Page name: WoW - Lonetrain Parapet [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-04-26 05:37:09
Last author: Duredhel
Owner: Figgy
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The Lonetrain Station

The Parapet


Other than the Lonetrains, the Parapet is considered the only way to enter and exit the royal city. After entering the ominous metal door on the Great Hall of the Lonetrain station, on is greeted with an ancient stone staircase leading up into insurmountable cold and darkness. The stair is claustrophobic, rough and very narrow, with barely enough room for two people to walk through shoulder to shoulder. Cold breeze flows ever downwards towards the station and droplets of condensation continuously hit the travelers on the top of the head. One takes nearly 10 minutes to walk up the stairs in nearly complete darkness, it is a taxing walk for both body and mind. Finally, one arrives on the parapet, the original entry to the mines that were once the imperial city. It is a courtyard of stone high up on the mountain, surrounded by chest high walls and thatched with ancient straw on frozen wooden poles. On one side of the courtyard are a few rooms carved straight into the snow, most lack doors and have no windows to speak of, inside there is barely enough room for some cots and long dead hearths. On the opposite side is the path down the mountain, a narrow, winding pathway that leads all the way down to the base.

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