Page name: Wolfgang Vaughn Wolframstien's Histroy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-14 03:19:03
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Wolfgang Vaughn Wolframstiene

due to be rewritten soon

Wolfgang Vaughn Wolframstiene was born Richard Bruce III. The only son to Govenor Richard Bruce II. His father governed a land far to the west named Twosorrows. Raised as a noblemen young Richard was very well educated in affairs of state, agriculture and dueling. Not to mention war based strategy. At the age of 20 he began showing interest in magic and started working side by side with the chief Mage in his father's court.

Balemont the Wise had been with the Bruce line for three generations of rule. He was Master of the Mage guild and some had speculated that he had illegally gained immortality but none ever publicly voiced their opinions about the old man. He had been a wise and trustworthy member of the Twosorrows court for many years and was not often the talk of speculation and gossip.

Richard trained with Balemont for several years. He became very adept at small spell casting and slowly, along with the rest of his studies began advancing. His time spread as thin as it was with all of his other studies and activities within the court he wasn't able to apply as much time as he liked to his magical training. That was until he began noticing things about his training.

Balemont would not teach him about element manipulation or how to conjure and draw power from a source. He strictly taught Richard incantations and charms. Spell making seemed strictly prohibited as well.

For several weeks Richard spent the late hours of night studying and copying scrolls from Balemont's study. He had decided he wanted to learn why Balemont had been holding him back. Then he saw it.

Documents from the Wizard’s Guild and communications between his father's court and advisers. He found letters stating that the Governor was in poor health and that his son was in no fit state of mind to rule in his place. Balemont had been spreading lies, saying the governor was an invalid and his son a certified madman.

On his way to reveal this to his father Balemont discovered what he had found. The young man was no match for such a seasoned sorcerer. Balemont laid a powerful curse upon Richard. Striking him the crack of magical energy woke the entire estate. By the time Richard was strong enough to stand at his own trial he had been sentenced to fifty years imprisonment for illegally obtaining immortality.

Richard was given a clean cell in the castle tower of his summer home. A steward was ordered to wait on him hand and foot. For two years Richard wrote letters trying to convince the state officials that he was not crazy and Balemont sought to take control of the province. But none of his letters ever found their destination.

His mother visited him once and told him of his father's death and that Balemont had usurped the thrown. She was forced to travel east and leave the land or find herself in the same woeful state as ether her son or husband.

Richard waited for the day that Balemont would return to finish him like he did his father but the day never came. Instead, as he plotted revenge he read. Books and scrolls littered the floor and shelves. he spent countless hours, days and nights poring over dusty volumes, absorbing their information like a sponge.

After twenty years of basic solid reading Richard happened on a small book labeled "The Delicate Art of Charms and Magical Adornment". Richard ordered his steward to locate every book or scroll dealing with the subject. He may not be able to free himself but he could easily learn a new skill.

Seen as a harmless hobby materials and tools where given to him after two months of maniacal ranting. He set about learning and trying his technique. All to craft magical pieces of jewelry, which would ether, help him escape or seek revenge on Balemont. Later he would learn that more precious metals and stones would easier become amulets of power. With his limited means Richard was forced to speak prayers, spells and incantations over his materials while fashioning them. It was a tiresome process but seemed to be paying off.

Having nothing better to do he worked day in and day out. He was well armed enough to have escaped fifty times over but he stayed, believing that his next piece would be more powerful than the last. Those who tended his needs took him as a madman. Of course these beliefs where always reinforced by his maniacal ranting which he would laps into just out of sheer boredom.

When his day for release finally came it was a surprise to him and even asked for one more day to finish his last amulet. When he did leave his tower he traveled the most direct rout back to the State Palace of Twosorrows.

Those who witnessed what happened say that a well-dressed man approached Balemont, now King of Twosorrows and spoke into a stone. The stone glowed and imploded upon it's self. The backlash instantly killed Balemont.

His revenge satisfied Richard left his home never to return there again. Since his assassination of Balemont he has changed his name to Wolfgang Vaughn Wolframstiene and has traveled the countryside as a wandering adventurer.
He's not sure if there is a bounty on his head for the murder of Balemont but he's decided he''s not going back to find out. Ever since he's kept his past very secret, sometimes using his amulets to change his apearance when his paranoia get's the best of him.

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