrines and serves as the head temple of Nox, spirit of death and concealment. Nothing is what it seems at the end of the Loir Rahal.

Once the WoW - Nosu Rahal was behind them, Hiroshi seemed to noticeably relax, regaining his posture as he led Daiyu through the Loir Rahal. This was the most populated of the True Majai streets, but were not directly controlled by the Amrit, which meant Shah were a bit safer in them. Daiyu could see groups of priests and acolytes clad in silver and black, the colors of Nosu (as she knew the spirit), walk down the street among groups of people heading home from a day of work. Laughter could be heard and there was music in the air as several street vendors set up by the street, cooking strange meats and mushrooms on sticks and selling them, along with cold brews, to the workers and families walking the streets. People would get together around the stalls, some would break out lutes or other instruments to play as they ate. "The Majai have always been an unceremonious lot." said simply the shadowsword before heading towards the entrance of the Dev Rahal.

It was strange to see so many people of another race. Daiyu had led a very sheltered life thus far and she was distinctly aware that she should be ashamed to be in such a place. Hiroshi had relaxed but the shah woman had stiffened, coldly eyeing the people around her as if expecting to feel grubby hands clutching at her robe. She followed close behind him, waiting for him to lead her.

"Follow me, Gaosheng, we should be safer here but I would still not trust these Majai." said Hiroshi with a nod to the girl. "We're almost there." he added as he walked into the WoW - Dev Rahal.

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Accessible areas:
Go forth to the WoW - Dev Rahal
Turn in to the WoW - Nihere Rahal
Head back into the WoW - Nosu Rahal

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WoW - Majai Hath

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2015-05-19 [The Black Goat]: temple of Nox XD fuck yeah.

2015-05-19 [ancienteye]: XD

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