Page name: WoW - Royal Avenue [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-10-08 04:54:58
Last author: The Black Goat
Owner: Duredhel
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The Upper City, North End

Royal Avenue

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The Royal Avenue is the gateway into the upper part of the Royal City, where most of the Daguerrian populace and a few better off Majai live. The avenue itself as an extremely wide double road large enough to fit a dozen carriages side to side. On either side of the avenue, and between the two roads stand massive columns which once held up the ceiling of the avenue, back when the dome of rock under which the upper city stood was much lower. Some of the columns, however, as tall as nearly hundred men and so massive they are probably the largest structures made by man, still go all the way up to the rock dome, helping support it. The rest now they serve as pedestals for huge stone statues of the different rulers, noblemen and the heads of the royal schools of the last 100 years. Many of these statues were prized artifacts from the pre-winter Daguerrian cities which have been recovered by brave rangers. The lavishly decorated columns also hold arrays of powerful galvanic light. Only the most official, important or lavish buildings sit on the sides of the royal avenue. Around halfway down one can find the crossroads, where the Gold and Ruby Roads meet the Royal Avenue. This is the center of all commerce and life in the upper city and arguably one of the most important parts of the world, hundreds if not thousands pass through the crossroads every day. In the middle stands one of the massive load bearing columns, heavily decorated with all of known Daguerrian history since their fore-bearers arrived on the continent. Finally, at the very end of the the Royal Avenue is the Royal Palace, its massive gates facing the Royal Avenue, Magister Row, where the School of Engineers is located and Hastings, where most of the noble manors are. Many have compared this to the Magisterium and the Noble houses constantly trying to control the crown.

Even though Thaddeus looked worse for the wear, there was something invigorating about stepping out into the majestic corridor to the upper portion of the Royal City. He and Tok exited the elevator, and after sweeping his gaze upward and along the giant columns supporting the ceiling, he glanced uncertainly back into the elevator, to see if anyone else was to follow. Clearing his throat and expecting nothing, Thad stooped to pull his notepad from his engineer's bag, wanting to plot a game plan so that he wasn't just wandering aimlessly around the city.

Even fresh off the train, Zahrah looked ready to take on the city. She looked up at the sights and let out a grateful sigh at being back where she belonged. Catching up to Thaddeus quickly, she did give him a look. "You do not have to, I know, but I would really appreciate it if you would come with me," she said. "You surely have things to do, and certainly it would be easier if you did not have an oblivious female following you around, but I am..." She had to take a breath and lower her voice as she gave him a serious look. "I am fully uncertain of my welcome in the dance halls. One thing I do know is that the presence of someone upstanding would clear some of those roads."

The first thing Thaddeus wanted to do was to head to Magister Row-- he could take care of most of his pressing business there-- but he thought Zahrah would have very little interest in accompanying him. What she had to say, to the engineer, at least, confirmed that. Thad looked at the woman like he was debating something mentally before he finally bid the escort follow him with a tilt of his head. With Tok motoring along at his feet, Thaddeus walked along the passageway and took a left onto WoW - Gold Road North.

Zahrah managed a genuine smile and a nod as she followed behind Thaddeus. At least he wasn't ditching her the first chance he got. Maybe if she tried hard enough, she could figure out his lure. He seemed well to do enough to her. Thoughts floated around her mind as she followed him to WoW - Gold Road North.

Accalia stepped off the elevator and gave a cursory glance around before continuing on her way to WoW - Gold Road North behind the Daguerrian engineer, the toy rolling along beside him, and what Cali assumed was his date for the evening.

Feeling a little stiff, and somewhat worried about being apprehended in the nice streets of the Upper City, Tetra stepped off the elevator and tried to casually move along with the crowd. Eventually, however, each of the people who had been on the ride with her either utwalked her or veered off on their own path, and the urchin was soon left walking alone by herself, looking much like a stick in the mud what with her tattered clothes and bird companion. With a flat expression, the girl walked forward, then stopped suddenly, where another large street went to the left. She considered: take the straight, easy route towards the palace, or go the complicated, likely to get lost on route, and avoid the guards that would most certainly be curious about her presence near royalty. Taking a long turn of her head towards the left, Tetra stared down the road for a long moment, Ulysses picking awkwardly at her hair, before she stepped off, making her way down Wow - Gold Road North.

Coolly gliding in from the area of the WoW - Palace Gates, Nadira made her way down the Avenue, her grey-eyed gaze set straight in front of her, as if she had blinders on and nothing in her periphery mattered. Very much carrying herself as a well-mannered lady, the curvaceous woman carefully navigated the traffic until she finally reached the Great Elevator. Slowing her pace to a stop, Nadira patiently waited her turn to board the elevator so that she could descend to the WoW - Mudgate.

Without breaking stride, Accalia emerged from Gold Road North and strode up to the que for the elevator. She was not very patient, tapping her foot and shifting about as she waited in line until it was finally her turn. She stepped in and was taken down to the WoW - Mudgate.

Post here

Accessible areas:
Take the Great Elevator up to the WoW - Lonetrain Guard Post
Take the Great Elevator down to WoW - Mudgate
Continue up to the WoW - Palace Gates
Take a left turn to WoW - Gold Road North
Take a right turn to WoW - Ruby Road North

Back to:
WoW - Upper City North

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2014-06-01 [Duredhel]: No GM post needed here, right? :>

2014-06-01 [Ms. Steel]: mmmm nope, don't think so!

2014-06-01 [Ms. Steel]: Is a roll of some sort needed for Thad to navigate his way to Magister's Row? I did a successful roll a bit ago in reference to *where* he could go to get work, but I didn't know if getting there was included in that, and didn't want to assume it was or was not.

2014-06-01 [Duredhel]: Nah :> no need. I imagine the most important avenues and places of the city are known to everyone.

2014-06-01 [Ms. Steel]: Tanks.

2014-06-05 [Duredhel]: Hey Nox XD. Accalia already is in the upper city North.

2014-06-05 [The Black Goat]: Oh :P

2014-06-05 [The Black Goat]: But I can't get to seven oaks from here right?

2014-06-05 [Duredhel]: Take a right onto Gold Street, then straight for a couple of blocks, then a left onto Sevenoaks 8>
(I promise the city won't always be so confusing XD)

2014-06-05 [Ms. Steel]: I had some difficulty navigating before, but this map was really helpful: WoW - Upper City North.

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